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Spring 2013 Math 308-503 Exam 1A: Solutions c Art Belmonte Sun, 10/Feb

1. Solve the differential equation ty + 2y = sin t by hand. Show your steps. Give an explicit solution for your nal answer. Check via deSolve if desired. The differential equation is linear. Put it in standard linear form (SLF). 2 sin t y + y= t t Construct an integrating factor. = exp 2 dt t = e2 ln t = t 2

3. Solve the differential equation (ax + by) dx + (bx + cy) dy = 0 by hand. Show your steps. Check via deSolve if desired. With P = ax + by and Q = bx + cy, we have Py = b = Qx on R2 . The differential equation is exact. Construct a potential function f for the conservative vector eld w = [P, Q] like you did in Calc 3. w ax + by bx + cy f fx fy 1 2 2 + bxy ax A/D 1 bxy + 2 2 cy 1 2 1 2 H! f (x, y) = 2 ax + bxy + 2 cy
1 2 2 An implicit solution is 1 2 ax + bxy + 2 cy = K .

4. Sketch a direction eld for the differential equation 1 (y + 1)2 (y 2) 4 and classify any equilibrium solutions. y = Solving y = 0 yields two equilibrium solutions: y 2, y 1. Sketch a direction eld by examining the sign of y .
3 2 1 0 1

Multiply the SLF by this integrating factor. t 2 y + 2ty = t sin t t 2y = t sin t

Antidifferentiate and solve for y. t 2 y = sin t t cos t + C sin t t cos t + C y = t2 or equivalent. 2. Solve the initial value problem

dy 3x2 ex = , dx 2y 5

y (0) = 1

3 10 5 0 5 10

by hand. Show your steps. Give an implicit solution for your nal answer. Check via deSolve if desired. The differential equation is separable. Separate the variables. (2y 5) dy = Antidifferentiate. y2 5y = x3 ex + C Use the initial condition y (0) = 1 to resolve the constant C. 4 = C 1 C = 3 Therefore, an implicit solution is y 5y = x e 3.
2 3 x

The solution y 2 is unstable. The solution y 1 is semi-stable. 5. A tank initially contains 20 kg of salt dissolved in 5000 L of water. A brine solution which contains 3 100 kg/L of salt ows into the tank at 25 L/min. The well stirred solution exits the tank at the same rate. When is there 40 kg of salt in the tank? Use of deSolve and solve is recommended. Use the classical balance law. y y = =
3 4 3 100

3x2 ex dx


y 5000


1 200 y,

y (0) = 20

y =

150 130et /200

Now set y = 40 and solve for t . 40 = 150 130et /200

13 t = 200 ln 11 33.41 min

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