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PSDTO3D108 Software Manual

System requirement:
windows xp, windows7, windows8. 32bit, !bit. "#M $ore t%an !0&

Main function:
't is bein( used to $a)e 3d p%oto w%i*% %a+e stron( 3d dept% effe*t and %i(% definition, eas, to operate, will be 80- ti$ 1. Support psd la,er translation, 3D and /0'P *an be *o$bined to(et%er, sin(le psd la,er *an be *on+erted to 3D t%rou(% drawline fun*tion 2. Modif, la,er drawline, su*% as, $o+e, 1oo$, different la,ers *an $o+e, *ut, paste, 1oo$, point *an $o+e, add or delete 3. #n(les *an be 222, 2d to 3d *on+ersion is $ore s$oot%, operation speed is faster !. 3an i$port lar(e si1e PSD file, in*rease t%e 3d p%oto resolution fro$ t%e be(innin(, ,ou *an $a)e lar(e 3d p%oto 4ui*)l, e+en on a *o$$on *o$puter 5. Output bi( si1e !0&6 T'// file , support *o$pressin( +erti*all,, support 3d pasteup, $idline *an be ali(ned auto$ati*all, . Support 3d paste up, $idline *an be ali(ned auto$ati*all,, w%en t%ere are $an, pie*es 3d p%otos on 1 la,out, t%en ea*% 3d p%oto $idline will be ali(ned auto$ati*all, to lenti*ular s%eet $idline 7. Support 3M78 and "&6, w%en doin( 3d 9: offset printin(, no ne*essar, to *on+ert *olor, no loss. Support *ir*ulator, pattern so t%at $a)e %i(% definition 3D ba*)(round easil,

8. Support outputtin( PSD se4uen*e p%otos so t%at it is *on+enient to $a)e (aller, or p%otos%op pro*essin( 2. Support outputtin( (if file, b$p file, it is *on+enient for *usto$ers to *%e*) 3d effe*t and to s%ow on t%e internet 10. S%ow displa*e$ent auto$ati*all,, sin(le la,er drawline *an ex*eed 2*$ o+er t%e ed(e 11. Set dept% in sin(le la,er drawline, ,ou *an ad;ust dept% and 3d effe*t of t%is sin(le la,er 12. T%e w%ole dept% and ea*% la,er displa*e$ent are independent, ,ou *an *%an(e t%e$ independentl,, w%en ,ou find t%e 3d dept% is stron( enou(% or wea) enou(%, ,ou ;ust need to in*rease or de*rease t%e w%ole dept%, t%en will be o). T%e w%ole dept% x la,er displa*e$ent< a*tual displa*e$ent 13. 6efore t%e w%ole pre+iew, t%ere is no ne*essar, to do ea*% la,er pre+iew. =%en t%e drawlined la,ers is $ore, t%e w%ole pre+iew fun*tion *an be ti$ and si$plif, operation 1!. 3an sa+e all t%e para$eters so t%at $odif, easil, in t%e future 15. T%ere is no ne*essar, to insert 9S6 )e,, ,ou *an desi(n 3d p%oto and sa+e para$eters after download software freel,, onl, w%en ,ou interla*e 3d p%oto and output tiff, t%en need to *%ar(e fee 1 . =%en free ti$e period passed, if no re*%ar(e, ,ou *an onl, desi(n and sa+e, after re*%ar(in(, ,ou *an interla*e p%oto and output

Install way:
T%ere is no ne*essar, to install, after *o$pressin(, pls *li*) $ain pro(ra$ to use, no ne*essar, to insert 9S6 )e, =e su((est t%at *o$press file to t%e bi((est *apa*it, %ard dis), T%is %ard dis) will be us ed as a buffer of t%e software 'n order to use t%e software *on+enientl,, ,ou *an set up a s%ort *ut on t%e des)top Download lin)> %ttp>??www.8 02.*o$?download?psdto3d108.rar @eed networ) +erifi*ation onl, w%en outtputtin( tiff file. =%en free ti$e period passed, ,ou *an output tiff file onl, after re*%ar(in( 'f run t%e software on win 7 or $ore t%an win 7, pls ri(%t.*li*) on t%e pro(ra$ i*on, *%oose A run as ad$inistratorB

Software Interface:

Manual bar introduction:

1. 2. 3. !. 5. . 7. 8. 2. 10. 11. 12.

