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Exercise No: 2 Date : 16.09.

2008 Title : Table creation, Table formatting and Conversion


i. Open a new document and insert a table with the following data: First Name Last Name Phone Address Sangeeta Malik 5236987 32/8,Dr.Mukherjee Nagar Preeti Ahuja 1457896 A-E/269,Shalimar Bagh Meenu Kataria 3205623 B-P/81,B.P.Colony Mandeep Kaur 4579681 25/K9,Outram Lines Teena Gulati 1257936 SU-23,Dr.Mukherjee Nagar ii. Save the document with address.doc iii. Select the first Row and Bold the Text. iv. Align the text in the first row to Center and align the text in the remaining rows to Left. v. Insert a New Column to the beginning of the table with the following data. S.No 1 2 3 4 5 vi. Add a New Row to the End of the Table. vii. Insert a New Row between 3 and 4 viii. Insert a New Column between 4th and 5th Column. ix. Change the size of the second columns width. x. Sort the data according to alphabetical order of First Name. xi. Delete the third row and third Column from the table. xii. Create a new row at the top of your table, merge the cells, and add a title to the table. xiii. Convert the given text into a table. Color, Style, Item Blue, A980, Van Red, X023, Car Green, YL724, Truck Name, Age, Gender Madhumitha, 23, F Venkatesh, 31, M Veena, 29, F xiv. Split the above table into two tables xv. Apply Borders, Shading and Color to the table. xvi. Spell check your document and correct all the grammatical as well as spelling mistakes xvii. Save the above document as table.doc. xviii. Close your document

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