CHA Media Advisory - New Study Details Legislative Threat To Nonprofit Hospitals ACA

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Jan Emerson-Shea (916) 552-7516 @jemersonshea

YOU MAY HAVE HEALTH COVERAGE, BUT CAN YOU GET CARE? New study details legislative threat to non-profit hospitals and the Affordable Care Act. Increased hospital costs due to new state mandates will reduce access to care, cut health care payrolls and reduce state tax revenue.
WHAT: Former Congressman and California Finance Director Tom Campbell will host a teleconference to present his new study, conducted in partnership with the Berkeley Research Group and California Hospital Association, that details how state regulatory mandates, like Assembly Bill 975, would reduce the publics access to care from non-profit hospitals and harm efforts to successfully implement the federal Affordable Care Act. The teleconference follows the official release of the study before the Sacramento Press Club. WHERE: Teleconference for credentialed media only. Please RSVP to Brianna Nathan ( to receive dial-in information. Thursday, January 16th, 1:30 pm Former California Finance Director and Congressman Tom Campbell. Californias non-profit hospitals are gearing up to meet the demands of more than 3.2 million people who will have new access to health care as a result of federal health care reform. AB 975, defeated last year but pending again this year in the Legislature, would impose new state mandates that would result in significantly less access to health care. Re-writing Californias community benefit rules would, according to the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, cost state taxpayers millions of dollars. The Campbell Report outlines the consequences of new mandates that would squeeze public access and reduce hospital capacity at a time of crucial health care reform. ###


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