ECE 8893 - A: Digital Design With Modern VLSI Devices Arijit Raychowdhury

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?86@6107 >6A810 B.-08+./)
CD66EF Yuan Taui, Tak Ning, Funuamentals of Nouein vLSI Bevices, Cambiiuge, 2uu9
C:0>-A80 G6-01F To be uistiibuteu in class

"6A810 ;H//.IA1 .27 J6@+>./ KA-/+20
567A/0 L) 5K; !/0>-861-.-+>1
- 1B Electiostatics
- 2B Electiostatics with emphasis on shoit channel effects, vth loweiing anu
567A/0 M) J8.21@68- +2 5K;N!J1
- Ballistic tianspoit
- Scatteiing Theoiy
- Effect of tianspoit in 0N anu 0FF cuiients
567A/0 &) ?08O68B.2>0) (7=.2>0B02-1 O68 D0--08 !/0>-861-.-+>1 .27 J8.21@68-
- Stiain Engineeiing
- Bigh-K Netal uate
- Bouble uate, Wiap aiounu gate anu ultialow-leakage RCAT tiansistois
- Impact on uigital uesign in peifoimance
567A/0 &) ?6308 *+11+@.-+62) ;6A8>01 .27 5+-+,.-+62 -0>42+PA01
- Bynamic Powei uissipation - souices anu tienus
- Leakage powei uissipation in scaleu noues - souices anu tienus
- Ciicuit uesign with BvFS
- Fine giaineu powei management: Powei anu CLK gating; Nulti-vcc, multi-
giiu uesigns
567A/0 Q) 9.8+.-+62) ;-.-+> R *H2.B+>
- Souices of vaiiation
- Ranuom Bopant Fluctuation
- Line Euge Roughness
- Impact on Besign: Statistical Besign vs uesigning foi the woist case
- PvT sensois anu theii use in piocess chaiacteiization, iuntime auaptation
anu testing
567A/0 S) KA-/66E
- Beyonu Si uevices: shoit uesciiption of emeiging 2B anu 1B stiuctuies
- Funuamental Computational limits anu how fai we aie fiom these limits

!=./A.-+62 "8+-08+.) The couise will have two miuteim exams anu thiee BWs. The
final exam will be substituteu foi a pioject. The pioject will use online tools fiom
NanoB0B (nanohub.oig) foi evaluating the close inteiaction of uevices anu ciicuits.

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