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Test-Taking Tips

Multiple choice tests: 1. Read given part carefully. 2. Eliminate some possibilities through grammatical errors. 3. Eliminate answers that are obviously wrong. 4. When two statements are opposites, it's likely one is correct answer. 5. When the two statements look almost alike, one is probably the best choice. 6. When absolute words (always, never) are used, the statement is likely incorrect. 7. Qualifying words (sometimes, often, seldom) suggest a correct answer.

Language Arts:

1) Read questions first 2) Identify type of question: a) Direct Evidence b) Thinking c) Sequence 3) Eliminate stupid answers

To counteract test anxiety, do the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) Practice a little every day. Make up your own test questions to practice with. Use Flash cards or Q-Notes. Use practice exams as study guides (Study Island Practice CRT tests and results!) 5) Use your strongest sense to help you study. a. Visual Posters b. Auditory Flashcards 6) Positive Thinking I practiced and Im ready!

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