Wall Footing Problem Statement:: This Example Is To Be Used For Educational Purposes Only

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Wall Footing Problem Statement: A 12 in.

thick concrete wall carries a service (unfactored) dead load of 10 kips per foot and a service live load of 12.5 kips per foot. The allowable soil pressure, qa, is 5,000 psf at the level of the base of the footing, which is 5 ft below the final ground surface. Design a wall footing using fc = 3000 psi and fy = 80,000 psi. The density of the soil is 120 lb/f3.

Size of Footing: Consider a 1-ft strip of footing and wall. Allowable soil pressure = 5 ksf; allowable net soil pressure = 5 ksf weight / ft2 of the footing and the soil over the footing. Since the thickness of the footing is not known at this stage, it is necessary to guess the thickness for a first trial. Generally, the thickness will be 1 to 1.5 times the wall thickness. Assume a 12-in.-thick footing. Therefore qn = 5 (1 x 0.15 + 4 x 0.12) = 4.37 ksf.

Area required = = 5.15 ft2 per foot of length Try a footing 5 ft 2 Factored net pressure, qnu = = 6.82 ksf

Shear Check: Check shear at d away from the face of the wall d = 12 in. 3 in. cover - wire diameter 8.75

The tributary area for shear is shown shaded in Figure 1.

This example is to be used for educational purposes only.

1' 1' 5'-2" d 1 ft strip

Tributary area for shear
Figure 1. Tributary Area for Shear Vu = 6.82 ksf (16.5/12 x 1) ft2 = 9.38 kips/ft Vc = 2 bw d = = 9.78 kips/ft Vc, choose a new

Since Vu < Vc the footing depth is O.K. if Vu is larger or considerably smaller than thickness and repeat steps 1 and 2. Use a 12-in.-thick footing, 5 ft 2 in. wide Reinforcement: The critical section for moment is at the face of the wall . Mu= 6.82 Mu = Mn = Asfyjd ft-kips/ft = 14.8 ft-kips/ft of length

Footings are generally very lightly reinforced. Therefore, assume that j = 0.925. Therefore, As = = 0.305 in.2/ft

From ACI sections. 10.5.4 and 7.12.2 Minimum As = 0.0018 x 60/80 bh = 0.0013 x 12 x 12 = 0.1944 in.2/ft < 0.305, therefore does not govern

This example is to be used for educational purposes only.

Maximum spacing of bars (ACI Sec. 7.6.5) = 3h or 18 in. Therefore, maximum = 18 in. Try D 20 @ 8, As = 0.3 in.2/ft. a= = 0.784 in.

since a /d = 0.784 / 8.75 = 0.0896 is much less than a/d for the tension-controlled limit = 0.375 From Fig. R9.3.2 from the ACI 318, the section is tension-controlled and = 0.90 Mn = Temperature Reinforcement: Select the temperature reinforcement. By ACI Sec. 7.12.2 shrinkage and temperature steel required is As = 0.0018*60/80 bh = 0.00135 x 62 x 12 = 1.0044 in2 use D 20@12 in. ACI Sec. 7.12.2 = 15.04 ft-kips > Mu

Reinforcement Details: Figure 2. shows the reinforcement details and sheet size of the WWR. (WWR1) details. Figure 3. shows the sheet

1' 3" 3" 84 5'-2"

Figure 2. Welded Wire Reinforcement Details


This example is to be used for educational purposes only.

D20@12" D20@8" 4'-8"

Figure 3. Sheet Details (WWR1) Reinforcement Quantities: The total steel weight for the footing per square foot = 1.57 lbs/ft2. Design Using Grade 60 Rebar. Figure 4. shows the reinforcement detail using Grade 60 Rebar. The steel weight for the footer using Grade 60 Rebar per square foot = 2.17 lbs/ft2. Conclusions: The ratio between the steel weight per square foot using Grade 80 WWR to the steel weight per square foot using Grade 60 Rebar = (1.57/2.17)*100 = 72 %. Placement of WWR will be significantly faster than placement of the reinforcing bars, resulting in additional overall saving.

1' 3" 81 2" #4@5.5" 5'-2"

Figure 4. Grade 60 Rebar Reinforcement Details This example is to be used for educational purposes only. 4

3# 6

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