@ew pro;e*t, i$port psd file, support psd file in "&6 or 3M78 for$at Open old pro;e*t file, t%e suffix is tw3d3, *o$patible to low +ersion file Sa+e Sa+e as '$port settin(s, file suffix is sa$e as pro;e*t file, it is also tw3d3, but %ere onl, i$port settin(s, not in*lude PSD Pre+iew t%e w%ole 3d effe*t, first (enerate 3d se4uen*e p%otos, t%en pla, out as (if for$at to *%e*) 3d effe*t Stop pre+iew, after w%ole pre+iew, $ust stop pre+iew first, t%en do ot%er operation "ed?6lue &lasses Pre+iew, pls wear red blue (lasses to wat*% Cxport tiff file. 't loo)s blur on t%e surfa*e, but it will be*o$e *lear 3d p%oto w%en addin( lenti*ular s%eet after t%rou(% in;e)t print or 9: offset print Cxport PSD for$at 3d se4uen*e p%otos Cxport &if, bein( used to s%ow on t%e intenet or send to *usto$ers to *%e*) 3d effe*t Duit software

1. 6e(in drawlineE left.*li*) to be(in to drawline, ri(%t.*li*) to *lose drawline. Ob;e*ts will %a+e 3d effe*t t%rou(% drawline fun*tion 2. 9ndo last drawline, s%ort*ut 3trlFG. H onl, be effe*ti+e before *lose drawlineI 3. Delet *urrent drawline !. Delete *urrent la,er 5. Delete all lines . Delete sele*t line 7. Sele*t al lines 8. /ree transition drawline 2. 3ut drawline 10. 3op, drawline 11. Pateup drawline

1. Goo$ in p%oto 2. Goo$ out p%oto 3. S%ow wor) folder, it is *on+enient to *usto$ers to *olle*t t%e se4uen*e p%otos fro$ t%e wor) folder

1. 2. 3. !. 5.

Jelp 0o(in "e*%ar(e #bout t%is software lin) to our offi*ial website 0an(ua(e *%an(e

Parameters panel introduction:

0a,er *olu$n, fro$ 1 to 10 $eans psd la,ers nu$beri* oder &roup *olu$n, t%ere %as sa$e letter A# A in la,er 3 and la,er !, it $eans t%at t%ese two la,ers are lin)ed la,ers, bein( used to $a)e flip effe*t, ,ou *anKt drawline of t%is sin(le la,er. 0a,ers w%i*% *ontain sa$e letter will be (rouped to flip effe*t A FB $eans t%is la,er *an be *on+erted to 3d t%rou(% sin(le la,er drawline fun*tion. 0i)e la,er

A Offset B *olu$n, @u$ber in t%is *olu$n is bein( used to set ea*% la,er displa*e$ent. 0 $eans no displa*e$ent, ne(ati+e fi(ure $eans e$er(e, positi+e fi(ure $eans sub$er(e. #*tual displa*e$ent distan*e is in 3M *olu$n, for exa$ple,0.!2 $eans a*tual displa*e$ent distan*e is 0.!2, not in*lude displa*e$ent (enerated b, sin(le la,er drawline. =%en i$portin( psd file, t%e s,ste$ will do +alue assi(n$ent auto$ati*all,, *usto$ers *an $odif, based on t%eir re4uire$ents. L/M in la,er , $eans t%is la,er is fo*us la,er, no displa*e$ent, we often set t%e $ain ob;e*t as fo*us la,er. T%is t%e wa, to set fo*us la,er> 'n 3Dsets blan) area, input t%e fo*us la,er no. in 0a,er3enter

#ll in 0a,er :iew $eans t%at s%ow all t%e la,ers, One $eans t%at onl, s%ow sin(le la,er

LPI: %ow $an, lines in 1 in*% lenti*ular. #t present, t%e t%i*)est lenti*ular is 2 lines, t%e t%innest lenti*ular is 201 lines, itKs better to a**urate ! di(its after de*i$als, li)e 75.5 55 Frames: %ow $an, an(les to i$itate to ta)e p%otos, t%e nu$beri*al ran(e is 2....222 LayerCenter: fo*us la,er no, t%is la,er will be re(arded as +isual fo*us, w%en la,er +iew all, t%is la,er will be no displa*e$ent, we often re(ard t%e $ain ob;e*t as t%e fo*us la,er, t%en t%e effe*t will be $ore *lear, but t%is la,er doesnKt e$er(e or entrap, it needs t%e around ob;e*ts to set off 3d effe*t Depth: dept% $a(nifi*ation ti$es, default fi(ure 1 $eans 1 ti$es, 0.5 $eans 0.5 ti$es, 3 $eans 3 ti$es

utput Sets:
utputDPI: Default is auto, e4uals to 0P' N /ra$es, ,ou *an also set fixed fi(ure, li)e 2!00, 25!0, 720 !idth: Output widt% "ei#ht: Output %ei(%t, *anKt *%an(e t%is fi(ure, it will be *%an(ed auto$ati*all, baesd on propotion " Scale: Jei(%t *o$pressed ti$es, onl, input inte(ral nu$ber, 1 $eans no *o$press, 10 $eans *o$press 10 ti$es, ,ou *an *o$press 20 ti$es at $ost, after *o$pressin(, t%e +erti*al DP' < OutputDpi ? J S*ale, $ust be not less t%an 300

