Firmware Version 1.10 User's Manual

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Firmware Version 1.10 User's Manual

Changed in firmware version 1.10

The differences from firmware version 1.00 are as follows.

* Improving the Key Follow function of Hex ayer
* !dding a portamento function to the "elody tones and the Hex ayer tones.
* !dding a volume control to the !udio #ecorder
* !dding a volume control to the $amper %oise.
* !dding &Toggle "ode& to the 'edal Function.
* !dding "I$I #x message filters.
* (xpanding the fre)uency range of the "aster ()uali*er.
* (xpanding the fre)uency range of the $+' ()uali*er.
* !dding a Fine tune to the $+' 'itch +hifter.
* !dding a ,ypass to the +ystem (ffects and the "aster (ffects.
* !dding destination parameters to the controllers -Kno.s/ +liders/ "odulation and 'edals0.
* !dding a cali.ration function of the position of the Kno.s.
* !dding a sample waves to the Hex ayer.

Compatibility of the data

The compati.ility of user data .etween firmware 1.00 and 1.10 is as follows.

* ! $igital 'iano of which firmware is 1.10 is a.le to read any user data -+tage +etting-.1'F0/ "elody Tone-.1T%0/ Hex ayer -.1T0/
$rum Tone-.1$#0/ !rpeggio-.1!#0/ 'hrase-.1'H0/ +ong-.1+20/ !ll data-.1!00 which is created .y a $igital 'iano of which firmware is 1.00.
* ! $igital 'iano of which firmware is 1.00 is not a.le to read any user data which is created .y a $igital 'iano of which firmware is 1.10.


The procedure for updating the firmware

'lease pay close attention to the instructions carefully or you may cause your $igital 'iano to not function properly.

* 'lease save any user data to a 3+, flash drive if necessary.
* !fter the update/ you need to run the 4Initiali*e !ll4.
* 5onnect the !5 adapter to this $igital 'iano while you are operating the updating.
* $on&t remove the connector of !5 adapter or 3+, flash drive from this $igital 'iano during the updating.
* $on&t touch any .uttons which are not necessary for update process.

Firmware update procedures.

1. 5opy the file of firmware/ 4update..in4 into a 3+, flash drive.
* 3se 3+, flash drive which is formatted as F!T 67.
* 'lease put & into the root -top0 folder of the 3+, flash drive.
7. Insert the 3+, flash drive which mentioned in the procedure 1 into the connector of this $igital 'iano.
6. 'ress 8+9+ +(TTI%:; .utton.
<. +elect 4Information =(nt4 from the menu and press 8(%T(#; .utton.
>. +elect 43pdate Firmware =(nt4 from the menu and press 8(%T(#; .utton.
?. !fter the message/ 43pdate Firmware@4 is shown/ press 8(%T(#; .utton.
A. !fter the message/ 4+ure@ %oB9es4 is shown/ press 8CB9(+; .utton.
* $on&t turn off the $igital 'iano while the message 43pdating D4 is .linEing.
* $on&t touch the $igital 'iano while the updating which taEes a.out 10 minutes.
* The ($ lamps on the eight tone selection .uttons will turn on one .y one.
* The $igital 'iano will restart automatically when the update is completed.
F. #emove the 3+, flash drive after the $igital 'iano restarts.
G. 'ress the 8+9+ +(TTI%:; .utton.
10. +elect 4Initiali*e =(nt4 from the menu and press 8(%T(#; .utton.
11. +elect 4Initiali*e !ll =(nt4 from the menu and press 8(%T(#; .utton.
17. !fter the message/ 4Initiali*e !ll@4 is shown/ press 8(%T(#; .utton.
16. !fter the message/ 4+ure@ %oB9es4 is shown/ press 8CB9(+; .utton.

If the update is not completed normally and the $igital 'iano does not restart/ retry failed update with the following procedure.

