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SOUTH WEST Heritage Trust

Working for the Heritage of Somerset and Devon

Trustee and Chair Recruitment Briefing Pack

Section 1 2 2.1 2.2 3 4 Foreword from Cllr David Hall and Cllr Roger Croad The South West Heritage Trust: An Introduction The Role of the Chair and Trustees Role Description: Chair Role Description: Trustees Person Specification (Chair and Trustees) The Recruitment Process (how to apply and timeframe) Page 3 4 7 8 10 13 15

Appendix A Legal Duties and Eligibility 17

Foreword from Cllr David Hall and Cllr Roger Croad

The past matters to us all. Our local heritage is a precious source of meaning and enrichment its part of what makes Somerset and Devon such special places and why people want to live and work here. At Somerset and Devon County Councils were delighted to be creating a more resilient future for our heritage services by establishing them as a joint independent charitable trust the South West Heritage Trust. We have worked intensively to make sure that the new organisation, to be principally funded by the councils, is robust and affordable and can thrive in the years ahead. Being a trustee offers a chance to shape the future of our past. The Trust will have important responsibilities, and its trustees will be special people. They will have vision and wide-ranging skills. But most of all, they will be passionate about ensuring that the remarkable heritage of Somerset and Devon benefits many people, makes a key contribution to our economy and cultural life, and is cared for excellently. The South West Heritage Trust represents a tremendous opportunity for those who will build the new organisation and those who will benefit from the work it does. We hope that you will read the information contained in this recruitment briefing pack and consider whether this is your chance to make a real difference.

Cllr David Hall, Cabinet Member for Business, Inward Investment and Policy, Somerset County Council

Cllr Roger Croad, Cabinet Member for Community and Environmental Services, Devon County Council

1. The South West Heritage Trust An Introduction

A rich and remarkable heritage is one of the things that makes Somerset and Devon such special places. At a time of severe pressure on public finances we want to ensure that County Council heritage services continue to flourish and to make their contribution to a whole range of cultural, social and economic ambitions. That is why Somerset and Devon County Councils are moving the heritage services they provide into a joint Heritage Trust. The role of this charitable Trust will be to:

 protect, celebrate and make available key aspects of the heritage of Somerset and Devon;  increase the profile and impact of heritage in Somerset and Devon, and more widely;  support sustainable growth by increasing cultural tourism and other economic and cultural activity related to heritage;  work for the heritage of Somerset and Devon by developing key partnerships and providing leadership within the heritage sector.

The two authorities will be the principal funders of the new Trust and have guaranteed that there will be investment of 10m during the next five years. Income generation will be a further key aspect of the Trusts business plan and will build on the success of the existing services in attracting more than 5m of external funding in the last five years. While it is not expected that the Trust should be self-funding, it will become a more sustainable and resilient organisation with the ability to plan more effectively for the long term and the freedom to develop its business in the way it wants.

The Trust will have a range of heritage responsibilities. Managing museums and caring for their collections, including:

-  The Museum of Somerset and Somerset Military Museum at Taunton Castle (together constituting the second highest-rated museum in historic Somerset, with 180,000 visitors since it opened in 2011);

-  Somerset Rural Life Museum in Glastonbury (which has recently secured grant funding of 1.6m for redevelopment as a major visitor attraction); - Somerset Brick and Tile Museum in Bridgwater; -  Curatorial care of more than 3 million museum objects ranging from Bronze Age gold to modern art, and including major collections owned by North Somerset Council, Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society and Somerset Military Museum Trust.

 Caring for the written evidence of the history of Somerset and Devon from the 8th century to the present day, and making it available to the public including through:

- The Somerset Heritage Centre in Taunton; - The Devon Heritage Centre in Exeter; -  The provision of archive services to North Somerset Council and Torbay Council on the basis of Service Level Agreements; -  A range of fee-based outreach, advice and professional services to schools and others; - A growing range of digital resources.

