The Neobux Ultimate Strategy

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Make $20 - $30 per day Phase 1: Open a Neobux Account

Phase 2: Start clicking on ads everyday ( 0 !in" and don#t !iss a single one$ %&is is crucial in t&e beginning as you are 'ust starting out and don#t &ave any re(errals$ Also) in t&is stage) you are trying to get 00 clicks so t&at you can start &aving direct re(errals$ *&en you reac& $0$+0 in your balance) it is ti!e to rent your (irst re(errals 3 re(errals$ 0$00 per ad x 8 ads a day x 75 days - $0$+0 .ou can also do !ini 'obs to speed up t&e process$ (/t took !e less t&an a !ont&" Phase 3: Once you &ave $0$+0 in your balance) rent t&e (irst 3 re(errals$ At t&is point) turn autopay on$ %&is option is available (ro! t&e re(errals list !enu$ 1e(errals cost $0$30 a !ont& to !aintain$ /nstead o( paying (or t&e re(erral) t&ey 0ill pay t&e!selves as long as autopay is on$ .ou get one penny less (ro! eac& re(erral) but t&ey 0ill be your re(erral as long as t&ey are active$ As a standard) you receive 0$000, per click (ro! eac& re(erral rented$ 1e(erral clicks2 0$000, per ad x 3 ads a day x 3 re(errals - $0$0+ per day Phase 4: 4eep renting re(errals by incre!ents o( 3 once you &ave t&e !oney$ .ou can rent bigger packages as you !ake !ore !oney$ 1ented 1e(erral 5ackages co!e in si6es o( 3) 0) 20) 30) etc$ 1epeat t&is process until you &ave 300 re(errals$ %&is 0ill take a (e0 !ont&s to acco!plis&) and t&is is 0&ere !ost people (lake out$ 1e(erral clicks 0$000, per ad x 3 ads a day x 300 re(errals - $+ per day *&en you reac& 300 re(errals) stop buying re(errals and 'ust !aintain t&e ones you already &ave$ 4eep doing t&is until you &ave $70 in your balance) and you can use it to pay (or t&e 8olden upgrade$ Phase 5:

Once you reac& 8olden) your re(erral earnings 0ill double$ .ou 0ill get 0$0 per re(erral click instead o( 0$00,$ Also) you 0ill get 0$0 on personal clicks) instead o( 'ust 0$00 9 1e(erral clicks 0$0 per ad x 3 ads a day x ,00 re(errals - $20 per day 5ersonal clicks 0$0 per ad x 0 ads a day - $0$ 0 per day %otal daily earnings2 20$00 : 0$ 0 - $20$ 0 per day At t&is point) it !ay be te!pting to cas& out$ / don#t reco!!end cas&ing out until you &ave 2000 re(errals$ ;ntil t&en) save up your !oney to rent 11#s until you &ave 2)000$ At t&is point) you s&ould be !aking 0ell over $30 to $30 a day$

Ge !"# $!%e& %e'e%%a(s )) ea%(* %&is is a co!!on ne0bie !istake$ .ou can only &ave <irect 1e(erral#s a(ter you &ave been registered (or 30 days and &ave 00 personal clicks$ *e reco!!end t&at you beco!e (a!iliar 0it& Neobux#s rules and =A>$ .ou can#t play t&e ga!e i( you don#t kno0 t&e rules$ +ash!"# ), )) ea%(* %&is is anot&er co!!on pit(all) !ostly 0it& i!patient people$ /n order to see i( Neobux is legit) !any people 0ill earn $ $00 and t&en cas& out$ 8reat) you no0 &ave a 0&ole dollar in your paypal account$ %&at dollar s&ould &ave been put to0ards renting re(errals$ S-!..!"# $a*s / 0,! !"# A lot o( people skip days o( clicking on ads) especially in t&e beginning$ Maybe t&ey (orgot to) or !aybe t&ey#re 'ust not !otivated$ *&atever t&e reason) skipping days 0ill slo0 your progress) and your ga!e plan to 0ealt& is delayed$ %&e solution to t&is is &aving proper !otivation$ Our ne0sletter 0ill provide t&e !otivation you need to stay active$

So, what are you waiting for? Register now by clicking on the ad below:

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