January Newsletter

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Dashiell School of Dancing

!anuary newsleLLer

uear arenLs and SLudenLs,
l hope everyone en[oyed Lhe holldays and were able Lo spend some quallLy Llme wlLh Lhelr
famlly and frlends maklng new memorles LhaL Lhey wlll cherlsh for Lhe years Lo come.
As we sLarL Lhe new ?ear, we wlll need Lo sLarL preparlng for Lhe end of Lhe year show LhaL we
wlll have aL Lhe beglnnlng of !une. l plan Lo conLlnue wlLh Lhe uashlell School of uanclng LradlLlon whlch
ls alLernaLlng every oLher year wlLh a blg reclLal, whlch means slnce we had a blg reclLal lasL year
celebraLlng 63 ?ears of uanclng", Lhls year we wlll have a smaller program.
lease make your besL efforL Lo have your chlldren aL Lhelr classes so Lhey may keep up wlLh Lhe
new choreography.

1ulLlon for Lhe Lhlrd Lerm ls due IANUAk 22
. lf you need Lo make paymenL arrangemenLs, please
emall or call me before LulLlon ls due. 1here wlll be a charge for every week Lhe LulLlon ls laLe.

lease remember LhaL durlng Lhe wlnLer monLhs our ollcy and rocedure for lnclemenL weaLher ls Lhe

1he uashlell School of uanclng wlll follow Lhe Cueen Anne's CounLy School SysLem procedures
for all weaLher relaLed closlngs. If schoo|s c|ose ear|y or are c|osed for the day, we w||| not
open the stud|o. If schoo| opens |ate, we w||| open the stud|o.

leel free Lo conLacL Lo me lf you have any quesLlons.

l wanL Lo apologlze for Lhe delay wlLh Lhe 1-ShlrL and bag order. My orlglnal plan was Lo have Lhem Lo
you before ChrlsLmas, buL as of now lL looks llke lL's golng Lo be a few more weeks. l wlll keep everyone
updaLed on Lhe progress. unforLunaLely, Lhe woman l was worklng wlLh on Lhls pro[ecL no longer works
for Lhe company l'm uslng. 8y Lhe Llme l wenL Lo order Lhe shlrLs, Lhe company was overwhelmed wlLh
hollday orders and l was Lold we would need Lo walL unLll Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe new year Lo have Lhem
process order. l'm hoplng Lo have Lhem by mld !anuary.


1he sLudlo ls blessed Lo have an amazlng lnLern, Molly knapp, worklng wlLh us Lo creaLe a webslLe for
Lhe sLudlo. We are plannlng Lo have Lhe slLe up and runnlng wlLhln Lhe nexL couple of monLhs. 1hls
webslLe wlll have our mlsslon sLaLemenL, schedules, Leacher blos, upcomlng evenLs, and oLher
lmporLanL on lL. We are also plannlng on lncludlng a phoLo gallery of our sLudenLs and dance reclLals, so
we need your help. We would llke Lo sLarL wlLh plcLures from lasL year's reclLal. lf you have any phoLos
you'd llke Lo share wlLh us, please send Lhem Lo dashlellschoolofdanclng[gmall.com.

IANUAk 2014

I |ook forward to see|ng you a|| aga|n |n c|ass |n the New ear!!!

Danc|ng|y ours,

Lve|yn addy

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