 Delivering Historic Environment Services in Somerset and managing a range of historic land assets in the county.

The Trusts proposed name The South West Heritage Trust reflects the fact that its services will span the four first-tier local authority areas of Somerset, North Somerset, Devon and Torbay, and that it will serve a wide variety of needs both within and potentially beyond the counties of Somerset and Devon. Over time it is likely that other opportunities within the South West may also emerge. The intended scale of the Trust will help it to be more resilient and enable it to retain key specialisms, as well as to develop increasing capacity to support sustainable economic development and cultural tourism. It is recognised, at the same time, that distinctive Somerset and Devon brands are likely to remain very important. Grant funding conditions will ensure that the Trust delivers outcomes for both Somerset and Devon.

The Trust will care for millions of historic documents and museum objects on behalf of the local authorities. Keeping heritage collections safe has been a principal aim in developing the trust proposals, and for that reason the County Councils will remain the respective owners of collections and assets where that is presently the case, or the depositor bodies in the case of collections belonging to others. In addition to its relationships with the Councils and national funding bodies, the Trust will further develop the already strong relationships with local partners such as the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society, the Somerset Military Museum Trust, The National Meteorological Office and friends groups. It will also create new partnerships.

It is intended that properties will be leased to the Trust on a long-term basis. Statutory responsibilities for heritage will remain with the County Councils but will be discharged by the Trust. The transfer of staff presently employed in connection with the heritage services of Somerset and Devon County Councils to the Trust will be subject to the TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment)) regulations.

2. The Role of the Chair and Trustees

The South West Heritage Trust will be a new organisation set up as a not-forprofit company limited by guarantee. Once it is incorporated charitable status will be sought, thus making it a charitable company. In common with many charities, the Trust will also establish a subsidiary trading arm to carry out some of its trading activities.

The Board of Trustees will have overall responsibility for the Trust and act as its governing body. Trustees are legally responsible for directing the affairs of the Trust, ensuring that it is solvent, well-run, and delivering its charitable objects. Trustees will also be directors of the charitable company. Further information on eligibility and the legal duties of trustees is attached at Appendix A. Trustees will not be paid, but reasonable expenses will be reimbursed. Being a trustee will provide a challenging, rewarding and enjoyable opportunity to get involved and have an important role in our heritage.

Somerset and Devon County Councils will lead the appointment of trustees. We are aiming to have a board of between 6 and 10 trustees in total, including the chair. Two of these trustees will be nominees of Somerset and Devon County Councils. They will have exactly the same duties and responsibilities as other trustees. All other appointments will be made purely on the basis of merit.

In addition to the 2 nominees from Somerset and Devon County Councils, we are therefore seeking to appoint:

A chair for the trust (openly recruited); Between 3 and 7 other trustees (openly recruited).

We aim to appoint the chair and trustees by the end of March 2014, so they can play a full shadow role before the trust officially begins to operate in September. The chair will be recruited first so that he or she can lead the appointment of other trustees. There are certain activities during this implementation period that the trustees will need to lead on as a shadow board, such as securing

charitable status and negotiating with the Councils the transfer of assets and the terms and conditions of legal agreements. Full support will be provided to the trustees and resources will be made available to ensure that they can secure independent advice where necessary. To protect the trusts independence, the two Local Authority nominees will take no part during the shadow board implementation phase.

Trustees will be appointed for a renewable 3-year term, though it is anticipated that, in line with best governance practice, trustees will not serve for more than six years. Although the roles are not full-time, they are likely to require a substantial commitment from the successful candidates (including at least some time during normal working hours), especially as the trust establishes itself. Our expectation is that the time commitment required may initially be up to one day a week. The role description sets out the types of activities that will be involved. They are likely to include preparing for and attending board meetings, visiting premises, meeting staff, volunteers and stakeholders (such as the Heritage Lottery Fund, potential funders, the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership, friends organisations and local heritage groups), and trustee training and development events. While decisions about the frequency and location of board meetings will be a matter for trustees, it is probable that the board would wish to meet no fewer than four times a year, and there may be additional meetings of board committees. It is expected that at least one board meeting each year will be held in Taunton and one in Exeter. Role descriptions for the chair and other trustees are set out in the following two sections.

