W-KPI Monitoring and Improvement Guide (PS Service Optimization) - 20081218-A-3.2

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WCDMA PS Service Optimization Guide

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WCDMA PS Service Optimization Guide

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Prepared by Reviewed by

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'u 'on#(ian ,ie -.i/in0 C.en 1i0 ,u -ili0 ,u Den#yu0 2iao An3ian#0 4u Wensu0 2i 'inyu0 1in 'an0 Wan 5ian#0 and Ai 4ua 1in 'an and Wan# C.un#ui

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Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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WCDMA PS Service Optimization Guide

For Internal Use Only

Revision Records
Date &))9+77+&* "ersion 7%)) 7%)7 &))*+)$+): Description Initial transmittal% emovin# A;CD net<or= for optimization tar#et> puttin# analysis of traffic statistics in a sin#le c.apter> completin# t.e operations and instructions at core net<or= side /y C! &))*+)$+7* 7%)& en#ineers> removin# CD part% Movin# t.e comparison of APP and supplementin# flo< c.arts% C.an#in# t.e cover> removin# ;5@ 5C 'u 'on#(ian Reviewer Author 'u 'on#(ian 'u 'on#(ian

t.rou#.put to D"?C1" data analysis part> &))*+)$+&& $%)) tar#et 'u 'on#(ian

and c.an#in# po<er control parameters> supplementin# flo< c.ats> addin# an 4SDPA &))*+)8+&$ $%7) case% Supplementin# 4SDPA APIs> addin# flo< for analyzin# t.e poor performance for 4SDPA to /ear data transfer A! side data in data for 4SDPA service> transfer> addin# analysis of interruption of supplementin# 4SDPA cases> revisin# minor errors in B$%) #uide% Wan# De=ai


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WCDMA PS Service Optimization Guide

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Date &))*+7)+&9

"ersion $%77

Reviewer Description 7 Addin# analysis of t.rou#.put a/out lu/ Over/oo=in# to :: and 4SDPA & addin# recommendation of @P@ and G; import analysis of U@ t.rou#.put% $ Addin# t.e t.ird po<er assi#n met.odCs description of 4SDPA 4S+SCC4 and t.e second po<er assi#n met.od of /aseline parameterCs c.an#e% 9 Addin# t.e infection of B7D admittance arit.metic% 8 addin# analysis of P5C Status Pro.it "imer to 5C layer t.rou#.put% * Addin# analysis and description of APP layer t.rou#.put% D Addin# t.e recommendation of B7D S@" 4SDPA" F commandCs c.an#e% 6 Modify t.e <ron# description a/out "CP?IPCs content% Addin# some content a/out 4SUPA Addin# c.ec=list of 4SPA t.rou#.putCs pro/lem on /ac=+c.ec= and orientation% Addin# UMA" tools analyze 4SDPACs 4u Wensu0 2i S.u3i t.rou#.put pro/lem% Modifyin# some content 0 and Fan# Min# C.an#e t.e format and covert to API Monitorin# and Improvemnet Guilde series%

Author Wan# De=ai

&))D+7)+$) &))6+)9+7D &))6+7)+&9

$%& $%&7 $%&& $%&$

Gao ;o 4ua 'unlon#

-.en# Aaisi 4e fen#min#



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WCDMA PS Service Optimization Guide

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$%7 "raffic Statistics%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7: $%& D"?C1"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&) $%$ Ot.ers%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&& 9%7 "raffic Statistics Inde(es elated to ".rou#.put%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&8 9%& Generic Analysis Flo<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&: 9%&%7 Flo< for Analyzin# !C+level "raffic Statistics Data%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&: 9%&%& Flo< for Analyzin# Cell+level "raffic Statistics Data%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$& 8%7 Access Failure%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$: 8%7%7 Ori#inatin# PS Service /y U@ Directly%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$: 8%7%& U@ as t.e Modem of PC%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%9) 8%& Disconnection of Service Plane%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%9* 8%&%7 Analyze Pro/lems at A! Side%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%9* 8%&%& Analyzin# Pro/lems at C! Side%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%87 8%$ Poor Performance of Data "ransfer%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%89 8%$%7 C.ec=in# Alarms%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%88 8%$%& Comparin# Operations and Analyzin# Pro/lem%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%8* 8%$%$ Analyzin# Poor Performance of Data "ransfer /y DC4%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%8D 8%$%9 Analyzin# Poor Performance of Data "ransfer /y 4SDPA at A! Side%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*& 8%$%8 Analysis of t.e Pro/lem a/out Poor Data "ransmission Performance of t.e 4SUPA on t.e A! Side%%%%%%%%%67 8%$%* Analyzin# Poor Performance of Data "ransfer at C! Side%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%778 8%9 Interruption of Data "ransfer%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%77: 8%9%7 Analzyin# DC4 Interruption of Data "ransfer%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%77: 8%9%& Analyzin# 4SDPA Interruption of Data "ransfer%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7&7 *%7 Cases at A! Side%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7&9 *%7%7 Call Drop due to Su/scri/er Con#estion EIu/ esource estrictionF%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7&9 *%7%& Uplin= PS*9= Service ate Failin# to Meet Acceptance e3uirements in a "est EAir Interface Pro/lemF%%%7&9 *%7%$ Statistics and Analysis of Pin# "ime Delay in Different Service "ypes%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7&8 *%7%9 5o< ate of 4SDPA Data "ransfer due to Over 5o< Pilot Po<er%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7&* *%7%8 Unsta/le 4SDPA ate due to Over.i#. eceivin# Po<er of Data Card%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7&D *%7%* Decline of "otal ".rou#.put in Cell due to AA5&PA"4 ;and<idt. lar#er t.an Actual P.ysical ;and<idt. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7&D *%7%D Causes for an @(ceptional U@ ".rou#.put and 5ocation Met.od in a Field "est%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7&: *%& Cases at C! Side%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7$$


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WCDMA PS Service Optimization Guide

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*%&%7 5o< F"P Do<nloadin# ate due to Over Small "CP Windo< on Server "CP%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7$$ *%&%& Simultaneous Uploadin# and Do<nloadin#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7$9 *%&%$ Decline of Do<nloadin# ate of Multiple U@s%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7$8 *%&%9 Unsta/le PS ate E5oss of IP Pac=etsF%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7$* *%&%8 Unsta/le PS ate of Sin#le ".read in Commercial Deployment E5oss of IP Pac=etsF%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7$6 *%&%* Unavaila/le Streamin# Service for a Su/scri/er%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7$: *%&%D Unavaila/le PS Services due to Fire<all of 5aptop%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7$: *%&%6 5o< PS Service ate in Presentation Occasion%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7$: *%&%: A/normal @ndin# after 5on#+time Data "ransfer /y F"P%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%79) *%&%7) Analysis of Failure in PS 4anodver ;et<een $G !et<or= and &G !et<or=%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%79$ 6%7 "ransport C.annel of PS Data%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%79: 6%& ".eoretical ates at @ac. 5ayer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%78) 6%&%7 "CP?IP 5ayer%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%78) 6%&%& 5C 5ayer%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%78) 6%&%$ etransmission Over.ead%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%787 6%&%9 MAC+4S 5ayer%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%787 6%$ ;earer Met.ods of PS Services%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%78& 6%$%7 DC4%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%78& 6%$%& 4SDPA%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%78& 6%$%$ CC4%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%78& 6%9 Met.od for Modifyin# "CP eceive Windo<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%789 6%9%7 "ool Modification%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%789 6%9%& e#edit Modification%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%789 6%8 Met.od for Modifyin# M"U%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%788 6%8%7 "ool Modification%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%788 6%8%& e#edit Modification%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%78* 6%* Confirmin# AP! and ate in Activate PDP Conte(t e3uest Messa#e%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%78D 6%*%7 "raffic ClassesG%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%78D 6%*%& Ma(imum ;it ates and Guaranteed ;it ates%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%786 6%*%$ AP!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%786 6%D AP! @ffect%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7*) 6%D%7 MaHor @ffect%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7*) 6%D%& Met.od for !amin# AP!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7*) 6%D%$ AP! Confi#uration%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7*) 6%6 PS "ools%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7*7 6%6%7 "CP eceive Windo< and M"U Modification "ools%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7*7 6%6%& Sniffer%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7*7 6%6%$ Common "ool to Capture Pac=etG @t.ereal%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7*& 6%6%9 4SDPA "est U@%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7*& 6%: Analysis of PDP Activation%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7*$


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WCDMA PS Service Optimization Guide

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&low 'or analy(ing R)C*level tra''ic statistics data......................................................................$+ &low 'or analy(ing cell*level tra''ic statistics data........................................................................$# &low 'or analy(ing DT,C-T data...................................................................................................$. &low 'or analy(ing access 'ailure proble/s when originating P0 services by 12 directly........$3 &low 'or analy(ing access proble/ when the 12 serves as the /ode/ o' PC............................!+ &low 'or processing proble/ o' 'ailure in opening port................................................................!1 &low 'or analy(ing access 'ailure proble/s ...................................................................................!# 0ignaling 'low o' success'ul setup o' a P0 service in Probe..........................................................!$ &low 'or analy(ing disconnection o' service plane........................................................................! &low 'or analy(ing RA) side proble/ about disconnection o' service plane 'or DCH bearer.!4 Connection Per'or/ance 5easure/ent*Downlin6 Throughput and 7andwidth window.......!. H0DPA para/eters in Probe...........................................................................................................%+ &low 'or analy(ing proble/s at C) side about disconnection o' service plane..........................%# &low 'or analy(ing poor per'or/ance o' data trans'er.................................................................%% &low 'or analy(ing RA) side proble/ about poor per'or/ance o' data trans'er on DCH......%. &low 'or analy(ing data trans'er a''ected by 1u inter'ace...........................................................%3 &low 'or analy(ing data trans'er a''ected by 8ub inter'ace.......................................................... 1 &low 'or analy(ing poor per'or/ance o' data trans'er on H0DPA at RA) side ....................... ! Con'ir/ing in the R)C /essage that P0 service is set up on H0DPA channel.......................... % Con'ir/ing in Probe that service is set up on H0DPA channel.................................................... % High code error o' AC9*:)AC9,DT; in Probe ..........................................................................4 1plin6 and downlin6 RL i/balance in handover areas...............................................................44 Residual 7L2R at 5AC layer in <CD5A H0DPA Decoding 0tatistics window.......................+ <or6ing process o' an H01PA 12..................................................................................................# =pti/i(ation 'low o' a low throughput o' the H01PA 12............................................................%


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Con'ir/ing the service is set up on the H01PA according to a signaling /essage o' the R)C. How to con'ir/ the service is set up on the H01PA through the drive test tool Probe..............4 RRC C=))2CT8=) R2-120T /essage....................................................................................3+ RRC C=))2CT 02T1P C5P /essage........................................................................................31 RL R2C&> PR2PAR2 /essage.....................................................................................................3# Display o' the Assistant H01PA related in'or/ation ?li/ited trans/it power o' the 12@........3$ Display o' the Assistant H01PA related in'or/ation ?li/ited tra''ic@.........................................3! PHA08CAL 0HAR2D CHA))2L R2C=)&8>1RAT8=) R2-120T /essage ?containing the target RT<P and the bac6ground@..........................................................................................3 AT5 trans/ission e''iciency...........................................................................................................34 P bandwidth utili(ation....................................................................................................................3. RA7 assign/ent reBuest /essage ?containing an 57R@..............................................................33 RL R2C&> PR2PAR2 /essage ?containing )ode7 57R@.......................................................1++ R7 02T1P /essage ?containing the /aCi/u/ nu/ber o' available channel codes@..............1+1 RLC PD1 retrans/ission rate on the Probe................................................................................1+3 ReceiverDs CP1 per'or/ance observation window.....................................................................11$ &low 'or analy(ing poor per'or/ance o' data trans'er at C) side............................................11 &low 'or analy(ing interruption o' data trans'er........................................................................1#+ 8nterruption delay o' TCP displayed in 2thereal........................................................................1## "ariation o' total throughput o' one 85A lin6 o' H0DPA codes................................................1#. "ariation o' total throughput o' two 85A lin6s o' H0DPA codes..............................................1#. 1nstable P0 rate ?1@........................................................................................................................1$4 1nstable P0 rate ?#@........................................................................................................................1$4 Analy(ing pac6ets captured by 2thereal upon unstable P0 rate...............................................1$. 8nteractive inter'ace in Cute&TP..................................................................................................1!+ 0ignaling o' nor/al downloading by &TP....................................................................................1!1 0ignaling o' abnor/al downloading by &TP...............................................................................1!# 0ignaling o' nor/al handover between $> networ6 and #> networ6......................................1!! )or/al signaling 'low between 12 and #> 0>0)......................................................................1!% 0ignaling 'low traced on #> 0>0)...............................................................................................1! Transport channel o' P0 data........................................................................................................1!3 Pac6et 0ervice Data &low..............................................................................................................1%+


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Running inter'ace o' DRTCP........................................................................................................1%% Detailed resolution o' Activate PDP ConteCt ReBuest /essage..................................................1%4 Converting A0C88 codes into a character string by using the 1ltra2dit..................................1%3 PDP conteCt activation process originated by 50.......................................................................1 $


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ReBuire/ents by DT,C-T on P0 throughput...............................................................................1% 5aEor para/eters to be collected in DT,C-T...............................................................................#+ Tools 'or collecting data...................................................................................................................## 5easured ite/s related to P0 throughput in overall per'or/ance /easure/ent o' R)C.......#% 5easured ite/s related to P0 throughput in cell per'or/ance /easure/ent...........................# 5easured ite/s related to H0DPA throughput ?cell /easure/ent@............................................#4 related to H01PA throughput ?cell /easure/ent@.......................................................................#4 =ther /easured ite/s related to throughput.................................................................................#. 8ndeCes to Eudge whether a cell has P0 service reBuest.................................................................$$ Cell /easure/ent,cell algorith/ /easure/ent analysis..............................................................$$ Analysis o' cell per'or/ance,8ub inter'ace /easure/ent............................................................$! Cell 5easure/ent,Cell RLC 5easure/ent Analysis....................................................................$% Co/paring operations and analy(ing proble/.............................................................................% Relationship between C-8 and T7 si(e when the 12 is in category 11F1#................................. 4 Relationship between C-8 and T7 si(e when the 12 is at the level 1F ..................................... . H0*0CCH power o''set....................................................................................................................41 Categories o' 12 H01PA capability levels......................................................................................3 P= 'or the 2*A>CH when the 2c,8o at the edge o' cells is F1# d7............................................1+$ P= 'or the 2*R>CH when the 2c,8o at the edge o' cells is F1# d7............................................1+! P= 'or the 2*H8CH when the 2c,8o at the edge o' cells is F1# d7.............................................1+4 Delay test result o' ping pac6et.....................................................................................................1#%

WCDMA PS Service Optimization Guide

9ey words
WCDMA0 PS service0 and t.rou#.put


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".e document serves t.e optimization of PS service pro/lems in lar#e net<or=s% It descri/es pro/lem evaluation0 data collection0 and met.ods for analyzin# pro/lems%

Acrony/s and abbreviationsG

Acrony/s and abbreviations !O !P AP! C4 C1I C1" D" 4SDPA 4S+PDSC4 4S+SCC4 1oS SF U@ S;5@ I;5@ 44O S4O !@ &ull spelling adio !et<or= Optimization adio !et<or= Plannin# Access Point !ame Call 4istory ecord C.annel 1uality Indicator Call 1uality "est Driver "est 4i#. Speed Data Pac=et Access 4i#. Speed P.ysical Do<nlin= S.ared C.annel S.ared Control C.annel for 4S+DSC4 1uality of Service Spreadin# Factor User @3uipment Sc.eduled ;loc= @rror ate Initial ;loc= @rror ate 4ard 4andover Soft 4andover !et<or= @lement


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About This >uide
".e follo<in# ta/le lists t.e contents of t.is document% Title C.apter 7 C.apter & C.apter $ C.apter 9 C.apter 8 C.apter * C.apter D C.apter 6 Description Introduction @valuation of PS ".rou#.put Pro/lems Data Collection Analysis of "raffic Statistics Data Analysis of D"?C1" Data Cases Summary Appendi(



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In WCDMA net<or=s0 /esides traditional conversational service0 data service is #ro<in# <it. features% It .as a si#nificant perspective% ".e inde(es to indicate t.e performance of WCDMA data service includesG

Access performance It is reflected /y t.e follo<in# inde(es of data serviceG


Success rate of

C setup

Success rate of A; setup Success rate of PDP activation

Call drop rate of PS service ".rou#.put Delay ".ere are access delay and t.e service interruption delay caused /y 44O%

".is document addresses on pro/lems in PS service optimization0 suc. as access pro/lems0 data transfer failure0 lo< t.rou#.put of data transfer0 unsta/le rate of data transfer0 and interruption of data transfer% It descri/es t.e met.od to analyze and solve D"?C1" pro/lems% In addition0 it descri/es t.e flo< for processin# access failure and data transfer failure pro/lems in optimization of PS t.rou#.put% For access pro/lems0 call drop and .andover pro/lems0 see W-KPI Monitoring and Improvement Guide, <.ic. provides analysis in terms of si#nalin# flo< and performance statistics% ".is #uide supplements t.e possi/le causes and solutions to PS service access pro/lems in terms of operations% ".is #uide is for !O in commercial net<or=0 not in /enc.mar= trial net<or=% ".e 4SDPA pro/lem analysis and description of MM5 command and product function are /ased on t.e follo<in# product versionsG

;SC*6))B7)) ))*C)7;)*9 ;"S$67&@ B7)) ))*C)&;)9) C arit.metic and product realization default is !C B7*0 refer B7D it <ill /e la/eled%

W.en refer

".e 4SUPA pro/lem analyses0 description of MM5 command and product function are /ased on t.e follo<in# product versionsG

;SC*6))B7)) ))6C)7;)6& D;S$6))+;;U$6)*B7)) ))6C)7;)*&


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2valuation o' P0 Throughput Proble/s

About This Chapter

".is c.apter descri/es t.e evaluation of PS t.rou#.put pro/lems%


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Optimize PS t.rou#.put in terms of D"?C1"% In actual net<or= optimization0 t.e optimization o/Hects and test met.ods are accordin# to contract% "a/le 7%7 lists t.e re3uirements /y D"?C1" on PS t.rou#.put% Table 1.1 e3uirements /y D"?C1" on PS t.rou#.put 8ndeC Avera#e do<nlin= t.rou#.put of :: 0ervice PS U5*9=?D5 *9= PS U5*9=?D5 7&6= PS U5*9=?D5 $69= Avera#e uplin= t.rou#.put of :: PS U5*9=?D5 *9= Re'erence 96J8* =/ps Re'erence test /ethod

"est in t.e areas <.ere @c?Io is lar#e t.an J77 d; and SCP is lar#er t.an J:) d;m% "est <.en traffic is lo< <it.out call drop pro/lems due to con#estion% Put F"P servers in C!% Do<nload <it. 8 t.reads% @(clude non+ A! pro/lems or decline of t.rou#.put caused /y U@% "est in t.e areas <.ere @c?Io is lar#e t.an J77 d; and SCP is lar#er t.an J:) d;m% "est <.en traffic is lo< Et.e uplin= and do<nlin= load is not lar#er t.an planned loadF <it.out call drop pro/lems due to con#estion% Put F"P servers in C!% Do<nload <it. 8 t.reads% @(clude non+ A! pro/lems or decline of t.rou#.put caused /y U@% ".e carrier po<er0 num/er of 4S+PDSC4 codes and Iu/ /and<idt. resource are not restricted% ".e t.rou#.put is determined /y capa/ility of U@% ".e avera#e C1I of tested area is 76% Sin#le su/scri/er in unloaded conditions and in t.e center of cell%

:*J7)* =/ps

$))J$8) =/ps

96J8* =/ps

Do<nlin= avera#e t.rou#.put for 4SDPA sin#le su/scri/er


7%8&M/ps ES;5@ K 7)LF


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Re'erence D*) =/ps

Re'erence test /ethod

Ot.er resources e(cept po<er are not restricted% ".e avera#e C1I of tested area is 7)% Sin#le su/scri/er in unloaded conditions and in t.e ed#e of cell% 9 CA"7& U@s0 and 79 4S+ PDSC4 codes It is restricted /y 4S+PDSC4 code% ".e carrier po<er and Iu/ /and<idt. are not restricted% ".e avera#e C1I of tested area is 76% 9 CA"7& U@s0 and 79 4S+ PDSC4 codes It is restricted /y carrier po<er% ".e 4S+PDSC4 code and Iu/ /and<idt. are not restricted% ".e avera#e C1I of tested area is 76% Uplin= "WP0 IU; /and<idt. resource and U@ ", po<er are not restricted% Pilot po<er $$d;m SCPNK+D)d;m>

".rou#.put of 4SDPA cell


$%&8 M/ps

6)) =/ps

4SUPA Sin#le su/scri/er t.rou#.put


6))=/psM7%7M /ps Ecell centerF

Sin#le su/scri/er in unloaded conditions Set M"U size 78)) /ytes 0 set PDU sizeK $$* /its%

In U@ 1oS profile in 45 0 M; K&M/ps0 service type is ;ac=#round?Interactive ".e data resource of F"P must ma=e sure t.at upload can #et t.e faster rate in t.e <ire connection conditions% O/tain t.e faster rate0 com/ine U@ capa/ility0 #et APP rate in t.e conditions of uplin= "WP0IU; /and<idt. are not restricted%


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Re'erence &))=/psM9))= /ps Ecell ed#eF

Re'erence test /ethod

Uplin= "WP0IU; /and<idt. resource and U@ ", po<er are not restricted% Pilot po<er $$d;m SCPNK+7))d;m>

Sin#le su/scri/er in unloaded conditions set M"U 78)) /ytes 0 set PDU K $$* /its

In U@ 1oS profile in 45 0 M; K&M/ps0 service type is ;ac=#round?Interactive ".e data resource of F"P must ma=e sure t.at upload can #et t.e fast rate in t.e <ire connection conditions% Get t.e fast rate 0 com/ine U@ capa/ility 0 #et APP rate in t.e conditions of uplin= "WP0IU; /and<idt. are not restricted%


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About This Chapter
".e follo<in# ta/le lists t.e contents of t.is c.apter% Title $%7 $%& $%$ Description "raffic Statistics D"?C1" Ot.ers

Data Collection

".ere are t<o maHor met.ods for evaluatin# PS t.rou#.putG traffic statistics and D"?C1"%


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$.1 Tra''ic 0tatistics

For collectin# traffic statistics data0 see W-Equipment Room Operations Guide%


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$.# DT,C-T
"o o/tain D"?C1" data0 use t.e soft<are Pro/e0 U@0 scanner0 and GPS are involved% O/tain t.e information output /y U@0 suc. asG

Covera#e Pilot pollution Si#nalin# flo< Do<nlin= ;5@ ", po<er of U@

;ased on t.e measurement tracin# on !C 5M"0 o/tain t.e follo<in# informationG

Uplin= ;5@ Do<nlin= code transmission po<er Do<nlin= carrier transmission po<er Si#nalin# flo< at !C side

;y t.e D" processin# soft<are Assistant0 analyze compre.ensively t.e data collected /y Pro/e in fore#round D" and tracin# record on !C 5M"% "a/le 7%7 lists t.e maHor parameters to /e collected in D"?C1"% Table 1.1 MaHor parameters to /e collected in D"?C1" Para/eter 5on#itude and latitude Scram/le0 SCP0 @c?Io of active set U@ ", Po<er Do<nlin= ;5@ Uplin=?Do<nlin= application layer0 5C layer t.rou#.put C and !AS si#nalin# at U@ side 4SDPA C1I0 4S+SCC4 sc.edulin# success rate0 t.rou#.put of APP0 5C0 and MAC Uplin= ;5@ Tool Pro/e O GPS Pro/e O U@ Pro/e O U@ Pro/e O U@ Pro/e O U@ 2''ect ecord trace Analyze pro/lems Analyze pro/lems and output reports Analyze pro/lems and output reports Analyze pro/lems and output reports Analyze pro/lems Analyze pro/lems and output reports

Pro/e O U@ Pro/e O U@

!C 5M"

Analyze pro/lems and output reports


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Para/eter Do<nlin= transmission code po<er Sin#le su/scri/er si#nalin# tracin# /y !C Iu/ /and<idt. Do<nlin= carrier transmission po<er and non+4SDPA carrier transmission po<er Do<nlin= t.rou#.put and /and<idt. Do<lin= traffic

Tool !C 5M" !C 5M" !C?!ode; 5M" !C 5M"

2''ect Analyze pro/lems and output reports Analyze pro/lems Analyze pro/lems Analyze pro/lems and output reports

!C 5M" !C 5M"

Analyze pro/lems and output reports Analyze pro/lems

In PS service test0 to reduce t.e impact from "CP receiver <indo< of application layer0 usin# multi+ t.read do<nloadin# tools li=e Flas.Get is recommended% Set t.e num/er of t.reads to 8% For uplin= data transfer0 start several F"P processes% For t.e detailed test and operation met.ods of D" and C1"0 see W+"est Guide% For detailed operations on 5M"0 see W-Equipment Room Operations Guide%


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$.$ =thers
After findin# pro/lems /y traffic statistics0 D"?C1"0 and su/scri/ersP complaints0 analyze and locate pro/lems <it. D"?C1" and t.e follo<in# aspectsG

!C C4 Connection performance measurement Cell performance measurement Alarms on !@s States of !@s Flas.Get DU Meter

"a/le 7%7 lists t.e tools for collectin# data% Table 1.1 "ools for collectin# data Data Tools 'or collecting data M&))) Tools 'or viewing, analy(ing data !astar 2''ect Re/ar6

"raffic statistics data

C.ec= t.e net<or= operation conditions macroscopically0 analyze <.et.er t.ere are a/normal !@s%

For detailed operations on 5M"0 see W+ @3uipment oom Operations Guide% For usa#e of !astar0 see t.e online .elp and operation manual of !astar% See W+"est Guide% See t.e online .elp of !C 5M"

D"?C1" data Connection performance measurement0 cell performance measurement0 si#nalin# tracin# /y !C Alarm

Pro/e O U@ !C 5M"

Assistant Assistant or !C 5M"

Analyze calls in terms of flo< and covera#e /ased on D"?C1" data and traced data on !C

M&))) or !C 5M"

M&))) or !C 5M"

C.ec= alarms <.et.er t.ere are a/normal !@s


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Tools 'or collecting data !C 5M"

Tools 'or viewing, analy(ing data !astar or !C Insi#.t Plus




ecord .istoric record of a/normal calls for all su/scri/ers0 .elp to locate pro/lems% For su/scri/ersP complaints0 analyzin# C4 .elps to find t.e pro/lem .appenin# to su/scri/ers% Do<nlin= <it. multiple t.reads to o/tain more sta/le t.rou#.put O/serve t.rou#.put of application layer real+time0 ta=e statistics of total t.rou#.put0 avera#e t.rou#.put0 and pea= t.rou#.put in a period Et.e result is recorded /y PrintScreen s.otF% Construct sta/le uplin= and do<nlin= data transmission re3uirement% Sniff data pac=et at interfaces and parse data pac=et Assistant tool for PS service test





DU Meter


Assistant tool for PS service test

PS data pac=et



Used /y C! en#ineers% For usa#e0 see appendi(%

PS data pac=et



Used /y C! en#ineers% For usa#e0 see appendi(%

!oteG C4 is called CD5 in t.ose versions prior to !C B7%*% C4 is used in t.ese versions after B7%*%

W.en analyzin# data <it. previous tools0 en#ineers need to com/ine several data for analysis% For e(ample0 in net<or= maintenance sta#e0 if some inde(es are faulty0 analyze some relative data suc. as performance statistic0 alarm data0 and C4 % Accordin# to t.e level of pro/lems0 perform D"?C1" in cell covera#e scope> trace t.e si#nalin# of sin#le su/scri/er and conduct connection performance measurement on !C 5M"% If t.ere are pro/lems in D"?C1"0 analyze t.em /ased on traffic statistics and alarms%


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About This Chapter
Title 9%7 9%&

Analysis o' Tra''ic 0tatistics Data

".is c.apter analyzes traffic statistics data% Description "raffic Statistics Inde(es elated to ".rou#.put Generic Analysis Flo<

".e access0 call drop0 S4O0 44O0 inter+ A" .andover pro/lems may affect t.rou#.put of PS services% ".erefore0 /efore analyzin# and optimizin# t.rou#.put of PS services0 analyze access0 call drop0 S4O0 44O0 inter+ A" .andover pro/lems% "o analyze access pro/lems and traffic statistics inde(es0 see W-Access Problem Optimization Guide "o analyze .andover and call drop pro/lems0 and traffic statistics inde(es0 see W-!andover and "all #rop Problem Optimization Guide


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!.1 Tra''ic 0tatistics 8ndeCes Related to Throughput

".e follo<in# four ta/les are /ased on !C B7%*% "a/le 7%7 lists t.e measured items related to PS t.rou#.put in overall performance measurement of !C% Table 1.1 Measured items related to PS t.rou#.put in overall performance measurement of !C 5easured ite/ Overall performance measurement of !C? 5C statistics measurement 5aEor indeCes


5C /uffer size Avera#e utilization of /uffer !um/er of data pac=ets sent and received /y 5C in "M?AM?UM mode !um/er of data pac=ets dropped /y 5C !um/er of retransmitted data pac=ets

C.ec= <.et.er t.e 5C /uffer is inade3uate C.ec= t.e pro/a/ility of droppin# data pac=ets /y 5C Or <.et.er t.e do<nlin= retransmission rate is over .i#.

Overall performance measurement of !C?U@ state measurement Overall performance measurement of !C? ; measurement

!um/er of U@s in C@55QDC40 C@55QFAC40 C@55QPC40 and U AQPC4 state

Serve as reference for understandin# traffic model of su/scri/ers

!um/er of conversational service0 streamin# service0 interactive service0 and /ac=#round service in various uplin= and do<nlin= rates in PS domain under !C "imes of a/normal call drops for previous services in various rate in PS domain

Analyze t.e num/er of su/scri/ers usin# different services at different rate> Analyze t.e call drop pro/lems of various rate

Overall performance measurement of !C? !C traffic measurement

Uplin= and do<nlin= traffic E 5C layer e(cludes traffic of 5C .eaderF of all services in PS domain under !C


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5easured ite/ Overall performance measurement of !C?PS inter+ A" .andover measurement

5aEor indeCes

2''ect Fre3uent inter+ A" and t.e call drop due to it <ill directly affects PS service su/scri/ersP e(periences% Guarantee .i#. .andover success rate /y analyzin# and optimizin# t.e measured item <.ile avoid pin#+pon# .andover% educe t.e impact from inter+ A" .andover on PS t.rou#.put%

"imes of successful?failure PS inter+ A" .andovers ".e failure causes

"a/le 7%& lists t.e measured items related to PS t.rou#.put in cell performance measurement% Table 1.# Measured items related to PS t.rou#.put in cell performance measurement 5easured ite/ Cell measurement?traffic measurement 5aEor indeCes Uplin= and do<nlin= traffic volume Enum/er of MAC+d PDU /ytesF at Iu/ interface0 traffic of AC40 FAC40 and PC4> Iu/ CC4 /and<idt. DCCCC and con#estion control Collect cell level data 0suc. asG

2''ect Analyze <.et.er t.e CC4 is to /e con#ested> ta=e statistics of Iu/ "C4 traffic

Cell measurement?cell al#orit.m measurement Cell measurement?cell 5C measurement

Analyze cell con#estion pro/lems and rationality of DCCC parameters

"a=e statistics of valid data rate at 5C layer ".e transmission rate of service and si#nalin# ".e droppin# rate

Balid 5C data rate Do<nlin= service !um/er of si#nalin# PDUs !um/er of retransmitted PDUs !um/er of discarded PDUs

Cell measurement?cell t.rou#.put of various services0 t.rou#.put t measurement

Avera#e t.rou#.put and volume of various service

O/tain t.e avera#e t.rou#.put of various services in t.e cell% 2ud#e <.et.er t.e avera#e t.rou#.put meets t.e optimization o/Hectives


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Cell measurement?;5@ measurement of various services in cell

Uplin= avera#e ;5@ of various services in cell ".e ratio of time of ma(imum value of ;5@ !um/er of re3uested 5s at Iu/ interface !um/er of successful 5s !um/er of failed 5s0 Different causes of failures C.ec= t.e resource allocation condition at Iu/ interface <.et.er Iu/ is con#ested%

Cell measurement?Iu/ interface measurement

In cell performance measurement0 4SDPA part is added0 and ot.er inde(es are t.e same as t.at of ::% Some traffic statistics inde(es correspondin# to 4SDPA services are not added to !C traffic statistics% "a/le 9+$ lists t.e measured items related to 4SDPA t.rou#.put Ecell measurementF% Table 1.$ Measured items related to 4SDPA t.rou#.put Ecell measurementF 5easured ite/ Cell measurement?4SDPA service measurement 5aEor indeCes

2''ect Ano< t.e 4SDPA t.rou#.put and num/er of su/scri/ers in cell

Statistics of 4SDPA service setup and deletion !um/er of 4SDPA su/scri/ers in cell D+40 F+4 transition Servin# cell update Intra+fre3uency 44O Inter+fre3uency 44O MAC+D flo< t.rou#.put

"a/le 9+9 lists t.e measured items related to 4SDPA t.rou#.put Ecell measurementF%Measured items Table 1.! related to 4SUPA t.rou#.put Ecell measurementF 5easured ite/ Cell measurement?4SDPA service measurement 5aEor indeCes Measured item R4SUPA%C@55R include t.e PI of service setup 0 release and t.e num/er of @DC4 .andover 2''ect Ano< t.e 4SUPA t.rou#.put and num/er of su/scri/ers in cell


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"a/le 9+8 s.o<s ot.er measured items related to t.rou#.put% Table 1.% Ot.er measured items related to t.rou#.put 5easured ite/ Performance measurement at Iu interface G"P+U measurement !um/er of /ytes sent and received /y G"P+U

5aEor indeCes Iu+PS reset times0 setup and release times0 and overload control times%

2''ect Analyze <.et.er interface is normal


Determine t.e scope of pro/lems /y comparin# 5C layer traffic and G"P+U traffic Distin#uis. A! side pro/lems from C! side pro/lems

U!I 5I!A measurement IMA 5I!A measurement IMA G OUP measurement lin=

Avera#e receivin# and sendin# rate of U!I 5I!A Avera#e receivin# and sendin# rate of IMA 5I!A Avera#e receivin# and sendin# rate of IMA G OUP


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!.# >eneric Analysis &low

Accordin# to 9%70 t.e inde(es related to PS t.rou#.put includeG

Overall performance measurement of !C Cell measurement Performance measurement at Iu interface G"P+U measurement U!IU!I 5I!A measurement IMA 5I!A measurement IMA G OUP lin= measurement

Analyzin# traffic statistics data is mainly /ased on overall performance measurement of !C and cell measurement% Analyzin# !C+level data addresses on evaluatin# and analyzin# performance of entire net<or=% Analyzin# cell+level data addresses on locatin# cell pro/lems% Ot.er measured items li=e Iu interface and transmission .elp en#ineers to analyze pro/lems in t.e <.ole process of performance data analysis% In actual traffic statistics analysis0 evaluate t.e inde(es of entire net<or= and t.en locate cell+level pro/lems%

!.#.1 &low 'or Analy(ing R)C*level Tra''ic 0tatistics Data

Fi#ure 9+7 s.o<s t.e flo< for analyzin# !C+level traffic statistics data%


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&igure 1.1 Flo< for analyzin# !C+level traffic statistics data

".e !C traffic statistics inde(es of current version do not include statistics of t.rou#.put of various services0 /ut include !C traffic volume measurement% ".e traffic volume measurement is relevant to su/scri/ersP /e.aviors and traffic model% ".e traffic volume is not t.e same every day0 /ut is fluctuatin# periodically from Monday to Saturday and Sunday% ".erefore0 upon analysis of !C traffic volume0 o/serve t.e fluctuation of <ee=ly traffic volume% For e(ample0 compare t.e curve c.art of traffic volume for a <ea= <it. t.at
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of last <ea=% If t.ey are similar0 t.e net<or= is runnin# normally accordin# to !C+level analysis% If t.ey are #reatly different from eac. ot.er0 analyze t.e pro/lem in details% W.en analyzin# pro/lems0 c.ec= <.et.er t.e !C+level traffic statistics inde(es are normal in sync.ronization0 suc. as ;0 5C0 Iu interface% ".en follo< t.e flo< for analyzin# cell+level traffic statistics data% If t.e PS t.rou#.put of one or t<o cells is a/normal0 t.is cannot /e reflected /y !C+level traffic statistics% ".erefore0 analyzin# cell+level traffic statistics data is necessary even if !C+level traffic statistics is normal%