T%is *%art s%ows sin(le la,er drawline status @o. 1 ...@o.15 $eans t%at *an (enerate 15 %ierar*%i*al 3d effe*t rder: T%e sele*ted la,er will be re(arded as present drawline la,er, A1B $eans nearest to us, A15B $eans fart%est, ,ou *an drawline in so$e of t%ese la,ers based on ,our needs, t%en it is o) $iew: Drawline in la,ers w%i*% *ontailn B O A will be s%own, ot%erwise will not be s%own, if ,ou donKt want to s%ow t%is la,er drawline, pls *lear awa, B O A t%is will not affe*t 3d effe*t %ac&: $eans ba*)(round la,er, t%e fart%est la,er Depth: t%is la,er dept% $a(nifi*ation ti$es Smooth: $eans drawline s$oot%ness, left side fi(ure is 0, ri(%t side fi(ure is $axiu$, it $eans t%e $ost s$oot% Pre'iew: Sin(le la,er pre+iew 3d effe*t Stop: $ust *li*) stop after sin(le la,er pre+iew, t%en *an do ot%er operation Layer(: 'n t%e *olu$n, pointed la,er $eans t%e fo*as la,er relati+e lo*ation w%en doin( sin(le la,er drawline, fo*us drawline area doesnKt (enerate displa*e$ent, la,ers abo+e fo*us la,er $eans e$er(e, la,ers below fo*us la,er $eans entrap

LPI)*S) introduction
1. Open t%e free download 0P'TCST22 software de+eloped b, our *o$pan,, download website> %ttp>??www.8 02.*o$?download?0piTest22C@.rar 2. Set si1e of paper, t%e paper widt% s%ould be *lose to t%e si1e of pi*ture t%at ,ou want to $a)e. 3. Set output i$a(e DP'. 'f ,ou want print dire*tl, b, in;e)t printer, ,ou *an set sa$e DP' as t%e in;e)t printer $axiu$ DP', if ,ou want sa+e first, t%en print out in ot%er ot%er software, ,ou *an set $u*% %i(%er DP', $ostl, we set 00 or 1200 !. Set esti$ated +alue of lenti*ular 0P', $eans t%at %ow $an, lines in ea*% in*% lenti*ular.Ht%e fi(ure is esti$ated b, ,ourself, t%e software *an *reate one test *%art b, puttin( t%is 0P' and ad;a*ent 0P' to(et%er auto$ati*all,.I 5. Set test a**ura*,, $eans t%e 0P' differen*e in nei(%bourin( test strips. . Press PSet up K button to set up test *%art 7. Press PSa+eK button to sa+e test *%art, for ot%er software H li)e p%otos%opI ad;ust in;e)t printin( or 9: offset printin(. 8. T%e p%oto paper and printer s%ould be sa$e as w%i*% ,ou will use to $a)e 3d p%oto, be*ause t%e test 0P' +alue $a,be different if use different printer or different p%oto paper 2. #dd lenti*ular to t%e test *%art w%i*% was printed b, in;e)t printin( or offset printin(. 10. #li(n lenti*ular, rotate t%e dire*tion of lenti*ular, $a)e sure t%e strips ,ou %a+e seen in t%e far ri(%t lines are +erti*al to ,our e,es. 11. 3%oose proper +iewin( distan*e to wat*% t%e test *%art, t%e +iewin( distan*e s%ould be sa$e as t%at w%en ,ou wat*% ,our finis%ed 3d p%oto. 12. 9se sin(le e,e to see t%e test *%art and swa, left and ri(%t, find out t%e w%ole line area in e+er, test strip w%ere *%an(in( into bla*) or w%ite at t%e sa$e ti$e. 'f it disappears slowl, fro$ left to ri(%t or fro$ ri(%t to left, t%en t%e fi(ure is not, t%e fi(ure in t%e lines w%ere *%an(in( into bla*) entirel, at t%e sa$e ti$e, t%en t%at fi(ure is ,ou want. 13. 'f *anQt find t%e proper test strip, ,ou *an re(ard t%e $ost *lose 0P' as t%e esti$ated 0P'. "edu*e t%e test a**ura*,, test a(ain. 9ntill ,ou find a suitable fi(ure.

