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Man Power

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References: [a] OPNAVINST 1000.16J, Manual of Nav To!al "orce Man#o$er Pol%c%es an& Proce&ures ['] OPNAVINST ()*0.+,, Naval Av%a!%on Ma%n!enance Pro-ra. /NAMP0, Vol. I [c] NAVP1RS 12*0*3, 1nl%s!e& Transfer Manual [&] 1nl%s!e& 4%s!r%'u!%on an& Ver%f%ca!%on Re#or! 5sers Manual /14VRMAN0 [e] 65P1RSINST 2(20.(*6, M%ss%on an& "unc!%ons of Nav Man#o$er Anal s%s 7en!er /NAVMA70 [f] 65P1RSINST 2(20.8(7, M%ss%on an& "unc!%ons of !9e 1nl%s!e& Personnel Mana-e.en! 7en!er /1PMA70 [-] NAVP1RS 1:06:", 1nl%s!e& Man#o$er ; Personnel 7lass%f%ca!%ons an& Occu#a!%onal S!an&ar&s, Vol. II [9] S17NAVINST 2010.16, 1ff%c%enc Rev%e$ Process for To!al "orce Man#o$er Re<u%re.en!s 4e!er.%na!%on [%] 7IN7=ANT>7IN7PA7"=TINST 1806.1(, Pre&e#lo .en! Personnel Mann%nAss%s!ance Re#or! /P1RSMAR0 [?] JASS 5sers Manual, 9!!#:>>$$$.'u#ers.nav ..%l>?ass [@] =ocal 4%rec!%ves an& S!an&ar& O#era!%n- Proce&ures [l] 9!!#:>>$$$.'u#ers.nav ..%l>

.1 Identify and discuss the sections of the EDVR. [ref. d, ch. 2] a. EDVR sections 1 through 3 contain information that has been extracted from the account because it requires special attention or action by the activity. To assist activities in managing enlisted personnel these sections also identify future personnel events. !dditionally EDVR section 3 contains an alphabetic listing of all enlisted members assigned to activity. b. EDVR section " contains the total personnel account of the activity including those members reflected in section 1 through 3. c. EDVR section # contains the $ersonnel %tatus %ummary. d. EDVR section & contains Distribution 'avy Enlisted (lassification (ode )D'E(* +anagement. e. EDVR section , contains 'E( -illet and $ersonnel .nventory. f. EDVR section / contains a list of individuals 0ho are qualified in 'avy Enlisted (lassification (odes )'E(s*. g. EDVR sections 1 and 12 contain the Diary +essage %ummary and Duty $reference 3isting respectively. h. EDVR section 11 contains individual security data citi4enship code involuntary extension months $ay Entry -ase Date )$E-D* Time in Rate )T.R* !dvancement Effective Date and 56R+!' %tatus and !ction Date. i. EDVR section 17 contains a listing of both officer and enlisted personnel in an embar8ed or Temporary !dditional Duty )T!D* status to augment normal manning. This listing also includes commands that are embar8ed onboard another command. 9. Exception. The EDVR for activity accounts 0ith a +(! code of :;: )6thers $atients and %tudents* 0ill not contain information in EDVR sections 1 7 and # through /. This type of account 0ill only contain information in EDVR sections 3 " 1 12 11 and 17.

