Landlady New Ending

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uLeslie Holland 1/2/14 1B

The Landlady New Ending

Billy then became scared. He wondered, why? Why am I the only one in years? The same question ran through his mind over and over again. Would you like some more tea? She asked, her tone was kind. No thank you. But you should! It will help you sleep! I said, No thank you Well it seems it is already too late, She smiled. Her smile grew so wide it touched her ears. Then it started. A pain in my body started, it felt like I was on fire. I tried to stand but instead I plummeted to the floor. My heart beated faster and faster. Everything then went black and cold. I had died. The Landlady squeaked from joy. Another pet to add to her collection. It was coming along very nice. Three young men now! Oh, how happy she was! The lady had a hard time trying to get him up the stairs. She dropped him a couple times but she was able to get him to his room. After she stripped him and laid him in his bed, she went and got tools. Knifes, needles, thread, everything you could possible need to preserve a human. First she drained every last drop of blood into bowls. Next, the skin came off, she had to be careful not to rip it or cause any stretching. Then came getting rid of the insides, it was hard to get rid of guts and veins in the middle of a city, but with enough cat liter and dark bags, she was safe. Finally, she had to stuff him. Stuffing was the most intense part. She could overstuff him or his skin will rip, and she cant put to less of stuffing in unless she wanted him to cave in. After two days of Billy being missing, the police started looking for him. They asked people around the area he was last seen. After three days of asking, they found out he stopped at a boardinghouse right across the street from single mother. She said she saw him enter the house but never leave. The police officers there that day went to the house and knocked. A woman opened the door. She was small and frail but she wore a smile that could brighten anyones day. How may I help you boys? she asked.

Maam, we were told that a young man named Billy, was last seen entering your house, we are not here to arrest you but to ask questions, the older officer explain with an expressionless face. Well, come in then! Would you care for some tea? No Oh please have some! It is my treat! You men have been working all day, so just sit down and relax some, The lady guided the officers to her polar. The fire was warm and the smell of fresh tea was in the air. A cup wont hurt, the younger officer whispered to the older one. She may be a kidnapper, it is better to just sit down and ask questions. Fine, the younger pouted. So, where did Billy stay the night he disappeared? the older officer questioned. He stayed in the room at the top of the stairs to the right, the lady answered with a sip of her tea. Did anything unusual happen when he stayed here? What do you mean stayed? He is still here! the lady squeaked offensively. The officers stood to attention. What does she mean he never left? Billy may still be alive? Many more questions ran through the officers minds, but one question ran through both of their minds. What did this lady do to Billy? May we see him? the younger asked. Oh, heavens no! He is not done yet! the lady exclaimed. What do you mean not done? You see my dog? He is stuffed, I did it myself! Billy is hard to do so I wont let you see him yet. Maam, we are going to have to see Billy, the older officer stood up and started up the stairs. The lady jumped out of her seat and rushed to get in front of him. You mustnt! He is not done yet! I havent even gotten the right clothes on yet!

The younger officer quickly grabbed and handcuffed the lady. NO! HE IS NOT FINISHED YET, LET ME FINISH HIM! the lady screamed as the older officer made it to the top of the stairs and opened the door to see the horror the lady had done. Human skin was spread out across the bed, Billys clothes hung up nicely on a hanger, blood was splattered on the floor, and the insides of Billy were in a bowl. The older officer had to turn around and puke before he could even begin to think about sending the lady to an asylum. Take her to the station, she needs to be put in jail, the older officer choked out before the rest of his lunch was everywhere else. Y-yes si-sir, the younger trembled. LET ME GO, I SAID LET ME GO! LET ME GO BEFORE I POISON YOU ALL! YOU ALL WILL REGRET THIS! YOU ALL WILL DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH AND THEN I WILL BURN YOU! the lady screamed all the way to the station. Once she was there, not a single word was spoken. She kept thinking over and over again on how she could rid the world of those officers. The lady was charged with murder and she was sent to an asylum for life. The officers lived happily but not without the memory of the ladys stash of stuffed men.

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