1. #emove the connector of !5 adapter from the $igital 'iano.
7. #emove the .atteries from the $igital 'iano if they are inserted.
6. 5opy the proper 4update..in4 into the 3+, flash drive.
<. Insert the 3+, flash drive into the $igital 'iano steadily.
>. 5onnect the !5 adapter to the $igital 'iano.
?. 'ress the power .utton.
* If all lamps on the right side of the 5$ are lighting/ the update starts successfully.
!.out 10 minutes after the update .egun/ the $igital 'iano will restart.
* If all lamps on the right side of the 5$ are flashing/ confirm the file 4update..in4 or 3+, flash drive .ecause they may .e damaged.
A. Hperate from procedure F to 16 listed in I Firmware update procedures I. .. .


Additional Functions of the firmware 1.10
It is explained the function added or changed in firmware 1.10 here.

Key Follow function of the filter and amplifier in the H(J !9(# is improved Key Follow function of the filter and amplifier in the H(J !9(# is improved Key Follow function of the filter and amplifier in the H(J !9(# is improved Key Follow function of the filter and amplifier in the H(J !9(# is improved. .. .
They are edita.le independently in each layer as follows.

$isplay Text $escription +ettings
Filter =(nt 'arameter :roup of the filters
ow Key Follow
!dKusts the amount of cutoff fre)uency change .etween neigh.oring
Eey.oard Eeys. The change will .e .igger according to the value increases. If
the value is positive/ the cutoff fre)uency of lower side of the Eeys .ecome
L17F L 0 L C17A
ow Key
The Eey follow function worEs from this Eey toward the lower
5L L :G
-ow Key M or N High Key0
High Key Follow
!dKusts the amount of cutoff fre)uency change .etween neigh.oring
Eey.oard Eeys. The change will .e .igger according to the value increases. If
the value is positive/ the cutoff fre)uency of higher side of
the Eeys .ecome higher.
L17F L 0 L C17A
High Key
The Eey follow function worEs from this Eey toward the
higher side.
5L L :G
-ow Key M or N High Key0
!mp =(nt 'arameter :roup of the !mplifiers
ow Key Follow
!dKusts the amount of cutoff fre)uency change .etween neigh.oring
Eey.oard Eeys. The change will .e .igger according to the value increases. If
the value is positive/ the cutoff fre)uency of lower side of
the Eeys .ecome lower.
L17F L 0 L C17A
ow Key The Eey follow function worEs from this Eey toward the lower side.
5L L :G
-ow Key M or N High Key0
High Key Follow
!dKusts the amount of cutoff fre)uency change .etween neigh.oring
Eey.oard Eeys. The change will .e .igger according to the value increases. If
the value is positive/ the cutoff fre)uency of higher side of
the Eeys .ecome higher.
L17F L 0 L C17A
High Key
The Eey follow function worEs from this Eey toward the
higher side.
5L L :G
-ow Key M or N High Key0

! portamento function is added to "elody Tone and Hex ayer tone ! portamento function is added to "elody Tone and Hex ayer tone ! portamento function is added to "elody Tone and Hex ayer tone ! portamento function is added to "elody Tone and Hex ayer tone. .. .
%ew parameters are added to the common parameter group of "elody tone and Hex ayer tone as follows.

$isplay Text $escription +ettings
'ortamento =(nt 'arameter :roup of the portamento
'ortamento HnBHff
(na.les or disa.les the portamento function.
Ohen it is set to Hn/ the pitch will change smoothly.
Hff/ Hn
Time !dKusts the time of the change of the pitch. 0 L 17A

! play.acE volume control is added to the !udio #ecorder. ! play.acE volume control is added to the !udio #ecorder. ! play.acE volume control is added to the !udio #ecorder. ! play.acE volume control is added to the !udio #ecorder.
! play.acE volume control parameter of the !udio #ecorder is added in +9+ +(TTI%: menu as follows.

