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1. To _____________ means to make more plants of the same kind.


2. Scientists______________

plants into two groups.


3. A________________

has one seed leaf.


4. A pine tree is a________________ because it makes seeds inside a cone.


5. A bean seed is a_________________ seed leaves.

because it has two DICOT SEED

6. A ______________ is a tiny cell that can grow into a new plant.


7. One of the leaflike parts that protects a flower bud is a______________


8. A_____________ pollen.

is a part of a flower that makes STAMEN

9. Seeds are made when sperm in tiny grains of_____________ to combine with a flowers eggs.


10. The part of the flower that makes eggs is the____________


11. The movement of pollen from a stamen to a pistil is___________


12. The___________ is the part of the pistil that grows when seeds form.


13. An_________________ that contains eggs.

is the inner part of the ovary OVULE

14. Combining sperm and an egg to make seeds is_________________


15. The part of a seed that can grow into a new plant is an ______________________ .


16. A seed can be in a resting stage, or ____________ years.


What is one way to classify all plants into two groups?

A- Plants that make seeds. B- Plants that do not make seeds.

How do flowering plants and conifers differ in the way they make seeds?

Conifer makes seed inside a cone, plants make them in the pistil.

How do plants that do not make seeds reproduce?

Reproduce by making spores.

In what part of a flower are seeds made?


How do plants with two kinds of flowers make seeds?

The sperm of one combines with the pistil of the other to make seeds.

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