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!.#.# &low 'or Analy(ing Cell*level Tra''ic 0tatistics Data

&igure 1.1 Flo< for analyzin# cell+level traffic statistics data


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".e cell+level traffic statistics data is o/taina/le from cell measurement?cell t.rou#.put of various services0 and volume measurement0 includin# t.e avera#e t.rou#.put and total volume of various services% Select a representative service in t.e net<or=0 or a continuous covera#e service% Analyze t.e avera#e t.rou#.put of eac. cell for t.e selected service /y !astar and sort t.e cells /y cell t.rou#.put% Select t.e top ! <orst cells for analysis% ".e cells <it. ) PS A; setup re3uest is e(cluded from sortin# ali#nment0 namely0 t.e total num/er of t.e four inde(es listed in "a/le 7%7 is )% Suc. cells are considered as .avin# no PS service re3uest0 so t.ey are e(cluded from sortin# ali#nment t.e <orst cells for PS t.rou#.put% Table 1.1 Inde(es to Hud#e <.et.er a cell .as PS service re3uest 5easured ite/ Cell measurement Type !um/er of successful A;s <it. A; assi#nment setup in PS domain in cell "imes of 4SDPA service setup re3uests in cell 8ndeC BS% A;%Att@sta/PS%Conv BS% A;%Att@sta/PS%Str BS% A;%Att@sta/PS%Inter BS% A;%Att@sta/PS%;=# Cell measurement?4SDPA service measurement BS%4SDPA% A;%Att@sta/

For t.e <orst cell0 c.ec= t.at t.ey are not <it. access0 call drop0 and .andover pro/lems% ".en analyze t.e cell performance from cell measurement?traffic measurement0 cell measurement?cell al#orit.m measurement0 and cell measurement?cell 5C measurement% 7"a/le 7%& descri/es t.e cell measurement?cell al#orit.m measurement analysis% Table 1.# Cell measurement?cell al#orit.m measurement analysis 8ndeC BS%5CC%;asicCon#!umU5 BS%5CC%;asicCon#!umD5 5eaning "imes of uplin= and do<nlin= /asic con#estion in cell Analysis If one of t.em is lar#e t.an )0 t.e cell is <it. /asic con#estion pro/lem If one of t.em is lar#e t.an )0 t.e cell must /e /adly con#ested 0olution If t.e load of inter+ fre3uency cells <it. overlapped covera#e is lo<0 optimize load /alance parameters% Ot.er<ise consider addin# carriers% If t.e load of inter+ fre3uency cells <it. same covera#e is lo<0 optimize load /alance parameters% Ot.er<ise consider addin# carriers%

BS%5CC%OverCon#!umU5 BS%5CC%OverCon#!umD5

"imes of cell con#estion due to uplin= and do<nlin= overload


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BS%DCCC%D&D%Succ ateDo <n%U@ BS%DCCC%D&D%Succ ateUp% U@

"imes of successful confi#uration of DC4 dynamic c.annel <it. decreasin# do<nlin= rate in cell

If t.e avera#e service t.rou#.put is muc. lo<er t.an t.e /and<idt.0 t.e DCCC al#orit.m parameter may /e irrational% If it is lar#e t.an )0 t.e cell must .ave /een unavaila/le%

Confirm t.e DCCC al#orit.m parameter


5en#t. unavaila/le time of cell


C.ec= alarms and C4 for causes of system a/normalities

&"a/le 7%$ descri/es t.e analysis of cell performance?Iu/ interface measurement% Table 1.$ Analysis of cell performance?Iu/ interface measurement 8ndeC BS%IU;%Att 5Setup BS%IU;%Succ 5Setup 5eaning !um/er of re3uested 5s set up at lu/ interface in cell% !um/er of successful 5s set up at lu/ interface in cell% BS%IU;%Fail 5Setup%Cf #Unsup BS%IU;%Fail 5Setup%Co n# BS%IU;%Fail 5Setup%4 W BS%IU;%Fail 5Setup%O M BS%D5% 5%"imin#%AdHus t%Succ BS%D5% 5%"imin#%AdHus t%Fail !um/er of do<nlin= 5s of successful and failed 5s of timin# adHustment in cell !um/er of 5s failed at lu/ interface due to different causes in cell Analysis If Succ 5Setup S Att 5Setup0 t.e 5 setup must .ave failed at lu/ interface% Analyze t.e pro/lem for detailed causes% Analyze t.e setup failure due to different causes% If t.e BS%IU;%Fail 5Setu p%Con# is lar#e t.an )0 t.e lu/ interface is pro/a/ly con#ested% If t.ey are lar#er t.an )0 timin# adHustment is present in cell% If timin# adHustment fails0 t.e normal sendin# and receivin# may /e affected% 0olution

$F Cell Measurement?"raffic Measurement Analysis

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In cell measurement?traffic measurement analysis0 ta=e statistics of traffic at MAC layer% "a=e statistics of traffic flo<0 si#nalin# flo<0 FAC4? AC4?PC4 transport c.annel flo<0 and Iu/ CC4 /and<idt.% If t.e total service t.rou#.put approac.es availa/le Iu/ /and<idt. of "C40 t.e t.rou#.put may declines due to inade3uate Iu/ /and<idt.% Solve t.is pro/lem /y addin# transmission /and<idt.% 9F "a/le 7%9 descri/es Cell Measurement?Cell 5C Measurement Analysis Table 1.! Cell Measurement?Cell 5C Measurement Analysis 8ndeC BS% 5C%AM%"rfPDU%"rans BS% 5C%AM%"rfPDU% etrans 5eaning !um/er of PDUs sent /y 5C in AM mode !um/er of service PDUs retransmitted /y 5C in do<nlin= in AM mode Service retransmission rate K num/er of PDUs for retransmission service?num/er of sent service PDUs% If t.e retransmission rate is .i#.0 t.ere may /e some pro/lems% Droppin# rate K num/er of dropped service PDUs?num/er of sent service PDUs% If t.e PDU drop rate is .i#.0 t.ere may /e some pro/lems% C.ec= t.e po<er control parameters li=e tar#et value of service ;5@ 0 transmission error rate0 and cloc= a/normality% C.ec= covera#e% Analysis 0olution C.ec= t.e po<er control parameters li=e tar#et value of service ;5@ 0 transmission error rate0 and cloc= a/normality% C.ec= covera#e%


!um/er of service PDUs dropped /y 5C in do<nlin= in AM mode of cell

BS% 5C%AM%Si#PDU%"rans

!um/er of si#nalin# PDUs sent /y 5C in AM mode !um/er of si#nalin# PDUs retransmitted /y 5C in do<nlin= in AM mode !um/er of si#nalin# PDUs dropped /y 5C in do<nlin= in AM mode of cell Si#nalin# retransmission rate K num/er of retransmitted si#nalin# PDUs?num/er of sent si#nalin# PDUs Si#nalin# droppin# rate K num/er of dropped si#nalin# PDUs?num/er of sent si#nalin# PDUs

BS% 5C%AM%Si#PDU% etrans


".e causes of .i#. 5C retransmission rate and PDU pac=et droppin# rate areG

;ad ;5@ of radio lin= Eincludin# <ea= covera#eF 4i#. transmission error rate Cloc= a/normality


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"o confirm <ea= covera#e pro/lem0 perform D"?C1" and analyze C4 as /elo<G

Perform D"?C1" to =no< t.e overall covera#e conditions Analyze C4 to =no< t.e SCP and @c?Io of su/scri/ers in t.e environment Sort t.e su/scri/ers /y SCP in C4 analysis ecord t.e <orst ! su/scri/ers and visit t.e location Perform D"?C1" accordin#ly in t.ese locations


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About This Chapter
Title 8%7 8%& 8%$ 8%9 Description Access Failure

Analysis o' DT,C-T Data

".e follo<in# ta/le lists t.e contents of t.is c.apter%

Disconnection of Service Plane Poor Performance of Data "ransfer Interruption of Data "ransfer


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WCDMA PS service data transfer pro/lems include t.e follo<in# t.ree types in terms of p.enomenaG

Access failure Eor dial+up connection failureF Successful access /ut unavaila/le data transfer Availa/le data transfer /ut lo< speed or #reat fluctuation

For t.e pro/lem <it. different p.enomena0 follo< different flo<s for processin# t.em% &igure 1.1 Flo< for analyzin# D"?C1" data

For access0 call drop0 si#nalin# plane0 and .andover pro/lems0 see W-Access Problem Optimization Guide and W-!andover and "all #rop Problem Anal$sis Guide% ".is #uide supplements some operations in PS service test%


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%.1 Access &ailure

".ere are t<o <ays to use PS servicesG

Ori#inatin# PS services directly on U@0 /ro<sin# <e/ pa#es0 and <atc.in# video streamin# directly on U@ Com/inin# personal computer EPCF and U@% !amely0 U@ serves as t.e modem of PC0 and t.e service is ori#inated t.rou#. PC

In optimization test0 t.e com/ination of PC and U@ is most <idely used% In D"?C1"0 t.e PC is usually a laptop <it. t.e D" soft<are Pro/e installed on it% ".is is called Pro/e O U@% W.en t.e U@ fails to directly ori#inate PS services0 it can o/tain more information /y usin# Pro/e O U@% ".erefore0 t.e follo<in# analysis is mainly /ased on Pro/e O U@%

%.1.1 =riginating P0 0ervice by 12 Directly

Fi#ure 7%& s.o<s t.e flo< for analyzin# access failure pro/lems <.en ori#inatin# PS services /y U@ directly% &igure 1.# Flo< for analyzin# access failure pro/lems <.en ori#inatin# PS services /y U@ directly

".e si#nalin# of ori#inatin# PS services /y U@ directly is t.e same as t.at of PC O U@% ".e
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difference lies in t.e access point name EAP!F0 and t.e <ay to set t.e address for service visitin#% If t.e U@ fails to ori#inate PS services directly0 follo<in# t.e step /elo< for analyzin# causesG

Berify t.e pro/lem /y PC O U@ If t.e PS services t.rou#. PC O U@ are normal0 t.e system must <or= normally% ".en c.ec= and modify t.e AP!0 address for servin# visitin#0 Pro(y0 and pass<ord set on U@%

Follo< 8%7%& if ori#inatin# PS services /y PC O U@ fails%

%.1.# 12 as the 5ode/ o' PC

Fi#ure 7%7 s.o<s t.e flo< for analyzin# access pro/lem <.en t.e U@ serves as t.e modem of PC% &igure 1.1 Flo< for analyzin# access pro/lem <.en t.e U@ serves as t.e modem of PC

&ailure in =pening Port

Fi#ure 7%& s.o<s t.e flo< for processin# pro/lem of failure in openin# port%


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&igure 1.# Flo< for processin# pro/lem of failure in openin# port

".e maHor causes to failure in openin# port includeG

Port in Hard Con'ig of Pro/e is incorrectly confi#ured C.ec= t.e confi#uration in Hardware Con'ig% ".e port must /e consistent <it. t.e Com port and Modem port in Device 5anager in Windo<s operatin# system%

".e port state is a/normal ".e driver is improperly installed% Or durin# D"0 t.e D" tool may a/ort a/normally0 so t.e port mapped in Windo<s Device 5anager is mar=ed /y a yello< e(clamatory mar=% "o solve t.is pro/lem0 reinstall t.e driver0 pull and plu# data line or data card of U@%

After t.e soft<are a/orts a/normally0 t.e port is not deactivated ".e D" soft<are li=e Pro/e may a/ort a/normally0 so t.e correspondin# port is improperly closed% "o solve t.e pro/lem0 3uit t.e Pro/e and restart it% If t.e pro/lem is still present0 restart PC%

".e soft<are of U@ is faulty estart U@ to solve t.e pro/lem%


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".e driver of U@ is incompletely installed einstall t.e driver% ".is pro/lem usually occurs upon t.e first connection of PC and U@%

0uccess'ul Activation o' Port but Access &ailure

Openin# port succeeds0 /ut access fails% ".is is pro/a/ly due to si#nalin# flo< pro/lem% Fi#ure 7%$ s.o<s t.e flo< for analyzin# access failure pro/lems &igure 1.$ Flo< for analyzin# access failure pro/lems

"race t.e !AS and C si#nalin# in Pro/e or trace t.e si#nalin# of sin#le su/scri/er on !C 5M"% Analyze t.e pro/lem /y comparin# it to t.e si#nalin# flo< for standard data service% For t.e si#nalin# flo< for standard data service0 see t.e senior trainin# slides of !PG W-R%P &enior 'raining-&ignaling (lo).
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Fi#ure 7%9 s.o<s t.e si#nalin# flo< of successful setup of a PS service in Pro/e% &igure 1.! Si#nalin# flo< of successful setup of a PS service in Pro/e

In Fi#ure 7%90 Pro/e contains t<o <indo<sG RRC 5essage0 and )A0 5essages% ".e si#nalin# point in )A0 5essages <indo< corresponds to t.e point of direct transfer messa#es in RRC 5essage% ".e follo<in# pro/lem may occur due to t.e comparison of si#nalin# flo<G

C connection setup failure DescriptionG in Fi#ure 7%9 0 it is a/normal from t.e t.e C Connection Setup Complete messa#e% C Connection e3uest messa#e to

AnalysisG t.e U@ fails to send t.e C Connection e3uest messa#e accordin# to t.e RRC 5essages <indo< in Pro/e0 pro/a/ly due toG

Modem port is not selected in t.e Hardware Con'ig <ido< in Pro/e% Test Plan is not confi#ured in Pro/e or improperly confi#ured% ".e port of U@ is a/normal% See t.e Failure in Openin# Port in 8%7%&for solution%

After t.e U@ sends t.e C Connection e3uest messa#e0 it receives no response or receives C Connection eHect messa#e due to t.e admission reHection caused /y <ea= covera#e and uplin= and do<nlin= overload% For details0 see t.e section Analyzin# C Connection Setup Pro/lems in W-KPI Monitoring and Improvement Guide%

U@Ps failure in sendin# Service e3uest


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DescriptionG ".ere in no Service e3uest messa#e in )A0 5essages% AnalysisG ".e U@ may .ave disa/led PS functions or may .ave not re#istered in PS domain%

".e U@ may .ave disa/led PS functions% Some U@ supports CS or PS0 or CS O PS% If t.e U@ is set to support CS0 PS services <ill /e unavaila/le on it% C.ec= t.e U@ confi#uration and Set it to support PS or CS O PS% ".e U@ may .ave not re#istered in PS domain% Accordin# to si#nalin# flo<0 after t.e U@ sends t.e Attac. e3uest messa#e0 t.e net<or= side responds t.e Attac. eHect messa#e% ".e en#ineers at C! side need to c.ec= <.et.er t.e USIM supports PS services%

".e flo< for aut.entication and encryption is a/normal DescriptionG it is a/normal from t.e Aut.entication A!D Cip.erin# @1 in !AS messa#es to t.e Security Mode Complete in C messa#es% AnalysisG t.e en#ineers at C! side need to c.ec= <.et.er t.e aut.entication s<itc. in PS domain of C! is on0 <.et.er t.e C! CS domain0 PS domain0 encryption al#orit.m of !C0 and t.e inte#rity protection al#orit.m is consistent% On !C 5M"0 3uery t.e encryption al#orit.m /y e(ecutin# t.e command L0T 12A% 1uery t.e inte#rity protection al#orit.m /y e(ecutin# t.e command L0T 18A% For details0 see t.e section Analyzin# Aut.entication Pro/lems and t.e section Analyzin# Security Mode Pro/lems in W-KPI Monitoring and Improvement Guide%

PDP activation is reHected DescriptionG after t.e U@ sends t.e Activate PDP Conte(t e3uest messa#e0 it receives t.e Activate PDP Conte(t eHect messa#e% AnalysisG t.ere are t<o types of pro/lems0 t.e improper confi#uration of AP! and rate at U@ side0 or C! pro/lems%

Improper AP! at U@ side If t.e cause value of Activate PDP Conte(t eHect is 5issing or un6nown AP)0 t.e AP! confi#uration is pro/a/ly inconsistent <it. C! side% C.ec= t.e Pro/e and AP! at U@ side0 and compare t.em <it. 45 AP!% For t.e met.od to set AP! of U@ and Pro/e0 see t.e section Connectin# "est Device in Genex Probe Online Help% As= t.e C! en#ineers to c.ec= t.e AP! in 45 %

Improper rate at U@ side If t.e cause value of Activate PDP Conte(t eHect is 0ervice option not supported0 t.e re3uested rate of U@ is pro/a/ly .i#.er t.an su/scri/ed rate in 45 % C.ec= t.e re3uested rate at Pro/e and U@ side0 and compare t.em <it. t.e su/scri/ed rate in 45 % As= t.e C! en#ineers to c.ec= t.e su/scri/er rate in 45 % C.ec= t.e AP! and re3uested rate in t.e Activate PDP Conte(t e3uest messa#e% See t.e appendi( 6%*%

C! pro/lem If t.e AP! at U@ side and restricted rate are properly confi#ured0 t.e pro/lem is pro/a/ly due to C! pro/lem% If some interfaces of C! are unavaila/le0 locate t.e pro/lem <it. en#ineers on PS domain of C!% If t.e PS service is t.e initial commissionin#0 t.e AP! for definin# a su/scri/er /y 45 is inconsistent <it. t.at of #ate<ay GP S support node EGGS!F% Confirm t.is <it. en#ineers on PS domain of C!% For t.e analysis of causes of PDP activation reHection0 see 6%:%

; setup failure
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DescriptionG after Activate PDP Conte(t e3uest0 t.e system fails to receive adio ;earer Setup messa#e0 /ut receives t.e release messa#e% AnalysisG for details0 see t.e section Analyzin# A; or ; Setup Pro/lems in W-KPI Monitoring and Improvement Guide%

Ot.ers See %.$.#% S.rin= t.e scope of t.e pro/lem /y c.an#in# eac. device%


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%.# Disconnection o' 0ervice Plane

Fi#ure 7%7 s.o<s t.e flo< for analyzin# disconnection of service plane0 t.ou#. t.e PS service setup succeeds% &igure 1.1 Flo< for analyzin# disconnection of service plane

%.#.1 Analy(e Proble/s at RA) 0ide

".e connection setup succeeds0 so t.e si#nalin# plane is connected /ut t.e service plane is disconnected% ".is is pro/a/ly due to " ; reset at A! side% For 4SDPA0 t.e service is carried /y 4S+PDSC4 and t.e si#nalin# is carried /y DC4% W.en t.e po<er of 4S+PDSC4 is inade3uate0 pro/a/ly t.e si#nalin# plane is connected and service plane is disconnected% ".e follo<in# sections distin#uis. PS services carried on DC4 from PS services carried on 4SDPA%


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DCH bearer
Fi#ure 7%& s.o<s t.e flo< for analyzin# A! side pro/lem a/out disconnection of service plane for DC4 /earer% &igure 1.# Flo< for analyzin# A! side pro/lem a/out disconnection of service plane for DC4 /earer

Chec6 coverage conditions "race t.e pilot SCP and @c?Io of servin# cell /y Pro/e O U@% 2ud#e <.et.er a point is in <ea= covera#e area% For <ea= covera#e area0 suc. as SCP S J7)) d;m or @c?Io S J 76 d;0 t.e data transfer for PS services is pro/a/ly unavaila/le% SolutionG If t.e SCP is /ad0 optimize it /y improvin# covera#e 3uality% If t.e SCP is 3ualified0 /ut @c?Io is /ad0 c.ec=G

Pilot pollution% ".en optimize t.e serious pilot pollution% Po<er confi#uration of pilot c.annel E5S" PCPIC4F0 usually $$ d;m% ".ere is no e(ternal interference


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Chec6 call drop proble/ due to TR7 reset O/tain t.e C4 files correspondin# to t.e occurrence point of pro/lem% On !C 5M" or in !astar0 c.ec= <.et.er t.ere is a/normal information near t.e point of pro/lem occurrence% ".is provides t.e evidence for Hud#ment% For t.e analysis tool0 see W+API Monitorin# and Improvement Guide% Trace uplin6 and downlin6 throughput and bandwidth On !C 5M"0 select Connection Per'or/ance 5easure/ent N 1plin6 Throughput and 7andwidth, Downlin6 Throughput and 7andwidth% For details0 see t.e online .elp for !C 5M"% C.ec= t.e uplin= and do<nlin= t.rou#.put and /and<idt.% Fi#ure 7%$ s.o<s t.e Connection Performance Measurement+Do<nlin= ".rou#.put and ;and<idt. <indo<% &igure 1.$ Connection Performance Measurement+Do<nlin= ".rou#.put and ;and<idt. <indo<

In Fi#ure 7%$0

".e /and<idt. s.o<n is t.e /and<idt. assi#ned for U@ /y system% ".e D5".rou#.put is t.e actual t.rou#.put of do<nlin= data transfer%

Monitor t.e variation of access layer rate and non+access layer rate of uplin= and do<nlin= data transfer for t.e current connection% ".is .elps analyze t.e functions of dynamic c.annel confi#uration and variation features of service source rate%

If t.e uplin= t.rou#.put is )0 t.e uplin= may /e disconnected% If t.e do<nlin= t.rou#.put is )0 t.e do<nlin= may /e disconnected%

W.en t.e !C DCCC function is valid0 distin#uis. t.e variation of /and<idt. caused /y DCCC% If t.e pro/lem is still not located after previous operations0 collect t.e data pac=ets received and sent at !C 5& and /y G"PU /y usin# t.e tracin# tool !C CD"% ".is .elps Hud#e <.et.er t.e disconnection of su/scri/er plane is in uplin= or do<nlin=0 at C! side or A! side% &urther C.ec= pro/lems at t.e C! side accordin# to analysis of pro/lems at C! side in 8%&%&.
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efer to Comparin# Operations and Analyzin# Pro/lem% C.an#e eac. part and compare t.e operations% ".is .elps reduce t.e scope of t.e pro/lem% Feed /ac= t.e pro/lem%

H0DPA 7earer
".e 4SDPA feature of cell is activated0 ".e U@ supports 4SDPA% ".e rate re3uested /y U@ or t.e su/scri/ed rate is .i#.er t.an 4SDPA t.res.old for do<nlin= ;@ service Efor ;@ serviceF or 4SDPA t.res.old for do<nlin= streamin# service Efor streamin# serviceF% W.en t.e PS services are carried /y 4SDPA0 follo< t.e steps /elo<G Alar/s in R)Cs and CHR C.ec= t.e alarms and C4 for t.e point of pro/lem occurrence <.et.er t.ere are a/normalities% Provide dia#nosis% Deactivate H0DPA 'eatures so that P0 services are set up on DCH Deactivate 4SDPA features /y e(ecutin# t.e command D@A C@554SDPA% Connect U@ to t.e net<or= /y dial+up so t.at PS services are set up on DC4% If t.e data transfer is unavaila/le on DC40 see t.e trou/les.ootin# in previous /loc= DC4 ;earer% If t.e data transfer is availa/le on DC40 t.e pro/lem must /e a/out 4SDPA% Follo< t.e steps /elo<% Chec6 the C-8, H0*0CCH success rate, and 07L2R C.ec= t.e C1I0 4S+SCC4 success rate0 and S;5@ /y Pro/e O U@ as /elo<G

C1I ".e U@ estimates and reports C1I /ased on PCPIC4 @c?!t% If t.e C1I reported /y U@ is )0 t.e !ode; <ill not send U@ any data% In t.e current version0 if t.e C1I calculated /y !ode; /ased on current availa/le po<er is smaller t.an &0 t.e !ode; <ill not sc.edule t.e U@ and send it any data% If t.e common parameters li=e pilot @c?Io0 CellMa(Po<er0 Pcpic.Po<er0 and MPO are normal0 /ut t.e C1I is /ad0 c.an#e a PC% ".e PCs of different types .ave different t.ermal noises0 so t.ey .ave different impact on reported C1I%

4S+SCC4 success rate ".e 4S+SCC4 success rate is o/taina/le in t.e <CD5A H0DPA Decoding 0tatistics <indo< and <CD5A H0DPA Lin6 0tatistics <indo<0 as s.o<n in Fi#ure 7%9%


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&igure 1.! 4SDPA parameters in Pro/e

W.erein0 t.e 4S+SCC4 Success ate ELF is t.e 4S+SCC4 sc.edulin# success rate of t.e U@% It is relevant to t.e follo<in# parametersG

!um/er of 4S+SCC4s !um/er of 4SDPA su/scri/ers Sc.edulin# al#orit.m parameter

If an 4S+SCC4 is confi#ured to t.e 4SDPA cell0 t.e sc.edulin# al#orit.m is t.e al#orit.m0 and all t.e connected su/scri/ers =eeps data transfer0 t.e 4S+SCC4 success rate is t.e reciprocal of num/er of su/scri/ers% !amely0 all t.e su/scri/ers s.are t.e 4S+ SCC4 resource% If t.e 4S+SCC4 success rate of a su/scri/er approac.es )0 t.e data transfer rate of t.e su/scri/er approac.es )0 and t.e service plane may /e disconnected% ".e 4S+SCC4 success rate approac.es ) due toG

".e sc.edulin# al#orit.m is muc. similar to MA, C?I al#orit.m0 more t.an one 4SDPA su/scri/ers connects to t.e cell0 and t.e C1I of t.e su/scri/er is lo<% ".e transmit po<er of 4S+SCC4 is over lo<% !o< in t.e indoor scenario0 t.e transmit po<er of 4S+SCC4 is fi(ed to &L of total transmit po<er of cell% In outdoor scenarios0 t.e proportion is 8L% If t.e transmit po<er of 4S+SCC4 is lo<er t.an t.e fi(ed po<er0 t.e U@ may fail to demodulate 4S+SCC4 data% !o data is transmitted at t.e application layer% Confirm t.is /y t.e actual transmitted data volume in t.e Connection Per'or/ance 5easure/ent*1plin6 Throughput and 7andwidth, Downlin6 Throughput and 7andwidth on !C 5M"%
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".e C1I reported /y U@ is over lo<0 so t.e !ode; <ill not sc.edule t.e su/scri/er%

S;5@ /ein# 7))L ".e S5;@ is t.e slot /loc= error rate of 4S+DSC4% In Fi#ure 7%90 t.e ri#.t pane of t.e <CD5A H0DPA Decoding 0tatistics <indo< s.o<s t.e S;5@ and retransmission conditions of transport /loc=s of different sizes% ".e <CD5A H0DPA Lin6 0tatistics <indo< s.o<s t.e follo<in# parametersG

4S+DSC4 S;5@ +Deta 4S+DSC4 S;5@ +Avera#e

W.erein0 t.e Delta is t.e instantaneous value% ".e Average is t.e avera#e value% W.en t.e 4S+PDSC4 @c?!t is over lo<0 t.e S;5@ <ill /e 7))L% ".is is actually caused /y inade3uate 4SDPA po<er% C.ec= t.e 4SDPA po<er confi#uration /y e(ecutin# t.e command L0T C2LLH0DPA% W.erein0 t.e 4S+PDSC4 and 4S+SCC4 po<er are t.e 4SDPA po<er confi#uration% ".ere are t<o met.ods for 4SDPA po<er confi#urationG static po<er confi#uration and dynamic po<er confi#uration%

If t.e po<er of t.e parameter confi#uration is .i#.er t.an or e3ual to t.e ma(imum transmit po<er of cell0 use dynamic po<er confi#uration% If t.e po<er of t.e parameter confi#uration is lo<er t.an t.e ma(imum transmit po<er of cell0 use static po<er confi#uration%

".e availa/le po<er of 4S+PDSC4 in static po<er confi#uration K ma(imum transmit po<er of cell J po<er mar#in J :: do<nlin= load Eincludin# CC4 loadF J 4S+SCC4 po<er% ".e availa/le po<er of 4S+PDSC4 in dynamic po<er confi#uration K po<er of 4S+ PDSC4 and 4S+SCC4 J 4S+SCC4 po<er% !ote t.e static po<er confi#uration% Due to po<er control0 t.e :: services can use 4S+ PDSC4 po<er% Accordin# to previous t<o formulas0 in dynamic po<er confi#uration of 4SDPA po<er0 if t.e po<er mar#in is over lar#e0 :: do<nlin= load is over .i#.0 or 4S+SCC4 po<er is over .i#.0 t.e availa/le po<er of 4S+PDSC4 is over lo<% In static po<er confi#uration of 4SDPA po<er0 if t.e 4S+PDSC4 and 4S+SCC4 po<er are over lo<0 or 4S+SCC4 po<er is over .i#.0 t.e availa/le po<er of 4S+PDSC4 is over lo<% S;5@ is 7))L seldom due to inade3uate po<er0 unless t.e C1I reported /y U@ is over small% W.en t.e po<er of !ode; is inade3uate0 t.e C1I calculated /y !ode; is smaller0 t.e sc.eduled "; /loc=s /ecomes smaller0 so t.e rate o/tained /y U@ declines% SolutionG adHust parameter confi#uration% If t.e :: load is over .i#.0 add carriers% Chec6 the available bandwidth, occupied bandwidth, and assigned bandwidth at 8ub inter'ace 1uery Iu/ /and<idt. /y e(ecutin# t.e command DSP AA5&PA"4 on !C 5M"% Or start t.e tas= Periodic eportin# of Iu/ ;and<idt. Assi#nment Conditions of 4SDPA on !ode; console% If errors occur in data transmission0 t.e IMA #roup num/er of AA5&PA"4 EFor 4SDPAF on !ode; fails to matc. t.at on !C% W.en t.e availa/le /and<idt. of 4SDPA is inade3uate due to product soft<are pro/lems0 t.e data transfer is unavaila/le%

%.#.# Analy(ing Proble/s at C) 0ide

".e pro/lems at C! side include a/normal <or= state of service servers and incorrect user name and


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pass<ord% Fi#ure 7%7 s.o<s t.e flo< for analyzin# pro/lems at C! side a/out disconnection of service plane% &igure 1.1 Flo< for analyzin# pro/lems at C! side a/out disconnection of service plane

Confirm /y ot.er access net<or= or 5A! t.at t.e service soft<are servers and service soft<are run normally%

5A! Use F"P or 4""P service on a PC connected to 5A!0 and c.ec= <.et.er t.e service is availa/le% In addition0 verify t.e user name and pass<ord of t.e connected user%


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Ot.er radio access net<or= under t.e same C! If different $G access net<or=s under t.e same C! sets up PS service or sets up PS service from t.e G PS net<or=0 c.ec= <.et.er t.e service is normal%

After previous c.ec=s0 if t.e service servers <or= normally0 focus on t.e pro/lems at A! side for analysis% If t.e service servers are a/normal accordin# to previous c.ec=s0 as= t.e on+site en#ineers of C! PS domain to solve t.e pro/lem%

".e IP address for visitin# F"P and 4""P service servers /y 5A! is different from t.at for visitin# service servers after t.e U@ sets up <ireless connection% For details0 turn to on+site en#ineers of C! PS domain%


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%.$ Poor Per'or/ance o' Data Trans'er

".e poor performance of data transfer0 in terms of t.rou#.put measurement0 lies in t.e follo<in# pro/lemsG

Unsta/le rate li=e #reat fluctuation 5o< rate

".e poor performance of data transfer0 in terms of 1oS0 lies in t.e follo<in# pro/lemsG

Unclear streamin# ima#e ;ufferin# 5o< rate in /ro<sin# <e/ pa#es

".e appendi( 6%7contains t.e transport pat. of PS data% ".e PS data passes Internet service servers0 GGS!0 SGS!0 !C0 !ode;0 and finally U@% Mean<.ile t.e PS data passes Gi0 Gn0 IuPS0 Iu/0 and Uu interfaces% Durin# t.e process0 t.e PS data passes Internet servers to GGS! usin# IP protocol% ;et<een t.em0 t.ere may /e one or more devices li=e router and fire<all% ".e PS services use t.e AM mode of 5C and support retransmission function% ".e F"P and 4""P services use "CP protocol <.ic. supports retransmission% ".e parameters of t.ese t<o protocols E 5C?"CPF .ave #reat impact on rate% If t.e parameter confi#uration is improper0 or missin# and droppin# data pac=et may cause t.e data rate to decline% W.en c.ec=in# t.e 3uality of service E1oSF0 en#ineers ma=e U@ as t.e modem of a computer runnin# applications0 so t.e performance of computer and servers <ill influence t.e 1oS% ;y and lar#e0 several factors affect t.e performance of data transfer of PS services0 and t.ey includeG

A! side C! e3uipment Applications and service soft<are

".e applications and service soft<are pro/lems are contained in t.e C! side pro/lems% Fi#ure 7%7 s.o<s t.e flo< for analyzin# poor performance of data transfer%


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&igure 1.1 Flo< for analyzin# poor performance of data transfer

%.$.1 Chec6ing Alar/s

If t.ere is a pro/lem0 c.ec= <.et.er t.ere are alarms% 1uery t.e !ode; and !C alarms at A! side% 1uery t.e SGS!0 GGS!0 5A! s<itc.0 router0 and fire<all at C! side% ".e alarms li=e a/normal cloc= alarms0 .i#. transmission error rate0 and a/normal e3uipment affect data transfer% If pro/lems cannot /e located accordin# !@ alarms0 refer to 8%$%&% ;y comparin# operations and analyzin# pro/lem0 reduce t.e scope of pro/lem%

If t.e pro/lem is at A! side0 refer to 8%$%$% If t.e pro/lem is at C! side0 refer to 8%$%*% If t.e pro/lem concerns /ot. t.e A! and C! side0 analyze it from /ot. sides%


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%.$.# Co/paring =perations and Analy(ing Proble/

Compare operations and analyze pro/lem to focus on t.e possi/le faulty !@ and to determine t.e scope of pro/lemG at C! side and service soft<are0 or at A!% Table 1.1 Comparin# operations and analyzin# pro/lem =rder 7 =peration C.an#e USIM card Result Data transfer pro/lem .as /een solved Analysis Pro/lem may/e related to user information confi#ured in t.e USIM card% ".e pro/lem cannot /e located0 so continue c.ec=s% elated to U@0 suc. as incompati/ility and poor performance of U@ ".e pro/lem cannot /e located0 so continue c.ec=s% elated to drivers0 AP!0 restricted rate0 and fire<all% ".e pro/lem cannot /e located0 so continue c.ec=s% ".e pro/lem at C! side0 related to service soft<are ".e pro/lem cannot /e located0 so continue c.ec=s% ".e pro/lem at C! side0 related to performance of server0 "CP?IP parameters0 or service soft<are ".e pro/lem cannot /e located0 so continue c.ec=s% ".e pro/lem at A! side%

Data transfer pro/lem is still unsettled & C.an#e U@?data card Data transfer pro/lem .as /een solved

Data transfer pro/lem is still unsettled $ C.an#e PC Data transfer pro/lem .as /een solved Data transfer pro/lem is still unsettled 9 C.an#e PC under t.e same server Eensure t.an t.e service is runnin# normally0 and try to PI!G t.e server and use streamin# services% C.an#e a ne< <e/site for visitin# Efrom ot.er <e/sitesF Data transfer pro/lem .as /een solved Data transfer pro/lem is still unsettled Data transfer pro/lem .as /een solved

Data transfer pro/lem is still unsettled * C.an#e ot.er access net<or= under t.e same Data transfer pro/lem .as /een solved


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=peration server0 suc. as GP S net<or=

Result Data transfer pro/lem is still unsettled Data transfer pro/lem .as /een solved

Analysis ".e pro/lem cannot /e located% ".e !ode; pro/lem0 or improper confi#uration of parameters related to t.e !ode; and confi#ured /y !C ".e pro/lem cannot /e located%

"est on ot.er !ode;s

Data transfer pro/lem is still unsettled

After t.e appro(imate scope of pro/lem cannot /e located after previous c.ec=s0 analyze it as a pro/lem of data transfer at A! side and C! side%

%.$.$ Analy(ing Poor Per'or/ance o' Data Trans'er by DCH

".e mec.anism at t.e air interface of 4SDPA is different from t.at of DC40 so different factors affect data transfer on DC4 and 4SDPA% Fi#ure 7%7 s.o<s t.e flo< for analyzin# A! side pro/lem a/out poor performance of data transfer on DC4%


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&igure 1.1 Flo< for analyzin# A! side pro/lem a/out poor performance of data transfer on DC4