2.1 Role Description: Chair

All trustees are collectively responsible for the decisions and management of the Trust, but the Chair is first amongst equals, and the ambassador and public face of the Trust. The Chairs role is to:

 Represent the interests of the Trust and oversee the transition to the South West Heritage Trust  Enable the trustees to fulfil their collective responsibility for the Trusts overall governance, strategic direction and provision of public benefit by providing leadership and direction to the board of trustees;

 Work with the Chief Executive to achieve the Trusts proposed vision to preserve, protect, make available and celebrate our rich heritage, including by ensuring there is a clear distinction between the boards role in developing and agreeing strategy, and managements role in applying that strategy to day-to-day operations.

2.1.1 Principal Tasks

Before the legal establishment of the Trust Ensure the transition to trust status

Lead the appointment of trustees Lead a shadow board to establish the Trust by September 2014 Appoint a Chief Executive Designate

Following establishment of the Trust Set a clear and ambitious strategic vision and direction  Ensure that the trustees steer, consider, approve and monitor strategic and financial plans, define goals and targets and evaluate performance against these goals and targets  Support and offer guidance to the Chief Executive, including through agreeing objectives and assessing performance, and ensuring that management responsibilities are clearly defined  Ensure the effective and efficient administration of the trust and its financial stability

Provide leadership  Take a leading and high-profile role in the advocacy of the Trust, promoting it to a wider audience, and serving as a spokesperson for the Trust as required

 Ensure the concerns and comments of the Board, Advisory Forum and other key stakeholders are addressed  Ensure good relationships with the Trusts staff, volunteers, stakeholders and customers Safeguard the good name and values of the Trust

Ensure good governance  Plan and chair meetings of the Board of Trustees, ensuring that it functions effectively and carries out its duties, establishes appropriate committees, annually reviews its performance, and monitors the implementation of its decisions  Meet the legal obligations common to all trustees (see Appendix A), and ensure that trustees understand their responsibilities and are annually appraised  Address any conflicts of interest among trustees and, along with the Chief Executive, ensure that all trustees have access to appropriate induction, advice, training, development and information relating to their role  Work with trustees to plan board succession, openly and widely recruiting diverse trustees with relevant skills and experience

2.2 Role Description: Trustees

All trustees are collectively responsible for the decisions and management of the Trust. The role of trustees is to:

 Take ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of the Trust, and to do so with innovation, creativity, ambition and appropriate challenge  Ensure that the Trust has a clear vision, mission and strategic direction and is focused on achieving these as the Trust develops  Act reasonably and prudently in the best interests of the charity, never in pursuit of personal interests or the interests of another organisation, meeting the legal obligations common to all trustees (see Appendix A)

2.2.1 Principal Tasks and Duties

Before the legal establishment of the Trust Support the process of transition to trust status

 Contribute actively to the shadow board to ensure that the Trust is fully operational by September 2014

Following establishment of the Trust Accountability; Legal and Financial Duties

 Ensure that the Trust complies with its governing document, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulation  Ensure that the organisation pursues its charitable objects as defined in its governing document and uses its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects  Regularly monitor performance against the annual budget and support appropriate management action designed to achieve agreed levels of financial performance and ensure financial stability  Ensure that the charitys governance is of the highest possible standard, and that it is openly and transparently accountable to funders, customers and stakeholders

Policy and Planning

 Ensure that the charity has a clear vision, mission, values and strategic direction and is focused on achieving them  Contribute actively to the board of trustees in giving firm strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets


 Approve and review the business plan, focusing on key issues and providing guidance on new initiatives  Ensure that all significant risks associated with the Trust are recognised and that appropriate mitigation measures are put in place and regularly monitored


