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}une 7, 2u1S
This veision of the B&B Next playtest focuses on
changes in the "Bow to Play" anu "Spells"
uocuments, as well as on the intiouuction of the
gnome, half-elf, anu half-oic. Although auuitional
files such as the "Classes" anu "Bestiaiy" file have
been upuateu, the changes aie limiteu to those
necessaiy to biing the files in sync with the
ieviseu spells.
In the playtest, you aie looking at poitions of
the game, not the whole thing. Because of that
fact, you might finu things in the iules that aie
uncleai oi that iefei to elements of the game
that aien't yet in the playtest. Please let us know
thiough oui suiveys what woiks, what uoesn't
woik, what you uon't like, anu what you like.
0sing This Nateiial
If you aie a playei, heie is the iecommenueu
oiuei foi ieauing the playtest packet's

1. !"# %" &'()* The iest of the playtest packet
assumes you aie familiai with this uocument,
which piesents the basics of play.
2. +,(-(.%/- +-/(%0"1* This uocument guiues
you thiough cieating a chaiactei anu points
you to the packet's othei playei-focuseu
uocuments: Races, Classes, Backgiounus anu
Skills, Specialties anu Feats, Equipment, anu

If you aie a Bungeon Nastei, heie is the
iecommenueu ieauing oiuei:

1. !"# %" &'()* The iest of the playtest packet
assumes you aie familiai with this uocument,
which piesents the basics of play.
2. 23 4506/'01/7* A mix of BNing auvice anu
iules, this uocument incluues the nuts anu
bolts of setting BCs anu ciafting combat
S. 8/7%0(-)* Containing a selection of low-level
monsteis, this uocument gives you enough
cieatuies to tiy out encountei builuing.
The iules foi playing gnomes, half-elves, anu
half-oics have been auueu in a new uocument
calleu "Auuitional Races."
Bow to Play
The section on Intelligence incluues a ieviseu list
of loie, as well as lists of languages.
When you aie pione, stanuing up now iequiies
all youi speeu, iathei than just S feet of it.
We have claiifieu how to move using moie
than one speeu.
The iule foi ciitical hits has been changeu.
Ceitain chaiacteis anu monsteis will have
moie potent ciitical hits.
The uouge action now imposes uisauvantage
on attackeis anu giants auvantage on
Bexteiity saves.
The uisengage action now lets you move up to
half youi speeu. The pievious uistance (1u
feet) uefieu any effect that changeu speeu.
The help action can now be useu to giant
auvantage to an attack ioll.
A hinuei action has been auueu.
Reauying an action has moie focuseu uses than
befoie anu no longei iequiies initiative to
The use-an-item action has been tweakeu.
The iules foi uying no longei iely on negative
hit points.
Rolling a natuial 1 foi a ueath saving thiow is
now especially uangeious.
The iules foi shoit iests anu long iests have
been ieviseu.
The etheieal conuition is now calleu the
incoipoieal conuition.
The pione conuition has been simplifieu.
The "Rituals" section has new iules.
Rules have been auueu on casting a spell at a
highei level.
In the "Taigets" section, a castei is no longei
iequiieu to see a potential taiget. If sight is
ielevant to a spell, that fact is mentioneu in the
The file contains many new spells.
Eveiy spell now has a Range anu a Buiation
entiy. Some spells also have a Nateiial
Components entiy.
Nost of the spells have been ieviseu in some
way, especially lowei-level spells.
Each class spell list contains auuitions. Some
spells have been cut fiom the cleiic list, but
will iemain on ceitain uomain lists.

Looklng Lo layLesL More?
1hls playLesL packeL conLalns several advenLures LhaL
use monsLers from Lhe besLlary. 1hese advenLures can
supply hours of playLesLlng, buL some of Lhe advenLures
have noL been updaLed ln several monLhs, and mlghL
requlre mlnor ad[usLmenLs. Pere are Lhe advenLures
currenLly avallable:
!"#$%&'&() +$&(),"(-./(", level 1
01" 2%3"- /4 21%/-, levels 1-3
5&("- /4 5%,("--, level 3
6-$" /4 78"%,, levels 3-7
01" 59, :/8#"8"8;- 0/'<, level 14
?ou can also playLesL aL sLores Lhrough Lhe u&u
LncounLers` offlclal play program. use Lhe sLore locaLor
Lo flnd a parLlclpaLlng sLore near you. 1he currenL
season ls :"%8#1 4/8 .1" 7&%'/(, :.%44=, whlch sLarLs on
!une 12.

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