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Bully Survey Questions

1. How old are you? 2. Do you know what bullying is? 3. What is bullying? 4. Have you been bullied before? 5. When and where and how were you bullied? 6. Why do you feel bullied? 7. Describe experiences in which youve bullied/been bullied. (Include age and gender of other person.) 8. How often are you bullied? 9. Has anybody ever hurt you by laughing at you? 10. Have you ever been constantly picked on by the same person or people? 11. Has anyone ever called you a name? 12. Has anyone ever told you that you cant be friends? 13. Has anyone ever hit, kicked or pushed you? 14. Has anyone ever threatened you? 15. Was someone mean to you because of how you look? 16. Has someone ever taken something of yours? 17. Did you tell anyone about any of these incidents? Why or why not? 18. How many times have you been physically bullied in the past month? 19. How many times have you been verbally bullied in the past month? 20. How many times have you been indirectly bullied in the past month? 21. How many times have you been cyber bullied in the past month? 22. Have you been bullied this school year? 23. If you were/are being bullied, do you have an adult you can talk to? 24. How many of your teachers have discussed bullying with your class? 25. Do boys or girls bully you? 26. Do people stop others from bullying you? 27. Do you feel safe at school?

28. Are you comfortable around all your classmates? Why or why not? 29. Are you comfortable around your teachers? Why or why not? 30. Have you ever witnessed bullying? 31. Did you or someone else try to intervene? 32. What type of bullying have you seen? 33. When and where have you seen bullying? 34. Have you seen bullying take place at school? 35. How often do you witness bullying? 36. How many times have you seen someone being physically bullied in the past month? 37. How many times have you seen someone being verbally bullied in the past month? 38. How many times have you seen someone being indirectly bullied in the past month? 39. How many times have you seen someone being cyber bullied in the past month? 40. Have you ever called someone else a name, hit, kicked, pushed, threatened or been mean to someone? 41. Have you ever bullied someone? 42. Why did you bully him or her? 43. How does bullying (witness/victim/perpetrator) effect you? 44. How can we stop bullying? 45. If you learned more about the effects of bullying, would you be more inclined to help stop it?

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