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102. Man Power

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.2 Identify all the parts (columns) of the EDVR and discuss the follo in!" [ref. d, ch. 2] a. -!< -illets !uthori4ed b. '+$< 'avy +anning $lan. The fair share of available personnel inventory in that particular Rate = Rating = 'E(. ! t0o>position code that identifies the rules that are applied to the calculation of '+$ for each rating at the activity. ! first position of :1: indicates the '+$ for the rating 0as calculated on a fair share basis. ! first position of :7: indicates that the '+$ 0as directed to equal billets authori4ed pay grade for pay grade. The second position indicates a rating?s authori4ed manning priority as defined by 6$'!V.'%T 1222.1& series. :2: means no priority. :1: or :7: means ('6 priority l or 7 manning has been authori4ed by the ('6. :3: means that ('6 priority 3 manning has been authori4ed by the +anning (ontrol !uthority )+(!*. c. $RD< $ro9ected Rotation Date. The @R>+6 0hich indicates the date member 0ill complete current or prospective tour of duty. +ember?s $RD is recorded in the +!$+.% by the !ssignment (ontrol !uthority at the time assignment to an activity is made. d. E!6% e. ERE'< Expiration of Reserve Enlistment. The @R>+6>D! that a member?s reserve enlistment 0ill expire. f. D!TE RE(D< Date Received g. !D%D< !ctive Duty %ervice Date. This is the @R>+6>D! from 0hich total active military service may be computed h. %D(D i. %AD(D< %hore Duty (ommencement Date. This is the @R>+6 that an individual commenced present continuous tour of shore duty. 9. D'E(1=D'E(7< Distribution 'avy Enlisted (lassification (odes. D'E(>1 B T0o four>position codes that identify the 'E( s8ills in 0hich a member D.%TR is charged to an activity?s account. .f no D'E(s are assigned D'E(1 0ill be :2222:. D'E(7 may be blan8. $lanning 'E(s contained in $art .. Volume .. manual of 'avy Enlisted +anpo0er and $ersonnel (lassifications and 6ccupational %tandards may be used as D'E(s even though they are not authori4ed for a0ard to a member as $'E( or %'E(. 8. 'E(1='E(7 .# Discuss purpose and components of the $%D. [ref. a, ch. 1&] C The !ctivity +anpo0er Document )!+D* formally called the 6$'!V 1222=7 lists in one document all the Requirements and !uthori4ations in a specific !ctivity. .t also identifies ho0 the Requirements are to be funded. 6n the !+D each billet is identified by a -illet %equence (ode )-%(*. The t0o lines associated by the billet are< 5irst line the Requirement< !ll requirement information is listed including -illet Title 'E( )'avy Enlisted (lassification* and -illet Rate. %econd 3ine the !uthori4ation. .dentifies the 5unding Type as !D )!ctive Duty* R! )Reserve !uthori4ation* TD )Training !ctive Reserve* or blan8 )billets to be funded after +D1 up to +D17. .' Identify and discuss the manpo er re(uirement information contained in the $%D. [ref. a, ch. 1&] C Revie0 an actual !+D. .) Identify and discuss the manpo er contained in the $%D. [ref. a, ch. 1&] C Revie0 an actual !+D. authori*ation information

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102. Man Power

.+ E,plain the purpose of an -E.. [ref. !, ch. 1] C 'avy Enlisted (lassification (ode

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./ Discuss the purpose of an E%IR. [ref. c, ch. 2#] C Revie0 a sample E+.R belo0 C Enlisted +anning .nquiry Report< Ehen specific manning issues by Rate Rating or 'E( occur that affect an upcoming operational commitment an E+.R should be generated. Fsually this is done by the %hips +anpo0er (oordinator )usually the !dministration 6fficer* in a message format provided in the 6$'!V 1222.1& )series* .nstruction. .0 Identify the roles of the follo in!" a. -F$ER% Gref. lH b. E$+!( Gref. f encl. 1H The EDVR is available to each activity by do0nloading it electronically from the E$+!( -ulletin -oard %ystem )--%*. !float units 0ho have a requirement for distribution via the %treamlined !utomated 3ogistics Tool %et )%!3T%* must submit a request to E$+!( )(ode 33*. c. '!V+!( Gref. e encl. 1H shall< a. Develop and maintain the 'avyIs manpo0er requirements determination processes. b. $rovide technical consulting service in all facets of manpo0er management. c. %erve as the 'avyIs expert on manpo0er requirements and as a revie0ing agent for impacts on manpo0er authori4ations. d. 6perate the 'avy %chool of +anpo0er +anagement. e. $erform manpo0er analyses and studies. f. !s T5++% functional manager propose and implement policies and procedures for the organi4ation and administration of T5++%. g. !pprove !+D (hange Requests and maintain accuracy of manpo0er data in T5++%. h. .n support of the +edical $rogram !dvisor in ('6 )'213* ensure changes to manpo0er authori4ations 0ith a medical designator or rating have a -F+ED endorsement. i. 6btain community manager endorsement on manpo0er authori4ation increases deletions or conversions to other designators or ratings. 9. +aintain and provide to manpo0er claimants standardi4ed functions and associated E.%. d. T@(6+ Gref. b ch. "H e. Type Eing Gref. b ch. #H .1 Discuss the purpose of the 2ER3%$R. [ref. i] C $ersonnel %ituation and +anpo0er Reports. %cheduled manning reports to E$+!( via the T@(6+ stating the situation of the ships manning at given periods prior to deployments. These are .nitial 17 and & month $re>deployment. 5or !ircraft .ntermediate +aintenance Department a 1" month $re>deployment loo8 for (ore and %ea 6perational Detachment is computed due to the planned change of (arrier !ir 0ing assignments and $6E modifications in the last 1" months. .1& Discuss the procedures for an -E. chan!e re(uest. [ref. !, app. 4] C (omplete 'E( Discrepancy Report