)2 Alar/s
Alar/ chec6 If t.e performance of data transfer for PS services is poor0 analyze !ode; and !C alarms% ".e cloc= alarms0 alarms on transmission error rate0 and transmission interruption may cause fluctuation of PS data% For 3ueryin# !ode; and !C alarms0 see W+@3uipment oom Operations Guide%


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Data trans'er a''ected by 1u inter'ace W.en PS services are carried /y DC40 t.e factors affectin# data transfer at Uu interface includesG

DC4 /and<idt. State transition ;loc= error rate E;5@ F at Uu interface

Fi#ure 7%& s.o<s t.e flo< for analyzin# data transfer affected /y Uu interface% &igure 1.# Flo< for analyzin# data transfer affected /y Uu interface

DC4 /and<idt. W.en PS services are carried /y DC40 t.e !C assi#ns /and<idt. for eac. connected U@% ".e /and<idt. depends on spreadin# factor and codin# met.od% On !C 5M"0 in t.e Connection Performance Measurement+Uplin= ".rou#.put and ;and<idt.0 Do<nlin= ".rou#.put and ;and<idt. <indo<0 c.ec= t.e uplin= and do<nlin= assi#ned /and<idt. and t.rou#.put% ".e /and<idt. is t.e c.annel /and<idt. assi#ned to U@ /y A!% ".e Dl".rou#.put is t.e actual do<nlin= rate of data transfer% Assi#nin# /and<idt. Enamely0 code resource0 po<er resource0 and Iu/ resource are normalF is normal if one of t.e follo<in# conditions is metG

".e /and<idt. is t.e same as t.e re3uest rate or su/scri/ed rate% Ma(imum assi#na/le rate Esuc. as $69 =/psF is met upon DC4 /earer%

If t.e /and<idt. assi#ned to U@ is smaller t.an t.e e(pectation0 t.ere are t<o causesG
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Con#estion or ot.er causes% ".e A! cannot assi#n U@ <it. c.annels of .i#.er rate0 <.ic. is a/normal% DCCC al#orit.m of !C% If t.e DCCC al#orit.m parameter is rational0 t.e decline of rate is normal%

@na/le t.e DCCC al#orit.m in t.e e(istin# net<or= so t.at t.e system can save resource /y reducin# assi#ned /and<idt. upon decline or pause of data transfer% 4o<ever0 t.e DCCC al#orit.m confi#uration may /e irrational% DCCC al#orit.m involves rate adHustment /ased on traffic and covera#e0 and rate adHustment in soft .andover ES4OF S4O areas% Accordin# to t.e parameters confi#ured on site and /ased on al#orit.m0 Hud#e <.et.er t.e assi#nment and adHustment of DC4 /and<idt. are rational0 <.et.er t.ere are a/normalities0 and <.et.er t.e pro/lem is solve /y adHustin# parameters% If t.e assi#ned DC4 /and<idt. is small due to con#estion and ot.er a/normalities0 solve t.e pro/lem /y t.e follo<in# met.odsG

"race si#nalin# of sin#le su/scri/er 1uery cell do<nlin= load0 assi#nment of code resource0 and availa/le /and<idt. at Iu/ interface O/tain C4 from ;AM and c.ec= t.e a/normalities on !C I!SIG4" P5US or !astar%

;5@ at Uu interface ".e ;5@ at uplin= and do<nlin= Uu interface directly affect data transfer of PS services% If t.e avera#e of U5 ;5@ or D5 ;5@ measured in a period is e3ual to or /etter t.an ;5@ "ar#et0 t.e code errors at Uu interface are normal% Ot.er<ise0 analyze t.is pro/lem% D5 ;5@ measurementG collect D" data /y Pro/e and U@0 and t.en import t.e D" data to Assistant for analysis% U5 ;5@ measurementG In Connection Per'or/ance 5easure/ent*1plin6 Transport Channel 7L2R <indo<0 import t.e measurement file to Assistant0 and analyze to#et.er <it. t.e Pro/e D" data files% ".e po<er control and covera#e affects t.e uplin= and do<nlin= ;5@ in t.e follo<in# aspectsG

Outer loop po<er control s<itc.% C.ec= t.at t.e outer loop po<er control s<itc. of !C is on% Covera#e% C.ec= <.et.er t.e uplin= and do<nlin= are restricted in t.e areas <it. /ad U5 ;5@ and D5 ;5@ % For details0 see W+ F Optimization Guide% Performance of U@% C.an#e a U@ of ot.er types and compare t.eir performance% Set t.e se3uence su/mission to "U @ or FA5S@% ".is affects t.e rate and fluctuation of do<nlin=% If you set t.e se3uence su/mission to "U @0 t.e 5C =eeps t.e transfer se3uence of upper+layer PDUs% If set t.e se3uence su/mission to FA5S@0 t.e receiver 5C entity allo<s sendin# SDUs to upper+layer in a se3uence different from t.e sender% If you set t.e se3uence su/mission to FA5S@0 t.e uplin= rate for data transfer <ill /e lo< and data transfer fluctuates muc.% Settin# se3uence su/mission to "U @ /y e(ecutin# t.e command MOD GP S on 4ua<ei 45 is recommended%

In Se3uence Delivery

Data Trans'er A''ected by 8ub 8nter'ace ".e transport code error at Iu/ interface0 delay Hitter0 and Iu/ /and<idt. affect t.e performance of data transfer%
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Fi#ure 7%$ s.o<s t.e flo< for analyzin# data transfer affected /y Iu/ interface% &igure 1.$ Flo< for analyzin# data transfer affected /y Iu/ interface

"ransport code error and delay Hitter Accordin# to transport alarms and cloc= alarms0 c.ec= <.et.er t.ere are pro/lems% ;and<idt. at Iu/ interface

C.ec= <.et.er t.e Iu/ interface is con#ested /y t.e follo<in# met.odsG


1ueryin# t.e /and<idt. at Iu/ interface on !C 5M" and !ode; 5M"% eferrin# to t.e section Flo< for Analyzin# Cell+level "raffic Statistics Data% C.ec=in# a/normal record in C4


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1ueryin# /and<idt. at Iu/ interface at !C side proceeds as /elo<G J J J J 1uery adHacent node correspondin# to eac. cell /y e(ecutin# t.e command 5S" AA5&AD2!OD@ 1uery t.e pat. of t.e !ode; /y e(ecutin# t.e command 5S" AA5&PA"4% 1uery t.e /and<idt. /y e(ecutin# t.e command 5S" A"M" F% 1uery t.e residual /and<idt. /y e(ecutin# t.e commands DSP AA5&AD2!OD@ and DSP AA5&PA"4 at !C side%

1ueryin# t.e /and<idt. at Iu/ interface at !ode; side proceeds as /elo<G AA5&PA"4 is necessary at !ode;% ".e relevant commands include 5S" AA5&PA"4 and DSP AA5&PA"4%

Co/parison o' Throughput at APP and RLC Layer ".e t.rou#.put at APP and 5C layer is o/taina/le /y D"?C1"% For t.e t.eoretical relations.ip of rate at eac. layer0 see t.e appendi( 6%&% If t.e rate of APP t.rou#.put and 5C t.rou#.out is lo<er t.an t.e normal ran#e accordin# to t.eoretical analysis0 t.e retransmission cost of "CP?IP is over lar#e% C.ec= and modify t.e "CP receiver <indo< and M"U confi#uration% For t.e met.od0 see t.e appendi( 6%9 and 6%8%

%.$.! Analy(ing Poor Per'or/ance o' Data Trans'er by H0DPA at RA) 0ide
".e 4SDPA net<or= sc.edules po<er and code resources /y code division or time division /et<een multiple su/scri/ers% W.en t.ere is only one 4SDPA su/scri/er in a cell0 t.e follo<in# factors affect t.e rate for data transferG

4SDPA availa/le po<er !um/er of 4S+PDSC4 codes in cell E<.en t.ere is only one su/scri/er0 a 4S+SCC4 is necessaryF Cate#ory of U@ Ema(imum num/er of codes supported /y U@ and <.et.er to support 7*1AMF adio si#nals near U@

In addition0 t.e follo<in# factors affect t.e reac.a/le ma(imum rateG

Su/scri/ed rate ;and<idt. at Iu/ interface Ma(imum rate supported /y !C0 !ode;0 GGS!0 and SGS!%

W.en t.ere are multiple su/scri/ers0 /esides previous factors0 t.e sc.edulin# al#orit.m used /y !ode; and num/er of 4S+SCC4 confi#ured to cell affects t.e rate of data transfer% An 4SDPA su/scri/er <or=s as /elo<G

".e U@ reports C1I on 4S+DPCC4% ".e !ode; o/tains t.e C1I of U@Ps location% ".e sc.edulin# module inside !ode; evaluates different su/scri/ers /y c.annel conditions0 t.e amount of data in cac.e for eac. su/scri/er0 t.e last servin# time% It t.en determines t.e 4S+DSC4 parameters% ".e !ode; sends 4S+DSC4 parameters on 4S+SCC40 and after t<o slots it sends data on 4S+DSC4% ".e U@ monitors 4S+SCC4 for information sent to it% If t.ere is any sc.edule
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information0 it starts receivin# 4S+DSC4 data and /uffers t.em%

Accordin# to 4S+SCC4 data0 t.e U@ Hud#es <.et.er to com/ine t.e received 4S+DSC4 data and data in soft /uffer% ".e U@ demodulates t.e received 4S+DSC4 data0 and send t.e ACA?!ACA messa#e on uplin= 4S+DPCC4 accordin# to C C result% If t.e !ode; receives t.e !ACA messa#e0 it resends t.e data until it receives t.e ACA messa#e or reac.es t.e ma(imum retransmission times%

In t.e D" tool Pro/e0 out of consideration for multiple su/scri/er sc.edulin# and retransmission at MAC+4S layer0 t.ere are t.ree rates at MAC+4S layerGSc.eduled ateServed ateMAC 5ayer ate% 0erved Rate H 0cheduled Rate I H0*0CCH 0uccess Rate 5AC Layer Rate H 0erved Rate I ?1* 07L2R@

Sc.eduled rate Sc.edule rate K total /its of all ";s received in statistics period?total time <it. "; sc.eduled in statistics period ".e total bits o' all T7s received in statistics period include all t.e /its of received correct and <ron# ";s% ".e total ti/e with T7 scheduled in statistics period includes t.e time <it. data received and e(cludes t.e time <it.out data received%

Served rate Served rate K total /its of all ";s received in statistics period?statistics period ".e total bits o' all T7s received in statistics period include t.e /its of received correct and <ron# ";s% ".e statistics period includes t.e time <it. and <it.out data received%

MAC layer rate MAC 5ayer ate K total /its of correct ";s received in statistics period?statistics period ".e total bits o' correct T7s received in statistics period include t.e /its of correct ";s and e(clude /its of <ron# ";s% ".e statistics period includes t.e time <it. and <it.out data received%

4S+SCC4 success rate is t.e success rate for receivin# 4S+SCC4 data /y U@ S5;@ K <ron# ";s received at MAC+4S layer?Ereceived correct and <ron# ";sF ACA+N!ACA?D", is t.e ratio t.at !ode; Hud#es t.e ACA messa#e as !ACA?D", messa#e%

Fi#ure 7%7 s.o<s t.e flo< for analyzin# poor performance of data transfer on 4SDPA at A! side%


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&igure 1.1 Flo< for analyzin# poor performance of data transfer on 4SDPA at A! side

)2 Alar/s
W.en t.e performance of data transfer for PS services is poor0 analyze t.e !ode; and !C alarms% ".e cloc= alarms0 alarms on transport code error0 and transmission interruption may lead to fluctuation of PS data% For 3ueryin# !ode; and !C alarms0 see W-Equipment Room Operations Guide%

<hether the 0ervice 8s 0et 1p on H0DPA Channel

C.ec= t.e I@ serving H0D0CH RL indicator of t.e messa#e ; S@"UP on !C% If t.e I@ is True0 and t.e SF of do<nlin= c.annel code is &8*0 t.e service must /e carried /y 4SDPA c.annel0 as s.o<n in Fi#ure 7%&%


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&igure 1.# Confirmin# in t.e !C messa#e t.at PS service is set up on 4SDPA c.annel

'ou can also c.ec= t.e information li=e reported C1I in t.e <CD5A H0DPA Lin6 0tatistics <indo< in t.e D" soft<are Pro/e% If no information is in t.e <indo<0 t.e service must /e carried on DC40 as s.o<n in Fi#ure 7%$% &igure 1.$ Confirmin# in Pro/e t.at service is set up on 4SDPA c.annel


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If t.e service is not set up on 4SDPA c.annel0 it <ill automatically /e set up on DC4% !o< t.e service rate is t.e rate of :: service0 usually e3ual to or smaller t.an $69 =/ps% If it is confirmed t.at t.e service is not set up on 4SDPA c.annel0 analyze it from t.e follo<in# aspects%

4SDPA cell is not set up C.ec= at !C side <.et.er t.e 4SDPA cell is activated /y e(ecutin# t.e command 5S" C@554SDPA% C.ec= at !ode; side <.et.er t.e local cell supports 4SDPA% C.ec= /y e(ecutin# t.e command 5S" 5OC@55 <.et.er t.e value of t.e local cell is " U@ or FA5S@% If t.e 4SDPA cell at !C side is not activated0 activate it /y e(ecutin# t.e command MOD 5OC@55G 5OC@55K)0 4SDPAK" U@% In addition0 durin# modifyin# t.e 4SDPA cell confi#uration on !C0 if 4SDPA codes are statically assi#ned0 and if t.ere are e(cessive :: su/scri/ers connected to t.e cell so t.e code assi#ned to 4SDPA is inade3uate0 t.e !C still displays t.at t.e modifyin# 4SDPA cell confi#uration succeeds% 4o<ever0 actually t.e 4SDPA cell is not successfully set up% C.ec= <.et.er t.e codes assi#ned to 4SDPA cell are successful /y selectin# Realti/e Per'or/ance 5onitoring N Cell Per'or/ance 5onitoring N Code Tree Tracing on !C%

Incorrect type of 4SDPA AA5&PA"4 or !o Confi#uration Set t.e type of 4SPDA AA5&PA"4 to 4SDPAQ " or 4SDPAQ! "% Ot.er<ise t.e cell can support :: services only0 /ut not 4SDPA services% It is recommended t.at one 4SDPA AA5&PA"4 is confi#ured to one !ode;% If multiple 4SDPA AA5&PA"4s are confi#ured0 t.e data pac=ets are easily dropped in t.e current version% 1uery it at !C or !ode; side /y e(ecutin# t.e command 5S" AA5&PA"4% If t.e 4SDPA AA5&PA"4 is set to " or ! "0 t.e do<nlin= su/scription rate of U@ is & M/ps% W.en t.e U@ accesses t.e net<or=0 settin# su/scri/er plane for 4SDPA service fails0 and t.e !C <ill automatically set up t.e su/scri/er plane of PS $69=/ps service% Accordin# to si#nalin# of t.e ; Setup messa#e0 t.e service is set up on ::0 and SF is 6%

4SDPA su/scri/erPs admission failure ".e 4SDPA su/scri/erPs admission failure leads to t.at t.e !C reconfi#ures 4SDPA service to /e carried /y PS$69A c.annel of :: service% If t.e service cannot /e set up0 t.e U@ continues to access t.e net<or= after lo<erin# t.e rate of :: service% If t.e rate of connected 4SDPA su/scri/er is as lo< as $69 =/ps0 7&6 =/ps0 or *9 =/ps of :: services accordin# to test0 confirm <.et.er t.e service is set up on 4SDPA c.annel and <.et.er t.e admission fails% C.ec= <.et.er t.e follo<in# aspects are rationalG

Uplin= and do<nlin= load of :: services Do<nlin= code resource Iu/ transmission resource !um/er of 4SDPA su/scri/ers ".res.old of 4SDPA cell rate Guaranteed rate t.res.old of streamin# service Guaranteed po<er t.res.old

Over .i#. 4SDPA t.res.old for do<nlin= ;@ service


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".e 4SDPA t.res.old for do<nlin= ;@ service defines t.e rate Hud#ment t.res.old for /ac=#round or interactive services carried on 4S+DSC4 in PS domain% If t.e re3uest rate is #reat t.an or e3ual to t.e t.res.old0 t.e PS service is carried on 4S+DSC4> ot.er<ise0 t.e PS service is carried on DC4% Set 4SDPA t.res.old for do<nlin= ;@ service /y e(ecutin# t.e command S@" F CG Dl;e"raff".sOn4sdpaKD$69 on !C%

Low 0cheduled Rate

".e "; size of !ode; sc.edulin# depends on C1I0 4SDPA codes0 availa/le po<er for 4SDPA0 and so on% "; size?&ms is sc.eduled rate% !ormally0 t.ere is mappin# relations.ip Edependin# on mappin# ta/le of !ode; C1I in actual useF /et<een t.e sc.edule rate and C1I reported /y U@% ".e !ode; <ill filter and adHust t.e C1I reported /y U@0 so t.e sc.eduled rate and C1I sc.eduled /y !ode; .ave mappin# relations.ip0 not completely .avin# mappin# relations.ip <it. t.e C1I reported /y U@% "a/le $%7 lists t.e relations.ip /et<een C1I and "; size accordin# to t.e protocol $GPP &8%$)*% It is only for reference0 t.e product realization does not completely consist <it. protocol% Table $.1 elations.ip /et<een C1I and "; size <.en t.e U@ is in cate#ory 77J7& C-8 value ) 7 & $ 9 8 * D 6 : 7) 77 7& 7$ 79 78 7* Transport 7loc6 0i(e !?A 7$D 7D$ &$$ $7D $DD 9*7 *8) D:& :$7 7&*& 796$ 7D9& &&D: &86$ $$7: $$7: )u/ber o' H0*PD0CH Out of ran#e 7 7 7 7 7 7 & & & $ $ $ 9 9 8 8 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) J7 5odulation Re'erence power adEust/ent


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C-8 value 7D 76 7: &) &7 && &$ &9 &8 &* &D &6 &: $)

Transport 7loc6 0i(e $$7: $$7: $$7: $$7: $$7: $$7: $$7: $$7: $$7: $$7: $$7: $$7: $$7: $$7:

)u/ber o' H0*PD0CH 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8


Re'erence power adEust/ent J& J$ J9 J8 J* JD J6 J: J7) J77 J7& J7$ J79 J78

Table $.# elations.ip /et<een C1I and "; size <.en t.e U@ is at t.e level 7J* C-8 value ) 7 & $ 9 8 * D 6 : 7) Transport 7loc6 0i(e !?A 7$D 7D$ &$$ $7D $DD 9*7 *8) D:& :$7 7&*& )u/ber o' H0*PD0CH Out of ran#e 7 7 7 7 7 7 & & & $ 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 5odulation Re'erence power adEust/ent


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C-8 value 77 7& 7$ 79 78 7* 7D 76 7: &) &7 && &$ &9 &8 &* &D &6 &: $)

Transport 7loc6 0i(e 796$ 7D9& &&D: &86$ $$7: $8*8 976: 9**9 8&6D 866D *889 D7*6 D7*6 D7*6 D7*6 D7*6 D7*6 D7*6 D7*6 D7*6

)u/ber o' H0*PD0CH $ $ 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

5odulation 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 1PSA 7*+1AM 7*+1AM 7*+1AM 7*+1AM 7*+1AM 7*+1AM 7*+1AM 7*+1AM 7*+1AM 7*+1AM 7*+1AM 7*+1AM 7*+1AM 7*+1AM 7*+1AM

Re'erence power adEust/ent ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) J7 J& J$ J9 J8 J* JD J6

".e follo<in# factors affect sc.eduled rateG

C1I If t.e do<nlin= rate of U@ is lo<0 c.ec= <.et.er t.e C1I reported /y U@ is over lo<0 and c.ec= t.e PCPIC4 SCP and @c?Io of t.e servin# cell from t.e follo<in# aspectsG

".e covera#e is <ea=0 and t.e C1I reported /y U@ is lo<% ".e interference is stron#0 and t.ere is pilot pollution0 and t.e C1I reported /y U@ is lo<% W.en t.e 4SDPA servin# cell is fre3uently updated0 t.e 4SDPA su/scri/ers cannot c.an#e accordin#ly due to punis.ment0 so t.e C1I reported /y U@ is lo<%

If t.e covera#e is <ea=0 improve t.e C1I reported /y U@ /y F optimization and constructin# sites%


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If t.e interference is stron#0 adHust t.e azimut. and do<n tilt in F optimization% ".is forms a primary cell% If t.e 4SDPA servin# cell is fre3uently updated0 avoid fre3uent .andover /y adHustin# antenna azimut. and do<n tilt or constructin# sites in F optimization%

Availa/le po<er of 4SDPA cell If t.e availa/le po<er of 4SDPA cell is over lo<0 t.e "; size of !ode; sc.edulin# <ill /e affected% 4SDPA po<er confi#uration includes dynamic and static confi#uration% ".e !C MM5 is MOD C@554SDPAG 4SDPAPOW@ K9$)% ".e unit of 4SDPA po<er is )%7 d;% ".e total po<er of all 4S+PDSC4s and 4S+SCC4s must not e(ceed t.e 4SDPAPOW@ % W.en 4SDPAPOW@ in previous formula is .i#.er t.an or e3ual to total po<er of cell0 t.e 4SDPA po<er confi#uration is dynamic confi#uration% ".e availa/le po<er of 4SDPA cell K total po<er of cell T E7 J po<er mar#inF J po<er used /y :: "C4 and CC4% W.en 4SDPAPOW@ in previous formula is lo<er t.an total po<er of cell0 t.e 4SDPA po<er confi#uration is static confi#uration% !amely0 t.e availa/le po<er of 4SDPA cell is t.e 4SDPAPOW@ % 4o<ever0 t.e ma(imum availa/le po<er K total po<er of cell T E7 J po<er mar#inF J CC4 po<er%
In static po<er distri/ution0 t.e :: services may occupy t.e po<er of 4SDPA cell0 so t.e actual po<er used /y 4SDPA cell is not t.e confi#ured po<er%

Analyze t.e factors affectin# availa/le po<er of 4SDPA cell from t.e follo<in# aspectsG

1uery po<er mar#in /y e(ecutin# t.e command 5S" MAC4SPA A on !ode;% ".e default po<er mar#in is 7)L0 namely0 t.e total do<nlin= load of cell can use :)L of total po<er of cell% On !C 5M"0 select Realti/e Per'or/ance 5onitoring N Cell Per'or/ance 5onitoring N TC Carrier Power% O/serve t.e transmit carrier po<er and po<er used /y non+4SDPA su/scri/ers% ".e availa/le po<er of 4SDPA K transmit carrier po<er + po<er used /y non+4SDPA su/scri/ers% If t.e po<er used /y non+4SDPA su/scri/ers is over .i#.0 t.e availa/le po<er of 4SDPA cell /ecomes lo<0 so t.e sc.eduled rate is affected%

Availa/le codes of 4SDPA cell If inade3uate codes are assi#ned to 4SDPA su/scri/ers0 t.e "; size of !ode; sc.edulin# <ill /e affected%%

4SDPA U@ CA"@GO ' ".e $GPP protocol &8%$)* defines 7& types of U@ cate#ory% In a ""I0 t.e U@ of a type o/tains different ma(imum "; size0 so t.e ma(imum sc.eduled rate o/tained /y U@ is different% ".e U@ reports its capa/ility in t.e I@ hsdsch physical layer category of t.e Connection Setup Complete messa#e%% C

Amount of data to /e transmitted /ein# smaller t.an t.e ma(imum "; size ".e "; size sc.eduled /y !ode; depends on t.e availa/le po<er and codes of t.e su/scri/er0 as <ell as t.e amount of data transferred /y t.e su/scri/er% If t.e amount of data sent is smaller t.an t.e ma(imum sc.eduled "; size0 t.e rate at p.ysical layer is lo<er t.an t.e e(pectation% ".is pro/lem occurs <.en t.ere is data in !ode; /uffer /ut t.e amount of data is


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inade3uate for a sc.eduled ma(imum "; size%

Low 0erved Rate

Accordin# to t.e previous formula Served ate K Sc.eduled ate T 4S+SCC4 Success ate0 if t.e sc.eduled rate is normal0 over lo< 4S+SCC4 success rate leads to over lo< served rate% If t.ere is only one su/scri/er in normal conditions0 and t.e 4S+SCC4 po<er and traffic are not restricted0 t.e success rate of 4S+SCC4 is s.all /e .i#.ly approac. to 7))L% ".e success rate of 4S+SCC4 is relevant to 4S+SCC4 po<er0 num/er of 4S+SCC4s0 num/er of su/scri/ers0 sc.edulin# al#orit.m0 and transported traffic% ".e follo<in# para#rap.s descri/e t.em respectively%

4S+SCC4 po<er distri/ution ".e 4S+SCC4 is a do<nlin= CC40 s.ared /y all su/scri/ers% ".e U@ =eeps monitorin# U@ ID on 4S+SCC40 and Hud#e <.et.er t.e U@ ID is for itself% If t.e U@ ID is for itself0 it demodulates 4S+PDSC4 data% ".erefore0 correct demodulation of 4S+SCC4 #oes /efore data transfer% ".ere are t.ree types of 4S+SCC4 po<er0 transit S@" MAC4SPA A in !ode; 0 ) s.o<s t.at 4S+SCC4 po<er control is /ased on C1I % 7 s.o<s 4S+SCC4 po<er c.an#eless> & s.o<s use a po<er control mode <.ic. #o <it. DC4 and =eep a fi(ed po<er deflection value% Default is )% EAttentionG t.e edition /efore !ode;$67&@B7)) ))DC)$;)9) canCt /e set to type )0 need use type 7 %F ".e 4S+SCC4 po<er is in static confi#uration or dynamic confi#uration% ".e default confi#uration is static confi#uration% Set t.e 4S+SCC4 po<er to a fi(ed ratio of ma(imum transmit po<er of cell as /elo<G

Set t.e ratio to $L in indoor environment% Set t.e ratio to 8L in outdoor environment%

Set t.e 4S+SCC4 po<er on !ode; 5M" /y e(ecutin# t.e command /elo<G S@" MAC4SPA AG PW F5GKFI,@D0 PW K8> 4S+SCC4 po<er can /e confi#ured as dynamic po<er control0 <.ic. is ac.ieved /y settin# a po<er offset to t.e pilot /it of D5+ADPC4% ".e po<er offset is relevant to spreadin# factor of do<nlin= DPC4 and <.et.er t.e U@ is in S4O state% W.en t.is met.od is used0 t.e 4S+SCC4 po<er offset is listed as in "a/le $%$% ".e MM5 command is as /elo<G S@" MAC4SPA AG PW F5GKD'!AMIC> Table $.$ 4S+SCC4 po<er offset 0preading 'actor o' downlin6 DPCH 9 6 7* $& *9

H0*0CCH power o''set in non*0H= period J7)%D8 JD%D8 J9%D8 J7%D8 O7%&8
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H0*0CCH power o''set in 0H= period J*%D8 J$%D8 J)%D8 O&%&8 O8%&8
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7&6 &8*

O9%&8 OD%&8

O6%&8 O77%&8

) s.o<s t.at 4S+SCC4 po<er control is /ased on C1I 0 <.ic. <or=s li=e t.isG First set 4S+SCC4 initialization ", po<er ".en accordin# to C1I c.an#e 0 adHust 4S+SCC4 po<er0 li=e DC4 inner+loop po<er control% At last 0 accordin# to t.e ACA?!ACA?D", information from 4S+DPCC4Cs feed/ac= 0adHust 4S+SCC4 po<er 0 li=e DC4 outer+loop po<er control% ".e parameter of t.e po<er control <.ic. /ase on C1ICs 4S+SCC4 G 4S+SCC4Cs initial po<er 0 Default is &6E+$ d;mF0 relative to pilot po<er > 4S+SCC4 po<er controlCs aim F@ 0 Default is 7)LE7LF

!um/er of 4SDPA su/scri/ers and num/er of 4S+SCC4s ".e success rate of 4S+SCC4 is relevant to num/er of su/scri/ers%

If t.ere is only one 4SDPA su/scri/er in a cell0 t.e traffic is not restricted and 4S+ SCC4 po<er is ade3uate0 t.e success rate of 4S+SCC4 for t.e su/scri/er approac.es 7))L% If t.ere are multiple 4SDPA su/scri/ers in t.e cell0 t.e success rate of 4S+SCC4 for eac. su/scri/er is relevant to sc.edulin# al#orit.m and num/er of 4S+SCC4s%

Usually set t.e 4S+SCC4 accordin# to availa/le po<er of 4S+PDSC40 code resource0 and traffic of service source% For e(ample0 if U@s used in t.e cell are all cate#ory 7& U@0 set num/er of 4S+PDSC4 codes and num/er of 4S+SCC4s as /elo<G

If you set 8 codes to 4S+PDSC40 it is recommended to set & 4S+SCC4s% If you set 7) codes to 4S+PDSC40 it is recommended to set $ 4S+SCC4s% If you set 79 codes to 4S+PDSC40 it is recommended to set 9 4S+SCC4s%

Sc.edulin# al#orit.m Usin# different sc.edulin# al#orit.m for multiple su/scri/ers ena/les eac. su/scri/er to /e sc.eduled at different pro/a/ility% For e(ample0 after Ma( C?I sc.edulin# al#orit.m is used0 t.e su/scri/ers far from t.e cell center <ill .ardly or even never /e sc.eduled due to lo< C1I% ".e sc.edulin# al#orit.m is one function of ne< function entity of 4SDPA0 t.e MAC+.s function entity% Four factors are involved as /elo<G

C1I C1I is t.e 3uality of si#nals received /y U@ at t.e location% WaitQInterQ""I It indicates t.e len#t. of time t.at t.e U@ must <ait for service% 1ueue priority 1ueue len#t. Ma( C?I Eonly considerin# C1I valueF Eonly considerin# <aitQInterQ""IF Classic PF Eproportional fair0 considerin# previous factorsF @PF@n.anced Proportional FairB7D edition
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".e follo<in# sc.edulin# al#orit.ms are typicalG



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Parameters are not confi#ured for current sc.edulin# al#orit.m% Select one of previous t.ree al#orit.ms /y e(ecutin# t.e command /elo<G S@" MAC4SPA AG 5OC@55K7)7$70 SMKPF>??".e previous al#orit.m corresponds to t.e PF sc.edulin# al#orit.m%

"raffic After previous confi#uration and c.ec=s0 t.ere is no pro/lem and C1I reported /y U@ is .i#.0 /ut t.e rate of su/scri/ers fluctuates% C.ec= do<nlin= traffic in Connection Per'or/ance 5onitoring <indo< on !C 5M"0 and see <.et.er t.ere is enou#. traffic for sc.edulin#% Or c.ec= do<nlin= traffic in H0DPA 1ser &low Control Per'or/ance Periodic Report <indo< on !ode; 5M"% ".e cause of t.is pro/lem is unsta/le source rate0 sin#le t.read used upon do<nloadin#0 and small "CP <indo<% In t.e 4SDPA User Flo< Control Performance Periodic eport <indo<0 t.ere are follo<in# selectionsG

1ueue Priority 1ueue ;uffer Used atio 5C User ;uffer Size Input Data Size Output Data Size

Select -ueue 7u''er 1sed Ratio to dra< picture on 5M"0 and c.ec= t.e occupation of !ode; 3ueue% Select RLC 1ser 7u''er 0i(e to c.ec= 5C /uffer% Select 8nput Data 0i(e and =utput Data 0i(e to c.ec= t.e sendin# and receivin# 3ueue data% ".e data involved in =utput Data 0i(e is t.e data <it. ACA indicator received%

estricted ate at U@ side ".e re3uest service type0 uplin= and do<nlin= ma(imum rate are sent to U@ /y A" commands% ".e U@ sends t.e information to C! in t.e follo<in# Active PDP conte(t re3uest messa#e% W.en t.e su/scri/ed rate is .i#.er t.an or e3ual to t.e re3uested ma(imum rate0 t.e C! sends t.e A! Assi#nment re3uest messa#e at t.e re3uested ma(imum rate% If t.e resource is not restricted at !C side0 t.e final output rate is t.e re3uest ma(imum rate% If t.e do<nlin= ma(imum rate in t.e A; Assi#nment re3uest messa#e is muc. lo<er t.an sc.eduled rate0 and t.e traffic in /uffer is inade3uate upon !ode;Ps sc.edulin#0 t.e success rate of 4S+SCC4 must /e lo<% @(ecute A" commands as /elo<G

i#.t clic= My Computer Select Property N 4ard<are N Device Mana#er N Modem N Property N Senior "ype A" command into t.e Initialization Command te(t /o(% Set AP! /y A" command% If you <ant to set AP! to cmnet0 t.e rate is restricted to *9 =/ps in uplin= and $69 =/ps in do<nlin=0 e(ecute t.e follo<in# commandG ATJcgdcontH1,KipK,Kc/netKL JcgeBreBH1,$, !,$.! W.en you remove t.e restriction on rate0 e(ecute A" command to set t.e rate to )% ".e value ) means t.at no specified rate is re3uested0 so t.e system assi#ns t.e su/scri/ed rate as possi/le% @(ecute t.e follo<in# commandG ATJcgdcontH1,KipK,Kc/netKL JcgeBreBH1,$,+,+ estriction of /and<idt. at Iu/ interface

If t.e p.ysical /and<idt. at Iu/ interface is restricted0 t.e 4SDPA service o/tains inade3uate AA5&PA"4 /and<idt.% As a result0 t.e traffic in !ode; /uffer is inade3uate0
&))6+7&+78 All ri#.ts reserved Pa#e4$ 0 "otal1 !

