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Joshua VanCampen Teamwork/Communication TC107: Understand and contribute to the mission and goals of the team TC10 : !

ake and or follow a set of rules and procedures "n m# sophomore #ear " took a class called $rincipals of %ngineering& $'% is a class full of pro(ects that are designed and created b# #ou& This is a class that challenges #ou to be creati)e in finding wa#s to sol)e a problem or task that has been gi)en& !r& *reen+ the $'% teacher+ challenged each and e)er# one of his students to be )er# organi,ed with their design process& -e used notebooks and sometimes partners or small groups to help us with the task at hand& $rincipals of %ngineering teaches students to design and create a machine or de)ice to accomplish a certain task& 'ne of the ma(or pro(ects in $'% is to create a marble sorter& This marble sorter must sort different colored marbles and place them in corresponding bins& This machine must be able to accomplish this task without an# help from the operator& .uring this pro(ect " was paired up with Jordan /igelman& Jordan and " had man# different ideas on how to accomplish this task& .uring the brainstorming portion of this pro(ect Jordan and " had to come up with a plan on how to accomplish our task& -e argued o)er se)eral ideas until we came up with a happ# medium& This pro(ect has taught me how to listen to different group members and ask rele)ant 0uestions& There are se)eral wa#s to sort marbles b# using a machine+ but we both did our research on what was the easiest wa# to put it together& " learned to ask lots of 0uestions and understand that the answer " got was not alwa#s going to be the answer " wanted to get& -hile working on the marble sorter+ things alwa#s seamed to fall apart+ or no work how we had planned them to& 1s a team+ Jordan and "+ we alwa#s had separate wa#s of fi2ing the problem& The onl# wa# Jordan and " got through this pro(ect+ was to sit down and talk to each other about the different wa#s to sol)e a certain problem& This taught me how to e2press one3s point of )iew in a teamwork setting& %)en though this pro(ect was frustrating+ " learned man# )aluable lessons on how to listen and interact with others& 4ecoming a teacher will re0uire a lot of teamwork and understanding of how certain #oung adults become educated& %ach and e)er# #oung adult " teach in this world will ha)e a different st#le of learning& "t is important that " listen to these students and figure out how the# learn to the best of their abilit#& "t is also )er# important that " take authorit#+ and e2press m# own point of )iew in e)er# situation& " will ha)e man# friends throughout m# life+ and it is )er# important that " e2press m# point of )iew in e)er#thing " stand for& " will ha)e man# obstacles in m# wa#+ and " will need m# friends to be there for me as well as me for them& " ha)e learned how to appl# m# knowledge of understanding+ through asking 0uestions and listening to the opinion of others& Taking a stand in the world toda# is a )er# difficult task+ but " belie)e " am read# to take a stand because of the work " ha)e accomplished b# e2pressing m# own point of )iew& 4ecause of this e2perience in m# life+ " am read# to become a leader in the world toad#&

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