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I am from one television(an everyday item in your home) from fish sticks and fabuloso(products or everyday items in your

home) I am from the house with 7 kids always playing outside (description of your home) And constant laughter inside(a detail about your home a smell, taste, or feel) I am from the water (plant, flower, natural item) And the big bush with the carved out center (plant or tree near your home) (Whose limbs) protect the pet cemetery beneath, (as if they) understood the loss. Im from college educations and pride (a family tradition and family trait) from olanda and Ignacio (family members) Im from late night snacks and early morning hunts (family habits) and from girls days. (family habit) Im from anticipate and you can do whatever you want (things you were told as a child) and school comes first (a song or saying you learned as a child) Im from !oms graduation rings (a family tradition) Im from "an Antonio (place of birth) and #el $io, !e%ico, and "pain (family ancestry, nationality or place) &rom slushes and pi''a (family foods) &rom my mom who came as the most surprising ()*, (a story about a family member) Who was born in her house when nobody knew +uelita was pregnant (detail about the story or person) Women who fended off disease, poverty, and double standards (description of family momentos, pictures or treasures.) And who live in photo albums, cedar chests, walls, and come in dreams (location of momentos under my bed, on the wall, in my heart) (more description if needed.)


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