$isplay Text $escription +ettings
+ound :enerator =(nt 'arameter :roup of the sound generator
!udio Polume !dKusts the play.acE volume level of the !udio #ecorder. 0 L 17A

! damper noise volume control is added to the damper resonance function ! damper noise volume control is added to the damper resonance function ! damper noise volume control is added to the damper resonance function ! damper noise volume control is added to the damper resonance function. .. .
! damper noise volume control parameter is added in +9+T(" (FF(5T menu as follows.

$isplay Text $escription +ettings
$amper %oise evel
!dKusts the volume level of the $amper %oise of the $amper #esonance
0 L 1>

&Toggle "ode& is added to the pedal function &Toggle "ode& is added to the pedal function &Toggle "ode& is added to the pedal function &Toggle "ode& is added to the pedal function. .. .
&Toggle "ode& parameter is added to the 'edal1 and 'edal7 (dit in the +tage +etting common edit menu as follows.

$isplay Text $escription +ettings
'edal1L7 (dit =(nt 'arameter :roup of the 'edal1B7
+pecifies the .ehavior the pedals.
"omentaryQ 'edal is on while holding down/ return to off when the pedal is
ToggleQ 'edal .ecomes on and off alternately when it is held down.

"I$I #x message filters are added "I$I #x message filters are added "I$I #x message filters are added "I$I #x message filters are added. .. .
"I$I #x message filter parameters are added to the "I$I group in +9+ +(TTI%: as follows.

$isplay Text $escription +ettings
#x Filter =(nt 'arameter :roup of the #x Filter
5ontrol 5hange
HffQ 5ontrol 5hange messages are recogni*ed
HnQ 5ontrol 5hange messages are not recogni*ed
Hff/ Hn
'rogram 5hange
HffQ 'rogram 5hange messages are recogni*ed
HnQ 'rogram 5hange messages are not recogni*ed
Hff/ Hn
5hannel 'ressure
HffQ 5hannel 'ressure messages are recogni*ed
HnQ 5hannel 'ressure messages are not recogni*ed
Hff/ Hn
'itch ,end
HffQ 'itch ,end messages are recogni*ed
HnQ 'itch ,end messages are not recogni*ed
Hff/ Hn

#ange of the parameters of the "aster ()uali*er are improved. #ange of the parameters of the "aster ()uali*er are improved. #ange of the parameters of the "aster ()uali*er are improved. #ange of the parameters of the "aster ()uali*er are improved.
The fre)uency ranges of the "aster ()uali*er are improved as follows.
'arameter Palue #angesQ 'arameter Palue #angesQ 'arameter Palue #angesQ 'arameter Palue #angesQ
7 Q ow Fre)uency
->0/ ?6/ F0/ 100/ 17>/ 1?0/ 700/ 7>0/ 61>/ <00/ >00/ ?60/ F00 8H*;0
+elects the lowLrange cutoff fre)uency.
< Q "id1 Fre)uency
-100/ 17>/ 1?0/ 700/ 7>0/ 61>/ <00/ >00/ ?60/ F00/ 1.0E/ 1.6E/ 1.?E/ 7.0E/ 7.>E/ 6.7E/ <.0E/ >.0E/ ?.6E/ F.0E 8H*;0
+elects the low midLrange fre)uency.
? Q "id7 Fre)uency
-100/ 17>/ 1?0/ 700/ 7>0/ 61>/ <00/ >00/ ?60/ F00/ 1.0E/ 1.6E/ 1.?E/ 7.0E/ 7.>E/ 6.7E/ <.0E/ >.0E/ ?.6E/ F.0E 8H*;0
+elects the high midLrange fre)uency.
F Q High Fre)uency
-7.0E/ 7.>E/ 6.7E/ <.0E/ >.0E/ ?.0E/ F.0E/ 10E/ 16E/ 1?E 8H*;0
+elects the highLrange cutoff fre)uency.