 Safeguard the good name and values of the Trust, acting as an enthusiastic and well-informed ambassador at all times, and taking responsibility for the Trusts corporate behaviour  Champion excellent customer service and a great visitor experience  Promote the Trust, its activities and its needs, to the public, private and voluntary sectors so as to enhance the Trusts profile and assist with its fundraising activities and income generation

Other Duties

 Scrutinise board papers, taking an active part in board discussions, leading discussions and board sub-groups as required, using any specific skills, knowledge or experience to help the board of trustees reach sound decisions  Oversee the recruitment of the Chief Executive and senior staff as required, and monitor their performance  Ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation, ensuring that appropriate internal policies are in place and monitored effectively respecting the role of staff and volunteers  Act as guardians of the assets owned and managed by the Trust, both tangible and intangible, taking all due care over their security, deployment and proper application


3. Person Specification
The Person Specification sets out what we are looking for from all prospective trustees, and the additional skills and experience we are looking for from a Chair. Please feel you can apply even if you do not meet all criteria. The most effective boards are ones which include a diverse range of backgrounds, experiences and skill sets. All appointments will be made purely on the basis of merit.

Passion and Commitment  Interest in and commitment to the heritage of Somerset and/ or Devon and the aims of the South West Heritage Trust A readiness and ability to play a role in fundraising/development activities Fair, impartial and open to new ideas Skills  The ability to think creatively and strategically, demonstrating good judgement and analytical ability  Good communication, team-working and inter-personal skills, demonstrating tact, diplomacy and the ability to build and manage strong relationships and networks  An ability to command respect among local, regional and national stakeholders acting as an ambassador for the Trust Experience Knowledge of or passion for the museums and heritage sector  Senior-level experience and well-established networks, for example in one or more of the following areas: - Management or entrepreneurial experience - Finance, Law or Human Resources - Communications, ICT, Marketing and Public Relations - Heritage, Tourism or the Arts - Education or Academia - Involvement in community service (paid or voluntary)

Eligibility  An understanding and acceptance of the roles and responsibilities of trustees, and eligibility to act as a trustee (see Appendix A)  Willingness to devote the necessary time and effort, including attending board meetings and occasional daytime and evening events  A commitment to Nolans seven principles of Standards in Public Life (selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership)

Additional Skills and Experience for the Chair  Good leadership skills, including in creating and delivering a clear strategic vision and direction  Board level (or equivalent) experience and proven competence in chairing meetings and managing performance  An understanding of the challenges of leading an organisation in its early development, or in periods of significant change  Ability to work with the Chief Executive to maintain the appropriate balance between management and governance  Ability to inspire and lead a team of highly skilled and motivated individuals, creating a safe climate for discussion and providing autonomy and independence for the Trust


4. Recruitment Process
4.1 How to apply We are seeking to recruit a chair of trustees and between 3 and 7 trustees for the proposed South West Heritage Trust. To register your interest please email (quoting Heritage Trust Application in the subject line) providing a copy of your CV and a covering letter, outlining the following:

1) Brief biography (career synopsis/key achievements) 2) Whether you wish to be considered as chair, trustee or both 3) The qualities you would bring as chair or trustee 4)  Your association with Somerset or Devon and your commitment to heritage 5) Confirmation that you are eligible to act as a trustee (see Appendix A)

Applications are invited between: 1 3 January and 3 February if you wish to be considered for the role of Chair of Trustees  13 January and 28 February if you wish to be considered only for the role of trustee Once appointed, the chair will lead the recruitment of the other trustees.

An open evening for all potential candidates will be held on Monday 27 January at the Museum of Somerset, Taunton Castle, Taunton TA1 4AA. This occasion will provide an opportunity to find out more about the South West Heritage Trust, and to ask questions about the Trust and the role of the chair and trustees. A light buffet will be available. If you wish to attend the open evening, or have any other questions, please email Mickey Green on or ring 01823 356897.


