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I. Soil Analysis Lab II. Purpose III. Background IV.

Soil test kit Graduated cylinder Soil Sample Plastic Wrap Rubber band Drying paper Some pH strips

V. Procedure
Prepare the soil samples Some soil was set aside for determination of soil texture. The rest of the soil was spread out on a sheet of paper to dry. Unwanted foreign material was removed from the soil. The soil was crushed to remove any large clumps. The soil was dried. Determine the soil texture A soil sample was placed in a graduated cylinder. Water was added to the cylinder. The cylinder was covered with plastic wrap and a rubber band. The cylinder was inverted several times to throughly suspended in the water. The cylinder was placed on the table to let the layers settle. The volume of the sand, silt, and clay layers were estimated and recorded. The percent composition of each layer was calculated. Determine the soil pH Some soil was mixed with water in a cylinder. A pH strip was used to determine the pH. Determine the primary soil nutrients The phosphorous content of the soil sample was determined using the procedure provided by the soil test kit.

VI. Data
Percent Composition of Soil Texture Layer Type Clay Silt Sand Gravel Percent Volume 23.80% 52.40% 21.40% 2.40%

Using the Soil texture triangle given in the lab, the type of soil in our sample was found to be silt loam.

Content Phosphorous

Amount Present 100lbs/acre

VII. Analysis VIII. Conclusions

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