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The Technology

Technology is a common trend nowadays What do we mean by it? How did it develop? And what are its effects? This paper will answer this question and it will begin in what is technology Definition- the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area - A manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods or knowledge - The specialized aspects of a particular field of endeavor

History of Technology
In ancient times, technology was defined by Homer and Hesiod as the spoken word of manual craft or cunning skill (Luna, 1994). By 330 BC, Aristotle coined the Greek term technologia and split scientific knowledge into three parts: theoretical science, practical science, and productive science (technology). According to luna (1994), the earliest use of the word technology in the united states was found an a Harvard University course on the application of the Sciences to the Useful Arts in 1816. The 1832 Encyclopedia Americana defined technology as principles, processes,

and nomenclatures. Ever since that time, there has been debate as to the definition and identity of technology. From a historical perspective, philosophers

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