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English work

Names: Nicols Correa, Jerome Andrade. Date: Monday December 16, 2013 Grade: P.B.B

Aristotle's Life
Aristotle, one of Plato's greatest students, was born in 384 BC. Aristotle's father was a physician to the king of Mecadonia, and when Aristotle was seven years old, his father sent him to study at the Academy. He was there at the beginning as a student, and then became a researcher and finally a teacher. He assimilated and developed the ideas of Plato. When Plato died,Platon left academia to his nephew. Aristotle then left Athens with Xenocrates to go to Assos, in Asia Minor, and opened another Academy. This Academy was more for biology and not from mathematics as the Academy in Athens. There he met Hermias, another student of Plato, who became king of Assos. Aristotle married Hermias niece, Pythias, who died ten years later. During these years in Assos, Aristotle started to developed his own ideas.

King Philip invited Aristotle to the capitol to tutor his son, Alexander. Alexander's father decided to go to protect the Greek cities, and left in charge of Alexander. Aristotle tutoring stopped.

King Philip killed in 336 Bc, and Alexander became king. He mobilized his great army and conquered some cities, and became "Alexander The Great". Aristotle returned to Athens. But Aristotle wasn't given the presidency of the Academy, it was given to Xenocrates. Aristotle founded his own school, it was named the Lyceum. Twelve years after founding the Lyceum, Alexander died. Aristotle was accused of impiety, and his life became in a problem. So he left Athens, and went to his mother's estate at Chalcis. He died there in the next year, 322 BC.


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