T%is software *an be downloaded freel, to desi(n 3d p%oto , onl, w%en ,ou output tiff file , t%en *%ar(e $one, based on %ow $an, ti$es ,ou output. Ca*% *o$puter *an be re(istered an a**ount for free, t%en *an be used for 2 ti$es free, li$ited ti$e is 2 da,s +e#istration

w%en output tiff, it as) ,ou to lo(in , for t%e first ti$e to use, need to re(ister, pls set ,our userna$e, lo(in password, super password, bindin( infor$ation, t%e super password is bein( used to $odif, ,our re(istered info$ation and lo(in password


#fter re(ister well, ,ou *an lo(in ser+er, *li*) Rlo(inR, input ,our userna$e and lo(in password, t%en it will *onne*t t%e ser+er and pro*eed internet +erifi*ation. =%en desi(n 3d p%oto, no need to lo(in ser+er, onl, w%en ,ou output tiff file , ,ou need lo(in ser+er,

lo(in ser+er will not dedu*t fee fro$ ,our a**ount, onl, w%en ,ou output tiff file, t%en it dedu*t fee fro$ ,our a**ount. 'f ,ou *%oose Rsa+e passwordR, t%en no need to input userna$e and password a(ain w%en lo(in next ti$e


#fter usin( up t%e free 2 ti$es, t%en need to re*%ar(e, please pa, 9SD300 at least for 1 ti$e t%rou(% JS63 or pa,pal, t%en s*an t%e ban) slip or send us t%e re$ittan*e s*reens%ort, t%en our *usto$er ser+i*e staff will %elp ,ou to re*%ar(e t%rou(% our s,ste$ wit%in 3 wor)in( da,s, t%en ,ou *an output 1700 ti$es, after 1700ti$es, if ,ou want to output $ore ti$es, t%en pls pa, $one, a(ain


on t%e pa(e of psdto3d108 lo(in, *li*) Rin4uir,R, t%en input userna$e, t%en ,ou *an )now %ow $u*% ,our balan*e is


=%en ,ou for(et t%e lo(in password or password bein( stolen, ,ou need to $odif, t%e lo(in password, on t%e pa(e of psdto3d108 lo(in, *li*) RModif,R, t%en use ,our super password to $odif, t%e lo(in password and bindin( infor$ation.

*,planation of nouns

PSD> /ile for$at in #dobe P%otos%op, $an, la,ers *an be sa+ed in it. -roup> =e *an also sa, lin). 'n P%otos%op, in order to $a)e so$e la,ers $o+e or 1oo$ at t%e sa$e ti$e, we $ust lin) la,ers, after t%e la,ers lin)ed, it will appear *%ain on t%ese la,ers. 'n 3D software, lin) la,ers to $a)e flip effe*t. Lpi> Jow $an, lines in ea*% in*% lenti*ular s%eet $ertical compression> 'n order to $a)e t%e file $u*% s$aller under t%e pre$ise t%at donKt loss a**ura*,, we alwa,s output b, usin( different resolution w%en %ori1ontall, and +erti*all,. =%en openin( p%oto in p%otos%op, t%e p%oto will be $u*% s%orter +erti*all,, it is nor$al, t%is is result of *o$pressin( +erti*all,, if open in t,pe.settin( softwareHli)e *oredrawI, t%e proportion of len(t% and widt% is *orre*t, no influen*e on outputin(. Intelli#ent paste up: =%en doin( paste up, ;ust $a)e t%e two nei(%bourin( p%oto *lose to(et%er t%rou(% ed(e attra*tion, so t%at ensure all p%otos be ali(n *enter to t%e lenti*ular s%eet, Onl, t%e tiff w%i*% (enerated b, t%is software %as t%e *%ara*teristi* LPI )est: 0P' a**ura*, %as bi( influen*e on 3d effe*t, t%e $ost suitable 0P' $a,be different if usin( different $a*%ine or different *onsu$ables or test in different

pla*e, so we need to test 0P'. T%ere is free download 0P'TCST software on our website, eas, to operate, test pre*ision is %i(%

.bout us:
Company: S%en1%en O)3d Te*%nolo(, 3o., 0td !ebsite: %ttp>??www.o)3d.*o$ */mail: ali*eSo)3d.*o$ Contact: Ms #li*e 0ee Mobile: HF8 I.18025352! 8 )el: HF8 I.755. 1282! 8

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