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Name: Mengheng LIM

Software Design Assignment 4

1. What are all the constraints for specification document? Explain with example.
All the constraints for specification document are:
Cost: USD 55 000
Time: 6 months for implementation; 8 years in charge of maintenance without
additional charged
Parallel running: The program must be able to run with the existing version of
OS and the future version of OS (Windows 7 and Windows 8 or Linux)
Portability: The program must be able to run on different hardware or device
(different computers)
Reliability: It should be worked for a long period that users need ( for
international airport, programs in computers of the clients must be run 24H )
Rapid response time: The program should run smoothly and store the data or
process the data very quickly as possible. (In an international airport, there are
a lot of passengers, so it must record the data as fast as possible.)

2. Explain DFD diagram and its levels with suitable example.
BF0 is a uiagiam that shows all the aspects of the logical uata flow with only foui
basic symbols with uetails foi each level.
1. A iestauiant: customeis come to oiuei the foou what they neeu,
2. Cashiei veiify that they have that the oiuei foou is available at theii iestauiant
oi not,
S. If the oiuei is valiu, check if theie is ieauy foou
4. The cashiei take the customei info anu give the oiuei coue
S. The cashiei senu that oiuei to the cookei,
6. The cookei look at the oiuei then stait to cook
7. The cookei senu back the complete foou
8. The cashiei check again foi who oiuei that foou
9. The cashiei piint the invoice anu call out the oiuei numbei
!"#$%&'( veiify 0iuei
Kitchen Foou
1u. The customei come to get theii foou oiuei anu pay the money
11. Cashiei iecoiu the sale uata into the system

Recoiu Sale
. / 0
Customei Info
1 2 *3 **

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