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so t.e success rate of 4S+SCC4 is lo<% In addition0 t.e :: AA5&PA"4 and 4SDPA AA5&PA"4 are respectively confi#ured0 /ut t.ey s.are t.e p.ysical /and<idt.% If multiple :: su/scri/ers are usin# t.e /and<idt. at Iu/ interface in t.e cell0 t.e 4SDPA service o/tains inade3uate AA5&PA"4 /and<idt.% As a result0 t.e success rate of 4S+SCC4 is lo<%

ACA?!ACA repeat factor ".e follo<in# parameters at p.ysical layer are sent to U@ and !ode; in t.e messa#es at .i#.er layerG

ACA?!ACA repeat factorG !Qac=nac=Qtransmit C1I repeat factorG !Qc3iQtransmit C1I feed/ac= cycleG C1I Feed/ac= Cycle =

After t.e U@ demodulates 4S+PDSC4 data0 t.e U@ sends an 4A 1 ACA or !ACA messa#e /ased on cyclic redundancy c.ec= EC CF of MAC+.s0 and it repeats sendin# t.e ACA?!ACA messa#e in t.e continuous !Qac=nac=Qtransmit 4S+DPCC4 su/frames% If t.e !Qac=nac=Qtransmit is lar#er t.an 70 t.e U@ <ill not try to receive or demodulate transport /loc=s /et<een t.e 4S+DSC4 nO7 and n O !Qac=nac=Qtransmit J 7 su/frames% ".e n is t.e su/ frame num/er of last 4S+DSC4 in t.e received transport /loc=s% !o< t.e rate o/tained /y U@ is as /elo<G ate of U@ <.en t.e ACA?!ACA is not repeatedly sent T E7? !Qac=nac=QtransmitF

Low 5AC Layer Rate

Accordin# to a previous formula MAC 5ayer ate K Served ate T E7+ S;5@ F0 lo< MAC layer rate is a result of .i#. S;5@ % !ormally0 <.en t.e I;5@ is 7)L0 t.e S5;@ <ill /e lo<er t.an 78L% ".e follo<in# factors affect S;5@ %

I;5@ I;5@ affects MAC+4S retransmission0 so it conse3uently affects t.e actual rate of su/scri/ers% ".e I;5@ .ere is num/er of incorrect ";s?num/er of total ne< data /loc=s <.en t.e !ode; transmits ne< data% ".e S;5@ .ere is num/er of incorrect /loc=s?Enum/er of incorrect and correct /loc=sF <.en t.e !ode; transmits ne< data or retransmits data% I;5@ directly affects S;5@ % !o< t.e default I;@5 is 7)L% I;5@ directly affects t.e po<er for sc.edulin# eac. su/scri/er% ".is is similar <it. outer loop po<er control of ::% @(ecute t.e command S@" MAC4SPA A to set t.e follo<in# itemsG

Sc.edulin# al#orit.m MAC+4S retransmission times Po<er mar#in 4S+SCC4 po<er Initial ;5@

".e MM5 command is as /elo<G S@" MAC4SPA AG 5OC@55K70 SMKPF0 M, @" A!K90 PW MG!K7)0 PW F5GKFI,@D0 PW K80 I;5@ K7)>

5o< C1I and inade3uate 4SDPA po<er If t.e C1I reported /y U@ is lo<0 and t.e availa/le po<er of 4SDPA is inade3uate0 S;5@ <ill /e .i#.% ".e size of an MAC+d PDU is $$* /its% ".e MAC PDU re3uires t.e "; size lar#er t.an $$* /its in transmission% As a result0 t.e C1I upon !ode;Ps


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sc.edulin# must /e lar#er t.an a value to meet t.at I;5@ is <it.in 7)L%

C1I reported /y U@ /ein# .i#.er t.an actual one ".e C1I reported /y U@ is inaccurate0 .i#.er t.an t.e actual one% ".e !ode; adHusts t.e C1I accordin# to tar#et I;5@ 0 /ut it ta=es some time for adHustment% Durin# t.is period0 t.e !ode; transfers data <it. lo< po<er accordin# to t.e C1I reported /y U@% As a result0 t.e S5;@ is .i#.0 so t.e performance of data transfer is affected% SolutionG /y Windo<s 4yper"erminal0 connect U@ to t.e data card% AdHust t.e C1I reported /y U@ /y e(ecutin# A" commands E".is solution caters for 4ua<ei data card only% ".e current version does not support t.isF% AssumeG /efore t.e follo<in# operations0 t.e C1I reported /y connected U@ is &8%

@na/le t.e function of adHustin# C1I0 set t.e offset to J&))0 and lo<er C1I% "ype t.e follo<in# commandG A"UC1IK70+&)) ".e U@ responds OA% ".e C1I is &J$ lo<er t.an /efore0 and is &&J&$% @na/le t.e function of adHustin# C1I0 set t.e offset to )0 and t.e C1I restores to /e t.e actual value% "ype t.e follo<in# commandG A"UC1IK70) ".e U@ responds OA% ".e C1I is &8% @na/le t.e function of adHustin# C1I0 set t.e offset to &))0 and raise C1I% "ype t.e follo<in# commandG A"UC1IK70&)) ".e U@ responds OA% ".e C1I is &J$ lo<er t.an /efore0 and is &DJ&6% Disa/le t.e function of adHustin# C1I% "ype t.e follo<in# commandG A"UC1IK)0&)) ".e U@ responds OA% ".e C1I remains &DJ&6% If you type <ron# parameters as /elo<G A"UC1IK707))07 ".e U@ responds "OO MA!' PA AM@"@ S% If you 3uery t.e state of C1I adHustment function0 type t.e follo<in# commandG A"UC1IV W.en t.e U@ responds OCM@ @ O 0 t.e current !B time 9996 !BQC1IQAD2US"QI is not activated0 and t.e adHustment function is disa/led% W.en t.e U@ responds UC1IG)0&))0 t.e function of adHustin# C1I is disa/led% W.en t.e U@ responds UC1IG70&))0 t.e function of adHustin# C1I is ena/led%

Over lo< pilot po<er On prior version of !ode;s0 accordin# to "" test0

If t.e po<er of ot.er c.annel is 7) d; .i#.er t.an pilot c.annel0 t.is leads to a 7)L code error for 4SDPA% If t.e po<er of ot.er c.annel is 7$ d; .i#.er t.an pilot c.annel0 t.is leads to a 7))L code error for 4SDPA%

!o< t.e !ode; can adHust po<er in a certain scope accordin# to 4SDPA S;5@ % If t.e po<er of ot.er c.annels is 7$ d; .i#.er t.an t.e pilot po<er0 t.e impact on t.rou#.put is little% Settin# PIC4 over lo< is for/idden> ot.er<ise0 t.e po<er is inade3uate after adHustment /y !ode;% ".is leads to over .i#. S;5@ 0 and conse3uently t.e t.rou#.put is affected%

Low RLC Layer Rate

5C AM use t.e mode of Wpositive? ne#ative affirm decisionR to carry t.rou#. dependa/le data
&))6+7&+78 All ri#.ts reserved Pa#e4% 0 "otal1 !

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transmission% Use Wslip <indo< a#reementR carry t.rou#. flu( control% ;efore 5C donCt receive affirm pac=a#e 0 t.e most num/er PDU <.ic. can /e send is W 5C send <indo< R % t.e more /etimes send point receive affirm information 0 t.e faster t.e <indo< slip% ".e faster 5C can send% W.ereas 0 t.e slo<er 5C can send % even appear 5C replacement result in drop call% If Sc.eduled ateServed ate and MAC 5ayer ate is normal 0 it need more adHust <.et.er 5C ".rou#.put is normal% ".e relations.ip /et<een 5C ".rou#.put andMAC 5ayer ateG 5C ".rou#.putKMAC 5ayer ate T E7+MAC+4S PDUCs caput spendin# rateF ;ecause PDUCs caput spendin# rate is small 0 <atc. 5C ".rou#.put and MAC 5ayer ate from Pro/e0 t.e curve superposition If 5C ".rou#.put o/vious less t.an MAC 5ayer ate0 it is a/normal%

4i#. ACA+N!ACA?D", ratio ACA+N!ACA?D", is t.e ratio t.at t.e !ode; Hud#es ACA as !ACA?D",% Simulation re3uires t.e avera#e pro/a/ility of ACA+N!ACA?D", to /e lo<er t.an 7L% If t.e !ode; Hud#es ACA as !ACA?D",0 t.e !ode; <ill retransmit t.e data correctly received /y U@% ".is <astes resource and lo<ers su/scri/ersP rate% ".e follo<in# parameters descri/e an e(ample on Pro/e0 as s.o<n in Fi#ure 7%9%

&igure 1.! 4i#. code error of ACA+N!ACA?D", in Pro/e

In t.e <CD5A H0DPA Decoding 0tatistics <indo<0 you can see ACA+N!ACA?D",% In Fi#ure 7%9 0 ACA+N!ACA?D", is D*%)7L% ".e ri#.t pane displays detailed num/er of /loc=s t.at are correct received and retransmitted% As a result0 ACA+ N!ACA?D",KD6)6?ED6)6O&9*8FKD*%)7L% In t.e <CD5A H0DPA Lin6 0tatistics <indo<0 t.e MAC 5ayer ate+Avera#e is *D%$$ =/ps% In t.e left pane0 t.e 5C D5 ".rou#.put is 7*%7: =/ps% ".e ratio of 5C rate and MAC rate is 7*%7:?*D%$$0 e3ual to &9%)8L% If t.e correct /loc=s t.at are
&))6+7&+78 All ri#.ts reserved Pa#e4 0 "otal1 !

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repeated received is e(cluded from calculatin# MAC layer rate0 t.e MAC layer rate is *D%$$ T E7+ D*%)7F K 7*%78 =/ps% ".e MAC layer rate is appro(imately e3ual to 5C rate%

Over lo< confi#uration of 4S+DPCC4 po<er parameters 4S+DPCC4 is an uplin= dedicated p.ysical c.annel0 transportin# t.e ACA?!ACA0 and C1I messa#es at p.ysical layer% 4S+DPCC4 is not under respective po<er control0 /ut .as a po<er offset <it. do<nlin= DPCC4% W.en 4S+DPCC4 carries different information0 it uses different offset values% If t.e ACA?!ACA po<er offset on 4S+DPCC4 is over lo<0 t.e ACA+N!ACA?D", demodulated /y !ode; in uplin= <ill /e over.i#.0 and conse3uently t.e su/scri/ersP rate is affected% For t.e description of 4S+DPCC4 po<er parameters0 see t.e appendi( 4S+DPCC4 Po<er Control Parameter Confi#uration%

Uplin= and do<nlin= 5 im/alance in .andover areas ".e uplin= and do<nlin= 5 im/alance in .andover areas are defined as /elo<0 and s.o<n inG 5&Qdl N 57Qdl 5&Qul S 57Qul

&igure 1.% Uplin= and do<nlin= 5 im/alance in .andover areas

;ecause 5&Qdl N 57Qdl0 t.e servin# cell is updated0 and t.e 4SDPA service is set up in t.e cell &% ".e !C adHusts SI tar#et accordin# to com/ination result of t<o U5 5s due to S4O% ".e t<o cells perform inner loop po<er control accordin# to SI tar#et% ".e U@ com/ines t.e do<nlin= "CP of t.e t<o cells% Accordin# to com/ination principles0 if t.e "CP of one cell is J70 lo<er po<er accordin#ly% W.en t.e "CP of t<o cells is O70 raise po<er% ;ecause 5&Qul S 57Qul0 t.e 57Qul SI is conver#ed to tar#et value0 and 5&Qul SI is lo<er t.an t.e tar#et value% ".e po<er control over 4S+DPCC4 is /ased on t.e associated c.annel of 5Qul0 so t.e demodulation performance of 4S+DPCC4 ACA?!ACA?C1I cannot meet re3uirement% As a result0 t.e performance of data transfer for 4SDPA su/scri/ers is poor% Analysis proceeds as /elo<G

O/tain 4SDPA+4SDPA .andover test data0 includin# t.e data at U@ side and !C side% Accordin# to sin#le su/scri/in# si#nalin# tracin#0 analyze to see <.et.er t.ere is a


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servin# cell updated due to U5 5 failure% If yes0 find t.e U@ APP t.rou#.put at t.e correspondin# point%

Wit. t.e data at !C side0 dra< a c.art involvin# uplin= SI 0 SI tar#et0 U5 ;5@ 0 do<nlin= t.rou#.put0 PCPIC4 SCP and @c?!o% O/tain t.e SI information on 4SDPA uplin= associated c.annel% ;ased on t.e results from Step & and $ a/ove0 o/tain t.e information a/out 5 im/alance% Analyze 5 im/alance and provide solutions%


Impact from po<er control of uplin= associated DC4 ".e impact from po<er control of uplin= associated DC4 includes t.e follo<in# t<o aspectsG

4S+DPCC4 is not under individual po<er control0 /ut .as a po<er offset <it. uplin= DPCC4% If t.e uplin= DC4 po<er control is not conver#ed0 and ;5@ is over.i#.0 t.e uplin= 4S+DPCC4 po<er <ill /e over lo<0 and t.e !ode; <ill Hud#e ACA as !ACA?D", in a #reat pro/a/ility% As a result0 t.e rate of 5C layer for 4SDPA su/scri/ers is over lo<% "CP and 5C uses AM mode0 so sendin# t.e ACA messa#e is necessary on uplin= DC4% "CP provides relia/le transport layer0 t.e receiver responds t.e ACA messa#e% Any t.e data and t.e ACA messa#e may /e lost durin# transmission0 so "CP sets a timer upon sendin# for solvin# t.is pro/lem% If t.e sender does not receive t.e ACA messa#e till e(piration of t.e timer0 it resends t.e data% As a result0 t.e rate for data transfer is affected% If t.e uplin= DC4 po<er control is not conver#ed0 and ;5@ is over .i#.0 t.e sender "CP <ill fail to receive t.e ACA messa#e and resend t.e data% As a result0 t.e rate of data transfer is affected% 5C uses AM mode% If t.e uplin= ;5@ is not conver#ed0 t.e 5C <ill receive a late ACA response or no response% After e(piration0 t.e 5C resend t.e data0 so t.e rate for data transfer is affected% If t.e 5C fails to receive t.e ACA messa#e after multiple times0 5C reset occurs% ".e 5C sendin# <indo< can confi#ure t.e ma(imum value to &)9D at most% W.en t.e rate for sendin# /y 5C is .i#.0 and t.e response to 5C is late0 t.e 5C sendin# <indo< <ill /e full and no ne< data can /e sent%

C.ec= t.e uplin= ;5@ in 1plin6 7L2R of R)C Connection Per'or/ance 5onitoring <indo<% ".e /aseline re3uires tar#et uplin= ;5@ as 7L% Find t.e causes of non conver#ence of uplin= po<er control from t.e follo<in# t<o aspectsG

C.ec= <.et.er t.e "WP fluctuates a/normally0 and <.et.er t.ere is uplin= interference% C.ec= "WP in !C cell performance monitorin#% C.ec= <.et.er t.e confi#uration of outer loop po<er control parameters for t.e current services is proper% Focus on SI "ar#et and ;5@ "ar#et% Follo< t.e steps /elo<G 1uery t.e inde( value for current services /y e(ecutin# t.e command 5S" "'P A;% For e(ample0 t.e inde( value for t.e $69 =/ps services is &&% 1uery SI "ar#et and ;5@ "ar#et /y e(ecutin# t.e command 5S" "'P A;G A;I!D@,K&&0 " C4"'P@K" C4Q4SDSC40 IU;" A!S;@A "'P@KIU;QG OU!DQ" A!S> Modify SI "ar#et and ;5@ "ar#et for current service /y e(ecutin# t.e command MOD "'P A;O5PCG A;I!D@,K&&0 SU;F5OWI!D@,K)0 " C4"'P@K" C4Q4SDSC40


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IU;" A!S;@A "'P@KIU;QG OU!DQ" A!S0 ;5@ 1UA5I"'K+&)> ++++@nd In addition0 in remote deployment test of sin#le 4SDPA su/scri/er in a sin#le 4SDPA cell0 at t.e cell ed#e0 t.e C1I reported /y U@ is #ood0 /ut su/scri/erPs rate is lo<0 even as lo< as )% ".e maHor cause is t.at t.e uplin= po<er of U@ is restricted0 t.at uplin= po<er control is not conver#ed0 and t.at uplin= ;5@ is .i#.0 even as .i#. as 7))L%

Wron# confi#uration of AA5& PA"4 E!ode; C N !C PC 0 or confi#ured /and<idt. N p.ysical /and<idt.F ".e C parameter is added to AA5& PA"4 at !ode; side to fulfill flo< control% It is t.e receivin# rate of !ode;% For A"M driver0 t.e receivin# rate cannot /e restricted0 so t.e C parameter is lo#ical only% ".e receivin# rate is not necessarily e3ual to t.e confi#ured C parameter0 /ut depends on t.e sendin# rate of !C0 namely0 t.e PC and SC upon confi#uration of AA5&PA"4 /y !C% ".e !ode; deducts t.e /and<idt. correspondin# to :: call from t.e total /and<idt. of PA"4 accordin# to receivin# rate0 and t.en o/tains t.e residual /and<idt. of all PA"4% ".e C is reported to DSP0 and t.e DSP construct frame informs !C of residual /and<idt.% ".e residual /and<idt. is for 4SDPA su/scri/ers0 so t.e flo< is controlled% If t.e receivin# /and<idt. C of !ode; AA5& PA"4 is lar#er t.an PC of !C AA5& PA"40 t.e data pac=ets at Iu/ interface <ill /e dropped% In addition0 if t.e confi#ured /and<idt. of AA5&PA"4 is lar#er t.an t.e p.ysical actual /and<idt.0 t.e data pac=ets at Iu/ interface <ill /e dropped% As a result0 t.e total t.rou#.put of cell declines% In B7D edition0 <.en :: ne< operation connect0 Ma(+rate multiply activation #ene as operation rate to admittance% So if you <ant to adHust activation #ene0 you can adHust connection num/er % if confi#ure activation #ene is small 0 it can connect more connection 0 /ut multi+connection <.it .i#. rate <ill /rin# lu/ con#estion0 result in :: PS or 4SDPA PS lose pac=a#e 0 touc. off a lot of 5C send a#ain 0 conse3uently0 :: PS or 4SDPA PS 5C layer rate astaticism% SolutionG open lu/ over/oo=in# flo< control s<itc. <.ic. /ase on 5C retransmission rate% If discover :: or 4SDPA PS retransmission rate e(ceed t.e #ate<ay <.ic. set /efore 0 initiate :: PS "F limit fall 3uic=ly or 4SDPA PS PS rate T fall coefficient 0 li#.ten or eliminate con#estion% In 5C retransmission rate under #ate<ay 0 cancel "F limit 0 rene< :: PS transmit rate 0 or 4SDPA PS rate T rise coefficient 0 rene< 4SDPA PS transmit rate%

Over .i#. 5C retransmission rate due to over .i#. residual ;5@ at MAC layer If t.e retransfer at MAC layer reac.es t.e ma(imum times0 t.e ";s incorrectly received <ill /e dropped% If t.e receiver detects droppin# data pac=ets0 it re3uires t.e sender to resend data pac=ets /y state report% etransfer lo<ers t.e sendin# efficiency of 5C0 so it affects t.e valid t.rou#.put of 5C% W.en residual ;5@ at MAC layer is over .i#.0 t.e S;5@ at MAC layer is pro/a/ly over .i#.% For detailed analysis0 see t.e analysis of over .i#. S5;@ in previous sections% !ormal t.e residual ;5@ at MAC layer is smaller t.an 7L% Fi#ure 7%* s.o<s t.e residual ;5@ at MAC layer in <CD5A H0DPA Decoding 0tatistics <indo<%


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&igure 1.

esidual ;5@ at MAC layer in WCDMA 4SDPA Decodin# Statistics <indo<

Do<nlin= rate affected /y restriction over uplin= rate "CP and 5C uses AM mode0 and transferrin# t.e ACA messa#e is necessary on uplin= DC4% Accordin# to test data0 t.e transmission rate for feedin# /ac= information on uplin= c.annel ta=es &LJ$L of transmission rate of do<nlin= c.annel% For e(ample0 t.e do<nlin= rate is 7%* M/ps0 and t.e correspondin# uplin= rate is $&J96 =/ps% W.en t.e do<nlin= rate is $%* M/ps0 t.e correspondin# uplin= rate is D&J7)6 =/ps% If t.e uplin= su/scri/ed rate is *9 =/ps0 t.e re3uirement on uplin= rate correspondin# to do<nlin= data transfer cannot /e met% In addition0 if t.ere is data to /e transferred in uplin= for 4SDPA su/scri/ers0 t.e uplin= c.annels must transport t.e confirmation data of "CP and 5C0 as <ell as uplin= data of su/scri/ers% If t.e uplin= su/scri/ed rate is lo<0 t.e do<nlin= data transfer is affected% C.ec= t.e uplin= rate for service setup in A; Assi#nment e3uest messa#e% If t.e uplin= rate is lo<0 c.ec= t.e 45 su/scri/ed rate% C.ec= t.e actual uplin= /and<idt. in ; S@"UP messa#e%

".e "" delay at t.e 5C layer is e(ceptional Et.e 5C state report disa/le timer is not set properly?t.e uplin= ;5@ is not conver#edF so t.at t.e 5C send <indo< is full% Currently0 t.e ma(imum size of t.e 5C send <indo< can /e set to &)9D Et.e 5C receive?send <indo< size of t.e terminal is &)9DF% W.en t.e 5C transmission rate is very .i#.0 t.e 5C send <indo< is easily full and cannot send ot.er data if t.e state report is not returned in time% For e(ample0 t.e rate on t.e air interface is $ M/it?s and t.e MAC+D PDU size is $$* /its0 t.e 5C send <indo< can send data for E&)9D ( $$*F?E$ ( 7)&9F K &&9 ms% If t.e !C fails to receive a state report <it.in &&9 ms0 t.e 5C send <indo< is full% ".e return time of t.e state report is related to t.e state report disa/le timer and t.e uplin= air interface 3uality% If t.e state report disa/le time is set too lon#0 or t.e uplin= ;5@ is not conver#ed0 t.e 5C send <indo< may /e full% 0olutionG C.ec= <.et.er t.e state report disa/le timer is set properly and <.et.er it is set to t.e default of t.e /aseline% Currently0 t.e default timer len#t. is 7&) ms Eservice+oriented confi#urationF in t.e !C B7* and 6) ms for t.e $%* M/it?s services Eservice+oriented confi#urationF in t.e !C B7D% C.ec= t.e conver#ence of t.e uplin= ;5@ to ensure t.e ;5@ is conver#ed%

Compare t.e t.rou#.puts at t.e application layer EAPPF and t.e 5C layer%


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"CP?IP adopts t.e inclusive ac=no<led#ment strate#y for relia/le data transmission and t.e slidin# <indo< protocol for flo< control0 and performs con#estion control <.en detectin# a net<or= con#estion%

Flo< control Eslidin# <indo<F Flo< control is used to prevent /uffer overflo<s and saturation of t.e receivin# mac.ine% Flo< control #enerates a <indo< value for t.e sender to transmit t.e specified num/er of /ytes in t.e <indo<% After t.at0 t.e <indo< is closed and t.e sender must stop data transmission% ".e <indo< is not opened until t.e sender receives an ACA from t.e receiver%

Inclusive ac=no<led#ment strate#y All to+/e+transmitted /ytes /efore t.e confirmed /yte num/er are ac=no<led#ed% Suppose t.at 7) data fra#ments are to /e transmitted% ".ese data fra#ments cannot reac. t.e destination in se3uence% "CP must ac=no<led#e t.e .i#.est /yte num/er of consecutive /ytes <it.out any error% ".e .i#.est /yte num/er is not allo<ed to /e ac=no<led#ed /efore all t.e middle /ytes reac. t.e destination% If t.e ac=no<led#ment to t.e middle /ytes is not sent to t.e sender0 t.e sender "CP entity finally times out and retransmits t.e unac=no<led#ed data%

Con#estion control Etimeout and retransmissionF ".e "CP determines a net<or= con#estion /y measurin# t.e round+trip time E ""F delay timeout or receivin# a repeated ac=no<led#ment% W.en a net<or= con#estion is detected0 t.e con#estion avoidance al#orit.m Edo<nspeedin# and retransmissionF is ena/led%

".erefore0 t.e factors affectin# t.e "CP?IP data transmission rate includeG

Confi#ured "CP receive?send <indo< Alt.ou#. t.e receive <indo< size is dynamic Eif pac=ets out of se3uence are received or pac=ets cannot /e su/mitted to t.e upper layer in time0 t.e availa/le <indo< size /ecomes smallF0 t.e confi#ured <indo< size determines t.e ma(imum availa/le size of t.e receive <indo<% Accordin# to t.e formula Capacity E/itFK/and<idt. E/?sFTround+trip time EsF0 if t.e receive?send <indo< is too small0 t.e transmission rate is affected%

Con#estion caused /y "" fluctuation ".e t.rou#.put at APP and 5C layer is o/taina/le /y D"?C1"% For t.e t.eoretical relations.ip of rate at eac. layer0 see t.e appendi( 6%&% If t.e rate of APP t.rou#.put and 5C t.rou#.out is lo<er t.an t.e normal ran#e accordin# to t.eoretical analysis0 t.e retransmission cost of "CP?IP is over lar#e% C.ec= and modify t.e "CP receiver <indo< and M"U confi#uration% For t.e met.od0 see t.e appendi( 6%9 and 6%8%

%.$.% Analysis o' the Proble/ about Poor Data Trans/ission Per'or/ance o' the H01PA on the RA) 0ide
".e PS data transmission performance is end+to+end EU@ S+Ndata service serverF system performance% @ac. component in t.e system may affect data transmission% W.en <e test and optimize t.e 4SUPA data transmission performance0 <e usually focus on t.e effects of t.e A! side E !C+!ode;+U@F on t.e data transmission performance% We .ope t.at t.e effects of t.e ot.er parts ESGS!0 GGS!0 data service server0 and e(ternal net<or=sF of t.e system can /e removed /efore t.e test so t.at <e can concentrate on t.e radio net<or=% From t.e an#le of t.rou#.put measurement0 poor data transmission performance reflects a lo< unsteady rate <it. a <ide fluctuation ran#e% From t.e an#le of t.e 1oS0 poor data transmission
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performance reflects unclear streamin# ima#es0 /ufferin#0 and slo< response to <e/ /ro<sin#% ".e <or=in# process of an 4SUPA U@ is as follo<sG

".e U@ ori#inates a data transmission re3uest accordin# to t.e Sc.edulin# Information Edetermined /y t.e U@ po<er .eadroom XUP4Y and t.e 3uantity X1Y of data to /e transmittedF carried on t.e @+DPDC4% ".e !ode; determines t.e #ranted level Et.e @+AGC4 sends "?P and t.e @+ GC4 sends an adHust command to tune EO70 ) +7FF accordin# to t.e U@ re3uest ESIF0 monitored o"0 and t.e satisfaction E4appy /it indication carried on t.e @+DPCC4F from t.e U@% ".e U@ sends correspondin# data accordin# to t.e #ranted level% Mean<.ile0 t.e U@ attac.es t.e ne(t frame re3uest ESIF on t.e @+DPDC4 and feeds /ac= t.e satisfaction E4appy /itF at t.e allocated #ranted level on t.e @+DPCC4% After receivin# and demodulatin# t.e data0 t.e !ode; returns an AcA?!ac= on t.e @+ 4IC4%

&igure 1.1 Wor=in# process of an 4SUPA U@

Durin# t.e optimization of t.e 4SUPA t.rou#.put0 you s.ould com/ine t.e drive test data of t.e Pro/e tool for analysis% ".e follo<in# descri/es 4SUPA+related rates in t.e Pro/e toolG

MAC+e PDU !on+D", ate K Sum of all "; sizes in t.e case of non+D",?Enum/er of non+D",s T ""IF ".is rate is t.e actual rate of t.e MAC+e Ee(cludin# D",0 /ut includin# t.e rate of retransmission /loc=sF


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Sum of all "; sizes in t.e case of non+D",G !ot only t.e /loc= transmitted first /ut also t.e retransmitted /loc=s are included% !um/er of non+D",s T ""IG Only t.e time <.en data is transmitted is counted and t.e time <.en no data is transmitted is e(cluded% For e(ample0 if only 8) su/+frames send data <it.in t.e measurement period of 7)) su/+frames E&)) msF0 t.e denominator is 7)) ms%

MAC+e PDU Served ate K Sum of all "; sizes in t.e case of non+D",? E!UMQSAMP5@S T ""IF ".is rate is t.e served rate of t.e MAC+e Eincludin# D", and t.e rate of retransmission /loc=sF

Sum of all "; sizes in t.e case of non+D",G !ot only t.e /loc= transmitted first /ut also t.e retransmitted /loc=s are included% !UMQSAMP5@S T ""IG ".e time <.en data is transmitted and t.e time <.en no data is transmitted are /ot. included% For e(ample0 if only 8) su/+frames send data <it.in t.e measurement period of 7)) su/+frames E&)) msF0 t.e denominator is &)) ms%

MAC+e PDU Availa/le ate K Sum of "; sizes <.en COM;Q4IC4 is ACA or ACAQ!S in t.e case of non+D",?E!UMQSAMP5@ST""IF

Sum of "; sizes <.en COM;Q4IC4 is ACA or ACAQ!S in t.e case of non+D",G Only t.e ";s transmitted correctly are counted% !UMQSAMP5@S T ""IG ".e time <.en data is transmitted and t.e time <.en no data is transmitted are /ot. included%

elations.ip /et<een t.ese t.ree t.rou#.putsG


MAC+e PDU Served ate K MAC+e PDU !on+D", ate T !on+D", Pro/a/ility MAC+e PDU Availa/le ate Z MAC+e PDU Served ate TE7+S;5@ F W.ere0 !on+D", Pro/a/ility K !um/er of non+D",s?!UMQSAMP5@S T 7))L S;5@ K E!um/er of non+D",s J !um/er of ACA or ACAQ!SF?!um/er of non+ D",s T 7))L

U5 5C PDU ".rou#.put K Sum of /its of all 5C PDUs sent /y t.e 5C layer <it.in t.e measurement period?Measurement period duration

Sum of /its of all 5C PDUs sent /y t.e 5C layer <it.in t.e measurement periodG ".e first transmitted data and t.e retransmitted data are included% In addition0 t.e data is transferred /y MAC+ d and contains t.e .eader over.ead E7* /itsF of t.e 5C PDU% Measurement period durationG ".e time <.en data is transmitted and t.e time <.en no data is transmitted are /ot. included%

elations.ip <it. MAC+e PDU Availa/le ateG


5C PDU ".rou#.put U5 K MAC+e PDU Availa/le ate T E7+.eader over.ead ratio of MAC+e PDUF
A precise relations.ip s.ould e(clude t.e .eader over.ead and t.e paddin# /its <.en t.e "; size does not matc. ! 5C PDU /its

U5 5C SDU ".rou#.put K Sum of /its of all 5C SDUs sent /y t.e 5C layer <it.in t.e measurement period?Measurement period duration


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Sum of /its of all 5C SDUs sent /y t.e 5C layer <it.in t.e measurement periodG Compared <it. t.e sum of 5C PDU /its0 t.e retransmitted data and .eader over.ead E7* /itsF of t.e 5C PDU are e(cluded% Measurement period durationG ".e time <.en data is transmitted and t.e time <.en no data is transmitted are /ot. included%

elations.ip /et<een 5C SDU ".rou#.put U5 and 5C PDU ".rou#.put U5G


5C SDU ".rou#.put U5 Z 5C PDU ".rou#.put U5TE7+ 5C PDU etransmission ate U5FT.eader over.ead ratio of t.e 5C PDU

".e fi#ure /elo< s.o<s t.e optimization flo< of a lo< t.rou#.put of t.e 4SUPA U@%


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&igure 1.# Optimization flo< of a lo< t.rou#.put of t.e 4SUPA U@

0ervice 0etup on an 2*DCH

C.ec= <.et.er t.e servin# @+DC4 5 indicator in t.e ; S@"UP messa#e of t.e !C is "rue0 as s.o<n in t.e fi#ure /elo<% If yes0 t.e service is /orne on t.e 4SUPA%
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&igure 1.$ Confirmin# t.e service is set up on t.e 4SUPA accordin# to a si#nalin# messa#e of t.e !C

'ou can also o/serve <.et.er an SG is reported in t.e 4SUPA 5in= Statistics <indo< provided /y a drive test tool0 for e(ample0 Pro/e% If no information is displayed in t.e <indo<0 t.e service is /orne on a DC40 as s.o<n in t.e fi#ure /elo<%


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&igure 1.! 4o< to confirm t.e service is set up on t.e 4SUPA t.rou#. t.e drive test tool Pro/e

If t.e service is not /orne on t.e 4SUPA0 t.e service is automatically set up on a DC4% In t.is case0 t.e service rate is t.e rate of t.e :: service0 usually $69 Ap/s or /elo<% If t.e service is not set up on t.e 4SUPA0 you can ma=e analysis in terms of t.e follo<in# aspectsG

C.ec= <.et.er t.e capa/ilities reported /y t.e U@ include t.e 4SUPA% ".e CQCO!!Q @1U@S" messa#e reported /y t.e U@ indicates <.et.er t.e 4SDPA and 4SUPA are supported% ".e specific @+DC4 capa/ility level is reported in an CQCO!!QS@"UPQCMP messa#e% C.ec= <.et.er t.e M; in t.e su/scription information in t.e previous line is normal and <.et.er t.e rate t.res.old over an @+DC4 is set too .i#.% If t.e M; assi#ned /y t.e C! does not e(ceed t.e rate t.res.old over an @+DC40 t.e service is set up on a DC4% C.ec= <.et.er t.e 4SUPA cell is availa/le and activated% ".e access of t.e 4SUPA U@ fails% C.ec= <.et.er t.e type of t.e 4SUPA AA5&PA"4 is confi#ured correctly and <.et.er a type of 4SUPA AA5&PA"4 is confi#ured%

Abnor/al 5AC*e PD1 )on*DT; Rate

".e U@ compares its current MAC+e PDU !on+D", ate <it. t.e ma(imum allo<a/le @"FC accordin# to t.e correspondin# @"FC of t.e SG t.at t.e U@ currently maintains% Ma=e analysis in com/ination <it. t.e 4appy?Un.appy information reported /y t.e U@%


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If t.e U@ reports 4APP'0 t.e user may not feel .appy% Ma=e specific analysis accordin# to t.e .appy reasons%

If t.e MAC+e PDU !on+D", ate is a/normal0 use t.e drive test tool Pro/e to determine <.et.er t.e U@ reports 4APP' or U!4APP'% If t.e U@ reports 4APP' and t.e U@ rate cannot reac. t.e M; 0 t.e possi/le causes are as follo<sG

".e terminal capa/ility or t.e A! capa/ility is limited% ".e transmit po<er of t.e terminal limited% ".e traffic of t.e terminal is limited%

If t.e U@ reports U!4APP' and t.e U@ rate cannot reac. t.e M; 0 t.e possi/le causes are as follo<sG

".e SG EU@ #rantF is limited% ".e resources Eair interface load0 IU; /and<idt.0 and C@F on t.e A! side are limited% Cause 7G ".e air interface load is limited% Cause &G ".e IU; /and<idt. is limited% Cause $G ".e !ode; C@s are limited%

".e service M; E!ode; M; F is limited% ".e U@ demodulates incorrectly% Cause 7G ".e SG is not updated /ecause t.e C C of t.e AG value fails Cause &G ".e U@ demodulates t.e G incorrectly%

".e protocol #ives t.e conditions <.en t.e U@ report 4APP' and U!4APP'% ".e U@ indicates t.at it is [un.appyC if t.e follo<in# criteria are metG

U@ is transmittin# as muc. sc.eduled data as allo<ed /y t.e current Servin# Grant% U@ .as enou#. po<er availa/le to transmit at .i#.er data rate% "otal /uffer status <ould re3uire more t.an 4appyQ;itQDelayQCondition ms to /e transmitted <it. t.e current Servin#QGrant \ t.e ratio of active processes to t.e total num/er of processes%

".e first criteria are al<ays true for a deactivated process and t.e ratio of t.e t.ird criteria is al<ays 7 for 7)ms ""I% Ot.er<ise0 t.e U@ indicates t.at it is [.appyC% The ter/inal capability or the RA) capability is li/ited.

Principle description Currently0 t.e capa/ility of 1ualcomm 4SUPA and 4ua<ei @&D) 4SUPA is CA"8 Et.e correspondin# MAC+e rate is & M/it?sF% ".e ma(imum capa/ility supported /y 4ua<ei A!*%) E !CB7%6 and !ode;B7%6F is & ( SF9 Et.e correspondin# MAC+e rate is 7%9969 M/it?sF% Currently0 t.e ma(imum rate t.at a sin#le U@ can o/tain is limited to t.e capa/ility of t.e A!*%)% ".e A!*%) supports & ( SF90 t.e ma(imum "; size is 79969F0 and t.e MAC+e PDU !on+D", ate is 79969?7) K 7%9969 M/it?s ".e CA"8 terminal supports & ( SF&0 t.e ma(imum "; size is &))))0 and t.e MAC+e PDU !on+D", ate is &))))?7) K & M/it?s%


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Table !.1 Cate#ories of U@ 4SUPA capa/ility levels 2*DCH Category 5aCi/u/ )u/ber o' 2* DCH Codes Trans/itted 7 & 5ini/u/ 0preading &actor 0upport 'or 1+ and # /s TT8 2DCH 7) ms ""I only 7) ms and & ms ""I Cate#ory $ Cate#ory 9 & & SF9 SF& 7) ms ""I only 7) ms and & ms ""I Cate#ory 8 Cate#ory * & 9 SF& SF& 7) ms ""I only 7) ms and & ms ""I !O"@G W.en 9 codes are transmitted in parallel0 t<o codes s.all /e transmitted <it. SF& and t<o <it. SF9 &)))) &)))) + 77969 79969 &)))) + 8DD& 5aCi/u/ )u/ber o' 7its o' an 2*DCH Transport 7loc6 Trans/itted <ithin a 1+ /s 2*DCH TT8 D77) 79969 5aCi/u/ )u/ber o' 7its o' an 2*DCH Transport 7loc6 Trans/itted <ithin a # /s 2*DCH TT8 + &D:6

Cate#ory 7 Cate#ory &


O/servation met.odG

O/serve t.e U@ capa/ility Generally0 t.e terminals supportin# t.e 4SUPA function all support t.e 4SDPA function% ".at is0 t.e 4SPA /ears t.e services of users as a <.ole% ".e follo<in# descri/es .o< to o/serve t.e 4SPA function t.at t.e U@ supports and t.e specific 4S+DSC4?@+DC4 capa/ility level in com/ination <it. actual C messa#es% First0 t.e CQCO!!Q @1U@S" messa#e reported /y t.e U@ indicates <.et.er t.e 4SDPA and t.e 4SUPA functions are supported% In t.e fi#ure /elo<0 t.e capa/ility reported /y t.e U@ indicates t.at t.e U@ supports 4S+DSC4 and @+DC4%


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&igure 1.%

C CO!!@C"IO! @1U@S" messa#e

".e specific @+DC4 capa/ility level is reported in an CQCO!!QS@"UPQCMP messa#e% As s.o<n in t.e fi#ure /elo<0 t.e 4S+DSC4 p.ysical layer level of t.e U@ is cate#ory * and t.e @+DC4 p.ysical layer capa/ility level is cate#ory 8%


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&igure 1.

