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Thursday 28th January 2010. A POEM: Goodbye to You Hello. Aga n!

"t#s been n $e see ng you on$e %ore& 'ut t#s t %e (or the (un and ga%es to be o)er. *o& Th s s t& " guess... +e#)e not got %u$h to say a(ter all& *o " dee% t best that ,e go our se-arate ,ays& On$e and (or all. . ght no,. O/ay... The s len$e s a b t a,/,ard& 'ut t#s alr ght. H%%... +ell& -art ng s al,ays hard. " 0ust d dn#t th n/ t ,ould be l /e th s. *o... 'ye. Yes& 0ust l /e that& "sn#t t ,hat you ,anted1 "( not& Then& "2%

Just *o *orry... Oo-s3 +ell& 4are,ell old (r end& Your de$ s on s %ade5 One $annot heal the ,ounds n %y heart. And bra)ado $an only $o%(ort you so %u$h...

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