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102. Man Power

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.11 Discuss the purpose of the 3E$52DE6. [ref. 7, ch. #] C %E! 6$ER!T.6'!3 DET!(A+E'T )%E!6$DET*< ! sea duty component assigned to shore .+!s used to augment the aircraft carrierIs .+! in support of carrier air 0ing embar8ations. $ersonnel and +!3s $ersonnel assigned to another +!3% in support of a deployed squadron designated as (D.s at their parent command may be designated as (D.s by the deployed command 0ithout re>qualification testing provided they are recommended by the cogni4ant Division 6fficer and the J! 6fficer of their deployed unit. .12 Discuss the information a8aila7le from 9$33. [ref. :, ch. 1] C !t 1 months prior to $RD members 0ill begin negotiating 0ith detailers and applying for 9obs via the Kobs !dvertising %election %ystem. .1# Discuss the follo in! 6$D re(uirements" [ref. ;] a. .nternal to the command b. External to the command .1' Discuss the follo in! classification of school (uotas" [ref. c, ch. /< ref. ;] a. En route< 3i8e ;6 order before chec8ing in he 0ill en route all required school. b. Returnable< Eith command fund 0ill go to school as T!D and come bac8 c. 'on>returnable< $(%. .1) Discuss the procedures for re(uestin! an order modification. [ref. ;] C (ontact detailer and let him do it. .1+ Discuss =E-DE6 personnel. [ref. c, ch. /] C Leneral Detail a. $ersonnel %upport Detachment 'aval Training (enter Lreat 3a8es .3 0ill be the designated authority to ad9ust +(% LE'DET %eaman )%'* and 5ireman )5'* E!6%s to reflect 1# total months of active duty service follo0ing completion of !pprenticeship Training. b. $ER%F$$ DET 'aval !ir %tation $ensacola 53 0ill be the designated authority to ad9ust '(% LE'DET !irman )%'* and 5ireman )5'* E!6%s to reflect 1# total months of active duty service follo0ing completion of !pprenticeship Training .1/ Define the follo in! terms and e,plain their purpose" [ref. a] a. R6(=$6E Gch. 7H< Required 6perational (apability b. 5+D Gapp. -H< 5leet +D '!V+!( no longer produces %+Ds=5+Ds based on a fixed revie0 cycle. '!V+!( publishes the %+D=5+D development status report semiannually. 5leet (ommanders in (hief )53T(.'(%* type commanders )T@(6+%* and appropriate 0arfare sponsors receive this report for information and long>term planning. Draft %+Ds=5+Ds 0ill only be produced for ne0 construction conversions significant configuration changes or ma9or R6(=$6E revisions. They 0ill also be produced for ma9or claimant>approved activities not covered under an ER process nor having a baseline 5+D. ! prerequisite to %+D=5+D production is a current )less than 7 years old* and valid R6(=$6E document. c. %+D Gapp. -H< %hip +D

