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Understanding language, methodology and resources for teaching



PAPER 1 Wednesday 1 JUNE 2011

Additional materials: Answer booklet


1 hour 30 minutes

1 hour 30 minutes

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on your answer booklet and on any separate answer paper used. Complete all tasks. Write your answer in the separate answer booklet. Use a pen. You may write on the question paper, but you must write your answer in pen in the answer booklet. You will have no extra time for this, so you must finish in one hour and thirty minutes. At the end of the test, hand in both the question paper and the answer booklet. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES This paper consists of five tasks. Suggested timings are indicated for each task.

UCLES 2011

Delta Module One

2 Task One (5 minutes)

Provide the term for each definition. Write your answers in your answer booklet. Provide only one answer per question. a a noun that is created by adding ing to the verb-stem (e.g. Parking is not permitted) b a database of real language samples (either spoken or written texts) stored on a computer and which can be used for investigating language use and structure c using the medium of English to teach a subject such as geography, natural science or history, to learners whose first language is not English d a consonant sound in which the air flow is initially stopped, but then is released slowly with friction e.g. !"#! e the morphological process of adding a bound morpheme to the stem of a word, either at the end or at the beginning. This modifies the words meaning and/or changes its word class, e.g. adding ful to use or un to tidy. f a type of test which is designed to show what language skills or knowledge a learner already has. It is often used by a teacher to find out how much a learner knows before beginning a language course.

Task Two

(15 minutes)

Provide a definition and an appropriate brief example or illustration for four of the terms below. Write your answers in your answer booklet. a jigsaw reading b de-lexicalised verb c top-down processing d intrusive !$! e stative verb f notional syllabus

3 Task Three (15 minutes)

The extract for this task is a speaking activity for upper-intermediate (CEFR B2) level learners. Identify a total of five key language features learners at this level would need in order to complete the activity successfully. Provide an example specific to this activity to support each choice. Names of places are provided in the extract. Do not write about names of places in your answer. Write your answer in your answer booklet.

The extract is taken from Speaking Extra, M. Gammidge, Cambridge University Press, 2004, page 39.

Turn over !

4 Task Four (30 minutes)

The text for this task is reproduced on the opposite page. a The text is an advertisement for a type of car insurance. Identify five features of the text which are typical of its genre. Give one example of each feature you identify. You must include features of organisation and language. Do not include more than one feature of layout. b Look at the following extracts from the text. (i) (ii) c Comment on the form of the words in bold as they are used in the text. How are the words in bold used to make the text cohesive? or that it is available (line 3) it will give you peace of mind (line 9) like engines and gearboxes (lines 12/13) if you want to stay loyal to your local garage you can (lines 17/18)

Comment on the form and meaning/use of the verbs in bold below as they are used in the text. Discuss meaning/use in terms of both grammar and lexis. Not many people realise that our unique warranty even covers cars that have done a few miles and are getting on a bit (lines 1-3)

Look at the following word combinations which are taken from the text. Comment on the form and features of connected speech of each. go wrong (line 7) wear and tear (line 16) be in with a chance (lines 24/25)

Write your answer in your answer booklet.

be a smart move.


This advertisement appeared in The Daily Telegraph in 2009. Turn over !

6 Task Five (25 minutes)

The text (133 words) for this task is reproduced on the opposite page. It was spoken by a learner in an intermediate (CEFR B1) class in response to the following task: Tell your teacher the story in the pictures below.

a Identify three key strengths and three key weaknesses of the text. Provide an example of each strength and each weakness. Your answer should focus on some or all of the areas listed below: Task achievement Range and accuracy of grammar Range and accuracy of lexis Pronunciation: sounds, stress, connected speech

b Which of the weaknesses identified above would you choose to prioritise? Give three reasons for your choice. Write your answers in your answer booklet. The extract is taken from Composition through Pictures, J. B. Heaton, Longman, 1966, pages 47 and 48.

Note: Parts of the text are transcribed in phonemics representing how they were spoken and the syllables which the learner stressed are underlined.

/%&'()$*+,-%./'0").0%#*1 / / ,)2.3'4 / There was an electric shoperwhere arrived a man with a jacket /%(-( / and a...a bag /%$.&( / Sothe man with the jacket asked to the

/%"56&768(9-() / ownerasked to the owner abouterone radioerwhich /%,&("*1*34( / / :56)-."89() / /%$*+%")2.8.-"56 / was at the top of theof the furniture, then when the owner was trying to /%"'.0." / /%476+2.4.4"56 / er take iterthe man with the jacket decided to stole a radio but /%19"*-4(;*"*- //%,-4(%)'.4.(9 / heer he made the mistake than put on the button and the radio start /%"56+.<.- / toto singing. / :)*=&(%#*1 / So when the man with the jacket started to run away from the shop the owner / )'.(/2.>.4%&,"( / realised that the man with the jacket was trying to stole, so when this man / ()2.3"56&(%+")76" / /%?,4&.8*1@6"56-.".%!% arrived to the streetera policemanerhad the opportunity !"560,"#."!% to catch itcatch him.

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