#ange of the parameters of the $+' ()uali*er are improved. #ange of the parameters of the $+' ()uali*er are improved. #ange of the parameters of the $+' ()uali*er are improved. #ange of the parameters of the $+' ()uali*er are improved.
The fre)uency ranges of the "aster ()uali*er are improved as follows.
'arameter Palue #angesQ 'arameter Palue #angesQ 'arameter Palue #angesQ 'arameter Palue #angesQ
1 Q (21 Fre)uency
-100/ 17>/ 1?0/ 700/ 7>0/ 61>/ <00/ >00/ ?60/ F00/ 1.0E/ 1.6E/ 1.?E/ 7.0E/ 7.>E/ 6.7E/ <.0E/ >.0E/ ?.6E/ F.0E 8H*;0
!dKusts the center fre)uency of ()uali*er 1.
7 Q (27 Fre)uency
-100/ 17>/ 1?0/ 700/ 7>0/ 61>/ <00/ >00/ ?60/ F00/ 1.0E/ 1.6E/ 1.?E/ 7.0E/ 7.>E/ 6.7E/ <.0E/ >.0E/ ?.6E/ F.0E 8H*;0
!dKusts the center fre)uency of ()uali*er 7.
6 Q (26 Fre)uency
-100/ 17>/ 1?0/ 700/ 7>0/ 61>/ <00/ >00/ ?60/ F00/ 1.0E/ 1.6E/ 1.?E/ 7.0E/ 7.>E/ 6.7E/ <.0E/ >.0E/ ?.6E/ F.0E 8H*;0
!dKusts the center fre)uency of ()uali*er 6.

Fine tune control is added to the $+' 'tich +hifter. Fine tune control is added to the $+' 'tich +hifter. Fine tune control is added to the $+' 'tich +hifter. Fine tune control is added to the $+' 'tich +hifter.
Fine tune parameter is added to the $+' 'itch +hifter as follow.
'arameter Palue #angesQ 'arameter Palue #angesQ 'arameter Palue #angesQ 'arameter Palue #angesQ
A Q Fine-L>0 L 0 L C>00
!dKust the fine tuning of the pitch.
L>0 means )uarter tone lower.
C>0 means )uarter tone higher.

,ypass functions are added to the +ystem (ffects and "aster (ffects. ,ypass functions are added to the +ystem (ffects and "aster (ffects. ,ypass functions are added to the +ystem (ffects and "aster (ffects. ,ypass functions are added to the +ystem (ffects and "aster (ffects.
How to .ypass the +ystem (ffects temporarily.
This function disa.les the all the system effects -+ystem 5horus/ +ystem $elay and +ystem #ever.0 .y .ypassing them.
1. Hold down the 8+9+T("; .utton until the ($ starts flashing to .ypass the system effects.
7. Hold down the 8+9+T("; .utton until the ($ goes off to ena.le the system effects again.

How to .ypass the "aster (ffects temporarily.
This function disa.les the .oth of the master effects -"aster ()uali*er/ "aster 5ompressor0 .y .ypassing them.
1. Hold down the 8"!+T(#; .utton until the ($ starts flashing to .ypass the master effects.
7. Hold down the 8"!+T(#; .utton until the ($ goes off to ena.le the master effects again.

%ew targets are added to the controllers -pedals/ wheel/ Eno.s/ and sliders0 %ew targets are added to the controllers -pedals/ wheel/ Eno.s/ and sliders0 %ew targets are added to the controllers -pedals/ wheel/ Eno.s/ and sliders0 %ew targets are added to the controllers -pedals/ wheel/ Eno.s/ and sliders0. .. .
+ome additional targets -1one HnBHff/ +ystem (ffect ,ypass/ "aster (ffect ,ypass/ !udio Polume and ayer1L? HnBHff0 can .e selected in the
controller edit menu -Kno.1L< (dit/ +lider 1L? (dit/ "odulation (dit and 'edal1L7 (dit0 in the +tage +etting 5ommon (dit as follows.