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d. %J+D Gapp. -H< %quadron +D C '!V+!( no longer produces ne0 %J+D% based on a 3>year revie0 cycle. ! more logical approach has been adopted 0hich requires manpo0er revie0s based on changes to factors impacting manpo0er. These factors include changes in the assigned aircraft flight hour utili4ation rates fleet replacement squadron )5R%* student throughput 5R% curriculum corrective maintenance model and ma9or changes in mission and force structure fleet issues and the establishment of a data baseline. (hanges resultant from revised or ne0 staffing standards is made to all squadrons simultaneously upon approval. e. $%+D Gch. 7H< $reliminary %hip +anpo0er Document f. $%J+D Gch. 7H< $reliminary %quadron +anpo0er Document. $%J+D% shall be produced by the 'aval !ir %ystems (ommand )'!V!.R%@%(6+* ='!V+!( using approved %J+D methods and '+R% )0hen appropriate* g. %E!6$DET +anpo0er Document Gch. 7H %E!6$DET manpo0er documents are in direct support of an aircraft carrierIs !.+D 0hen the air 0ing is onboard. These requirements are based on the shipIs test bench=ground support equipment )L%E* gear configuration and the aircraft attached to a specific (VE. They are attached to the appropriate shore station !.+D to support aircraft 0or8load during the turnaround cycle. These requirements 0ill be calculated for each battle group and entered into T5++% no later than 17 months prior to deployment as a draft %E!6$DET. T5++% 0ill be updated accordingly after the reclamation cycle is completed. .10 Define the follo in! terms and e,plain their purpose" a. T5++% Gref. a ch. 1H< Total 5orce +anpo0er +anagement %ystem. The single authoritative data base for total force manpo0er requirement and active duty +$'=R$' manpo0er authori4ation and end strength b. ER Gref. hH< Efficiency Revie0 c. %+R Gref. a app. -H< %tatement of +anpo0er Requirement

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102. Man Power

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** Additional information
+!'$6EER %T!TE+E'T% The t0o statements that begin the +anpo0er process< Required 6perational (ommitment )R6(* M The +ission %tatement of the activity. $ro9ected 6perating Environment )$6E* M The Environment that describes ho0 the activity is to operate. %A.$% +!'$6EER D6(F+E'T )%+D* 5rom the R6( B $6E the 'aval +anpo0er !nalysis (enter )'!V+!(* builds the %hips +anpo0er Document )%+D*. The %+D sho0s all requirements necessary to perform all tas8s described by the $6E in a 0artime scenario. This is commonly called +D1. )Ehich are manpo0er requirements needed a month after mobili4ation date*. The %+D is the Requirement. -.33ET -F@% 5unding is approved through the 6$'!V at 12N of +D1 during peacetime operation. The T@(6+ and the activity to agree on funding billets revie0 the %+D. This is called a :-illet -uy: Each approved billet is entered into the !ctivity +anpo0er Document by -F$ER%. Enlisted $ersonnel +anagement (enter )E$+!(* and the detailers to fill requirements in the manning document use these approved billets. The :-illet -uy: represents the !uthori4ations. 'E( +!'!LE+E'T The !+D is used by the !ssistant +aintenance 6fficer Division 6fficers and Divisional 3($6s to determine Departmental=Division manning needs. The Enlisted Distribution Verification Report )EDVR* produced monthly is used in concert 0ith the !+D by the activity to identify the Enlisted $ersonnel for funded billets. Fsually $ersonnel are distributed into 'E( -illets )D'E(s*. These are listed in the personnel assignment orders. +atching the D'E( on the assignment orders 0ith !+D billets indicates the positions to be filled by that person. %ome personnel are distributed to 2222 )quad 4ero* billets. These billets are assigned to do rating requirements not associated 0ith an 'E(. %ome -illets are assigned as !$6 or $6 requirements in the !+D. These are billets that only require a specific R!TE as a fill for the authori4ation. !$6 )any !viation $etty 6fficer* or $6 )any $etty 6fficer*. (6- M (urrent 6n -oard. .n the EDVR section " after the specific rating there is a count of that rating by rate in individual ro0 currently on board. $ro9ected 6n -oard by +onth )$6-1 $6-7 $6-3 etc* ta8es in consideration the arrival and departure of gains and losses indicated by the $L and $3 columns. $ersonnel %ituation and +anpo0er Reports )$ER%+!R* M %cheduled manning reports to E$+!( via the T@(6+ stating the situation of the ships manning at given periods prior to deployments. These are .nitial 17 and & month $redeployment. 5or !ircraft .ntermediate +aintenance Department a 1" month $redeployment loo8 for (ore and %ea 6perational Detachment is computed due to the planned change of (arrier !ir0ing assignments and $6E modifications in the last 1" months. T.+E3@ %F-+.%%.6' 65 TAE%E RE$6RT% .% E%%E'T.!3 56R $R6$ER +!''.'L.

