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Julia Nguyen Amaani Fowler

Act One Older Emily walks around the corner and falls, but cannot get up She howls in pain but there is no one there. Older Madelyn walks up and sees a woman on the ground and goes to assist her She takes her hand to help her up Madelyn Are you okay miss? Can you walk? Emily Ow, no, I-I cant. My ankle hurts s-so much Madelyn Whats your name? Emily Emily, my name is Emily Madelyn Well my name is Madelyn, Emily come with me to my home and I will help you Madelyn takes Emily by the shoulder and helps the limping Emily away to Madelyns home. Act Two Older Madelyn is still helping Older Emily with her arm over her shoulder onto the nearest seat in Madelyns home Madelyn

You can just rest up here til you get better Emily Thank you, you are a kind person Older Emily scans around the room Older Madelyn starts to make tea Emily You have a very lovely home, wheres your family? Madelyn My family has passed several decades ago Emily Shame. What about friends? Older Madelyn looks up from the teapot to Older Emily Madelyn ...Used to... Um, what about you? Family? Friends? Emily Eh, I got some friends on the verge of death

Madelyn chuckles and walks over to Emily and hands her the cup of tea

Madelyn You sure are grateful Emily stays silent while Madelyn stares at her Madelyn

Nice locket there Emily puts her hand over the locket and looks at it Emily This piece of crap? Wanted to throw this thing a long time ago Madelyn Well that piece of crap sure looks a whole lot like the piece of crap I have, too Takes the locket from her pocket Emily looks at it and her expression changes to nervousness Emily Well, uh, theres probably millions made exactly like this all around the world Madelyn May I see yours? Emily I prefer you not to touch it Madelyn If its a piece of crap to you, it wouldnt matter, right? Emily, with a defeated expression, takes the necklace off and hands it to Madelyn Madelyn takes the locket and examines it then looks up to Emily Madelyn I knew it. Its you!

Act Three Emily turns scans the room without meeting Madelyns eyes Emily

Im unsure of what you mean, weve only just met Madelyn points at Emily accusingly Madelyn You! Youre Emily! How could you? Emily turns to Madelyn Emily How could I what? I dont think I know you Madelyn shakes her head Madelyn How have I not realized till now? Emily Sorry, but Im quite confused Madelyn points at Emily

Madelyn Now you know darn well what Im talking about! Emily attempts to get up Emily Its probably best if I should get going Madelyn You are not going anywhere Youre going to stay right here until we talk!

Emily Theres nothing to talk about! Madelyn You know darn well what Im talking about Em! Emily exhales loudly Emily Fine! You caught me! Hello Madelyn, its been a long time So what do you want? Madelyn What do I want? I want an explanation Emily And what would that be? Madelyn Why? Why did you do that? Emily looks away Emily I didnt do anything Madelyn You know darn well that you ruined my life! Emily gets up and tries to walk Madelyn

Where do you think you're going? Emily To bake a pie! Where do you think?

Madelyn Bake a pie?!? you could do that after! so why did you do it?

Emily takes her seat and looks down, folding her hands

Emily I-I did it for you, there are some things that need to be left unsaid, but I did it for you

Madelyn looks at her confused and was ready to start demanding answers

Madelyn Did what for me? ruin my life? Its your fault my parents arent with me! You really helped me

Emily No, your father had problems Im sorry to have to be the one to tell you

Emily starts to form tears in her eyes Madeline looks angry and confused

Madelyn My father couldnt harm a fly And you say that?! Stop with the lies! now tell me Emilly I refuse to explain to someone who accuses me of terrible things

Madelyn But you did those terrible things! I saw with my own two eyes the gun in your hands! Minimum of five seconds pass Emily rubs her face with her hands looking exhausted Emily I see you havent changed Madelyn I see youre still a murderer! Emily sighs Emily Take a seat Madelyn

Its about time you found out the truth They both take a seat Madelyn Its been forty years, Emily, dont I deserve the truth? Emily I could tell you what you deserve Madelyn Go ahead and tell me then Emily Well, I did it because your father, he...wasnt Mentally stable Madelyn What do you mean?! Emily Have you ever seen your moms arm? Madelyn No? She always wore long sleeves because of the fashion! Emily Try again Madelyn makes an understanding face Emily I had to shoot him, either way someone wouldve died Madelyn

somebody did die. Emily Dont you think I knew? I did it because you and I were best friends! Madelyn Explain why you couldnt have told me forty years ago then Emily You never gave me the chance. Madelyn sighs Madelyn Well heres your chance Take it or leave it. Emily Im gonna be blunt now I shot your dad and he died, I saved your mom, but she died because of the volcanic eruption. Madelyn looks mad and opens her mouth but says nothing Emily Shut up and listen He. Abused. Her. I took the gun from him. The end. Theres a three second pause Madelyn

Thanks. I needed closure. Emily gets up and hugs he for 6 consecutive seconds Emily falls down and doesnt reply Madelyn Emily? Emily? Say something! Act Four Madelyn looks down at the grave looking sad Madelyn Forty years. It took us that long to forgive each other. I missed you, ya know. In a way Im so happy that were friends again But I guess, we cant. You never told me you had no family, thats okay because Ill always be your sister. I promise Ill visit you when I can. Madelyn falls on her knees and stares at the grave. The End.

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