Student Risk Assessment Form

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Date Location: Media Studies Task being assessed: Students filming/taking photos in college General Risk assessment HAZARDS Hazard Regardless of control measures Risk of camera being stolen #hen filming in public places$ Persons at risk ! ST DEGREE OF RISK "orst Pro'a'i(it) o#t$o%e & * Ma& 's Risk Ratin+ A,E ( CONTROL MEASURES E-istin+ $ontro( %eas#res taken a+ainst t.e risk ((T) in areas of filming ACTION PLAN ".at / $ontro( %eas#res are re0#ired 1.en and ') 1.o% Make sure #e film in a group and not indi*iduall" so risk is lo#er$ Student Name: Tom Goodban, en George, !ason Llo"d

Risk of slipping if filming in ic" conditions




'ath#a"s are gritted to a*oid slipping$

-ear sensible foot#ear$

Dropping e%uipment on feet



+old e%uipment sensibl" and don,t mess around #hilst in use$

'ut smaller e%uipment in bags so there is no danger of it being dropped$

./ Sf 0 staff St 0 students (r 0 contractors (l 0 cleaners ) 0 *isitors

D 0 people #ith disabilities 1 0 "oung/ine2perienced L 0 lone #orkers - 0 #omen of child3bearing age

.4 This is #ithout control measures 5 0 fatal Ma& 0 ma&or in&ur" or permanent disabilit" Min 0 minor in&ur" NR 0 non3reportable

.6 This is #ith control measures in place 5r 0 fre%uent/likel"/could occur repeatedl"/e2pected 'r 0 probable/not surprised/might occur often 's 0 possible/could occur sometime R 0 remote/unlikel" but concei*able 7 0 unlikel"/improbable such that likelihood is almost 8ero

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