$isplay Text $escription +ettings
Kno.1 (dit =(nt
'arameter :roup of K1 (dit -These are edita.le even if the
&Kno.1 (na.le& is set to Hff.0

1one HnBHffQ 5ontrols HnBHff of the 1one of which Kno.1
(na.le is set to Hn.
Hff -0L?60/
Hn -?<L17A0
+ys.Fx ,ypassQ 5ontrols HnBHff of the +ystem (ffect ,ypass
Hff -0L?60/
Hn -?<L17A0
"as.Fx ,ypassQ 5ontrols HnBHff of the "aster (ffect ,ypass
Hff -0L?60/
Hn -?<L17A0

!udio PolumeQ 5ontrols the play .acE volume level of the !3$IH
0 L 17A

ayer1L? HnBHffQ 5ontrols HnBHff of the specific ayer in the 1one of which
Kno.1 (na.le is set to Hn.
Hff -0L?60/
Hn -?<L17A0
Kno.7L< (dit =(nt +ame as &Kno.1 (dit =(nt& except the Kno. -7L<0.
+lider1L? (dit =(nt +ame as &Kno.1 (dit =(nt& except the controller -+lider1L?0.
"odulation (dit =(nt
+ame as &Kno.1 (dit =(nt& except the controller -"odulation

'edal1 (dit =(nt
+ame as &Kno.1 (dit =(nt& except the controller -'edal which is connected to
$!"'(#B'($!1 RacE0.

'edal7 (dit =(nt
+ame as &Kno.1 (dit =(nt& except the controller -'edal which is connected to
B'($!7 RacE0.

! 5ali.ration function of Kno.s is added. ! 5ali.ration function of Kno.s is added. ! 5ali.ration function of Kno.s is added. ! 5ali.ration function of Kno.s is added.
!lthough the Eno.s which controls a parameter is set to center/ if the value of a parmaeter is not set to middle of the range.
5ali.rate the Eno.s with the procedure as follow.

1. 'ress the 8+9+ +(TTI%:; .utton.
7. +elect 4:eneral =(nt4 and press the 8(%T(#; .utton.
6. +elect 4Kno. 5ali.ration =(nt4 and press the 8(%T(#; .utton.
<. !fter a message I+et all Eno.s to the center.S is shown/ set all Eno.s -K1LK<0 to their center clicE position/ and press the 8(%T(#; .utton.
>. !fter a message I+ure@ %oB9esS is shown/ press the 8CB9(+; .utton.

The cali.ration of center position of the Eno.s will .e competed with these operations.

%ew waves for H(J !9(# are added. %ew waves for H(J !9(# are added. %ew waves for H(J !9(# are added. %ew waves for H(J !9(# are added.
The row of the waves after the <1<th was changed liEe the following list. Oave %ame Firmware 1.00
*<1< TrianglOave1
*<1> TrianglOave7
*<1? TrianglOave6
<1A +awtothOave1 -<1< Q +awtoothOave0
*<1F +awtothOave7
*<1G +awtothOave6
*<70 +awtothOave<
*<71 +awtothOave>
*<77 +awtothOave?
*<76 +)uare Oave1
<7< +)uare Oave7 -<1> Q +)uare Oave0
*<7> +)uare Oave6
*<7? +)uare Oave<
*<7A +)uare Oave>
<7F 'ulse Oave1 -<1? Q 'ulse Oave0
*<7G 'ulse Oave7
*<60 'ulse Oave6
*<61 'ulse Oave<
*<67 'ulse Oave>
*<66 'ulse Oave?
*<6< 'ulse OaveA
*<6> 'ulse OaveF
*<6? 'ulse OaveG
*<6A 'ulse Oave10
<6F Ohite %oise -<1A Q Ohite %oise0
<6G 'inE %oise -<1F Q 'inE %oise0

* ! wave having 4 * 4 .efore a is a wave added in firmware version 1.10.
* The and the wave name inside 4- 04 means those of firmware version 1.00.

?L7/ HonLmachi 1Lchome
+hi.uyaLEu/ ToEyo 1>1LF><6/ Rapan 2013 CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD.

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