Revised Mack Eng104 Syllabus

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ENG 104 Syllabus | Spring 2014!

ENG 104 SEC 85 MWF 8-8:50 am ! ENG 104 SEC 38 MWF 12-12:50 pm!

! ! Instructor: Ashley Mack-Jackson! Ofce: RB247! ! Email:! ! Ofce Hours: M&W 10A-11Aor by appointment! ! ! Required Texts! ! The Bedford Researcher 4th Edition by Mike Palmquist! ! Discovering Popular Culture (A Longman Topics Reader) ed. by Anna Tomasino ! ! BallPoint Vol. 2 - available at! ! !
Course Description!
ENG104 applies the fundamentals of rhetoric to the research process: methods of research; the rhetorical nature of research; elements, strategies, and conventions common to research writing, including multimodal presentations of new knowledge. Prerequisite: ENG 101 and 102; or ENG 103; or appropriate placement. !

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Course Goals!

Create and complete research projects. This involves generating a research question,

! Align research questions with appropriate research methods! ! !

and complete a research project.! persuasive to the intended audience.!

engaging in ! critical/analytical reading, developing an argument with evidence collected from both primary and secondary research, and documenting sources appropriately.!

Employ critical thinking in evaluation, speculation, analysis, and synthesis required to evolve Use a variety of strategies to gather and organize information appropriate for the context and

! Use the university research library to forward the research agenda.! ! Engage in collaborative research.! ! !
a stylistically sophisticated manner.!

Employ format, syntax, punctuation, and spelling appropriate to various rhetorical situations in Collect, analyze, and organize research information in verbally and visually compelling ways.!

! Policies! !

! Take initiative for the development and completion of individual and joint research projects.! !

Attendance ! Attendance is essential for learning in this writing class. Because we'll be relying on class discussions and feedback for developing writing projects, I will take attendance daily and deduct your nal grade for absences or excessive lateness. If you arrive more than halfway through the class, it counts as an absence. If you come to class late, you must stay after class to remind me to change your attendance status.!

! ! ! !

All excused absences, as listed in the Ball State Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, require documentation within one month of the absence or one week before the end of the semester whichever comes rst. The rst, second, and third absences will not affect your grade. However, the following policy applies for more than three absences:! Your nal grade will be lowered ve percentage points (50 of the 1000 class points) per absence for the fourth through ninth absences. You will fail the course if you are absent more than nine classes, no matter what grade you have from coursework. You should reserve the rst three absences for emergencies, illness, other appointments etc. !

Participation! You need to come to class with articles and chapters read and with your assignments completed. Bring all reading and writing material to class. Once class starts, everybody needs to be fully present and participate. This means cell phones and any material not directly related to the activity (i.e. ear buds, Facebook, and Twitter, etc.) need to be put away. Do not sleep. Do not talk while Im talking to the class. Stay on task during in-class activities. If you adhere to the attendance policy, come to class prepared, and actively participate in in-class activities you will receive full participation credit.!

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Late Work! Assignments and projects are due at the beginning of class. If you come to a peer workshop without a nished draft, you cannot participate in class. Therefore, you will be counted absent, plus ve percentage points will be deducted from the nal grade on your writing project. I will deduct ten percentage points from the earned grade on any assignment for each late day, including nonmeeting days and weekend days. Therefore, if a paper is due on Friday and you dont turn it in until Monday, you will receive thirty percent fewer points than the earned grade.!

! !

Classroom Behavior! If you come to class unprepared, disrupt class, and/or attempt to waste class time, consequences may include verbal or written warnings, dismissal from class with a recorded absence and contact of the department director and the Ofce of Student Rights and Responsibilities. If you are dismissed from class, you cannot return to class until you meet with me to come to an agreement about future classroom behavior. !

! Grade Distribution! ! Research Proposal:! ! ! ! ! 150 pts. (15%)! ! Annotated Bib/Primary Research:! ! ! 200 pts. (20%)! ! Academic Research Essay:! ! ! ! 250 pts. (25%)! ! Multimodal Research Presentation:!! ! 150 pts. (15%)! ! Short Written Assignments (5):! ! ! 150 pts. (15%)! ! Participation:! ! ! ! ! ! 100 pts. (10%)! ! !! ! Total Points Possible: 1000 points! !
Grade Ranges! 920 to 1000 = A! 895 to 919 = A-! 875 to 894 = B+! 825 to 874 = B! 795 to 824 = B-! 775 to 794 = C+! 725 to 774 = C! 695 to 724 = C-! 675 to 694 = D+! 625 to 674 = D! 595 to 624 = D-! 0 to 594 points = F!

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SPECIAL NOTE: To fulll the University's Core Curriculum requirement in Writing Program courses, students must earn a minimum grade of C to pass; a grade of C- is not considered acceptable. Writing Program courses may be repeated as many times as necessary to meet the requirement but:! The rst and all other grades will show up on the transcript.! All grades except the rst will be used to compute the GPA.! A grade of W will not replace a previous grade.! Course credit hours apply only once to graduation requirements.! Students who do not successfully complete ENG 104 before earning 90 credit hours will not be ! able to take the Writing Prociency Exam. These students will instead need to take an additional writing course [WP 393] after completing ENG 104.!

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The deadline for withdrawing from a course (on your own, for any reason) this semester is March 17.!

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Academic Honesty!
Using someone else's ideas or words as your own on any assignment is plagiarism even if you include the authors names with the work. It is a violation of the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities as dened in the student handbook (or at and will be treated as such. If you are concerned about inadvertently violating this policy, please see me before completing the assignment.!

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Special Needs!
If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, please contact me as soon as possible. Ball State's Disabled Student Development ofce coordinates services for students with disabilities; documentation of a disability needs to be on le in that ofce before any accommodations can be provided. Disabled Student Development can be contacted at 765-285-5293 or If you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. My ofce location and hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays RB 255 or by appointment.!

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Writing Center!
You are encouraged to take advantage of the Writing Center. The Writing Center offers free one-to-one feedback on all of your writing projects for all of your classes. The Writing Center is located in RB 291. Hours are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday; closed Saturday and Sunday. The Writing Center is closed during university holidays, semester breaks, the rst week of the semester, and nals week.!

! You may drop by or make an appointment at! ! !

Non-Discrimination Statement!

Ball State University is committed to fostering and promoting a healthy learning community. All students will be treated with respect, tolerance, and equality regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender, age, or economic status. If for any reason a student feels discriminated against in the classroom based on these differences, he/she should contact the professor or the department chair. The Ofce of University Compliance or the Ofce of Student Rights and Community Standards may be contacted if the student is not satised with the results of meeting with the professor or department chair. The Ball State University community believes in the strength of diversity and recognizes the importance of appreciating equality.

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