C CO!!@C" S@"UP CMP messa#e

O/serve t.e ma(imum capa/ility confi#ured on t.e A! side W.en t.e service is set up0 t.e 5 @CFG P @P messa#e sent /y t.e !C to t.e !ode; #ives t.e ma(imum spreadin# factor t.at t.e U@ can use and t.e correspondin# information element EC@F is ma(Set+@+DPDC4s% In t.e fi#ure /elo<0 t<o spreadin# factors ESFK9F are supported%


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&igure 1.4 5 @CFG P @PA @ messa#e

W.en t.e DCCC al#orit.m of t.e 4SUPA is disa/led0 t.e !C confi#ures t.e ma(imum capa/ility accordin# to t.e M; of t.e U@% W.en t.e DCCC al#orit.m of t.e 4SUPA is ena/led0 t.e ma(imum capa/ility is affected /y t.e initial access rate of t.e DCCC%

SolutionG Improve t.e capa/ility of t.e A! side or use a terminal <it. a .i#.er capa/ility level%

The trans/it power o' the ter/inal is li/ited.

Principle description ".e U@ calculates t.e transmit "; size accordin# to t.e currently availa/le transmit po<er% ".en0 t.e U@ selects t.e smaller /et<een t.e "; size supported /y t.e transmit po<er and t.e "; size supported /y t.e SG as t.e actual transmit "; size% ".e availa/le transmit po<er of t.e U@ is t.e same0 /ut t.e transmit "; size may /e not t.e same% ".e factors t.at influence t.e "; size are as follo<sG

".e U@ is at t.e ed#e of a cell and t.e uplin= pat. loss is lar#e% ".e uplin= load of t.e cell is .i#. Et.e U@ is not at t.e ed#e of a cellF% ".e U@ performs com/ined services% ".e DC4 service consumes muc. po<er and insufficient po<er is availa/le to t.e @+DC4 service%


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O/servation met.odG Met.od of o/servin# <.et.er t.e transmit po<er of t.e U@ limitedG

O/serve t.e po<er limited rate reported /y t.e U@ t.rou#. t.e Assistant% If t.e po<er limited rate is #reater t.an )L0 t.e transmit po<er of t.e U@ <it.in t.e correspondin# measurement period of t.e measurement value is limited%

&igure 1.. Display of t.e Assistant 4SUPA related information Elimited transmit po<er of t.e U@F

W.en t.e U@ uses t.e ma(imum /loc= E7996)F0 1ualcomm c.ips of early versions also display t.e limited transmit po<er0 /ut in fact0 t.e transmit po<er is not limited% ".is pro/lem can /e ruled out /y com/inin# t.e current MAC+e PDU !on+D", ate <it. t.e actual transmit po<er of t.e U@%

After confirmin# t.at t.e transmit po<er of t.e U@ is limited0 analyze t.e limitation causes% a%Bie< t.e PCPIC4 SCP of t.e cell <.ere t.e U@ is located and c.ec= <.et.er t.e U@ is at t.e ed#e of t.e cell% /%Bie< t.e "WP of t.e cell <.ere t.e U@ is located /efore t.e access and c.ec= <.et.er t.e uplin= load of t.e cell is .i#.% c%Bie< t.e uplin= SI of t.e U@ to c.ec= <.et.er t.e SI is e(ceptionally .i#.% d%Bie< t.e service t.at t.e U@ sets up and c.ec= <.et.er t.e service is a com/ined service%


If t.e U@ is at t.e ed#e of t.e cell0 move t.e U@ to t.e center of t.e cell% If t.e uplin= load of t.e cell is .i#. and t.e cell load is adHusta/le0 reduce t.e cell load% If t.e service t.at t.e U@ sets up is a com/ined service0 deactivate t.e :: service and o/serve t.e rate of t.e 4SUPA service%

The tra''ic o' the ter/inal is li/ited.

Principle descriptionG If t.e data in t.e U@ 5C ;uffer is insufficient0 t.e actual MAC+e PDU !on+D", ate


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is lo<%

O/servation met.odG

Met.od of o/servin# <.et.er t.e traffic of t.e U@ is limited O/serve t.e /uffer limited rate reported /y t.e U@ t.rou#. t.e Assistant% If t.e /uffer limited rate #reater t.an )L0 t.e traffic of t.e U@ <it.in t.e correspondin# measurement period of t.e measurement value is limited%

&igure 1.3 Display of t.e Assistant 4SUPA related information Elimited trafficF

After confirmin# t.at t.e traffic of t.e U@ is limited0 pro/a/le reasonsG a% ".e "CP?IP layer is e(ceptional so t.at t.e "CP sends no data% /% ".e 5C layer is e(ceptional so t.at t.e 5C sends no data%

SolutionG 'ou can consider sendin# pac=ets in t.e uplin= to eliminate t.e effect of t.e "CP mec.anism% If t.is met.od does not <or=0 c.ec= <.et.er t.e pro/lem a/out pac=et loss e(ists on t.e A! side% In addition0 some applications in t.e porta/le PC also affect t.e data transmission% In t.is case0 replace t.e porta/le PC% If t.e pro/lem still e(ists0 use a tool to capture pac=ets and locate t.e e(ceptions /et<een t.e portal PC and t.e U@%

The 0> ?12 grant@ is li/ited. "<o /asic functions of t.e 4SUPA sc.edulin#

X;asic function 7YG Control t.e cell load W.en t.e actual cell load is #reater t.an t.e tar#et value0 t.e cell t.rou#.put can /e reduced /y lo<erin# t.e SG of t.e U@% W.en t.e actual cell load is less t.an t.e tar#et value0 t.e cell t.rou#.put can /e improved /y increasin# t.e SG of t.e un.appy U@%

X;asic function &YG 5imit t.e M; of a sin#le U@ W.en t.e actual value of t.e MAC+e rate Eincludin# retransmitted /loc=sF is #reater t.an t.e M; 0 an G Do<n is sent to t.e U@ to reduce t.e SG of t.e U@% As a result0 t.e transmission rate of t.e U@ is reduced and is =ept appro(imate to t.e M; %


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".e U@ maintains t.e SG accordin# to t.e AG EAG is used only to increase t.e rate in t.e A!*%)F and t.e G EUp0 4old0 and Do<nF sent /y t.e !ode;% ".e U@ determines t.e actual transmission rate /y reference to t.e SG% ".e actual transmission rate is less t.an or e3ual to t.e correspondin# transmission rate of t.e SG% The resources ?air inter'ace load, 817 bandwidth, and C2s@ on the RA) side are li/ited. If t.e resources on t.e A! side are limited0 t.e SG t.at t.e !ode; actually allocates to t.e U@ is small% As a result0 t.e U@ reports t.at t.e SG is limited%

Cause 7G ".e air interface load is limited%


Principle descriptionG 7F Accordin# to /asic function 7 of t.e 4SUPA sc.edulin#0 <.en t.e air interface load on t.e A! side is limited0 t.e tar#et load value is t.e tar#et value confi#ured on t.e !C Et.is value is usually determined at t.e time of net<or= plannin#F% If t.e actual value of t.e cell load e(ceeds t.e tar#et value0 t.e uplin= covera#e of t.e cell may s.rin= Et.e s.rin=a#e depends on t.e uplin= /ud#et mar#inF and t.e service at t.e ed#e of t.e cell is affected% ".erefore0 t.e cell load needs to /e controlled% &F !C+related parameter confi#uration ".e !C+related parameters include Ma("ar#etUl5oadFactor and ;ac=#round!oise% Ma("ar#etUl5oadFactor is t.e tar#et O"% elated commandG MOD C@554SUPA Ma("ar#etUl5oadFactorKD8 ED8 represents D8L0 namely0 * d;F ;ac=#round!oise is t.e /ac=#round noise% elated commandG MOD C@55CACG ;ac=#round!oiseKD7 ED7 represents J77& O D%7 K J7)9%: d;mF ".e tar#et "WP is calculated accordin# to t.e follo<in# formulaG "ar#et "WP K "ar#et O" O ;ac=#round !oise% 4ence0 t.e tar#et "WP K J7)9%: O * K J:6%: d;m $F ".e !C sends a messa#e to t.e !ode;% ".e !C carries t.e tar#et "WP and t.e /ac=#round noise to t.e !ode; /y sendin# a P4'SICA5 S4A @D C4A!!@5 @CO!FIGU A"IO! @1U@S" messa#e on t.e Iu/ interface% ".e relations.ip /et<een t.e protocol value and t.e p.ysical value isG p.ysical value K J77& O protocol value?7) EunitG d;mF As s.o<n in t.e fi#ure /elo<0 t.e protocol value of t.e tar#et "WP is 7790 t.e correspondin# p.ysical value is J77& O 77%9 K J7))%* d;m% ".e /ac=#round noise of t.e "WP is 89 and t.e correspondin# p.ysical value of t.e /ac=#round noise is J 77& O 8%9 K J7)*%* d;m%


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&igure 1.1+ P4'SICA5 S4A @D C4A!!@5 @CO!FIGU A"IO! @1U@S" messa#e Econtainin# t.e tar#et "WP and t.e /ac=#roundF

".e disa#reement of t.e /ac=#round set on t.e !C 5M" <it. t.e cell /ac=#round affects t.e t.rou#.put of t.e cell% If t.e settin# value of t.e /ac=#round noise is muc. lar#er t.an t.e actual /ac=#round noise value0 t.e system sta/ility may /e reduced% W.en t.e settin# value of t.e /ac=#round noise is #reater t.an t.e actual /ac=#round noise value0 t.e actual cell t.rou#.put is #reater t.an t.e t.rou#.put t.at t.e tar#et O" corresponds to% W.en t.e settin# value of t.e /ac=#round noise is less t.an t.e actual /ac=#round noise value0 t.e actual cell t.rou#.put is less t.an t.e t.rou#.put t.at t.e tar#et O" corresponds to%

O/servation met.odG O/serve t.e cell uplin= "WP measurement recorded and displayed on t.e !C 5M" to c.ec= <.et.er it is close to t.e confi#ured tar#et "WP% If t.e measured value is close to t.e tar#et "WP0 t.e air interface load is limited and reac.es t.e tar#et value%

SolutionG 7F Set t.e tar#et O" reasona/ly% &F Aeep t.e settin# value of t.e /ac=#round noise e3ual to t.e actual /ac=#round noise value% ".e /ac=#round noise update al#orit.m .as not /een commercially verified% It <ill /e su/se3uently supplemented% $F @liminate e(ternal interference%

Cause &G ".e IU; /and<idt. is limited%


Principle descriptionG 7F Accordin# to /asic function 7 of t.e 4SUPA sc.edulin#0 <.en t.e availa/le


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/and<idt. of t.e Iu/ 4SUPA is limited on t.e A! side0 t.e tar#et load is t.e adHusted tar#et value after flo< control Eprinciple of t.e Iu/ flo< controlG adHust t.e tar#et load accordin# to t.e /uffer c.an#e trend on t.e transmission pat.F% If t.e actual cell load e(ceeds t.e tar#et load value0 t.e data transmission delay is prolon#ed or even pac=et loss occurs on t.e Iu/ interface so t.at t.e data transmission performance is affected% ".erefore0 t.e actual cell load needs to /e controlled% &F W.en t.e A"M is adopted on t.e Iu/ interface0 t.e 4SUPA Iu/ /and<idt. utilization K "CP layer rate?A"M /and<idt. &igure 1.11 A"M transmission efficiency

W.en t.e "CP layer rate is less t.an $&) =/it?s0 t.e utilization is less t.an D$L% W.en t.e "CP layer rate ran#es from $&) =/it?s to D$* =/it?s0 t.e utilization is D9L or so% W.en t.e "CP layer rate ran#es from D*6 =/it?s to 7$D* =/it?s0 t.e utilization is D8L or so% $F W.en t.e IP is adopted on t.e Iu/ interface0 t.e 4SUPA Iu/ /and<idt. utilization K "CP layer rate?IP /and<idt.


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&igure 1.1# P /and<idt. utilization

W.en t.e "CP layer rate is less t.an &&9 =/it?s0 t.e utilization is less t.an 6)L% W.en t.e "CP layer rate ran#es from &&9 =/it?s to 996 =/it?s0 t.e utilization is 6)L to 68L% W.en t.e "CP layer rate ran#es from 96) =/it?s to 7$D* =/it?s0 t.e utilization is 68L to :)L%

O/servation met.odG Since t.e Iu/ /and<idt. is s.ared /y all cells of a !ode;0 you need to o/tain t.e rate information of all 4SUPA U@s of t.e !ode; <.en determinin# <.et.er t.e Iu/ /and<idt. is limited% If t.e sum of t.e rates of all U@s is appro(imate to t.e availa/le /and<idt. of t.e 4SUPA times t.e /and<idt. utilization0 t.e Iu/ /and<idt. is limited% In addition0 o/serve t.e measured "WPs of all cells% ".ey s.ould all /e less t.an t.e tar#et value confi#ured on t.e !C%

SolutionG Improve t.e availa/le Iu/ /and<idt. of t.e 4SUPA%

Cause $G ".e !ode; C@s are limited%


Principle descriptionG W.en t.e !ode; C@ resources on t.e A! side are limited0 t.e dynamic C@ adHustment al#orit.m Enot implemented in !ode; B76 /ut implemented in later versionsF reduces t.e M; of t.e U@s or t.e minimum availa/le SF%

O/servation met.odG Ma=e o/servations on t.e !ode; de/u##in# console% SolutionG Add C@s%

The service 57R ?)ode7 57R@ is li/ited.

Principle descriptionG


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See t.e description of /asic function & of t.e 4SUPA sc.edulin#% Concepts of C! assi#ned M; 0 !C M; 0 and !ode; M; C! assi#ned M; G ".e C! notifies t.e !C of t.e assi#ned M; in a A; Assi#nment e3uest messa#e%

&igure 1.1$ A; assi#nment re3uest messa#e Econtainin# an M; F

!C M; G 5C SDU rate Ee(cludin# t.e 5C PDU .eaderF ".e !C com/ines t.e M; in t.e A; Assi#nment e3uest messa#e <it. t.e U@ capa/ility and t.e resources on t.e A! side to o/tain an M; for t.e final service setup% ".is M; is called !C M; % !ode; M; G MAC+e PDU rate Eincludin# retransmitted /loc=sF ".e !C notifies t.e !ode; of t.e !ode; M; in an 5 @CFG P @PA @ messa#e%


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&igure 1.1! 5 @CFG P @PA @ messa#e Econtainin# !ode; M; F

U@ M; G


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&igure 1.1% ; S@"UP messa#e Econtainin# t.e ma(imum num/er of availa/le c.annel codesF

Mappin#s /et<een C! assi#ned M; 0 !C M; 0 and !ode; M; !C M; K "ypical service rate confi#ured on t.e !C /ac=#round0 most appro(imate to t.e C! M; @+DC4 Ma(imum ;itrate E!ode; M; F K e3uested ma(imum rate E !C M; F T e3uested rate up scale e3uested rate up scaleG CommandG ADD TAPRA7H0PA


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4supaMa( ateUpScale

e3uested rate up scale for t.e 4SUPA service

Balue ran#eG 7) to &88 P.ysical indication ran#eG 7 to &8%80 a step of )%7 P.ysical unitG !one ContentG ".e value of t.is parameter times t.e uplin= ma(imum rate in an AM Assi#nment e3uest messa#e is t.e pea= rate <.en t.e service is /orne on an @+DC4% ".e !C confi#ures t.e /ottom+layer /and<idt. for t.e UU interface and IU; interface accordin# to t.e pea= rate% ".e confi#uration of t.is parameter is related to t.e tar#et num/er of service retransmissions on t.e @+DC4% ecommended valueG 77

O/servation met.odG

Step7G O/tain t.e uplin= rate EIP layer rateF of t.e U@ from a DU meter and U@ MAC+e PDU Served rate from t.e Assistant% Step &G O/tain t.e C! M; from t.e AM Assi#nment e3uest messa#e0 t.e !C M; from t.e typical rate confi#uration in t.e !C MM5 command0 and t.e !ode; M; from t.e 5 @CFG P @P messa#e% Step $G Compare t.e rates o/tained in t.e previous t<o steps% If t.e rate on t.e DU meter is appro(imate to t.e !C M; and t.e correspondin# U@ MAC+e PDU Served ate is appro(imate to t.e !ode; M; 0 t.e !ode; M; is limited%

SolutionG "o improve t.e t.rou#.put of a U@0 modify t.e su/scription information and confi#ure a .i#.er M; %

The 12 de/odulates incorrectly.

Cause 7G ".e SG is not updated /ecause t.e C C of t.e AG value fails


Principle descriptionG Accordin# to t.e AG0 t.e U@ updates t.e SG t.at it maintains% If an AG reception error EC C failureF occurs0 t.e SG maintained /y t.e U@ is incorrect% ".ere are t<o possi/le causes for t.e AG reception errorG 7F ".e @+AGC4 po<er in t.e position <.ere t.e U@ is located is lo<% 4ua<ei !C provides t<o po<er control modes for t.e 4SUPA do<nlin= control c.annels Eincludin# @+ GC40 @+AGC40 and @+4IC4F% Po<er control mode 7G Fi(ed transmit po<er relative to t.e PCPIC4% In t.is mode0 eac. c.annel adopts a fi(ed po<er and all U@s use t.e same po<er% ".is is e3uivalent to ]no po<er control]% Po<er control mode &G Po<er control for U@ /ased on t.e DPC4 transmit po<er% Since eac. U@ is assi#ned <it. its o<n @+ GC4 and @+4IC4 and si#nalin# can /e sent to only one U@ on t.e @+AGC4 at a specific time0 t.e do<nlin= control c.annel of t.e 4SUPA can separately perform po<er control for eac. U@% &F ".e 3uality of t.e @+AGC4 si#nals at t.e receivin# end is .i#. /ut t.e U@ .as /u#s so t.at demodulation errors occur%


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O/servation met.odG For cause 7G Step 7G Confirm t.e current po<er control mode /y usin# an MM5 3uery command% COMMA!DG 5S" MAC@PA A E!ode; 5M"F Step &G If t.e po<er control mode is fi(ed transmit po<er relative to t.e PCPIC4 Edefault al#orit.m in B76F0 c.ec= <.et.er t.e parameters used /y t.e system are /aseline parameters% If not0 c.an#e t.e parameters to t.e /aseline parameters and o/serve <.et.er t.e pro/lem is solved% If t.e pro/lem is not solved0 confirm t.e pilot si#nal 3uality EPCPIC4 SCP and @c?IoF in t.e position <.ere t.e U@ is located% ".e /aseline parameters are set on t.e assumption t.at a si#nal @c?Io is #iven at t.e ed#e of t.e cell% If t.e actual si#nal @c?Io at t.e ed#e of t.e cell is less t.an t.e assumed value0 increase t.e po<er offset EPOF on t.e /asis of t.e /aseline parameters%

Table 1%.1 PO for t.e @+AGC4 <.en t.e @c?Io at t.e ed#e of cells is 7& d; Control channel @+AGC4 0cenario !one Power =''set ?d7@ 77%& d;

If t.e actual si#nals at t.e ed#e of t.e cell in a scenario are <orse0 t.e @c?Io decreases /y 7 d; and t.e PO of eac. c.annel increases /y 7 d;% Compare t.e AG received /y t.e U@ <it. t.e one sent /y t.e !ode; Et.e latter can /e o/tained from t.e !ode; sc.edulin# de/u##in# information fileF%
It is for/idden to use t.e !ode; de/u##in# mana#ement system in a commercial net<or=%

SolutionG For cause 70 increase t.e PO of t.e @+AGC4 on t.e /asis of t.e /aseline parameters accordin# to t.e actual si#nal covera#e 3uality at t.e ed#e of t.e cell% For cause &0 remove t.e /u#s from t.e terminal%

Cause &G ".e U@ demodulates t.e G incorrectly%


Principle descriptionG ".e U@ updates t.e SG t.at it maintains /ased on t.e G information% If an G reception error occurs0 infer t.at t.e maintained SG is incorrect% ".e possi/le causes for a U@ G demodulation error are as follo<sG 7F ".e @+ GC4 po<er in t.e position <.ere t.e U@ is located is lo<% &F ".e @+ GC4 po<er is sufficient0 /ut t.e @+4IC4 ACA is demodulated into G UP o<in# to t.e @+4IC4 interference <.en G 4old is sent%

O/servation met.odG Ma=e o/servations on t.e !ode; maintenance?de/u##in# console% For cause 7G Step 7G Confirm t.e current po<er control mode /y usin# an MM5 3uery command% COMMA!DG5S" MAC@PA A E!ode; 5M"F Step &G If t.e po<er control mode is fi(ed transmit po<er relative to t.e PCPIC4


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Edefault al#orit.m in B76F0 c.ec= <.et.er t.e parameters used /y t.e system are /aseline parameters% C.ec= <.et.er t.e parameters used /y t.e system are /aseline parameters% If not0 c.an#e t.e parameters to t.e /aseline parameters and o/serve <.et.er t.e pro/lem is solved% If t.e pro/lem is not solved0 confirm t.e pilot si#nal 3uality EPCPIC4 SCP and @c?IoF in t.e position <.ere t.e U@ is located% ".e /aseline parameters are set on t.e assumption t.at a si#nal @c?Io is #iven at t.e ed#e of t.e cell% If t.e actual si#nal @c?Io at t.e ed#e of t.e cell is less t.an t.e assumed value0 increase t.e PO on t.e /asis of t.e /aseline parameters% Table 1%.# PO for t.e @+ GC4 <.en t.e @c?Io at t.e ed#e of cells is J7& d; Control Channel @+ GC4 0cenario Sin#le lin= or servin# @QDC4 5S !on+servin# @QDC4 5S Power =''set ?d7@ J&& J7D%$

If t.e actual si#nals at t.e ed#e of t.e cell in a scenario are <orse0 t.e @c?Io decreases /y 7 d; and t.e PO of eac. c.annel increases /y 7 d;% Ma=e comparison tests /et<een !ode; and U@ and ensure t.at t.e @+ GC4 po<er is properly set% Step $G If t.e po<er control mode is po<er control for U@ /ased on t.e DPC4 transmit po<er Edefault al#orit.m in B&&F0 no test e(perience is availa/le in B76 and test e(perience <ill /e supplemented in later versions% For cause &G Cause & is caused /y t.e si#nature used /y t.e @+4IC4 and t.e @+ GC4% A si#nature error e(ists in a !ode; test version% W.en t.e pilot po<er is $$ d;m and 4IC4 po<er is set to $$ J &7 K 7& d;m0 AG 4old is normally demodulated% W.en t.e 4IC4 po<er is set to 7$ d;m0 AG 4old is occasionally demodulated into AG UP% W.en t.e 4IC4 po<er is set to 79 d;m0 AG 4old is most demodulated into AG UP% W.en t.e 4IC4 po<er is set to 7* to 76 d;m0 AG 4old is /asically all demodulated into AG UP%

SolutionG For cause 70 increase t.e PO of t.e @+ GC4 on t.e /asis of t.e /aseline parameters accordin# to t.e actual si#nal covera#e 3uality at t.e ed#e of t.e cell% For cause &0 rectify t.e product%

5AC*e PD1 0erved Rate 2Cception Location

If MAC+e PDU !on+D", ate is normal0 furt.er determine <.et.er t.e MAC+e PDU Served ate is e(ceptional% elations.ip /et<een t.e MAC+e PDU Served ate and t.e MAC+e PDU !on+D", ateG Served ate K MAC+e PDU !on+D", ate T !on+D", Pro/a/ility 5ocatin# an served rate e(ception is t.e process of locatin# a non+D", pro/a/ility e(ception% W.en a sin#le 4SUPA U@ uploads a lar#e+sized file0 normally0 t.e non+D", pro/a/ility s.ould /e
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7))L%A non+D", pro/a/ility less t.an 7))L is considered an e(ception and t.e cause needs to /e analyzed% Factors affectin# a non+D", pro/a/ilityG

".e 5C layer is e(ceptional so t.at 5C data is not sent in time% See ] 5C SDU ".rou#.put U5 @(ception 5ocation]% ".e "CP?IP layer is e(ceptional so t.at "CP data is not sent in time% See ]"CP?IP 5ayer ate @(ception 5ocation]%

5AC*e PD1 Available Rate 2Cception Location

If MAC+e PDU !on+D", ate and MAC+e PDU Served ate are /ot. normal0 furt.er determine <.et.er t.e MAC+e PDU Availa/le ate is e(ceptional% elations.ip /et<een t.e MAC+e PDU Availa/le ate and t.e MAC+e PDU Served ateG MAC+e PDU Availa/le ate Z MAC+e PDU Served ate TE7+S;5@ F 5ocatin# a MAC+e PDU availa/le rate e(ception is t.e process of locatin# an S;5@ e(ception% 'ou can set t.e tar#et num/er of t.e MAC+es PDU retransmissions Eusually )%7 on avera#eF on t.e !C 5M"% If t.e measured S;5@ deviates #reatly from t.e tar#et num/er of MAC+es PDU retransmissions0 it is considered as an S;5@ e(ception% Factors affectin# t.e S;5@ conver#enceG The uplin6 outer loop power control is eCceptional. ".e S;5@ o/tained from t.e terminal side refers to t.e /loc= error rate of t.e MAC+e ";0 <.ile t.e ;5@ o/tained from t.e !C side refers to t.e avera#e num/er of MAC+ esPDU transmissions%

".e ma(imum uplin= SI tar#et is set so lo< t.at t.e S;5@ is .i#.%

Principle descriptionG W.en t.e actual S;5@ is #reater t.an t.e tar#et value0 t.e uplin= outer po<er control of t.e 4SUPA increases t.e value of t.e SI tar#et so t.at t.e actual S;5@ can /e conver#ed to t.e tar#et value% A ma(imum SI tar#et value is set on t.e !C for t.e purpose of e(ception prevention% W.en t.e SI tar#et re3uired for po<er control is #reater t.an t.e ma(imum SI tar#et value0 t.e ma(imum SI tar#et value is used% ".at is0 t.e SI tar#et value is truncated% If t.e SI tar#et is set too small0 t.e actual S;5@ <ill /e #reater t.an t.e tar#et value% ".e ma(imum SI tar#et value is related to ot.er outer loop po<er control parameters Eincludin# reference @"FCI0 reference PO0 and tar#et num/er of retransmissionsF%

O/servation met.odG 1uery t.e ma(imum SI tar#et t.at t.e system currently uses% MM5 commandG 5S" "'P A;

SolutionG Step 7G C.ec= <.et.er t.e ma(imum SI tar#et is t.e default% If not0 c.an#e it to t.e default value and o/serve <.et.er t.e pro/lem is solved%


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Step &G If t.e pro/lem is not solved after t.e ma(imum SI tar#et is c.an#ed to t.e default0 c.ec= <.et.er t.e outer loop po<er control parameters Emainly includin# reference @"FCI0 reference PO0 and tar#et num/er of retransmissionsF are set to t.e defaults% If not0 c.an#e t.e values of t.ese parameters to t.e defaults and o/serve <.et.er t.e pro/lem is solved%

Pac=et loss on t.e Iu/ interface causes a .i#. SI tar#et /ut a lo< S;5@ %

Principle descriptionG ".e statistics of t.e num/er of MAC+es PDU retransmissions for t.e uplin= outer loop po<er control in t.e version earlier t.an B76 involves /it errors on t.e air interface and pac=et loss on t.e Iu/ interface% W.en pac=et loss occurs on t.e Iu/ interface0 t.e num/er of MAC+es PDU retransmissions is lar#er t.an t.e tar#et value% As a result0 t.e SI tar#et is .i#.% In t.is case0 t.e air interface 3uality is .i#.0 t.at is0 t.e S;5@ o/served from t.e U@ is lo<% ".e statistics of t.e num/er of MAC+es PDU retransmissions for t.e uplin= outer loop po<er control in t.e version later t.an B76 involves only /it errors on t.e air interface0 re#ardless of pac=et loss on t.e Iu/ interface% ".erefore0 pac=et loss on t.e Iu/ interface does not affect t.e performance of po<er control% ".e possi/le causes for pac=et loss on t.e Iu/ interface are as follo<sG 7F ".e /ottom+layer transmission is e(ceptional% &F ".e Iu/ uplin= transmission is confi#ured incorrectly% $F "ransmission /uffer overflo<s occur%

O/servation met.odG See ] 5C SDU ".rou#.put U5 @(ception 5ocation]% SolutionG See ] 5C SDU ".rou#.put U5 @(ception 5ocation]%

The probability o' de/odulating AC9 into )AC9,DT; is high.

Principle descriptionG ".e U@ o/tains ACA?!ACA?D", information /y demodulatin# t.e @+4IC4% If ACA is ta=en for !ACA or D",0 t.e U@ performs a retransmission% In t.is case0 t.e S;5@ measured on t.e U@ side is #reater t.an t.e actual one and t.e effective rate is reduced% If t.e @+4IC4 transmit po<er is lo<0 t.e pro/a/ility of demodulatin# ACA into !ACA or D", is .i#.% ".ere are t<o po<er control al#orit.ms for t.e @+4IC4G 7F Fi(ed transmit po<er relative to t.e PCPIC4% &F Po<er control for U@ /ased on t.e DPC4 transmit po<er% Currently0 t.e first al#orit.m E!ode; B7F is adopted% W.en t.e @+4IC4 po<er offset is set lo<0 t.e @+4IC4 demodulation performance of t.e U@ at t.e ed#e of a cell is affected% W.en t.e U@ is located in a soft .andover cell0 a soft com/ination is performed for t.e @+4IC4s in t.e same 5S0 and t.e @+4IC4s in t.e non+servin# 5S can send ACA and D", comin# from t.e @+4IC4s in different 5Ss%

O/servation met.odG Confirm t.e current po<er control mode /y usin# an MM5 3uery command% 5S" MAC@PA A


Step 7G If t.e po<er control mode is fi(ed transmit po<er relative to t.e PCPIC4


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Edefault al#orit.m in B76F0 c.ec= <.et.er t.e parameters used /y t.e system are /aseline parameters% If not0 c.an#e t.e parameters to t.e /aseline parameters and o/serve <.et.er t.e pro/lem is solved% If t.e pro/lem is not solved0 confirm t.e pilot si#nal 3uality EPCPIC4 SCP and @c?IoF in t.e position <.ere t.e U@ is located% ".e /aseline parameters are set on t.e assumption t.at a si#nal @c?Io is #iven at t.e ed#e of t.e cell% If t.e actual si#nal @c?Io at t.e ed#e of t.e cell is less t.an t.e assumed value0 increase t.e @c?Io on t.e /asis of t.e /aseline parameters% Table 1%.$ PO for t.e @+4IC4 <.en t.e @c?Io at t.e ed#e of cells is J7& d; Control Channel @+4IC4 0cenario Sin#le lin= 5S includin# servin# @QDC4 cell 5S e(cludin# servin# @QDC4 cell Power =''set ?d7@ &7%& &7%& 7&

If t.e actual si#nals at t.e ed#e of t.e cell in a scenario are <orse0 t.e @c?Io decreases /y 7 d; and t.e PO of eac. c.annel increases /y 7 d;% Since t.e ^D personnel do not distin#uis. /et<een t<o cases Esin#le lin= and 5S includin# servin#QDC4 cellF in t.e implementation of t.e po<er control0 t.e PO for a sin#le lin= is t.e same as t.at for 5S includin# servin# @QDC4% Ma=e comparison tests /et<een !ode; and U@ and ensure t.at t.e @+4IC4 po<er is properly set% W.en performin# a test0 ensure t.at t.e uplin= c.annel is in #ood condition0 disa/le t.e outer loop po<er control0 and set t.e SI to 77 d;% Construct a scenario <it.out 4A 1 retransmissions so t.at t.e !ode; sends 4A 1QACA all t.e time% "est t.e pro/a/ility of demodulatin# ACA into !ACA from t.e U@ side%

Step &G If t.e po<er control mode is po<er control for U@ /ased on t.e DPC4 transmit po<er Edefault al#orit.m in B&&F0 no test e(perience is availa/le in B76 and test e(perience <ill /e supplemented in later versions%

RLC 0D1 Throughput 1L 2Cception Location

Wor=in# principle of data transmission at t.e 5C layerG

5C transmission includes transparent transmission E"MF0 un+ac=no<led#ment mode EUMF0 and ac=no<led#ment mode EAMF% PS services EF"P and 4""PF usually adopt t.e AM and t.e se3uence in <.ic. t.e 5C su/mits SDUs can /e confi#ured Ese3uential su/mission and non+se3uential su/missionF on t.e !C 5M"% ".e AM adopts t.e positive?ne#ative ac=no<led#ment strate#y for relia/le data transmission and adopts a slidin# <indo< protocol for flo< control% ;efore t.e 5C receives an ac=no<led#ment pac=et0 t.e ma(imum num/er of PDUs t.at t.e 5C can send is t.e 5C Send Windo<% ".e sooner t.e sender receives an ac=no<led#ment0 t.e faster t.e <indo< slides and t.e .i#.er t.e allo<ed 5C transmission rate is% Ot.er<ise0 t.e 5C transmission rate is lo<er% @ven call drops
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occur /ecause t.e 5C is reset%

".e se3uential su/mission ensures t.at no pac=et loss occurs to t.e data su/mitted to t.e upper+layer and t.e data is su/mitted in se3uence% PS services usually use "CP?IP% If pac=et loss .appens at t.e upper layer0 it may lead to con#estion and slo< startin# of "CP%% ".is affects t.e transmission rate% Se3uential su/mission is recommended for t.e 5C and t.e non+se3uential su/mission for t.e core net<or=%

Factors affectin# t.e 5C layer rateG

Pac=et loss causes a .i#. 5C retransmission rate% ".e 5C send <indo< is full%

2ud#e 5C SDU t.rou#.put U5 e(ceptions%

If MAC+e PDU !on+D", ate and MAC+e PDU Served ate are /ot. normal0 furt.er determine <.et.er t.e 5C PDU t.rou#.put U5 and 5C SDU t.rou#.put U5 are e(ceptional%

elations.ip /et<een t.e 5C PDU t.rou#.put U5 and t.e MAC+e PDU avaiva/le rateG

5C PDU ".rou#.put U5 K MAC+e PDU Availa/le ate T E7+.eader over.ead ratio of MAC+e PDUF

As t.e .eader over.ead ratio is small0 seen from t.e Pro/e0 t.e 5C t.rou#.put curve and t.e MAC layer rate curve are /asically overlapped% ".is relations.ip s.ould /e =ept /et<een 5C PDU t.rou#.put U5 and MAC+e PDU availa/le rate all t.e time and no e(ception s.ould occur% elations.ip /et<een 5C SDU t.rou#.put U5 and 5C PDU t.rou#.put U5G

5C SDU ".rou#.put U5 Z 5C PDU ".rou#.put U5TE7+ 5C PDU etransmission ate U5FT.eader over.ead ratio of t.e 5C PDU

For ;@ services0 t.e uplin= outer loop po<er control usually ensures t.at t.e 5C PDU retransmission rate U5 is )L <.en only MAC+e PDU retransmission .appens% ".erefore0 5C SDU t.rou#.put U5 is appro(imate to t.e 5C PDU t.rou#.put U5 T .eader over.ead ratio of t.e 5C PDU% Ot.er<ise0 an e(ception is considered0 t.at is0 t.e 5C retransmission .i#.% For time sensitive services suc. as BoIP over t.e 4SUPA0 to ensure t.e real+time of services0 t.e uplin= outer loop po<er control ensures t.at t.e MAC+es PDU .as a residual ;5@ % In t.is case0 t.e 5C PDU retransmission rate U5 is appro(imate to t.e tar#et residual ;5@ % Ot.er<ise0 an e(ception is considered0 t.at is0 t.e 5C retransmission rate is not conver#ed <it.in t.e tar#et value% ".e version B76 supports only t.e ;@ services over t.e 4SUPA% ".erefore0 t.e 5C retransmission rate is usually re3uired to approac. +% Factors affectin# t.e 5C SDU t.rou#.put U5G

".e uplin= pac=et loss on t.e air interface EMAC+e layer residual S;5@ N7LF causes a .i#. 5C retransmission rate%

Principle descriptionG 7F ";s are discarded if t.ey are not received <.en t.e num/er of MAC+e layer retransmissions reac.es t.e ma(imum% ".is is pac=et loss for t.e 5C layer% &F If t.e receiver at t.e 5C layer detects pac=et loss0 it re3uires t.e sender to retransmit t.e pac=et t.rou#. a state report%