4.2 Summary of Timeframes

Monday 13 January: Application process open. All applications will receive acknowledgement of receipt.

Monday 27 January: Open evening at the Museum of Somerset. A light buffet at 6.00 pm. Presentations, questions and networking from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Please let us know by 24 January if you wish to attend by contacting Mickey Green, as above.

Monday 3 February: Closing date for applications for the post of chair

Friday 7 February: Responses to applications for chair, and invitation to informal interview

Thursday 13 February: Anticipated date for informal interview for prospective chairs with lead members and lead officer

Friday 28 February: Closing date for applications for the post of trustee

Friday 7 March: Responses to applications for trustee, and invitation to informal interview

Tuesday 11 March Monday 17 March: Anticipated dates for informal interview for prospective trustees with chair designate, lead members and lead officer


Appendix A: Eligibility and Legal Duties of Trustees and Directors

The duties are described in everyday language. This is not a legal document and is based on the Charity Commissions guidance. Further information can be found in their guidance documents The Essential Trustee: what you need to know and the Trustee Handbook.

Compliance Trustees must:  Ensure that the charity complies with charity law, and with the requirements of the Charity Commission as regulator; in particular ensure that the charity prepares reports on what it has achieved and Annual Returns and accounts as required by law  Ensure that the charity does not breach any of the requirements or rules set out in its governing document and that it remains true to the charitable purpose and objects set out there  Comply with the requirements of other legislation and other regulators (if any) which govern the activities of the charity  Act with integrity, and avoid any personal conflicts of interest or misuse of charity funds or assets

Duty of Prudence Trustees must: Ensure that the charity is and will remain solvent  Use charitable funds and assets reasonably, and only in furtherance of the charitys objects  Avoid undertaking activities that might place the charitys endowment, funds, assets or reputation at undue risk  Take special care when investing the funds of the charity, or borrowing funds for the charity to use

Duty of Care Trustees must:  Use reasonable care and skill in their work as trustees, using their personal skills and experience as needed to ensure that the charity is well-run and efficient

 Consider getting external professional advice on all matters where there may be material risk to the charity, or where the trustees may be in breach of their duties

Duties of Directors Trustees are also company directors and they have duties and responsibilities set out in company law. Chapter 2 of Part 10 of the Companies Act 2006 (2006 Act) codifies certain common law and equitable duties of directors. In summary, the seven general duties under the 2006 Act are:

To act within powers To promote the success of the company To exercise independent judgment To exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence To avoid conflicts of interest Not to accept benefits from third parties To declare an interest in a proposed transaction or arrangement

Eligibility to be a trustee The law disqualifies some people from acting as trustees. You will not be able to apply if you:

 have an unspent conviction for an offence involving dishonesty or deception;  are currently declared bankrupt, or are subject to bankruptcy restrictions or an interim order; have an individual voluntary arrangement to pay off debts with creditors; are disqualified from being a company director;  have previously been removed as a trustee by either the Charity Commission or the High Court due to misconduct or mismanagement.

It is an offence to act as a charity trustee while disqualified unless the Charity Commission has given a waiver under section 72(4) of the Charities Act 1993.

You will also not be able to apply if you are:

under the age of 18; not entitled to live and work in the United Kingdom; associated with either Devon or Somerset County Councils.

The term associated means that you are currently a member or an officer of either authority, or have been a member within the preceding four years. This restriction is necessary to ensure the Trusts independence in the eyes of the law.

By submitting your application you are giving consent to the information that you provide as part of your application being stored and used in the selection process. In line with the Data Protection Act 1998 all information about you will be securely held, with access restricted solely to those involved in dealing with your application. Your data will be destroyed after 12 months unless you are appointed as chair or a trustee.

For further information email Mickey Green on or phone 01823 356897.

Published by Somerset County Council and Devon County Council, 13 January 2014.

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