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102. Man Power

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Detailers M 3ast in the chain of +anpo0er=+anning process for assignment of personnel to individual activities. They are tas8ed to assign personnel to billets given priority of the activity to deployment. !vailable requirements are listed as billets to be filled due to $rescribed %ea=%hore Tours )$%T* of an individual rate=rating. .ndividuals contact their Detailers to :request: or select orders to desired activities.

!"#$tion$ and An$%#r$

J. Ehat document is used to identify requirements and authori4ations to an activityO !. The !+D )!ctivity +anpo0er Document* J. Ehat is a $6E and 0hen is it updated. !. The $ro9ected 6perating Environment is updated 1" months prior to a deployment for !.+D and %E!6$DET documents. J. Ehat is the EDVRO !. Enlisted Distribution Verification Report. .dentifies the faces to the places J. To 0hat command is the E+.R directedO !. E$+!( via the T@(6+ J. Ehat is the difference bet0een -! and '+$O !. -! is a billet authori4ed by (ongress 0hen '+$ is a fair share by .nventory of $ersonnel by Rate Rating or 'E(.

A&tion$ R#'"ir#d

+onthly +atch EDVR to !+D Verify the Enlisted Distribution Verification Report )EDVR* against the !ctivity +anpo0er Document for your Division. 1. $lace personnel on a list next to the assigned billet using the 'E( 0hich they are Distributed. 7. (hec8 to see you have at least /2N of your division is manned in general and all your critical 'E(s are 122N manned. a. Lenerate an Enlisted +anning .nquiry Report )E+.R* memorandum if your concerns are about specific 'E( deficiencies or your manning is belo0 /2N. b. %ubmit the E+.R memo to the $ersonnel 6fficer for message transmittal. )The $ersonnel 6fficer is the ships +anpo0er 6fficer and is required to send these messages*. -iannually $ER%+!R Validation The $ersonnel %ituation and +anning Report )$ER%+!R* is a biannual report completed by the $ersonnel 6fficer )%hips +anpo0er +anager* 1. Requests and information is disseminated by the +anpo0er +anager to complete the required message. 7. $ER%+!R is separated into timed reports< a. .nitial b. 17 +onth $re>deployment c. & +onth $re>deployment 1. These reports request information such as 'E( Deficiencies $RD=E!6% verification berthing availability and intentions of personnel to reenlist or extend. 7. !ircraft .ntermediate +aintenance Departments have a separate input 1" +onths prior to any ma9or deployment.

