FS10N-DisplayG LAccountBalance

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Display G/L Account Balance



Use this procedure to display the current fiscal year general ledger account balance and activity. Monthly activity and monthly current balances may be displayed. Last Update September 6, 2004 Prerequisites Obtain the agencys general ledger account number to be displayed.

Training Available None Helpful Hints and Related Reports Use this procedure to display the activities and current balances within the general ledger. Procedure


Start the transaction using the transaction code FS10N. The G/L Account Balance Display screen appears. As required, complete/review the following fields: Field Name G/L Account Company code (paid) Fiscal year Business Area R/O/C R R R R Description (General Ledger account) Select the general ledger account number of the agency. Select 0010 the default value. Enter fiscal accounting year. Text name of the State Agency.


3. 4.


to continue. The G/L Account Balance Display screen appears.

The period, total debits, total credits, net debit/credit balance and cumulative balance are available to view. Each figure may be drilled-down (move the mouse arrow to a figure and double-click) to display the individual line items. All line items for the document will appear. Double-click on the account number line to see a display document of the individual line items.



The G/L Account Line Item Display screen appears. Double-click on the Document No to view individual line item. The Display Document: Line Item screen shows only one-line item. To display all posting documents click in the upper left corner of the screen.



This Display Document: Overview screen is used to display the details of the individual documents.


After display is complete, click

until the SAP Easy Access screen appears.

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