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$F Data retransmission reduces t.e transmission efficiency of t.e 5C0 and furt.er affects its efficient t.rou#.put% 9F ".e uplin= transmission 3uality on t.e air interface is controlled /y t.e uplin= outer loop po<er control% If pac=et loss occurs in t.e uplin= of t.e air interface0 t.e uplin= outer loop po<er control is #enerally e(ceptional%

O/servation met.odG Met.od 7G O/serve t.e 5C PDU retransmission rate U5 on t.e Pro/e%

&igure 1.1

5C PDU retransmission rate on t.e Pro/e

Met.od &G O/serve t.e residual ;5@ E es% ;5@ F of t.e MAC+e layer on t.e Pro/e% !ormally0 t.e es% ;5@ is less t.an 7L% ;loc= J !um/er of frames failin# to /e transmitted at t.e MAC+e layer% ".at is0 if t.e transmission of a frame still fails after t.e MAC+e layer retransmits it for multiple times0 t.e 5C layer ori#inates a retransmission% In t.is case0 t.e value is increased /y 7% ;loc= O !um/er of frames transmitted successfully at t.e MAC+e layer0 e3ual to S; O es% ;5@ esidual /loc= error rate at t.e MAC+e layer0 namely0 t.e num/er of frames failin# to /e transmitted at t.e 5C layer?total num/er of transmissions at t.e 5C layerG E;loc= +F ? EE;loc= +F O E;loc= OFF T 7))L

SolutionG ".e uplin= transmission 3uality on t.e air interface is controlled /y t.e uplin= outer loop po<er control% If pac=et loss occurs in t.e uplin= of t.e air interface0 t.e uplin= outer loop po<er control is usually e(ceptional% 'ou need to c.ec= <.et.er aF "ar#et values for po<er control are confi#ured correctly% /F ".e uplin= SI tar#et is normal% cF ".e actual SI is conver#ed <it.in t.e tar#et value%

".e do<nlin= pac=et loss on t.e air interface Et.e pro/a/ility of demodulatin# !ACA into ACA is .i#.F causes a .i#. 5C retransmission rate%

Principle descriptionG If t.e U@ ta=es t.e !ACA sent /y t.e !ode; for ACA0 t.e correspondin# "; is not retransmitted% As a result0 a /loc= error is introduced at t.e 5C layer% ".e /loc=


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error causes 5C retransmission and affects t.e t.rou#.put% ".e possi/le causes for a U@ @+4IC4 demodulation error are as follo<sG ".e @+4IC4 po<er in t.e position <.ere t.e U@ is located is lo<%

O/servation met.odG See 4i#. Pro/a/ility of Demodulatin# ACA into !ACA?D",% SolutionG See 4i#. Pro/a/ility of Demodulatin# ACA into !ACA?D",%

".e uplin= pac=et loss on t.e Iu/ interface Et.e /ottom+layer transmission is e(ceptionalF causes a .i#. 5C retransmission rate%

Principle descriptionG ".e e(ceptional /ottom+layer transmission Efor e(ample0 intermittent failure of @7F causes uplin= pac=et loss%

O/servation met.odG ".e pac=et loss in t.e uplin= in t.is case can /e o/served only on t.e !C0 instead of t.e !ode;%

SolutionG O/serve <.et.er t.ere is any transmission alarm0 solve any transmission e(ception0 and clear t.e alarm%

".e uplin= pac=et loss on t.e Iu/ interface Et.e uplin= transmission of t.e Iu/ interface is confi#ured incorrectlyF causes a .i#. 5C retransmission rate%

Principle descriptionG ".e incorrect uplin= transmission confi#uration on t.e Iu/ causes uplin= pac=et loss% O/servation met.odG ".e pac=et loss in t.e uplin= in t.is case can /e o/served only on t.e !C0 instead of t.e !ode;%

SolutionG C.ec= t.e confi#uration data of t.e transmission layer and ensure t.at t.e confi#uration data is correct%

".e uplin= pac=et loss on t.e Iu/ interface Ea transmission /uffer overflo< occursF causes a .i#. 5C retransmission rate%

Principle descriptionG ".e untimely flo< control on t.e Iu/ interface causes /uffer overflo<s and pac=et loss%

O/servation met.odG ".e pac=et loss in t.e uplin= in t.is case can /e o/served t.rou#. t.e !ode; de/u##in# console%

SolutionG Determine <.et.er t.e flo< control al#orit.m is e(ceptional%

".e 5C layer fails to return an ACA in time Et.e 5C state report disa/le timer is not set properly?t.e do<nlin= ;5@ is not conver#edF so t.at t.e 5C send <indo< is full%

Principle descriptionG Currently0 t.e ma(imum size of t.e 5C send <indo< can /e set to &)9D Et.e 5C receive?send <indo< size of t.e terminal is &)9DF% W.en t.e 5C transmission rate is very .i#.0 t.e 5C send <indo< is easily full and cannot send ot.er data if t.e state


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report is not returned in time% For e(ample0 if t.e rate on t.e air interface is 7%9 M/it?s and t.e 5C PDU size is $$* /its0 t.e 5C send <indo< can send data for E&)9D ( $$*F?E7%9 ( 7)))F K 9:7%&6 ms% If t.e !C fails to receive a state report <it.in 9:7%&6 ms0 t.e 5C send <indo< is full% ".e return time of t.e state report is related to t.e state report disa/le timer and t.e uplin= air interface 3uality% If t.e state report disa/le time is set too lon#0 or t.e uplin= ;5@ is not conver#ed0 t.e 5C send <indo< may /e full%

O/servation met.odG Currently0 <e .ave very limited means to o/serve <.et.er t.e 5C send <indo< is full on t.e U@ side% We must analyze t.e data on t.e user plane and t.e control plane at t.e 5C layer to learn <.et.er t.e 5C <indo< is full% Currently0 t.e Assistant B7%9 does not support t.is function% We can use only t.e 1CA" to ma=e analysis% ".erefore0 a simple met.od is reverse inference% Assume t.at t.e 5C send <indo< is full and try t.e follo<in# met.ods to c.ec= <.et.er t.e pro/lem is solved% If t.e pro/lem is solved0 t.e cause is t.at t.e 5C send <indo< is full%

SolutionG Met.od 7G Increase t.e 5C send <indo< /y c.an#in# t.e 5C PDU size from $$* to *8*% Met.od &G C.ec= <.et.er t.e state report disa/le timer is set properly and <.et.er it is set to t.e default of t.e /aseline% Met.od $G C.ec= t.e conver#ence of t.e do<nlin= ;5@ to ensure t.e ;5@ is conver#ed%

TCP,8P Layer Rate 2Cception Location

Wor=in# principle of data transmission at t.e "CP?IP layerG "CP?IP adopts t.e inclusive ac=no<led#ment strate#y for relia/le data transmission and t.e slidin# <indo< protocol for flo< control0 and performs con#estion control <.en detectin# a net<or= con#estion%

Flo< control Eslidin# <indo<F Flo< control is used to prevent /uffer overflo<s and saturation of t.e computer at t.e receivin# end% Flo< control #enerates a <indo< value for t.e sender to transmit t.e specified num/er of /ytes in t.e <indo<% ".en0 t.e <indo< is closed and t.e sender must stop data transmission% ".e <indo< is not opened until t.e sender receives an ACA from t.e receiver%

Inclusive ac=no<led#ment strate#y All to+/e+transmitted /ytes /efore t.e confirmed /yte num/er are ac=no<led#ed% Suppose t.at 7) data fra#ments are to /e transmitted% ".ese data fra#ments cannot reac. t.e destination in se3uence% "CP must ac=no<led#e t.e .i#.est /yte num/er of consecutive /ytes <it.out any error% ".e .i#.est /yte num/er is not allo<ed to /e ac=no<led#ed /efore all t.e middle /ytes reac. t.e destination% If t.e ac=no<led#ment to t.e middle /ytes is not sent to t.e sender0 t.e sender "CP entity finally times out and retransmits t.e unac=no<led#ed data%

Con#estion control Etimeout and retransmissionF "CP determines a net<or= con#estion /y measurin# t.e round+trip time E ""F delay timeout or receivin# a repeated ac=no<led#ment% W.en a net<or= con#estion is detected0 t.e con#estion avoidance al#orit.m Edo<nspeedin# and retransmissionF is


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ena/led% ".erefore0 t.e factors affectin# t.e "CP?IP data transmission rate includeG

Confi#ured "CP receive?send <indo< Alt.ou#. t.e receive <indo< size is dynamic Eif pac=ets out of se3uence are received or pac=ets cannot /e su/mitted to t.e upper layer in time0 t.e availa/le <indo< size /ecomes smallF0 t.e confi#ured <indo< size determines t.e ma(imum availa/le size of t.e receive <indo<% Accordin# to t.e formula Capacity ?bit@Hbandwidth ?b,s@Iround*trip ti/e ?s@0 if t.e receive?send <indo< is too small0 t.e transmission rate is affected%

Actual receive <indo< size "" fluctuation tri##ers t.e con#estion avoidance mec.anism Epac=et loss on t.e C! side0 do<nlin= ;5@ conver#ence failure0 and too small a reverse /and<idt. of "CP?IPF

"CP?IP layer rate e(ception Hud#mentG If MAC+e PDU !on+D", ate0 MAC+e PDU Served ate0 and MAC+e PDU Served ate are all normal0 t.e traffic of t.e U@ is limited0 /ut t.e data to /e sent is sufficient0 it can determined t.at t.e "CP?IP layer rate is e(ceptional%

"oo small a "CP receive <indo< on t.e receiver side ma=es t.e send <indo< easily full%

Principle descriptionG "CP?IP adopts t.e slidin# <indo< protocol% ".e slidin# <indo< protocol allo<s t.e sender to transmit multiple consecutive pac=ets /efore t.e sender stops transmission and <aits for an ac=no<led#ment% As it is unnecessary for t.e sender to stop and <ait for an ac=no<led#ment eac. time it transmits a pac=et0 t.e slidin# <indo< protocol increases t.e data transmission rate% ".eoretically0 "CP receive <indo< size s.ould /e #reater t.an t.e product of t.e /and<idt. and t.e delay% CapacityE/itFK/and<idt.E/?sFTround+trip timeEsF A **8$8+/yte <indo< is sufficient for t.e 7%* M/it?s service0 /ut insufficient for $%* M/it?s service% @specially <.en t.e delay is #reater t.an &)) ms0 t.e "CP <indo< is easily full% As a result0 you o/serve t.at t.e /uffers of t.e 5C and t.e !ode; are )%

O/servation met.odG 7F 1uery t.e confi#uration of t.e "CP receive <indo< at t.e receiver end% &F O/tain t.e current Pin# delay Etest t.e ""F $F O/serve t.e rate on t.e U@?DU meter is appro(imate to t.e "CP receive <indo< size? ""%

SolutionG 7F C.an#e t.e "CP receive <indo< size at t.e receiver end% Use t.e follo<in# re#istry entries to set t.e receive <indo< size to 6) A; E6)T7)&9 K 67:&)F% Met.od 7G Use t.e D "CP tool to modify t.e receive <indo< size and restart t.e computer% Met.od &G 4A@'Q5OCA5QMAC4I!@_System_CurrentControlSet_ Services_"cpip _Parameters_"cpWindo<Size E @GQDWO DF


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estart t.e computer% &F If no D "CP tool is availa/le0 use multiple processes to perform verification%

A 7))L CPU load at t.e receivin# end cause t.e "CP receive <indo< to /e full%

Principle descriptionG W.en t.e CPU load at t.e receivin# end reac.es 7))L0 t.e data in t.e "CP receive <indo< cannot /e su/mitted to t.e upper layer and t.e "CP receive <indo< is full% W.en t.e "CP receive <indo< is full0 t.e receiver notifies t.e "CP sender of it and t.e sender stops transmittin# data% As a result0 t.e 5C ;O is ) and t.e U@ transmits no data%

O/servation met.odG O/serve t.e Performance ta/ pa#e in t.e Windo<s "as= Mana#er%

&igure 1.14 eceiverPs CPU performance o/servation <indo<

SolutionG 7F Close t.e pro#rams not related to t.e test at t.e receivin# end% &F Use .i#.+performance computer at t.e receivin# end%

".e "" timeout at t.e "CP?IP layer caused /y pac=et loss at t.e C! side tri##ers con#estion avoidance%

Principle descriptionG "CP provides t.e relia/le transport layer% One of t.e met.ods t.at "CP uses is


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ac=no<led#in# t.e data received from t.e ot.er peer0 .o<ever0 data and ac=no<led#ment may /e lost% "CP solves t.e pro/lem /y startin# a timer <.en it starts transmittin# data% If no ac=no<led#ment is received <.en t.e timer e(pires0 "CP retransmits t.e data% ".e "CP sender measures t.e "" of a connection Emeasures t.e "" from <.en it transmits a /yte <it. a special se3uence num/er to <.en it receives an ac=no<led#ment containin# t.is /yteF to maintain an "" timer% If t.e "" timer e(pires0 "CP considers t.at a net<or= con#estion occurs and tri##ers t.e con#estion avoidance mec.anism% As a result0 t.e data transmission rate is affected% IP pac=et loss on t.e C! side causes t.e "" timeout%

O/servation met.odG Start @t.ereal on t.e porta/le PC attac.ed <it. a data card to capture "CP data pac=ets0 and t.en analyze t.e captured pac=ets% C.ec= <.et.er t.e receiver sends repeated ac=no<led#ment pac=ets%

SolutionG C.ec= se#ment /y se#ment to confirm t.at t.e pro/lem lies in t.e A! or t.e C!% Pac=et loss may .appen on t.e Iu+PS interface0 interface /et<een t.e SGS! and t.e GGS!0 and interface /et<een t.e GGS! and t.e receiver%

".e "" timeout at t.e "CP?IP layer caused /y t.e conver#ence failure of t.e do<nlin= ;5@ tri##ers con#estion avoidance%

Principle descriptionG "CP provides t.e relia/le transport layer% One of t.e met.ods t.at "CP uses is t.e ac=no<led#ment to t.e data received from t.e ot.er peer% 4o<ever0 data and ac=no<led#ment may /e lost% "CP solves t.e pro/lem /y startin# a timer <.en data transmission /e#ins% If no ac=no<led#ment is received <.en t.e timer e(pires0 "CP retransmits t.e data% ".e "CP sender measures t.e "" of a connection Emeasures t.e "" from <.en it transmits a /yte <it. a special se3uence num/er to <.en it receives an ac=no<led#ment containin# t.is /yteF to maintain an "" timer% If t.e "" timer e(pires0 "CP considers t.at a net<or= con#estion occurs and tri##ers t.e con#estion avoidance mec.anism% As a result0 t.e data transmission rate is affected% IP pac=et loss on t.e C! side causes t.e "" timeout%

O/servation met.odG If t.e do<nlin= /earer is a DC40 Step 7G C.ec= t.e conver#ence of t.e do<nlin= ;5@ on t.e !C 5M"% Often0 you are una/le to o/serve t.e do<nlin= ;5@ and t.e terminal does not report t.e do<nlin= ;5@ % In t.is case0 you need to use a terminal tool to o/serve t.e do<nlin= ;5@ % Step &G O/serve <.et.er t.e do<nlin= transmit po<er is limited and confirm t.e causes for t.e do<nlin= ;5@ conver#ence failure% If t.e do<nlin= /earer is an 4SDPA0 O/serve t.e do<nlin= S;5@ and t.e residual ;5@ t.rou#. t.e Pro/e%

SolutionG If t.e do<nlin= transmit po<er is limited0 analyze t.e cause Ea lon# distance from t.e


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!ode;F and determine a solution accordin# to t.e cause% If t.e do<nlin= transmit po<er is not limited /ut t.e do<nlin= outer loop po<er control does not conver#e0 t.e po<er control performance of t.e terminal is not ideal% In t.is case0 you can use anot.er type of terminal to perform a test%

"oo small a do<nlin= "CP?IP reverse /and<idt. causes a lar#e "" delay%

Principle descriptionG "CP provides a relia/le transport layer% One of t.e met.ods t.at "CP uses is ac=no<led#in# t.e data received from t.e ot.er peer% 4o<ever0 data and ac=no<led#ment may /e lost% "CP solves t.e pro/lem /y startin# a timer <.en data transmission /e#ins% If no ac=no<led#ment is received <.en t.e timer e(pires0 "CP retransmits t.e data% ".e "CP sender measures t.e "" of a connection Emeasures t.e "" from <.en it transmits a /yte <it. a special se3uence num/er to <.en it receives an ac=no<led#ment containin# t.is /yteF to maintain an "" timer% If t.e "" timer e(pires0 "CP considers t.at a net<or= con#estion occurs and tri##ers t.e con#estion avoidance mec.anism% As a result0 t.e data transmission rate is affected% IP pac=et loss on t.e C! side causes t.e "" timer e(piration%

O/servation met.odG Step 7G C.ec= t.e do<nlin= rate of t.e service t.rou#. t.e A; Assi#nment e3uest messa#e% Step &G W.en t.e do<nlin= c.annel is a DC40 c.ec= t.e actual do<nlin= /and<idt. t.rou#. t.e ; S@"UP messa#e% W.en t.e do<nlin= c.annel is an 4SDPA c.annel0 com/ine t.e availa/le /and<idt. on t.e Iu/ interface to determine t.e /and<idt. t.at is currently availa/le% Step $G 1uery t.e su/scription rate in t.e 45 % ".e minimum do<nlin= su/scription rate of t.e 4SUPA is recommended to /e no less t.an 7&6 =/it?s% Step 9G C.ec= <.et.er t.e A" command is run on t.e porta/le test PC to specify a do<nlin= rate%

SolutionG If t.e su/scription rate is too lo<0 c.an#e t.e su/scription rate or use t.e A" command to ensure t.at t.e do<nlin= rate matc.es t.e uplin= rate% If t.e su/scription rate is reasona/le /ut t.e actual ; rate is lo<0 locate t.e pro/lem from t.e A! side% Usually0 net<or= resource con#estion causes an ; rate increase failure%

%.$. Analy(ing Poor Per'or/ance o' Data Trans'er at C) 0ide

Fi#ure 7%7 s.o<s t.e flo< for analyzin# poor performance of data transfer at C! side%


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&igure 1.1 Flo< for analyzin# poor performance of data transfer at C! side

)2 Alar/s
At C! side0 analyze t.e alarms on SGS!0 GGS!0 5A! s<itc.0 router0 and fire<all Ecollectin# SGS! and GGS! alarms as =ey tas=F% Cloc= alarms and transport code error alarms may lead to fluctuation of PS data%

Pac6age lose on C) side result in TCP,8P layer RTT overti/e touch o'' congestion avoidance
"CP apply credi/le transmit layer% One met.od is to affirm t.e data <.ic. receive from t.e ot.er side% ;ut data and affirmance may lose % "CP transit set a timer in t.e send time to solve t.e pro/lem% W.en t.e timer overflo< 0 it donCt receive affirm messa#e0 it <ill retransmission data% "CP send point <ill /e a measure to a connect ""% Maintain a "" timer% If it measure "" overtime 0 "CP t.in= net con#estion 0 it <ill start+up con#estion avoidance% Conse3uently0 it <ill affect data transmit rate% IP pac=a#e lose on C! side <ill ma=e "" overtime%


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2nviron/ent Proble/s
".e rate is relevant to PC0 OS0 and applications% ".e internal al#orit.m of soft<are at different application layer and "CP parameters of OS .ave #reat impact on performance% If ot.er conditions are t.e same0 t.e rate of data transfer on Windo<s &))) computer is superior to t.at on Windo<s :6 computer% ".erefore0 it is recommended to use Windo<s &))) Professional and Windo<s &))) server as t.e OS of PCs and servers% !o< t.e laptops are installed <it. Windo<s ,P0 so t.ere is no pro/lem concernin# perform due to OS% Any.o<0 t.e servers must /e installed <it. Windo<s &))) server0 /ecause Windo<s ,P <ill affect t.e performance of data transfer% ".e PC ElaptopF for /ein# daemon of U@ must /e of #ood performance% "ests prove t.at I;M laptops .ave #ood performance in playin# BODs% !o< 4ua<ei !P en#ineers use t.e ne< laptops of D Corporation0 <.ic. .ave <orst performance in data transfer of 4SDPA test t.an t.e ne< ones of 4 Corporation% If t.e utilization CPU /ein# daemon of U@ is 7))L0 t.e "CP?IP receiver <indo< is full% As a result0 t.e performance of data transfer is affected% ".e performance of servers may affect service effect0 <.ic. must /e considered%

TCP Receiving and 0ending <indow

For t.e services Esuc. as BOD and F"PF usin# "CP protocol0 t.e "CP <indo< size of test laptop EclientF and server .ave #reat impact on performance of services% Set t.e <indo< as lar#e as possi/le to #uarantee #ood performance% Set t.e <indo< of client and server in t.e same size0 suc. as *9A% For modification met.od0 see t.e appendi(%

5aCi/u/ Trans/ission 1nit

If a data pac=et at IP layer is to /e sent0 and t.e data pac=et is lar#er t.an t.e ma(imum transmission unit EM"UF0 t.e IP layer <ill divide t.e data pac=et to pieces% @ac. piece is smaller t.an M"U% Usin# lar#er M"U and avoidin# IP se#ment and reassem/ly .elps to raise efficiency% M"U is usually smaller t.an or e3ual to 798)% C.an#in# M"U includes c.an#in# t.e M"U of server and c.an#in# t.e M"U of test laptop% After PS service connection setup0 t.e service ne#otiates <it. t.e client% ".e M"U in use ta=es t.e smaller of t.e t<o M"Us% For modification0 see t.e appendi(%

0ervice*related Proble/s

F"P Use t.e commercial F"P soft<are0 /ecause t.e F"P soft<are em/edded in Windo<s OS is of avera#e performance% Do<nload data <it. F"P in /inary% ".e multi+t.read do<nloadin# soft<are li=e Flas.Get is recommended% If update rate is lo< 0 it can consider process multi+F"P transmission at t.e same time0 or use tools send fi(ed rate pac=a#e to ma=e sure <.et.er t.e /ottom .as a pro/lem%

BOD ".e soft<are ealPlayer sets t.e ma(imum play rate to lar#er t.an $69 =/ps% ".e /uffer time must not /e over lon#0 and $s is proper% Some computers are installed <it. 3ualified video adapter0 so t.e monitor Humps some frames% C.an#e t.e resolution to 6))(*))% If


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t.e pro/lem is still present0 c.an#e t.e video adapter%

!et "B W.en t.e rate of do<n+layer declines0 t.e !et "B is difficult to restore% !ote t.is% Bideo conference Set t.e output rate of conver#ence "B smaller t.an t.e rate of do<n+layer> ot.er<ise0 data pac=ets <ill /e dropped% 4ua<ei conference video sets *9 =/ps as step from 7&6 =/ps% ".e recommended confi#uration is $&) =/ps% If t.e rate is over lo<0 utilization rate of do<n+layer rate <ill /e over lo<% Ot.er<ise0 usin# t.e rate .i#.er t.an $&) =/ps0 suc. as e3ual to or lar#er t.an $69 =/ps0 leads to droppin# data pac=ets /ecause t.e rate of do<n+layer cannot meet t.e re3uirements /y application layer% As a result0 t.e performance of video conference declines% If a li#.tnin# si#n appears on t.e ri#.t upper corner of conference "B0 t.ere must /e code error or pac=et droppin# durin# transmission%

H0DPA 0ubscribed Rate

In test0 if t.e do<nlin= t.rou#.put of 4SDPA su/scri/er is only $69 =/ps0 7&6 =/ps0 or *9=/ps% ;y c.ec= t.e 4SDPA cell is set up e(actly% After confirmation t.at t.e pro/lem is not at A! side0 c.ec= t.e 45 su/scri/ed rate and su/scri/ersP 1oS parameters of SGS! and GGS!%

45 ".e AP! and su/scri/ed rate is c.an#ed in MOD G PS of 45 % 'ou can set multiple AP!s to a SIM card% @ac. AP! matc.es a .i#.est rate% W.en t.e ma(imum rate is not restricted at U@ side0 t.e A; assi#nment re3uest messa#e sent /y C! /rin#s t.e su/scri/ed rate% If no resource0 suc. as po<er resource and code resource0 is restricted at !C side0 t.e Activate PDP content Accept messa#e of !AS si#nalin# /rin#s t.e assi#ned rate to U@% O/tain t.e rate contained in t.e Activate PDP content Accept messa#e in Pro/e or ot.er D" tools%

GGS! Modify su/scri/ersPP 1oS parameters on GGS!% Set do<nlin= /it rate and do<nlin= #uaranteed rate as re3uired% ".e default confi#uration is $69 =/ps% ".e commands are as /elo<G S@" 1OSG M; D!5AK&)960 G; D!5AK&)96> ".e previous command sets t.e do<nlin= ma(imum rate to &)96 =/ps% As a result0 t.e C! allo<s t.e do<nlin= ma(imum rate of 4SDPA to /e & M/ps%

SGS! Modify do<nlin= ma(imum rate and do<nlin= #uaranteed rate of su/scri/er /y e(ecutin# t.e command /elo<G S@" $GSMG M; D!5AK7870 G; D!5AK787> Set t.e ma(imum /and<idt. to 787 Estandin# for & M/psF /y e(ecutin# t.e command S@" $GSM%


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%.! 8nterruption o' Data Trans'er

%.!.1 Anal(ying DCH 8nterruption o' Data Trans'er
DescriptionG data transfer is interrupted for a period% ".e possi/le causes includeG

Call drop durin# data transfer After t.e U@ .ands over $G net<or=s to &G net<or=s0 it cannot perform data transfer% A state transition occurs% After t.e U@ transits from C@55QDC4 to C@55QFAC4 and C@55QPC40 <.en restorin# data transfer is necessary and t.e resource for restorin# data transfer is inade3uate0 t.e U@ cannot restore to C@55QDC4 state% ".erefore data transfer is affected% Ot.er causes0 li=e interruption of data transfer%

Analyze t.e pro/lem from alarms0 si#nalin# flo<0 and C4 %


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&igure 1.1 Flo< for analyzin# interruption of data transfer

1uery t.e alarms on C! and A!% Ano< t.e a/normalities in t.e operation of current system% Guide to analyze and e(clude pro/lems% Some pro/lem0 suc. as interruption of data transfer0 cloc= async.ronization in some cells0 and !@ con#estion0 can /e =no<n from alarms%

0ignaling &low
Analyze si#nalin# in details to locate interruption of data transfer% C.ec= <.et.er call drops0 <.et.er t.e U@ .ands over from $G net<or=s to &G net<or=s0 and <.et.er state transits% Collect si#nalin# in several <ays% Collect t.e si#nalin# at U@ side /y usin# Pro/e and U@% Collect t.e si#nalin# at !C side on !C 5M"% ;y comparison of t<o si#nalin# flo<0 c.ec= <.et.er messa#es are lost at air interface% ;ased on analysis and C4 0 en#ineers can locate t.e pro/lem or o/tain t.e rou#. direction%

Call Drop For call drop pro/lems0 see W+4andover and Call Drop Pro/lem Optimization Guide% C.annel State "ransit W.en t.e cell state transits to CC40 it cannot restore to C@55QDC4% C.ec= t.e a/normal information in C4 % If t.e do<nlin= load is over lar#e /y confirmation0 or t.e /and<idt. at Iu/ interface is con#ested0 add carriers or transport resources%


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$G&G .andover If t.e data transfer is pro/lematic after .andover from a $G net<or= to a &G net<or=0 t.e pro/lem involves t.e cooperation of t.e t<o net<or=s% If t.e &G net<or= <as constructed /y partners0 locatin# t.e pro/lem <ill /e more difficult% "ry to set up PS services in t.e &G net<or=0 and see <.et.er it runs normally% If t.e data transfer upon access to t.e &G net<or= is normal0 /ut t.e data transfer after .andover from t.e $G net<or= to t.e &G net<or= is a/normal0 c.ec= t.e U@ and t.e si#nalin# flo< at $G and &G !@ side% In terms of causes0 definin# a su/scri/er or inconsistent confi#uration of aut.entication and encryption al#orit.m may lead to failed update of routin# area% "a=e t.e case *%&%7) Analysis of $G+&G PS 4andover Failure in a Deployment% ".e $G SGS! encryption al#orit.m is U@A70 /ut t.e partner does not use encryption al#orit.m% W.en t.e U@ .ands over from t.e encrypted $G net<or= to unencrypted &G net<or=0 t.e &G net<or= does not send a messa#e to indicate U@ to disa/le encryption al#orit.m0 and t.e encryption state of U@Ps messa#e does not sync.ronize% As a result0 <.en t.e U@ sends t.e AU Eroutin# area updateF Complete messa#e0 t.e net<or= side fails to receive t.e messa#e /ecause t.e U@ encrypts t.e messa#e /ut t.e net<or= side does not%

%.!.# Analy(ing H0DPA 8nterruption o' Data Trans'er

An A; can /e mapped on t.e 4S+DSC4 of only one cell0 so S4O is unavaila/le on 4S+DSC4% As a result0 data transfer is interrupted inevita/ly upon update of servin# cell% ".e S4O associated 4SDPA servin# cell update includes t<o aspectsG

Intra+!ode;% In t.e same DSP of a !ode;0 interruption of data transfer does not occur /ecause no data needs transitin# from one MAC+.s /uffer to anot.er MAC+.s /uffer% Inter+!ode;% W.en MAC+4S is reset0 t.e !ode; drops ori#inal data in /uffer and restores t.e dropped data /y !C 5C retransmission% ".e interruption of data transfer lasts for a/out $))ms%

Durin# t.e inter+fre3uency and intra+fre3uency 44O associated 4SDPA servin# cell update0 t.e MAC+4S is reset0 t.e !ode; drops ori#inal data in /uffer and restores t.e dropped data /y !C 5C retransmission% ".e interruption of data transfer also occurs% Durin# 4&D S4O0 intra+fre3uency 44O0 inter+fre3uency 44O0 D&4 S4O0 intra+fre3uency 44O0 and inter+fre3uency 44O0 t.e interruption of data transfer also <ill occur% Durin# t.e .andover /et<een 4SDPA and GP S0 data transfer <ill also /e interrupted% ".e interruption of data transfer includes t<o aspectsG

".e interruption of data transfer <it.out update of servin# cell or .andover Over lon# interruption of data transfer <it. update of servin# cell or .andover

8nterruption o' data trans'er without update o' serving cell or handover
".e causes of interruption of data transfer <it.out update of servin# cell or .andover includesG

Call drop or " ; reset occurs durin# data transfer Ot.er a/normalities0 suc. as interruption of transport resource li=e Iu/ or completin# do<nloadin# data files%


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5ocate t.e pro/lem /y c.ec=in# alarms0 <.et.er do<nloadin# is complete0 and si#nalin# flo<%

Alarms 1uery t.e alarms on C! and A!% Ano< t.e a/normalities in t.e operation of current system% Guide analyzin# and identifyin# pro/lems% Some pro/lem0 suc. as interruption of data transfer0 cloc= async.ronization in some cells0 and !@ con#estion0 can /e =no<n from alarms%

W.et.er do<nloadin# is complete Data transfer is interrupted for a lon# time0 so restorin# it is impossi/le% C.ec= <.et.er do<nloadin# t.e file /y F"P is complete%

Si#nalin# Flo< Accordin# to detailed analysis of !C and U@ si#nalin#0 Hud#e <.et.er call drops upon interruption of data transfer0 <.et.er t.e 4+4 servin# cell is updated0 and <.et.er 4&D or D&4 .andover occurs% If t.e interruption of data transfer is caused /y call drop0 analyze t.e cause of call drop% For details0 see W-!andover and "all #rop Problem Optimization Guide%

Analysis o' interruption ti/e o' data trans'er

".e follo<in# t<o met.ods .elp to ta=e statistics of interruption time of data transferG

Use 1ualcomm 1,DM and 1CA" tool% ".e interval /et<een droppin# pac=et at receiver and receivin# current data is t.e interruption time of data transfer% Capture "CP?IP pac=ets directly /y usin# t.e soft<are @t.ereal% Analyze t.e interval /et<een "CP?IP%

&igure 1.1 Interruption delay of "CP displayed in @t.ereal

In Fi#ure 7%70 t.e data transfer is interrupted for t<o times0 and t.e interruption delays are respectively $))ms and $))ms% Compare t.e "CP rate in @t.ereal and t.e rate at application layer in Assistant0 and t.ey must matc.% ".erefore0 o/tain t.e update point of servin# cell in Assistant%


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About This Chapter
".e follo<in# ta/le lists t.e contents of t.is c.apter% Title *%7 *%& Description Cases at A! Side Cases at C! Side


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.1 Cases at RA) 0ide

.1.1 Call Drop due to 0ubscriber Congestion ?8ub Resource Restriction@
In a proHect0 t.ere are a/undant $G U@s or data cards% ".e su/scri/ers are test su/scri/ers0 so t.ey need not to pay% As a result0 t.e traffic model in t.e area is special% ".e /usy .our of traffic is around &$G))0 <.en PS call drops%

Accordin# to traffic statistics0 t.e traffic in t.e cell is .eavy% ".e /and<idt. at Iu/ interface is 7 M/ps0 al<ays fully used% If a U@ =eeps transferrin# data on line0 t.e transferrin# is sta/le% If t.e su/scri/er /ro<ses <e/ pa#es <it.out data transfer0 t.e U@ transits to idle mode to save resource accordin# to DCCC al#orit.m% W.en t.e U@ needs to transfer data a#ain0 it must apply for resource a#ain% 4o<ever0 t.e resource may /e used /y ot.er U@s0 so no resource is assi#ned to it% As a result0 t.e connection fails% ".e su/scri/er feels t.at .e?s.e is off line% It is difficult to reconnect to t.e net<or=% W.en ot.er su/scri/ers use less resource0 t.e su/scri/er can succeed in dial to connect to t.e net<or=% ".e essence of t.e pro/lem lies in t.at e(cessive su/scri/ers use t.e resources0 so t.e resource is con#ested% "o solve t.is pro/lem0 use t.e met.ods /elo<G

educe test su/scri/ers Add @7 /and<idt.