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102. Man Power

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Sam(l# EM)R
5+ (6+'!V$ER%(6+ +.33.'LT6' T'==$ER%"213== T6 RA6VAKE=%TRP5.TR6' OOOO .'56 RF(-(35=(6+F%53T56R(6+ '6R563P V!=='1"7='1"3== RAA+A!!=(6+$!(53T $E!R3 A!R-6R A.=='13== RF(6%%!=(6+'!V!.R56R %!' D.EL6 (!=='13='13(='132='137== RF(6%%!=(6+'!V!.R56R %!' D.EL6 (!=='13='13(='132='137== RF(6%%!=(6+'!V!.R56R %!' D.EL6 (!=='13='13(='132='137== RF(6%%!=(6+'!V!.R56R %!' D.EL6 (!=='13='13(='132='137== RA+5.FF=(6+'!V$ER%(6+ +.33.'LT6' T'==$ER%"2=$ER%"2"=$ER%"213 RA+5.FF=(6+'!V$ER%(6+ +.33.'LT6' T'==$ER%"2=$ER%"2"=$ER%"213 RA+5.FF=(6+%TRP5.LATE.'L$!( 3E+66RE (!=='17='17!='13== -T F'(3!% +%L.D=LE'!D+.'=(6+'!V$ER%(6+ +.33.'LT6' T'== %F-K=E'3.%TED +!''.'L .'JF.R@ RE$6RT RE%$6'%E .(6 V5!OOOOOO== RE5=!=+%L.D<R+L=V5!>OOOOOO=@+D<722,237/== $6(=OOOOOO=!6(=$ER%> "213=>=TE3<OOO>OOO>OOOO== LE'TE;T=RE+!RP%=1. EE A!VE REV.EEED @6FR +!''.'L .%%FE% .DE'T.5.ED .' RE5 !. TAE !(T.VE RE!D.'E%% .'56R+!T.6' %@%TE+ )!R.%* RE53E(T% TAE 56336E.'L )%P* +!''.'L $R65.3E 56R @6FR (6++!'D. -! '+$ (6- $1 $7 $3 $" $# $& $, $/ $1 $>1 $>1 2", 2#, 2&, 2,, 2/, 21, 12, 11, 17, 21/ %P1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2O %P7 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 %P3 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 %P%' # # , , , , & & & & & & E3>&T6T 11 11 17 11 12 12 1 / / / / / 7. TAE E'3.%TED $ER%6''E3 REJF.%.T.6' %@%TE+ )E$RE%* RE53E(T% TAE 56336E.'L )%P* REJF.%.T.6'%< R!TE='E( REJ T!PE>F$ +6'TA E%T 5.33 D!TE '6TE% %P1=2222 7"" KF' 2, F'P'6E' '6TE 1 %P7=2222 371 !FL 2, F'P'6E' '6TE 1 %P7=2222 7&, %E$ 2, F'P'6E' '6TE 7 '6TE 1< LR!@ Q6'E )F'!V!.3!-3E* .' (+%>.D. '6TE 7< (FRRE'T3@ !DVERT.%ED .' TAE RED Q6'E .' (+%>.D. 3. 6R.L !'D T@(6+ A!VE TA6R6FLA3@ REV.EEED TAE 36(!3 !RE! 56R E;(E%% $ER%6''E3 E.TA6FT %F((E%%. (VE>O A!% 1# JF!3.5.ED 1#12 $ER%6''E3 RE(6++E'D FT.3.Q.'L 6'E 65 TAE E;(E%% 1#12 $ER%6''E3 E.TA.' TAE (!L 56R !%%.%T!'(E F'T.3 ! RE3.E5 (!' -E .DE'T.5.ED. ". @6FR $3!(E+E'T (66RD.'!T6R !6()!E* OOOOOOO $R6V.DE% ! %.'L3E $6.'T 65 (6'T!(T .' !DDRE%%.'L +!''.'L !'D 'E( .%%FE%. EE E'(6FR!LE (6++F'.(!T.6' -@ !'@ (6'VE'.E'T +ETA6D< $A6'E E+!.3 6R +E%%!LE. EE .'V.TE @6F T6 6FR EE- %.TE< ATT$<=EEE.'$(.'!V@.+.3=E'3.%TED=$R%-=. REJ F%E :(6+'!V$ER%(6+ +.33.'LT6' T'="213=: !% $3! EAE' RE5ERE'(.'L TA.% +E%%!LE 6R !DDRE%%.'L !'@ 5FTFRE +!''.'L .%%FE% T6 $ER%>"213.== -T

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#e$!ewed by LTJG #obert A. %a!n&'ott

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