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12345236 70 18!-8(34389
: uld you compleLe all layers (parLs) of Lhls palnLlng pro[ecL? [l.e.
collaged background, value Cb[ecL, aLLern]
: uoes your deslgn flll Lhe enLlre canvas? All areas have been
: uld you lncorporaLe a paLLern LhaL creaLes movemenL LhroughouL
your enLlre pro[ecL?

12345236 ;0 5+5!594( 8< 624
: uld you correcLly add value Lo make your ob[ecL appear Lhree-
dlmenslonal? 1here ls a shadow and Lhe rlghL shadlng.
: uld you creaLe a paLLern (repeaLlng of elemenLs of arL)?

12345236 =0 -2815((
: uld you correcLly blend mulLlple values ln your shadlng?
: Was your collage done correcLly? (all pleces glued down, edges
are palnLed/covered, eLc.)

12345236 >0 126<4(!69(?3-
: 1here ls clear evldence LhaL you Look your Llme and execuLed your
drawlng neaLly.

12345236 @0 A3<<31B+4C
: ?ou gave your besL efforL and creaLed a work of arL LhaL shows
progress and wllllngness Lo lmprove.

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