.1.# 1plin6 P0 !6 0ervice Rate &ailing to 5eet Acceptance ReBuire/ents in a Test ?Air 8nter'ace Proble/@
For PS*9= service0 t.e acceptance contract prescri/es t.at t.e actual avera#e rate must /e lar#er t.an 87 =/ps0 /ut t.e uplin= rate is a/out 8) =/ps in test%

Accordin# to statistics of rate at !C 5C layer0 t.e ma(imum rate e(ceeds *9 =/ps0 and it fluctuates s.arply% As a result0 t.e avera#e rate at application layer displayed /y t.e soft<are F"P is lo<% Accordin# to si#nalin# tracin# and statistics of uplin= ;5@ 0 t.e uplin= ;5@ is a/out 7)L% As a result0 t.e rate at application layer fluctuates and t.e t.rou#.put declines%

C.an#e t.e tar#et uplin= ;5@ to *L or 7L% C.an#e related po<er control parameter% Settin# different tar#et ;5@ .elps /alance t.e performance of sin#le U@ and more U@s% Accordin#
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to t.e information from ot.er net<or=s0 different tar#et ;5@ are set for different net<or=s0 /ut t.ey are small% !ote t.at settin# tar#et ;5@ is accordin# to inde( of service type% ".e uplin= and do<nlin= /and<idt. are usually different0 namely0 t.e inde( of service type is different% Set tar#et ;5@ after confirmin# t.e inde( of service type%

.1.$ 0tatistics and Analysis o' Ping Ti/e Delay in Di''erent 0ervice Types
On S!S!0 test t.e transfer delay of streamin# and conversational service% C! test en#ineers feed /ac= t.at t.e transfer delay of conversational service cannot meet t.e protocol re3uirement% ".e test result is t.atG t.e pin# delay of conversational service is &$)ms and t.at of streamin# service is 7):ms% Accordin# to 8 "S&$%7)D re3uirement0 t.e delay of conversational must /e smaller t.an 7))ms% ".e delay in t.e test is 778ms E&$)ms?&F0 so it does not meet t.e re3uirement%

In formal tests0 t.e pin# delay of conversational service is &$)ms and t.at of streamin# service is 7):ms% ".e conversational service uses 6=?6=0 and t.e streamin# service uses *9=?7&6=% ".eir /and<idt. is different0 so t.eir delay is different% Accordin# to 8 "S&$%7)D re3uirement0 t.e delay of conversational must /e smaller t.an 7))ms% ".e unidirectional delay from U@ to Gi interface EUM"S /earerF is 7))ms% ".e delay at A! is 6)ms% ".e 6)ms s.all contain t.e delay at access layer of U@ and e(clude t.at of US; and PC% Accordin# to test0 t.e end+to+end delay is 778ms E&$)ms?&F0 so it does not meet t.e re3uirement% It is almost certain t.at en#ineers cannot test <it. 6=?6= /and<idt. <.et.er t.e delay meets t.e re3uirement0 /ecause t.e /and<idt. is too small% ".e !C of current version support PS conversational service of 6= only% !o< <.ic. service uses t.e type of PS conversational service is un=no<n% "est t<ice <it. Sony+@ricsson -7)7)0 /ecause ot.er U@s fail to support conversational service% After t.e U@ is activated0 e(ecute t.e command ping over fire<all on GGS! t.rou#. a laptop%

Activate t.e four 6=?6= servicesG /ac=#round0 interactive0 streamin#0 and conversational% "est t.e delay0 and trace SGS! and !C CD % Activate t.e t.ree *9=?7&6= servicesG /ac=#round0 interactive0 and streamin#% "est t.e delay0 and trace S!S! and !C CD %

"a/le 7%7 lists t.e delay test result of pin# pac=et% Table 1.1 Delay test result of pin# pac=et Conversational 6=?6= *9=?7&6= &D8ms + 0trea/ing &86ms 7&7ms 8nteractive &:$ms 7$9ms 7ac6ground $)Dms 7$7ms

In 6=?6=0 t.e delay of eac. service is lar#er t.an &&)ms% In *9=?7&6=0 t.e delay is smaller% ".erefore t.e delay and /and<idt. are relevant%
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@(ecute t.e command ping /y $& /ytes0 and analyze as /elo<G In 6=?6=0 e(ecute t.e command ping /y $& /ytes% It is *) /ytes includin# t.e IP .ead% ".e ""I of 6= is 9)ms% @ac. ""I .as a /loc=% ".e "; size is $$* /its% As a result0 e(ecutin# t.e command ping /y $& /ytes occurs on t<o ""Is0 namely0 6)ms% ".e do<nlin= is similar% ".e uplin= and do<nlin= must sta##er a ""I% Assume t.at t.e processin# at nodes and interface #oes infinitely fast% "o t.e air interface and from t.e air interface ta=e &))ms E8T9) msF% In addition0 a PC al<ays sends data a/out MS!0 4""P protocols% If t.e PC sends ot.er pac=et durin# sendin# pin# data0 t.e pin# command .as to <ait% ".erefore0 6= /and<idt. is over small% In *9=?7&6=0 e(ecute t.e command ping /y $& /ytes% It is *) /ytes includin# t.e IP .ead% ".e ""I of 7&6= is &)ms% @ac. ""I .as 6 /loc=s% ".e "; size is $$* /its% As a result0 e(ecutin# t.e command ping /y $& /ytes occurs on a ""I0 namely0 &)ms% ".e do<nlin= is similar% ".e uplin= and do<nlin= must sta##er a ""I% Assume t.at t.e processin# at nodes and interface #oes infinitely fast% "o t.e air interface and from t.e air interface ta=e *)ms E$T&) msF% Addin# t.is to C! cost and laptop cost ma=es more t.an 7))ms% @(ecute t.e command ping /y 6 /ytes on conversational service% After on+site verification0 t.e test is consistent <it. prediction% Analyze t.e parts of total delay from laptop0 to U@0 to !ode;0 to !C0 to C!0 and to server% Analyze t.e factors t.at affect delay in eac. part% ".is .elps locate delay pro/lems% Compared <it. 6=?6= streamin# service0 t.e typical parameters of 6=?6= conversational service must /e optimized%

.1.! Low Rate o' H0DPA Data Trans'er due to =ver Low Pilot Power
In an 4SDPA live demonstration0 <.en t.e commissionin# is complete0 t.e rate of 4SDPA service is as lo< as .alf of standard rate0 and t.e retransmission rate is .i#.%

On+site !ode; en#ineers .ave demonstrated t.e service in la/oratory0 and t.e rate is normal0 79)) =/ps% ".ey use /i# antenna and lo<er t.e po<er on site to cover t.e sites of t.e operator% After t.is0 t.e @c is J8) d;m0 and @c?Io is J$ d;% !amely0 t.e covera#e is 3ualified% In t.e on+site test0 after startin# do<nloadin# data0 t.e @c?Io deteriorates s.arply% Accordin# to 1,DM tracin#0 t.e transmission rate is 7))L Een#ineers dou/t t.at t.e pro/lem is caused /y interference and improper installation of antenna0 /ut t.e cause is not t.em accordin# to fre3uency s<eep and SI"@MAS"@ testF% As a result0 en#ineers dou/t t.at t.e transmission on t.e interface /oard of !ode; and trun= are faulty% After c.an#in# t.e interface /oard and trun=0 t.e pro/lem is still present% "est <it. PS$69= service0 t.e result is normal% Accordin# to causes of pro/lem0 t.e 4SDPA feature leads to <ea= @c?Io0 as a result0 t.e ;5@ and retransmission rate are .i#.% At t.e /e#innin# of test0 to reduce radiation0 en#ineers lo<er t.e pilot po<er% 4o<ever0 t.e 4SDPA net<or= distri/ute po<er accordin# to amount of data as its feature0 so t.e net<or= distri/utes .i#. po<er Enear $8 d;mF to "C4 upon do<nloadin#% As a result0 t.e @c?Io declines0 <.ic. conse3uently causes decline of demodulation performance and increment of retransmission rate% aise t.e pilot po<er0 and t.en t.e transmission rate is normal% ".e pro/lem is solved%


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aise t.e pilot po<er from &$ d;m to $$ d;m0 and t.e transmission rate <ill /e normal%

0uggestions and 0u//ary

As a .a/it of test0 en#ineers <ill lo<er pilot po<er and t.en perform test% 4o<ever0 due to ne< features of 4SDPA0 lo<erin# pilot po<er leads to ne< pro/lems% 5o<er t.e pilot po<er and 4SDPA po<er in t.e follo<in# tests0 suc. as /y usin# attenuator%

.1.% 1nstable H0DPA Rate due to =verhigh Receiving Power o' Data Card
On 4;;U0 activate 4SDPA service0 and t.e retransmission rate is .i#.% ".e ;5@ of data sent at t.e first time is a/out *)L0 t.e residual ;5@ is 8L% ".e do<nloadin# rate is lo<0 and t.e rate fluctuates s.arply%

Once t.e on+site en#ineers do<nload data0 t.e C1I fluctuates s.arply and fre3uently /et<een 78 and &*% ".e rate fluctuates /et<een 7)) =/ps and *)) =/ps% ".e load of 4SDPA fluctuates s.arply /et<een $L and &9L% ".is must /e relevant to do<nloadin# rate% !o FP pac=et is missin#% !o pac=et is missin# /ecause t.e 3ueue is full% In t.e sc.edulin# period0 a/undant D",s e(ist accordin# to !ode;0 <it. fe< !ACA messa#es% Accordin# to c.ec=0 t.e receivin# po<er of data card is as .i#. as J98 d;m0 e(ceedin# t.e normal ran#e EJ88 d;m to J68 d;mF% ".e si#nals are stron#0 and t.e attenuation is inade3uate0 so t.e measured C1I is inaccurate%

Add an attenuator at t.e antenna port0 and =eep t.e receivin# po<er at a/out JD) d;m% After t.is0 t.e pro/lem of fre3uently fluctuation0 as <ell as t.e ;5@ pro/lem0 is solved%

.1. Decline o' Total Throughput in Cell due to AAL#PATH 7andwidth larger than Actual Physical 7andwidth
".e WCDMA net<or= runs normally% ".e admission of t.e cell to /e measured is disa/led% ".e cell is unloaded% ".e nei#./or cells are disa/led% ".e 4SDPA cell is successfully set up% ".e po<er is dynamically distri/uted% 4SDPA uses 8 codes% ".e MAC+4S sc.edulin# al#orit.m uses PF% ".ere is one 4S+SCC4% ".e cell uses 6 @7Ps% One of t.em uses U!I met.od0 and t.e rest D @7Ps use t.e IMA #roup met.od% ".e IMA #roup /ears 4SDPAAA5& PA"4% ".e U!I /ears t.e !CP?CCP?A5CAP? :: AA5& PA"4 at ot.er Iu/ interfaces% Select a #ood test point ECPIC4 SCP is a/out JD) d;0 @c?Io is a/ove J* d;0 and t.e fluctuation is sta/leF% Connect * 4SDPA U@s one /y one to t.e net<or=% ".e PS service is activated on U@% ".e A! /ears PS service on 4S+DSC4% Do<nload <it. F"P0 and record t.e pea= t.rou#.put of cell% Disconnect t.e @7 lin= of IMA #roup one /y one manually <.ile connect * su/scri/ers one /y one
&))6+7&+78 All ri#.ts reserved Pa#e1#4 0 "otal1 !

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to t.e net<or=% ecord t.e total pea= t.rou#.put of cell after one su/scri/er accesses t.e net<or=% Dra< a curve c.art <it. t.e recorded pea= t.rou#.put of cell at every point0 as s.o<n in Fi#ure *+7 and Fi#ure *+&% &igure 1.1 Bariation of total t.rou#.put of one IMA lin= of 4SDPA codes

&igure 1.# Bariation of total t.rou#.put of t<o IMA lin=s of 4SDPA codes

In Fi#ure *+7 and Fi#ure *+&0 t.e t.rou#.put of one @7 is lo<er t.an t.e t.rou#.put of t<o @7Ps%

".e cell uses 8 4SDPA codes0 and class+7& U@% ".e ma(imum t.rou#.put at MAC layer of cell is 7%D& M/ps% ".e S;5@ is 7)L0 so t.e t.rou#.put at MAC layer of cell is a/out 7%88 M/ps% In Fi#ure *+&0 t.e measured t.rou#.put of cell is consistent <it. t.e t.eoretical rate0 /ut in Fi#ure *+70 t.e t.rou#.put of cell declines% C.ec= t.e Iu/ /and<idt.% ".e AA5&PA"4 /and<idt. is 7) M/ps0 /ut t.e p.ysical /and<idt. is a/out 7%: M/ps <it. one @70 and &%6 M/ps <it. & @7Ps% O/viously0 t.e !ode; flo< control does not
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consider t.e variation of p.ysical /and<idt.0 /ut allocates /and<idt. accordin# to confi#ured AA5&PA"4 /and<idt.% ".e t.rou#.put of cell <it. & @7Ps is not affected /y p.ysical /and<idt.% ".is must /e analyzed in terms of flo< control at !ode; Iu/ interface% ".e !ode flo< control allocates /and<idt. for eac. su/scri/er accordin# to t.e data amount in !ode; /uffer0 t.e data amount of !C 5C /uffer0 and t.e rate at t.e air interface% ".e Iu/ flo< control allocates /and<idt. for su/scri/ers t.at t.e ma(imum allocated /and<idt. is t<ice of t.e rate at t.e air interface% Accordin# to previous analysis0 t.e t<ice of t.e rate at t.e air interface is $%9 M/ps at most0 not e(ceedin# t.e p.ysical /and<idt. of & @7Ps% As a result0 t.e rate of air interface is not affected <.en t.ere are & @7Ps% W.en t.ere is 7 @70 t.e t<ice of t.e rate at t.e air interface e(ceeds t.e p.ysical /and<idt. of 7 @7% As a result0 data pac=ets are missin# at Iu/ interface0 and t.e rate of su/scri/ers is affected%

C.an#e t.e AA5&PA"4 of 4SDPA to 7%: M/ps <.en t.ere is one @7% "est a#ain0 and t.e rate of su/scri/ers is a/out 7%8 M/ps% In actual net<or=s0 #uarantee t.at t.e AA5&PA"4 allocated /and<idt. to 4SDPA is smaller t.an t.e p.ysical /and<idt. at Iu/ interface% ".is <ill affect t.rou#.put of cell% Mean<.ile0 c.ec= !ode; alarms <.et.er t.ere are @7 fault alarms%

.1.4 Causes 'or an 2Cceptional 12 Throughput and Location 5ethod in a &ield Test
&actors A''ecting the H01PA 1plin6 Throughput
".e uplin= t.rou#.put of t.e 4SUPA is affected /y t.e follo<in# t.ree factorsG

Ma(imum transmit po<er provided /y t.e U@ for uplin= pac=et access EUPAF SG t.at t.e U@ o/tains0 <.ic. indicates t.e ma(imum po<er t.at t.e !ode; allo<s t.e U@ to transmit Percenta#e of t.e data to /e transmitted to t.e /uffer0 <.ic. indicates t.e size of data t.at t.e U@ needs to transmit

".ese factors are represented /y correspondin# parameters in t.e 1,DM and Pro/e tools accordin#ly%

In t.e Pro/e0 t.e follo<in# limited rates are displayed in t.e 4SUPA 5in= Statistics <indo< to represent t.ese factors%

Po<er 5imited ate SG 5imited ate ;uffer 5imited ate

".e .i#.est limited rate indicates t.at it is t.e maHor factor affectin# t.e uplin= transmission rate of t.e U@% ".e measurement period of t.e Pro/e is lon#% ".ese t.ree limited rates are measured <it.in a measurement period of &)) ms%

In eac. ""I in t.e data pac=ets recorded /y t.e 1,DM0 t.e Payload eason option is recorded% ".is option indicates t.e t.ree factors for t.e limited server payloadG MA, po<er0 SG0 and /uffer occupancy Et.at is0 <.et.er data lac=s or notF%

In t.e fi#ure /elo<0 MP in t.e eas column indicates t.e transmission rate of t.e U@


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is currently su/Hect to t.e ma(imum transmit po<er%

In t.e fi#ure /elo<0 ;O in t.e eas column indicates t.at t.e U@ current .as no data to send%


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Durin# tests0 if t.e t.rou#.put of t.e U@ is a/normal Efor e(ample0 lo< or fluctuates #reatlyF0 you can 3uery t.e previous parameters to determine t.e cause%

Low 1L Rate Caused by the Li/ited Rate o' the 7u''er to <hich the 12 0ends Data Through &TP

5ocation met.odG ".e ;uffer 5imit ate o/served in t.e 4SUPA 5in= Statistics <indo< of t.e Pro/e is .i#.0 appro(imate to 7))L% ;O is all displayed in t.e eas column of all pac=ets captured /y t.e 1,DM% SolutionG W.en t.e U@ uploads data t.rou#. F"P0 t.e displayed cause for t.e /uffer limited rate is t.at t.e vacancy of t.e ;uffer on t.e U@ side is .i#. /ecause t.e application layer sends data to t.e 5C layer at a lo< rate% After t.e U@ is connected to anot.er porta/le PC0 t.e uplin= transmission of U@ is normal% ".en0 a comparison is made and it is found t.at t.e version of t.e U@ drive on t.e porta/le PC is old% After t.e drive is updated0 t.e uplin= transmission rate is improved% ".e records on t.e Pro/e and t.e 1,DM are o/served later% It is found t.at no /uffer limit e(ists% It is also found t.at different confi#urations on t.e porta/le PC and different types of porta/le PCs affect t.e uplin= t.rou#.put to different e(tents% For e(ample0 t.e uplin= t.rou#.put tested /y an 4P porta/le PC is sli#.tly .i#.er t.an t.at tested /y a Dell porta/le PC% ".e lar#er t.e memory in t.e porta/le PC is0 t.e smaller t.e /uffer limit is%

Low 1plin6 Trans/ission Rate =wing to Li/ited 12 0> Caused by Li/ited Cell Load

5ocation met.odG ".e SG limited rate o/served in t.e 4SUPA 5in= Statistics <indo< on t.e Pro/e is very .i#.% SG is displayed in t.e eas column in most captured pac=ets /ut t.e current SG does not reac. t.e ma(imum value% ".e ma(imum value in 4SUPA p.ase7 of @&D) Ecat$F is &$%
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Symptom and causeG If t.e cell load is limited0 you often see t.at t.e cellload value reac.es 7)&$ Ema(imum valueF <.en you o/serve t.e cell load information on t.e !ode; de/u##in# console% In addition0 you can find t.at t.e "WP of t.e cell is increased #reatly to J:) d;m or so% ".ere are many causes for cell load increase% For e(ample0 <.en multiple U@s simultaneously upload data0 t.e "WP is increased% It is found durin# t.e test t.at t.e SI of some U@s is not conver#ed and leads to e(ceptional rise in t.e transmit po<er of anot.er U@% As a result0 t.e cell load also increases e(ceptionally and t.e ot.er U@s cannot transmit data normally% SolutionG W.en t.e cell load Eor "WPF is .i#.0 first stop t.e uploadin# service of all U@s in t.e cell and o/serve t.e "WP in t.e cell to determine <.et.er t.e "WP increase is caused /y t.e U@s in t.e cell or ot.er interference% After ot.er interference is removed0 test t.e "WP increase in t.e cell <.en only one U@ uploads data% If t.e "WP in t.e cell is increased e(ceptionally0 t.e pro/lem is caused /y t.e U@%


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.# Cases at C) 0ide
.#.1 Low &TP Downloading Rate due to =ver 0/all TCP <indow on 0erver TCP
Activate uplin= *9 =/ps and do<nlin= $69 =/ps services on U@ and laptop% Do<nload data from t.e servers of operator <it. CU"@F"P% ".e avera#e do<nloadin# rate of U@ is $$ =/ps0 muc. lo<er t.an $69 =/ps% ".e avera#e rate at F"P application layer is a/out &6 =/ps%

Activate uplin= *9 =/ps and do<nlin= 7&6 =/ps services0 and do<nload data% @n#ineers o/tain t.e re3uired rate% 4o<ever0 after activatin# $69 =/ps0 t.e ma(imum rate cannot /e reac.ed% "ry to connect t.e U@ to 4ua<ei <e/ server Et.e GGS! Gi interface S+N 5ans<itc. S+N !@)6 S+N Internet S+N Server of operator% ".e M*: used .ere means connection /et<een t<o net<or= elements E!@sF% 4ua<ei <e/ servers connect to 5ans<itc. /y Gi interface% ".e address of <e/ server and t.e address of GGS! Gi interface s.are t.e same net<or= se#mentF% ".e do<nloadin# rate reac.es 9D =/ps% After en#ineers connect U@ to t.e server of operator0 t.e do<nloadin# rate is $) =/ps0 far from t.e re3uired rate% After en#ineers activate PS service from 4ua<ei SGS! to t.e GGS! of ot.er vendors Esuc. as !F0 t.e rate is a/out $) =/ps after visitin# t.e server of operator /y !Ps GGS!% ".erefore0 t.e pro/lem must not /e due to system% Pro/a/ly t.e operator restricts t.e rate on t.e server0 so t.e do<nlin= $69 =/ps is unavaila/le% Capture pac=ets on Gn and Gi interface0 and U@ /y Sniffer% Accordin# to analysis of pac=et capture0 t.e "CP at t.e F"P server of operator restricts t.e sendin# <indo< Et.e "CP <indo< of t.e operatorPs .ost server is *$7$*0 /ut pro/a/ly t.e soft<are at application layer restricts t.e sendin# <indo<% Accordin# to t.e analysis /elo<0 t.e sendin# <indo< size of F"P on operatorPs server is a/out 6 =/ps0 muc. smaller t.an *9 =/psF% Accordin# to t.e /asic re#ulations of data pac=et at Gi interface0 F"P server to clientG After sendin# * "CP pac=ets E9 T 78)) O & T77:)F0 t.e server stops sendin#0 and * pac=ets must /e confirmed% ".e F"P server receives an ACA messa#e% After t.e F"P server and client confirm t<o "CP pac=ets0 t.e server stops sendin#% ".ere are 9 pac=ets to /e confirmed% ".e F"P server receives an ACA messa#e a#ain% After t.e F"P server and client confirm t<o "CP pac=ets0 t.e server sends t.ree continuous "CP pac=ets E& T 78)) O 77:)F% ".ere are 8 pac=ets to /e confirmed% ".e F"P server receives an ACA messa#e a#ain% After t.e F"P server and client confirm t<o "CP pac=ets% ".e server sends $ continuous "CP pac=ets E& T 78)) O 77:)F% ".ere are * pac=ets to /e confirmed% It #oes /ac= to t.e first step% A cycle forms% ".e F"P server sends at most 6%9 =/yte E9 T78)) O & T 77:)F pac=ets to /e confirmed% Accordin# to t.e second step a/ove0 t.e sender needs to send 9 =/yte data continuously% ".erefore0 t.e F"P server sets t.e "CP sendin# <indo< to /e smaller t.an 7) =/yte0 and t.e "CP is optimized to send lar#e /loc= data Eover 9 =/ytesF% ".e actual "CP <indo< is D =/ytes on avera#e for F"P server% Assume
&))6+7&+78 All ri#.ts reserved Pa#e1$$ 0 "otal1 !

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t.at t.e round+trip delay is t mm0 so t.e ma(imum availa/le rate is ED =/ytes?tF T 6 =/ps% Accordin# to previous analysis0 after activatin# PS service0 do not transfer data% @(ecute pin# to server on U@0 and c.ec= t.e delay at t.e air interface% In 4ua<ei system0 t.e avera#e delay for pin# pac=ets is &8)ms% Accordin# to analysis0 D =/ps?)%&8 K &6 =/ps% !amely0 t.e t.eoretical avera#e rate at application layer is &6 =/ps% ".is t.eoretical value is t.e same as t.e actual value% ".erefore0 t.e operator must .ave restricted t.e "CP <indo< at application layer on t.e server0 so t.e rate =eeps lo<%


"o increase rate0 en#ineers must reduce t.e round+trip delay% W.en t.e delay is smaller t.an 78)ms0 t.e rate can reac. $69 =/ps ED =/ps?)%78 K 9*%D =/psF% Actually reducin# t.e delay at air interface is difficult% ".e 4ua<ei delay at air interface is a/out &8)ms% ".erefore0 t.e rate cannot reac. &69 =/ps% Do<nload data <it. multiple t.reads tool0 suc. as Flas.Get and !etAnt% Multiple "CP connects to t.e server0 so t.e rate can increase% Accordin# to test result0 do<nload data <it. more t.an t<o t.reads /y usin# Flas.Get or !etAnt0 t.e rate can reac. 9D =/ps% emove t.e restriction on sendin# <indo< size of server0 and set t.e sendin# <indo< size of server to *88$8%

.#.# 0i/ultaneous 1ploading and Downloading

Activate uplin= *9 =/ps and do<nlin= $69 =/ps services on U@ and laptop% Connect U@ to t.e server of operator0 and upload and do<nload data <it. F"P simultaneous% W.erein0 t.e do<nloadin# rate is #reatly affected0 and fluctuates s.arply% ".e avera#e do<nloadin# rate declines from 9D =/yte to &) =/yte% 4o<ever0 do<nloadin# and uploadin# respectively are availa/le%

Uploadin# and do<nloadin# simultaneously affect t.e ACA delay of "CP% ".is leads to prolon#ed delay upon confirmation0 and t.e "CP <indo< size is inade3uate% @(ecute t.e ping command upon for confirmin# delay upon simultaneous uploadin# and do<nloadin#% O/tain t.e ma(imum supported rate <it. t.e "CP <indo< size?delay% Accordin# to t.e analysis of t.e second pro/lem0 t.e "CP <indo< size of operatorPs server is a/out 6%9 =/yte Et.e operator may use t.e F"P soft<are Serv+U% Its default sendin# and receivin# /uffer is 6&:$ /ytesF% Upon simultaneous uploadin# and do<nloadin#0 c.ec= t.e pin# pac=et delay /y e(ecutin# t.e command pin# to t.e server% ".e pin# pac=et delay is a/out 78))ms0 6%9?7%9 K * =/yte% ".e previous t<o para#rap.s descri/e t.e case of sin#le t.read% Start $ t.reads and t.e t.eoretical rate s.ould /e 76 A;?s E* T $ K 76F% Accordin# to actual test0 do<nload data <it. $ t.reads /y usin# Flas.Get from t.e operatorPs server0 and upload data <it. CuteF"P simultaneously% ".e avera#e sendin# and receivin# rate of U@ is 7D%: A;?s in do<nlin= and D%& A;?s in uplin=% ".e do<nlin= rate is appro(imately e3ual to t.eoretical value% !amely0 <.en t.e U@ sends data in uplin=0 t.e delay increases s.arply0 so is t.e uplin= response delay to t.e ACA messa#e% As a result0 t.e "CP Hud#es it as con#estion0 so t.e rate declines% ".is e(plains t.at uploadin# and do<nloadin# respectively are availa/le /ut simultaneous uploadin# and do<nloadin# lead to decline of do<nlin= rate%


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Accordin# to previous analysis0 increasin# "CP <indo< size of server leads to increasin# do<nlin= t.eoretical rate% Actually0 <.en usin# 4ua<ei servers for test0 set t.e "CP <indo< size to *88$80 do<nload <it. t.ree t.reads /y usin# Flas.Get% Simultaneously upload data <it. CuteF"P% ".e avera#e sendin# and receivin# rate is 9*%8 A;?s in do<nlin= and * A;?s in uplin=% Do<nload data <it. multiple t.reads% Accordin# to test0 do<nload data <it. 7) t.reads from operatorPs server <.en t.e "CP <indo< size is 67:&% ".e avera#e sendin# and receivin# rate is 9& A;?s in do<nlin= and * A;?s in uplin=% ".e data transfer is unsta/le <it. Hitters% Send t.e ACA messa#e in do<nlin= data pac=ets0 and sends uplin= data pac=ets at a fi(ed rate% estrict t.e uplin= rate so t.at t.e uplin= data pac=ets <ill not /e /loc=ed at t.e air interface and t.e delay at t.e air interface <ill not increase0 and t.ere is no Hitter% O/viously0 t.e decline of do<nlin= rate upon uplin= and do<nlin= data transfer is not due to 4ua<ei system0 and t.is pro/lem cannot /e miti#ated /y t.is solution% ".is is a defect of "CP?IP protocol used in radio transmission% It is #ood to com/ine t.e U@ and t.e driver of <ireless Modem to carry out t.e solution%

.#.$ Decline o' Downloading Rate o' 5ultiple 12s

Activate * U@s <it. do<nlin= $69= service0 and connect t.em to t.e operatorPs server simultaneously% Do<nload data <it. F"P0 and t.e rate declines to $) A;?s%

Do<nload data on one U@ /y F"P from operatorPs server0 and t.e rate is as normal as a/ove 9D A;?s% Do<nload data on t<o U@s0 and t.en on t.ree% ".e do<nloadin# rate =eeps at a/out 9D A;?s <it. 9 U@s connected at most% W.en t.e fift. U@ connects to t.e server0 t.e rate declines% "ry on site as /elo<G Do<nload data <it. four U@s from t.e operatorPs server0 and <it. t<o U@s from 4ua<ei servers% C.ec= <.et.er t.e rate is faulty% As a result0 t.e do<nloadin# rate of * U@s reac.es 9D A;?s% Pro/a/ly0 t.e operatorPs server does not <ell cooperate <it. 4ua<ei net<or=s% Do<nload data <it. si( U@s from 4ua<ei servers% C.ec= <.et.er t.e rate is faulty% 4ua<ei servers cooperate <ell <it. 4ua<ei net<or=s% Pro/a/ly t.e operatorPs server does not <ell cooperate <it. 4ua<ei net<or=s% ".e difference /et<een t.e operatorPs server and 4ua<ei server lies in t.e router and fire<all over t.e operatorPs server% "ry to avoid t.e impact from fire<all and router0 and c.ec= <.et.er t.e rate increases% Connect t.e Gi interface of GGS! to !@)6 directly0 and do<nload data <it. U@ from t.e operatorPs server% C.ec= <.et.er t.e rate increases% ".e result proves t.at t.e rate remains t.e same% ".erefore0 t.e fire<all .as no impact on t.e rate% Do<nload data <it. si( U@s from 4ua<ei servers0 and t.ere is no pro/lem% Connect 4ua<ei server to !@)6 port to replace t.e operatorPs server for test0 and c.ec= <.et.er t.e rate is faulty% As a result0 t.e do<nloadin# rate of si( U@s reac.es a/ove 9D A;?s% ".erefore0 t.e router is normal% Connect a laptop to Gi interface% Do<nload data <it. 9 U@s and <it. a laptop simultaneously0 and c.ec= <.et.er t.eir do<nloadin#s affect eac. ot.er% "ests prove


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t.at t.ey seldom affect eac. ot.er% ".e rate of some U@s declines a little0 and t.at of some U@s are seldom affected% ".e rate of do<nloadin# data directly /y laptop is $66 A;?s Esin#le t.readF or 7))) A;?s Et.ree t.readsF% ".e e(port /and<idt. to t.e operatorPs server is enou#.0 so decline of rate must not /e due to /and<idt. used for do<nloadin# data /y multiple U@s simultaneously% After previous verifications0 t.e perip.eral e3uipment pro/lems are e(cluded0 so pro/a/ly t.e pro/lem lies in t.e cooperation /et<een t.e operatorPs server and 4ua<ei net<or=% ".e maHor differences /et<een 4ua<ei server and t.e operator server lie in t<o aspectsG M"U and "cpWindo<Size% Still on 4ua<ei Server0 modify t.e t<o parameters for verificationG ".e confi#uration in t.e re#edit on server is M"U 798)0 and "cpWindo<Size is *88$8% Activate si( U@s simultaneously0 and t.e rate is as sta/le as a/ove 9D A;?s% Aeep t.e M"U of <e/ server at 798)% Modify t.e "cpWindo<Size in re#edit to 7) A; E7)&9)F% After restart0 t.e rate of simultaneous rate /y si( U@s =eeps a/ove 9D A;?s% Delete t.e M"U from t.e re#edit of <e/ server Euse t.e default value 78))F% Aeep "cpWindo<Size at *88$8% After restart0 t.e rate of si( U@s declines s.arply E&)J$) A;?sF% ".e do<nloadin# rate of t.ree U@s =eeps at 9D A;?s until t.e fourt. U@ Hoins% ".erefore0 <.en t.e M"U is t.e default value 78))0 t.e rate of simultaneous do<nloadin# /y multiple U@s declines% Accordin# to t.e pac=ets captured /y Sniffer0 t.e M"U on t.e operatorPs server is t.e default value 78))% Accordin# to analysis0 <.en t.e M"U is 78))0 due to t.e "CP .eader encapsulated alon# t.e pat.0 t.e data pac=et is over lon# <.en t.e do<nlin= data pac=et reac.es SGS!% ;efore sendin# data pac=et to !C0 t.e SGS! must fra#ment and reassem/le t.e pac=et% ".e current SGS! transfers data /y usin# soft<are0 so it starts flo< control to protect main controller% As a result0 t.e do<nlin= rate declines upon fra#ment and reassem/ly% SolutionG

Set t.e M"U of t.e operatorPs server to 798) Eif fra#ment is unnecessary0 M"U s.ould /e as lar#e as possi/le% Accordin# to test0 798) is improperF% Set t.e M"U of laptops connected to U@ to 798) Eyou must c.an#e t.e M"U at US; port of laptopsF so t.at t.e SGS! <ill not start fra#ment and reassem/ly%

Since it is impossi/le to modify M"U of t.e operatorPs server0 solve t.e pro/lem /y usin# t.e second met.od% For .o< to "CP parameters in Windo<s0 see t.e appendi(%

.#.! 1nstable P0 Rate ?Loss o' 8P Pac6ets@

On+site en#ineers feed /ac= t.at t.e data transfer fluctuates at t.e /e#innin# every mornin#% Facts prove t.is ri#.t upon do<nloadin#% Fi#ure *+$ and Fi#ure *+9 s.o< unsta/le PS rate%


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&igure 1.1 Unsta/le PS rate E7F

&igure 1.# Unsta/le PS rate E&F

Analysis Fi#ure *+8 s.o<s analyzin# pac=ets captured /y @t.ereal upon unsta/le PS rate%


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&igure 1.$ Analyzin# pac=ets captured /y @t.ereal upon unsta/le PS rate

".e messa#es at IP layer mean as /elo<>

9:: S!G 9$*89)+++ne(t se3 K 9$6))) 8))G ACA 8)7 S!G 9$:9*)+++ne(t se3 K 99):&) 878G ACA% It needs a S! of 9$6)))% ".is means t.at t.e frame 9:: is missin#0 so t.e "CP layer =eeps resendin# it%

C.ec= t.e ca/le at Gi interface% After en#ineers pullin# t.e ca/le out and plu##in# it in0 t.e pro/lem is solved% ".e pro/lem does not occur in t.e follo<in# tracin# period%

.#.% 1nstable P0 Rate o' 0ingle Thread in Co//ercial Deploy/ent ?Loss o' 8P Pac6ets@
After t.e commercial net<or= is launc.ed0 t.e rate of $69 =/ps service is unsta/le% It cannot reac. t.e re3uired rate0 and even =eeps at several dozen =/ps%

Pro/a/ly t.e pro/lem is caused /y loss of data pac=ets and delay% After capturin# pac=ets /y
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se#ment0 t.e cause proves on t.e fire<all% After repeated tests0 t.e Up?Do<n and C C @rror occur fre3uently at t.e fire<all & interface &?&% After anot.er $ .oursP test0 t.e ca/le /et<een t.e fire<all & interface &?& and 5S7& must not /e p.ysically /ro=en0 and C C error must /e due to improper installation of fi/er% A faulty fire<all leads to loss of pac=ets at t.e application layer0 <.ic. .as #reat impact on rate% W.en t.e fire<all is normal0 t.e PS rate increases #reatly% 4o<ever0 t.e rate is still unsta/le% Accordin# to furt.er analysis0 t.e ;5@ at t.e air interface is 7)L0 so it is normal for PS rate to fluctuate at t.e air interface% After en#ineers modify t.e ;5@ to 7L0 t.e pro/lem is solved% 4o<ever0 t.e cost is more consumption of po<er at t.e air interface and impact on capacity%

.#. 1navailable 0trea/ing 0ervice 'or a 0ubscriber

A su/scri/er cannot use streamin# service in a deployment%

".e su/scri/er can /ro<se t.e portal <e/sites0 /ut cannot use streamin# service% Mean<.ile ot.er su/scri/ers can use streamin# service% ".erefore0 t.e PS service /earer is normal0 and t.e cause cannot /e on A!0 SGS!0 and GGS!% Pro/a/ly t.e U@0 USIM card0 and server are faulty% Accordin# to furt.er analysis0 t.e pro/lem must /e on t.e USIM card0 and t.e su/scri/er did not pay for usin# streamin# service% ".e su/scri/er can /ro<se t.e free portal <e/sites%

.#.4 1navailable P0 0ervices due to &irewall o' Laptop

A su/scri/er cannot use PS services <it. !o=ia D*)) connected to .is laptop%

".e su/scri/er feed /ac= t.at ot.er su/scri/ers can use PS services <it. .is card% 4e could use PS service until one day recently% ".erefore0 t.e pro/lem is a/out t.e laptop% ".e pro/lem does not occur after .e c.an#es t.e laptop% Accordin# to c.ec=0 t.e su/scri/er .as installed a fire<all on .is laptop recently% After uninstallin# t.e fire<all0 .e can use PS services a#ain%

.#.. Low P0 0ervice Rate in Presentation =ccasion

".e rate of PS do<nlin= $69= service is lo< in presentation%

After numerous tests and analysis0 t.e pro/lem must /e at A!% After en#ineers analyze to detailed su/scri/er si#nalin#0 data statistics at su/scri/er plane0 t.e 3uality of si#nals at t.e air interface0 and loss of pac=ets at Iu/ interface0 t.e pro/lem is still present% It is difficult% !P en#ineers c.ec= t.e si#nals on site0 and t.e si#nals are 3ualified% After usin# t.e laptop of an !P en#ineer0 t.e data transfer of PS service is normal% Accordin# to furt.er analysis0 t.e pro/lem lies in t.e driver of


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pu/lic laptop used in presentation% After en#ineers c.an#e t.e laptop0 t.e pro/lem is solved%

.#.3 Abnor/al 2nding a'ter Long*ti/e Data Trans'er by &TP

An operatorPs en#ineer feed /ac= t.at t.e do<nloadin# cannot /e ended normally <.en it lasts for over 7) minutes <it. 4ua<ei $G net<or=% ".e do<nloadin# is normal <it. ot.er operatorsP net<or=s or &G net<or=s%

Accordin# to analysis of F"P messa#es captured /y @t.ereal0 t.e data session of F"P is over0 /ut it misses t.e last interactive completion process0 and no messa#es li=e &&7+Good/ye is found% ".e do<nloaded files can /e opened% After t.e files are do<nloaded0 t.ey can /e opened accordin# to c.ec=% Fi#ure *+* s.o<s t.e interactive interface in CuteF"P% &igure 1.1 Interactive interface in CuteF"P

