Computer Graphics Outline

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Computer Graphics

Credit hours:- 3 Instructor name:- khurram Ejaz

Objective: - Students will begin to understand what visual communications are and how they have developed over history and principles and major techniques in computer graphics with state-of-the-art examples that relate to things, uniquely thorough and integrated in approach, this course carefully presents each concept, explains the underlying mathematics. Prerequisites: - programming in C/C Course description!"achelor of Science #Computer Science$Course Contents %etail
Fundamenta s

&ntroduction to Computer 'raphics, Survey of Computer 'raphics, (verview of

Graphics !"stems

)athematics for Computer 'raphics Coordinate *eference +rames, ,oints and -ectors, "asis -ectors and )etric
#ensor$ %atrices

.ttributes of (utput /ine .ttributes, Curve .ttributes, Color 0 'ray Scale /evels, Character
&ttributes$ 'und ed &ttributes$ Inquir" Functions$ &ntia iasin(

1% 'eometric 2ransformations "asic 2ransformations, )atrix *epresentations and 3omogeneous Coordinates,

#rans)ormation bet*een Coordinate !"stem

'raphics Structures Structure Concepts, 4diting Structures, "asic )odeling Concepts, 3ierarchical
%ode in(

'raphical 5ser &nterface 5ser %ialogue, &nput of 'raphical %ata, &nput +unctions 'raphics (utputs ,oints and /ines, /ine %rawing .lgorithms, /oading +rame "uffer, Circle 'enerating .lgorithms, Curves, ,ixel .ddressing, +illed .rea ,rimitives, &ntroduction of
Character Generation

1% 2ransformations -iewing -iewing Coordinates *eference +rame, Clipping (perations, ,oint Clipping, /ine
C ippin(

6% Concepts 0 (bject *epresentations 6% %isplay )ethods, 6% 'raphics ,ac7ages, ,olygon Surfaces, Curved /ines and Surfaces, 8uadric Surfaces )aterial "oo7!Computer graphics with open '/ by hearn . ba7er Computer graphics with open '/ by +.S 3ill, 9*. Step ). :elly

%ost " used techno o(ies:--isual C

-C/C -'/52

Eva uation
)id term!- 1;< .ssignment!- =>< 8ui?!- ;< ,roject!- =>< +inal!- ;><

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