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Nicholas Scoffield Period 2 Allusion 13 Name- Orpheus and Eurydice Source- Greek Summary- Orpheus is a mortal who is very

ery skilled in music and can persuade anyone with his song. He meets Eurydice, the girl who he loves, and eventually marries her. After the wedding, Eurydice decides to go for a stroll in the woods only to be bitten by a poisonous snake and die. Orpheus is angry and storms his way into the underworld to get her back. He sings his way into a deal that he can have her back if he goes all the way to the surface without looking back at her. When they are almost there, Orpheus breaks and looks at her. She goes back to the underworld while he mopes and gets slain by women. Commentary- The source of conflict is man vs. god because it was Hades who made the deal with Orpheus with knowledge that he would not be able to make it. If death had not robbed Orpheus of his love then their would be no love and Orpheus would never learn his lesson. Meaning- The lesson of this story is to show that even if you are extraordinary in something, there is always someone or something that can take that away from you to humble you. Orpheus was used to getting everything he wanted to from arrays of women to demanding the god of the underworld to change his mind. Orpheus needed to learn that not everything comes to you like you would expect or demand. It also stresses the importance of listening to instructions to the smallest detail and if you do then you shall receive your reward. There is always a higher power in control. This is a great allusion because the reader can feel the pain and see the clear mistake. Part 2 Two movies share the same allusion and they are New Moon and Disneys Hercules. Both modern day movies allude to Orpheus and Eurydice. In New Moon, Bella goes to confront the Volturi to get Edward back disregarding all of the danger while Hercules also storms into the underworld to get Meg back. Both Bella and Hercules represent Orpheus while Edward and Meg are the Eurydice like characters. I feel like the allusion in Hercules is much more closely related to the plot of Orpheus and Eurydice and that gives it more of a change to be recognized. The plot in New Moon is not as similar and is a bit of a stretch.

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