"o descri/e t.e pro/lem0 compare t.e messa#es as /elo<G Fi#ure *+D s.o<s t.e si#nalin# of normal do<nloadin# /y F"P%


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&igure 1.# Si#nalin# of normal do<nloadin# /y F"P

Fi#ure *+6 s.o<s t.e si#nalin# of a/normal do<nloadin# /y F"P%


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&igure 1.$ Si#nalin# of a/normal do<nloadin# /y F"P

Accordin# to comparison of previous t<o fi#ures0 t.ere are differences% Activate U5*9=?D5 $&= service0 and do<nload data <it. 1ualcomm *&8)0 and capture pac=ets on !C and SGS!% Do<nload a $%8 M/ file <it. t.e operatorPs F"P0 and it ta=es 7& minutes% ".e pro/lem is still present% Do<nload a $%8 M/ file <it. t.e Windo<s F"P command0 and it ta=es $) minutes% After do<nloadin# is complete0 3uit t.e F"P /y typin# /ye% ".e pro/lem is still present% May/e t.e Outloo= is transferrin# data in daemon durin# data transfer0 so t.ere may /e impact% After t.e transfer is complete0 t.e transfer is a/normally disconnected after a lon# time% Do<nload a )%9 M/ file <it. t.e Windo<s F"P command0 and it ta=es & minutes% 1uit t.e F"P /y typin# /ye% ".e pro/lem is not present% Do<nload a )%9 M/ file <it. t.e operatorPs F"P0 and it ta=es & minutes% ".e pro/lem is not present% Perform t.e same operations as t.e second step% Disconnect t.e do<nloadin# /y Outloo= in daemon% ".e result is t.e same as t.e second step% See t.e follo<in# print% ++++@nd Accordin# to previous operations0 t.e do<nloadin# is relevant to time0 not t.e file size% ;ased on analysis of massive data0 t.e data transfer /y F"P is normal0 t.e do<nloaded content is correct and availa/le0 /ut t.e si#nalin# is a/normally closed% Wit.out ot.er /etter met.od0 t.e met.od of e(c.an#in# !@s and se#ment is used%


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Chec6 whether the proble/ is about 12 and server. ".e pro/lem is still present <it. verification /y t.ree U@sG !o=ia **$)0 1ualcomm *&8)0 and Moto 6$8% ".e pro/lem is still present <it. verification /y t<o serversG @urotel F"P server and 4ua<ei F"P server% ".e pro/lem is still present <it. verification /y 4ua<ei F"P server in U!I, operatin# system and in Windo<s &))) Professional F"P server% Searc. for t.e confi#uration of F"P server0 and no relevant confi#uration is found% ConclusionG t.e pro/lem is present <it. multiple U@s0 operators0 and 4ua<ei F"P server0 so t.e pro/lem is irrelevant to U@s and F"P server0 /ut relevant to 4ua<ei net<or=% Co/pare the tests in the $> networ6, the #> networ6, and the tests o' handover to the #> networ6 a'ter access in the $> networ6. Accordin# to tests0 t.e pro/lem must /e /et<een GGS! and F"P server% ".is reduces t.e scope of pro/lem% Accordin# to ot.er tests0 t.e pro/lem does not occur <.en no fire<all is over 4ua<ei server% ".is s.o<s t.e cause% ".e pro/lem does not reoccur due to no fire<all% Accordin# to data analysis0 t.e data transfer at t.e F"P port is normal0 /ut t.e si#nalin# port is disconnected after 7) minutes% ".is must /e due to fire<all% It is t.e fire<all t.at can disconnect a port <it.out data transfer after 7) minutes0 so t.e pro/lem is due to fire<all% Processin# t.e pro/lem #oes smoot.ly after focusin# on t.e fire<all% ".e e(pert on fire<all e(plains as /elo<G ".e F"P session includes t<o session ta/les on fire<all% One is for F"P control c.annel0 and t.e default a#in# time is 7) minutes% ".e ot.er is F"P data c.annel0 and t.e default a#in# time is 9 minutes% ".e no detect 'tp command is confi#ured /et<een domains0 t.e data c.annel <ill not update t.e a#in# time of control c.annel upon data transfer% As a result0 t.e control c.annel is a#in# and deleted after 7) minutes <it. t.e follo<in# p.enomenon% If t.e detect 'tp command is confi#ured0 t.e data c.annel <ill update t.e a#in# time of control c.annel% As a result0 t.e pro/lem does not occur% ".e pro/lem0 in <.ole process0 is irrelevant to A!% 4o<ever0 t.e process and result of locatin# pro/lem is considera/le% C.an#in# !@s in test is si#nificantly useful% ".e difficulty of pro/lem may e(ceed en#ineersP consideration% It needs <ide+ran#e =no<led#e% 4o<ever0 after t.e pro/lem is solved0 it seams easy%

.#.1+ Analysis o' &ailure in P0 Hanodver 7etween $> )etwor6 and #> )etwor6
A test of .andover /et<een 4ua<ei $G net<or= of trial deployment and t.e &G net<or= of a partner is #oin# in a deployment% ".e test U@ is 4ua<ei U*&*% W.en t.e U@ .ands over from t.e $G net<or= to t.e &G net<or= in connection mode0 it =eeps /ein# in PS connection0 /ut it cannot transfer data normally% W.en t.e U@ .ands over from t.e &G net<or= to t.e $G net<or=0 it can transfer data normally%


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".e U@ .ands over /et<een t.e $G net<or= and &G net<or=% ".e U@ camps on $G net<or=0 and .as activated PDP0 in PMM Connected state% W.en t.e U@ moves at t.e ed#e of $G net<or= covera#e areas0 it starts .andin# over to &G net<or=% W.en t.e .andover is complete0 t.e PS user plane is restores and can perform data transfer% 4o<ever0 t.e pro/lem lies in t.at t.e U@ cannot continue data transfer% Analy(e traced signaling. Fi#ure *+: s.o<s t.e si#nalin# of normal .andover /et<een $G net<or= and &G net<or=% &igure 1.1 Si#nalin# of normal .andover /et<een $G net<or= and &G net<or=




SGSN Context Request ( RAI, PTMSI, PTMSI Signature)




Routing Area Update Request ( Old RAI, PTMSI, PTMSI Signature)

SRNS Context Request SRNS Context Response SGSN Context Response ( IMSI, MM Context, P!P Context ) SGSN Context A#% SRNS !ata )or'ard Co((and Update P!P Context Request Update P!P Context Response GPRS $o#ation Update Iu Release Co((and Iu Release Co(plete Can#el $o#ation


Can#el $o#ation A#%

Insert Su&s#ri&er !ata Insert Su&s#ri&er !ata A#% Routing Area Update A##ept ( Ne' PTMSI, Ne' PTMSI Signature) Routing Area Update Co(plete GPRS $o#ation Update A#%

C.ec= t.e $G si#nalin# 5M"% Durin# t.e .andover from t.e $G net<or= to t.e &G net<or=0 t.e .andover si#nalin# is normal at $G net<or= side% After t.e U@ sends t.e routin# area update re3uest messa#e to t.e &G SGS!0 t.e SGS! conte(t and response flo< /et<een t.e &G SGS! and $G SGS! is normal% "ill no<0 t.e .andover of $G SGS! is complete% ".e ne(t step is t.e si#nalin# interaction /et<een t.e U@ and t.e &G SGS!0 as s.o<n in Fi#ure *+7)G


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&igure 1.# !ormal si#nalin# flo< /et<een U@ and &G SGS!%

"race t.e si#nalin# on t.e partnerPs &G SGS!% It is found t.at t.e si#nalin# interaction flo< from &G SGS! to GGS! and t.at of 45 are complete% After t.e &G SGS! sends U@ t.e routin# area update re3uest messa#e0 t.e U@ must sends &G SGS! t.e routin# area update complete messa#e accordin# to standard flo<0 <.ic. is not found in traced si#nalin#% As a result0 t.e &G SGS! Hud#es t.at t.e U@ .as not completed t.e routin# area update0 so t.e U@ cannot transfer data after .andover to t.e &G net<or=% 4o<ever0 t.e U@ =eeps /ein# in connected mode after .andover to &G net<or=0 so t.e U@ Hud#es t.at it .as completed routin# area update% ".is indicates t.at t.e pro/lem lie /et<een t.e U@ and SGS!% Fi#ure *+77 s.o<s t.e si#nalin# flo< traced on &G SGS!%


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&igure 1.$ Si#nalin# flo< traced on &G SGS!

C.ec= t.e encryption state of $G SGS!% ".e SGS! uses U@A7 as t.e encryption met.od0 /ut t.e servin# &G net<or= uses no encryption met.od% W.en t.e U@ .ands over from t.e encryption in $G net<or= to t.e non+encryption in &G net<or=0 t.e &G net<or= fails to send t.e encryption and aut.entication messa#e0 indicatin# U@ to disa/le encryption state0 and t.e encryption state of U@ .as not sync.ronized <it. net<or= side% As a result0 t.e U@ encrypted its messa#es upon sendin# AU0 /ut t.e A! side does not encrypt messa#es% ".erefore0 t.e A! side fails to receive AU result%

".is pro/lem concerns t.e partnerPs e3uipment at A! side% It cannot /e solved at U@ side due to restriction from protocols% ".erefore0 t.e solution is to set t.e encryption item to non+encryption so t.at t.e messa#es sent /y U@ are not encrypted% As a result0 t.e pro/lem is miti#ated%

0uggestion and 0u//ary

".e pro/lem concerns t.e partnerPs e3uipment at A! side% !ot every type of U@ meets t.e pro/lem0 /ecause t.e pro/lem is Hust incidental% ".erefore locate t.e pro/lem /ased on si#nalin# and analyze t.e pro/lem to o/tain t.e correct result%
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".is document descri/e t.e access0 disconnection of data transfer0 lo< rate of data transfer0 unsta/le rate of data transfer0 and interruption of data transfer% It provides t.e met.ods for analyzin# and processin# t.ese pro/lems in terms of traffic statistics and D"?C1"% ".e e(perience from analyzin# pro/lems in terms of traffic statistics is little0 and <ill /e supplemented% In addition0 t.e document details t.e flo< for optimizin# DC4 /earer of data service and t.e flo< for optimizin# 4SDPA /earer of data service% ".e used cases include a/undant cases at C! side% Actually0 analyzin# pro/lems or modifyin# parameters at C! side must /e processed /y en#ineers at C! side% ".ese C! cases Hust serve as reference for analyzin# pro/lems%


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About This Chapter
".e follo<in# ta/le lists t.e contents of t.is c.apter% Title 6%7 6%& 6%$ 6%9 6%8 6%* 6%D 6%6 6%: Description "ransport C.annel of PS Data ".eoretical ates at @ac. 5ayer ;earer Met.ods of PS Services


Met.od for Modifyin# "CP eceive Windo< Met.od for Modifyin# M"U Confirmin# AP! and ate in Activate PDP Conte(t e3uest Messa#e AP! @ffect PS "ools Analysis of PDP Activation


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..1 Transport Channel o' P0 Data

Fi#ure 7%7 s.o<s t.e transport c.annel of PS data% &igure 1.1 "ransport c.annel of PS data

W.erein0 t.e Gi interface connects to t.e application server0 on <.ic. t.e F"P Server soft<are is runnin#% Do<nload data from t.e application server to U@ EMSF t.rou#. five interfacesG Gi0 Gn0 IuPS0 Iu/0 and Uu% ".e PS services use t.e AM mode of 5C0 <.ic. supports retransmission% ".e services li=e F"P and 4""P use "CP protocol0 <.ic. also supports retransmission% ".e parameters of t.ese t<o protocols E 5C?"CPF .ave #reat impact on rate% If t.e parameters are improper0 or pac=et error or loss of pac=ets occurs durin# transmission0 t.e rate <ill decline% @valuate 1oS /ased on t.at a computer <it. U@ as its modem runs applications% ".is concerns t.e performance of computers and servers%


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..# Theoretical Rates at 2ach Layer

Fi#ure 7%7 s.o<s t.e pac=et service data flo<% &igure 1.1 Pac=et Service Data Flo<

O/serve different protocol layers0 and t.ere are different definitions of t.rou#.put0 suc. as t.e application layer t.rou#.put0 5C layer t.rou#.put0 and MAC layer t.rou#.put% Due to data pac=et .eader at eac. protocol layer0 t.ere is over.ead% @(cept t.e p.ysical layer0 t.e "CP?IP and 5C layer .ave .i#. over.ead% ".e typical PDU size and over.ead at eac. layer are listed as /elo<%

..#.1 TCP,8P Layer

Assume t.at t.e M"U is 78)) ;ytes% ".e "CP?UDP .eader over.ead is &) ;ytes% ".e IP .eader over.ead is &) ;ytes% ".e "CP?UDP PDU size0 namely0 t.e payload at application layer0 is 79*) ;ytes0 /ut t.e <.ole IP pac=et size is 78)) ;ytes%

..#.# RLC Layer

".e 5C .eader over.ead is 7* ;its% ".e 5C PDU size is $$* ;its% Assume t.at t.e rate at t.e application layer is 7 ;ytes?s% if retransmission at eac. layer is not considered0 t.e correspondin# rate at 5C layer is 78))?79*)0 namely0 7%)&D% ".e rate at MAC+d


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layer is 78))?79*) T $$*?$&)0 namely0 7%)D:%

..#.$ Retrans/ission =verhead

If t.e "CP layer retransmission Eassume t.at t.e retransmission rate is r7F and 5C layer retransmission are considered0 t.e correspondin# rate at 5C layer is 78)) T E7 O r7F?79*)% ".e rate at MAC+d layer is 78)) T E7 O r7F?79*) T E7 O r&F T $$*?$&)%

..#.! 5AC*H0 Layer

If t.ere is only one su/scri/er0 <it.out retransmission at MAC+4S layer0 t.e rate at MAC+4S is Esc.edulin# transport /loc= size ";sF?&ms0 and t.e rate at MAC+d layer is $$* T E";s?$$*sF?&ms% In t.e D" tool Pro/e0 <it. consideration of multiple su/scri/er sc.edulin# and retransmission at MAC+4S0 t.ere are t.ree rate involved at MAC+4S layerG sc.eduled rate0 served rate0 and MAC layer rate% Served ate K Sc.eduled ate T 4S+SCC4 Success ate MAC 5ayer ate K Served ate T E7+ S;5@ F W.erein0 t.e 4S+SCC4 Success ate is t.e success rate for receivin# 4S+SCC4 data /y a su/scri/er0 and S5;@ is incorrect "; received at MAC+4S layer?total ";s received%


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..$ 7earer 5ethods o' P0 0ervices

In el 9 and :: protocol versions0 data service is carried on DC4% If t.e data services are lo< in traffic0 it can also /e carried on FAC4% W.en 4SDPA is used in el 80 t.e data service can /e carried on DC4 or 4SDPA% If t.e traffic is lo<0 t.e data service can /e carried /y FAC4 t.rou#. state transition% ".e follo<in# t.ree para#rap.s descri/e t.e met.od for !C to Hud#e <.et.er a PS service is carried /y DC4 or 4SDPA in a cell supportin# 4SDPA% "<o parameters are relevant to t.e S@" F C command on !C 5M"G do<nlin= streamin# service 4SDPA t.res.old and do<nlin= ;@ service 4SDPA t.res.old% Do<nlin= streamin# service 4SDPA t.res.old indicates t.e rate Hud#ment t.res.old of PS streamin# service carried on 4S+DSC4% W.en t.e do<nlin= ma(imum rate of PS streamin# service is e3ual to or lar#er t.an t.e t.res.old0 t.e service can /e carried on 4S+DSC4% Ot.er<ise0 it is carried on DC4% Do<nlin= ;@ service 4SDPA t.res.old indicates t.e rate Hud#ment t.res.old of PS /ac=#round?interactive service carried on 4S+DSC4% W.en t.e do<nlin= ma(imum rate of PS /ac=#round?interactive service is lar#er t.an or e3ual to t.e t.res.old0 t.e service can /e carried on 4S+DSC4% Ot.er<ise0 it is carried on DC4% ".e service is carried /y from DC4 or 4SDPA to FAC4 t.rou#. state transition%

..$.1 DCH
".e DC4 /and<idt. depends on t.e current po<er resource0 code resource0 and Iu/ /and<idt. resource% "ypical rates include 6 =/ps0 $& =/ps0 *9 =/ps0 7&6 =/ps0 799 =/ps0 and $69 =/ps% ".e DC4 /and<idt. is adHusta/le /y al#orit.ms li=e DCCC accordin# to t.e current traffic and covera#e conditions0 /ut t.e adHustment is limited to previous rates% In addition0 t.e interval to tri##er adHustment is lon#% As a result0 t.e adHustment is not fre3uent%

..$.# H0DPA
".e net<or= does not allocate fi(ed /and<idt. or resources for t.e PS services carried /y 4SDPA0 /ut perform fast sc.edule every &ms% ".erefore0 t.e t.rou#.put t.at a su/scri/er can reac. depends on a/undant factors0 suc. asG

U@ cate#ory Ecapacity levelF Availa/le code resource of 4SDPA Availa/le po<er resource of 4SDPA !um/er of 4SDPA su/scri/ers Sc.edulin# al#orit.m adio environment

".erefore0 t.e t.rou#.put of sin#le PS service carried /y 4SDPA fluctuates more s.arply t.an t.at carried /y DC4% 4o<ever0 4SDPA uses ne< tec.nolo#ies0 suc. as fast sc.edule0 4A 10 and 7*1AM0 so t.e utilization rate of resources is .i#.er0 and t.rou#.put of <.ole cell is .i#.er%

..$.$ CCH
FAC4 can carried PS services of lo< traffic0 it can also /ear /roadcastin# services li=e CM;%


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FAC4 uses code resource of different SFs0 so it support varia/le c.annel rate% ".is depends on t.e need /y /roadcastin# services li=e CM;%


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..! 5ethod 'or 5odi'ying TCP Receive <indow

For t.e services Esuc. as BOD and F"PF usin# "CP protocol0 t.e "CP <indo< size of test laptop EclientF and server .ave #reat impact on performance of service% "o o/tain /etter performance0 set t.e <indo< size as lar#e as possi/le0 and set t.e <indo< size of client and server to t.e same0 suc. as *9A E*88$8F%

..!.1 Tool 5odi'ication

un t.e D "CP%e(e attac.ed in t.e appendi( 6%6%7% For t.e runnin# interface0 see t.e met.od for modifyin# M"U% C.an#e t.e "CP eceive Windo<0 suc. as *88$8%

..!.# Regedit 5odi'ication

Detailed operations are as /elo<G In Windo<s &)))0

In 4A@'Q5OCA5QMAC4I!@_S'S"@M_CurrentControlSet_Services_"cpip0 add strin#G ]"cpWindo<Size]K]*88$8] In 4A@'Q5OCA5QMAC4I!@_S'S"@M_CurrentControlSet_Services_"cpip_Parameters0 add dou/le type value "cpWindo<Size% Set it to *88$8 or ffff E.e(F%


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..% 5ethod 'or 5odi'ying 5T1

".e M"U .ere is IP pac=et size% As s.o<n in &igure %*#40 GGS! .as t<o layer IP% ".e ma(imum IP pac=et size is 78)) /ytes% If a data pac=et at IP layer is to /e transmitted0 and t.e pac=et is lar#er t.an M"U at IP layer after encapsulation0 IP pac=et fra#ment is necessary% After fra#ment0 eac. fra#ment is smaller t.an t.e M"U at IP layer% In terms of PS C! efficiency0 avoid IP fra#ment and reassem/ly0 and mean<.ile use t.e M"U as lar#e as possi/le% ".e M"U is usually smaller t.an or e3ual to 798) /ytes% ".e data transmission rate of PS C! is usually .i#.er t.an t.e rate at air interface0 so t.e M"U .as little impact on t.e rate at air interface% ".e default M"U in computers is 78)) /ytes% Modifyin# M"U includes modifyin# t.e M"U of server and modifyin# t.e M"U of test laptop% ".e server and client <ill ne#otiate0 so t.e actual M"U is t.e smaller one% Modify M"U /y usin# D "CP tool or modifyin# Windo<s e#ister% ".e follo<in# sections detail t.e operations%

..%.1 Tool 5odi'ication

un t.e D "CP%e(e attac.ed in t.e appendi( 6%6%70 <it. t.e runnin# interface as s.o<n in % &igure 1.1 unnin# interface of D "CP

Modify t.e M"U in Adapter 0ettings s.o<n in Fi#ure 6+* 0 namely0 t.e M"U at t.e net<or= port%

Test Laptop
For test laptops0 t.e U@ is connected to it /y data line and dial+up connection is set up% Data pac=ets are sent t.rou#. US; port% As a result0 modifyin# M"U of US; port is necessary0 namely0 t.e Dial UpE ASF M"U as s.o<n in % After modification0 restart t.e Windo<s operatin# system%


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..%.# Regedit 5odi'ication

5odi'ying 5T1 o' server
Modify t.e M"U of net<or= port on server% In Windo<s &)))0 in 4A@'Q5OCA5QMAC4I!@_S'S"@M_CurrentControlSet_Services_"cpip_Parameters_Interfaces_ `%%%%%%%%%a_0 add a dou/le /yte value0 named /tu0 <it. t.e value of 798)%

5odi'ying 5T1 o' client

For activatin# U@ and laptop0 dial+up connection is used <it. data line% Data pac=ets are sent t.rou#. US; port% Modify t.e M"U of US; on laptop as /elo<G In Windo<s &)))0 in 4A@'Q5OCA5QMAC4I!@_S'S"@M_CurrentControlSet_Services_!disWan_Parameters_Protocols_ )_0 modify t.e ProtocolM"U to 798)% After modification0 restart t.e Windo<s operatin# system%


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.. Con'ir/ing AP) and Rate in Activate PDP ConteCt ReBuest 5essage

W.en t.e U@ ori#inates data services0 t.e 1oS is sent to t.e system in Activate PDP Conte(t e3uest messa#e% ".e messa#e result is as s.o<n in Fi#ure 7%7% &igure 1.1 Detailed resolution of Activate PDP Conte(t e3uest messa#e

.. .1 Tra''ic ClassesG
".e traffic classes in an Activate PDP Conte(t e3uest messa#e include t.e follo<in#G "raffic class0 ))) ))7 Su/scri/ed traffic class Conversational class


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)7) )77 7)) 777

Streamin# class Interactive class ;ac=#round class eserved

Amon# t.em0 0ubscribed tra''ic class is not determined /y t.e U@0 /ut determined /y t.e core net<or= accordin# to t.e su/scription information of t.e U@%

.. .# 5aCi/u/ 7it Rates and >uaranteed 7it Rates

ma( /it rate upG Ma(imum uplin= rate% In t.e precedin# fi#ure0 t.e value of t.is field is *90 <.ic. corresponds to *9 =/it?s% ma( /it rate do<nG Ma(imum do<nlin= rate% In t.e precedin# fi#ure0 t.e value of t.is field is 7)90 <.ic. corresponds to $69 =/it?s% #uar /it rate upG Guaranteed uplin= /it rate% In t.e precedin# fi#ure0 t.e value of t.is field is )0 <.ic. means t.at t.ere is no re3uirement for t.e #uaranteed uplin= /it rate% #uar /it rate do<nG Guaranteed do<nlin= /it rate% In t.e precedin# fi#ure0 t.e value of t.is field is )0 <.ic. means t.at t.ere is no re3uirement for t.e #uaranteed do<nlin= /it rate% ate conversion met.od stipulated in protocol &9%))6G ( is t.e re3uired ori#inal value of a rate in a messa#e If )S(S*90 t.e actual rate is ( =/it?s% If 7&6N(NK*90 t.e actual rate is *9 O E( J *9F T 6 =/it?s% In t.e precedin# fi#ure0 t.e value of t.e ma( /it rate do<n field is 7)9 and t.e ma(imum do<nlin= /it rate is $69 =/it?s calculated accordin# to t.e conversion formula *9 O E7)9 J *9F T6% If &88N(NK7&60 t.e actual rate is 8D* O E( J 7&6F T *9 =/it?s% If ( K &880 t.e actual rate is ) =/it?s%

.. .$ AP)
".e AP! in t.e messa#e is a c.aracter strin# in t.e ASCII format and cannot /e read directly0 as s.o<n in t.e fi#ure /elo<% 'ou can use Ultra @dit to convert t.e ASCII codes into a c.aracter strin#% Met.od of convertin# ASCII codes into a c.aracter strin#G Open t.e Ultra@dit and create a file% Clic= 2dit and c.oose HeC 2dit and enter t.e ASCII codes% ".en you can see t.e c.aracter strin# of t.e AP!% In t.e fi#ure /elo<0 t.e c.aracter strin# of t.e AP! starts from t.e fourt. /ytes%


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&igure 1.1 Convertin# ASCII codes into a c.aracter strin# /y usin# t.e Ultra@dit

Convertin# ASCII code to strin# in Ultra@dit proceeds as /elo<G

un Ultra@dit Create a File Select @dit N 4e( @dit "ype t.e ASCII code of AP! in t.e messa#es

'ou can see t.e AP! strin# in Fi#ure 6+60 it start at t.e fourt. /yte%


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..4 AP) 2''ect

..4.1 5aEor 2''ect
In GP S?WCDMA net<or=s0 AP! .as t.e follo<in# effectsG

In G PS?WCDMA /ac=/one net<or=s0 AP! identifies GGS!% AP! defines t.e e(ternal PD! t.at GGS! can connect to0 suc. as ISP net<or=s0 private net<or=s0 and enterprise intranets%

..4.# 5ethod 'or )a/ing AP)

AP! consists t.e follo<in# t<o partsG

AP! net<or= identity It defines t.e e(ternal net<or=s t.at su/scri/ers can connect to /y t.e GGS!% ".is part is compulsory% It is assi#ned to ISP or 4ua<ei /y net<or= operators0 t.e same identity as t.e fi(ed Internet domain name% For e(ample0 to define su/scri/ers to connect to 4ua<ei enterprise intranet /y t.e GGS!0 t.e AP! net<or= identity must /e huawei.co/%

AP! operator identity It defines t.e GP S?WCDMA /ac=/one net<or=% ".is part is optional% For e(ample0 in a GP S net<or=0 it could /e (((%yyy%#prs Esuc. as M!C%MCC%#prsF0 <.ic. identifies t.e P5M! net<or= of GGS!%

AP! net<or= identity is saved in 45 as a su/scri/ed data% W.en a U@ ori#inate pac=et services0 it provides AP! for SGS!% AP! is used /y SGS! to select t.e GGS! to /e connected and /y GGS! to Hud#e t.e e(ternal net<or=s to /e connected% In addition0 45 can save a <ildcard% In t.is <ay0 t.e MS or SGS! can select an AP! t.at is not saved in 45 % Su/scri/ers select GGS! /y different AP!s% !amely0 su/scri/ers can activate multiple PDP conte(t0 and eac. PDP conte(t is related to an AP!% Su/scri/ers select different AP!s to connect to different e(ternal net<or=s t.rou#. different GGS!s%

..4.$ AP) Con'iguration

;efore confi#urin# AP! on GGS!:6770 t.e PD! t.at can /e visited /y su/scri/ers must /e clearly =no<n% Set different AP!s to different PD!s% For e(ample0 t.e GGS!:677 allo<s a su/scri/er to visit Internet t.rou#. an ISP and an enterprise intranet simultaneously0 and t<o AP!s must /e set up on GGS!:677G one for visitin# Internet0 and t.e ot.er for visitin# t.e enterprise intranet%


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... P0 Tools
....1 TCP Receive <indow and 5T1 5odi'ication Tools
Modify "CP receive <indo< and M"U <it. t.e follo<in# toolG


For t.e detailed met.od0 see t.e appendi( 6%9 and 6%8%

....# 0ni''er
Sniffer can capture0 construct0 and send pac=ets% It constructs transfer data at a fi(ed rate0 and t.en o/tains t.e rate at ot.er !@s% ".is eliminates t.e e(ternal impact% Sniffer can send pac=ets at U@ side or on server% It can construct data transfer at fi(ed rate in uplin= and do<nlin= simultaneously0 or Hust construct data transfer in uplin= or do<nlin=%

"eri'ying 7earer Capacity o' 0yste/ by 8P Data Pac6et o' &iCed Rate Constructed by 0ni''er
In service demonstration0 if t.e rate declines0 it is difficult to Hud#e <.et.er t.e system is faulty or t.e source rate declines% ;y IP data pac=et of fi(ed rate constructed /y sniffer0 en#ineers can focus on system pro/lems <it.out /ein# distur/ed /y source rate% 4o< to construct IP data pac=et of uplin= and do<nlin= fi(ed rate @(ecute t.e pin# command on a computer of U@ daemon to t.e application server% Capture t.e pin# pac=et /y usin# capture function of Sniffer% Send t.e pin# pac=et automatically and continuously /y usin# t.e pac=et #enerator function of Sniffer0 and t.en o/tain t.e data flo< of uplin= and do<nlin= fi(ed rate Eif t.e system is normalF% Calculate t.e rate accordin# to sendin# interval and pin# pac=et size% Monitor /y t.e monitorin# soft<are at U@ daemon <.et.er t.e uplin= and do<nlin= rate are normal% @(ecute t.e pin# command on t.e application service to U@% Capture t.e pin# pac=et /y usin# capture function of Sniffer% Send t.e pin# pac=et automatically and continuously /y usin# t.e pac=et #enerator function of Sniffer0 and t.en o/tain t.e data flo< of uplin= and do<nlin= fi(ed rate Eif t.e system is normalF% 4o< to construct IP data pac=et of unidirectional uplin= fi(ed rate Capture t.e pin# pac=et /y usin# capture function of Sniffer% Destroy t.e IP pac=et and data related to pin# /y usin# t.e pac=et #enerator function of Sniffer% ".e IP .eader remains t.e same% Send t.e IP pac=et automatically and continuously% W.en t.e IP pac=et reac.es t.e application server0 it <ill /e dropped /y t.e server /ecause t.e server cannot identify t.e content of IP pac=et% As a result0 t.e data flo< of unidirectional uplin= fi(ed rate is o/tained Eif t.e system is normalF% 4o< to construct IP data pac=et of unidirectional do<nlin= fi(ed rate Use t.e same met.od as mentioned in .o< to construct IP data pac=et of unidirectional uplin= fi(ed rate% ".e data flo< of unidirectional uplin= fi(ed rate is o/tained Eif t.e system is normalF%


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Nudge by 0ni''er <hether Pac6ets are lost in 1plin6 and Downlin6

Use t.e previous met.od for capturin# pac=ets% Set t.e Sniffer to send pin# pac=ets of fi(ed num/er% Monitor at t.e destination /y Sniffer <.et.er t.e pin# pac=ets of t.e same num/er are received% ".is c.ec=s <.et.er pac=ets are lost durin# transmission%

....$ Co//on Tool to Capture Pac6etG 2thereal

@t.ereal captures pac=ets% It can parse protocols li=e 4""P0 "P0 and F"P0 even WAP0 and GSM+ MAP protocols% It can also analyze t.e t.rou#.put of "CP flo<0 delay distri/ution0 and "P flo<% It features to resolute IP pac=et and time la/el of .i#. precision Ems levelF% ".e latest version of @t.ereal can record t.e content of PPP protocol on laptop% It .elps to analyze end+to+end pro/lems and delay conveniently%

....! H0DPA Test 12

In terms of test met.ods0 t.e PS service test carried /y 4SDPA is t.e same as t.at carried /y DC4% Select t.e test U@s t.at support 4SDPA% !o< t.e U@s availa/le in 4SDPA PS service test include 4ua<ei @*&) data card0 1ualcomm "M*&D80 and U; "M8))% 4ua<ei @*&) data card is a cate#ory 7& U@% It supports 8 4S+PDSC4 codes at most% It supports 1PSA0 /ut not 7*1AM% ".e ma(imum t.rou#.put at p.ysical layer is 7%6 M/ps% ".e actual t.rou#.put at application rate is 7%9 M/ps% 4ua<ei @*&) data card supports com/ination of PS and AM services0 /ut not BP service% 1ualcomm "M*&D8 is a cate#ory 77 or 7& U@% It supports 8 4S+PDSC4 codes at most% It supports 1PSA0 /ut not 7*1AM% It supports streamin# and BP services% U; "M8)) is an emulation test U@% It can emulate t.e U@s of multiple cate#ories% It supports 78 4S+PDSC4 codes at most% It supports 1PSA and 7*1AM% It supports t.e com/ination of PS and CS services0 namely0 after a su/scri/er starts PS service0 it t.en start CS service% 4ua<ei @*&) data card and 1ualcomm "M*&D8 are for D"% "M8)) is lar#e0 unfit for D"0 /ut it can emulate multiple U@ cate#ories% In la/oratory0 4SDPA performance test re3uires U@ to support 7) or 78 codes0 /ut no U@ or data card support 7) or 78 codes% As a result0 usin# "M8)) for test is necessary%


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..3 Analysis o' PDP Activation

".e G PS su/scri/ed data can include t.e su/scri/ed information of multiple pac=et data protocol EPDPF address% In MS0 SGS!0 and GGS!0 one or more PDP conte(ts descri/e eac. PDP address% @ac. PDP conte(t is in t.e follo<in# t<o statesG inactive or active state% In active state0 PDP conte(t is activated in MS0 SGS!0 and GGS!% It contains t.e routin# and mappin# information to process PDP PDU /et<een MS and GGS!% ".e PDP conte(t activation process contains t.e activation process ori#inated /y MS0 t.e activation process ori#inated /y net<or=0 and t.e second activation process% ".e activation process ori#inated /y MS is used upon PS service connection% Fi#ure 7%7 s.o<s t.e PDP conte(t activation process ori#inated /y MS% &igure 1.1 PDP conte(t activation process ori#inated /y MS
MS U" A! $G+SGS! $G+GGS!

7% Activate PDP Conte(t e3uest C7 $% adio Access ;earer Setup 9% Invo=e "race 8% Create PDP Conte(t e3uest 8% Create PDP Conte(t esponse C& D% Activate PDP Conte(t Accept

".e MS sends SGS! t.e Activate PDP Conte(t e3uest E!SAPI0 "I0 PDP "ype0 PDP Address0 Access Point !ame0 1oS e3uestedF% ".e PDP Address indicates t.e dynamic address or t.e static address% If t.e PDP Address is dynamic address0 set it to null% ".e follo<in# aspects lead to unsuccessful PDP activation processG

Activation reHected0 unspecified Eb$7FG 4ua<ei SGS! defines G"PU interaction failure0 e(piration0 operation SD; failure0 activation failure due to ot.er a/normalities to t.is =ind of failure% Activation reHected /y GGS! Eb$)FG GGS! reHects or fails to decode t.e correspondin# activation re3uest% Missin# or un=no<n AP! Eb&DFG AP! is not contained in t.e activation re3uest messa#e or cannot /e e(tracted% 4ua<ei SGS! ta=es D!S resolution failure0 D4CP or MIP GGS! address ac3uisition failure0 AP! error specified /y activation at net<or= side0 ot.er AP! error as activation failure% ".ese are internal causes% Un=no<n PDP address or PDP type Eb&6FG t.e PDP address or PDP type cannot /e identified /y SGS!% User Aut.entication failed Eb&:FG user aut.entication fails% Service option not supported Eb$&FG t.e re3uested servin# P5M! does not support t.is% 4ua<ei SGS! ta=es <ildcard ETF activation reHection0 service non+supportive0 IPB* non+ supportive as t.is type% e3uested service option not su/scri/ed Eb$$FG re3uested service is not su/scri/ed%


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4ua<ei SGS! ta=es mismatc. su/scri/ed information0 BP5M! access in.i/it0 and c.ar#in# restricted callin#BP5M! as t.is type%

Insufficient resources Eb&*FG activation fails due to inade3uate resource% 4ua<ei SGS! ta=es t.e follo<in# causes as inade3uate resource%

UG;I PDP resource con#estion UG;I /oard con#estion PU failure Inade3uate SD; or SM C; resource Activation failure due to internal c.ar#in# restricted callin#

Operator Determined ;arrin# Eb6FG operators /ar PDP activation process% Service option temporarily out of order Eb$9FG t.is is a cause value <.ic. MSC use to indicate t.at function are inade3uate to support correspondin# re3uests% 4ua<ei SGS! is seldom used0 so ne#lect it% !SAPI already used Eb$8FG t.e re3uested !SAPI is already used /y PDP activated /y t.e su/scri/er0 /ut t.e cause value <ill not /e sent% Protocol error0 unspecified Eb777FG 4ua<ei SGS! in a/normal SD; or SM state may confront t.is type of activation reHection%


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