Fundraiser Letter Jarrett

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Jarrett Middle School 840 S. Jefferson Ave. Springfield, MO, 65806 Dear Fa il!, Friends, "#siness $artners, and Al# ni of Jarrett Athletics% &ach !ear 'e tr! to co e #p 'ith 'a!s of raising one! for o#r athletic progra s. (he one! raised 'ill help )enefit the pla!ers 'ho are involved in the athletics progra c#rrentl! and for !ears to co e. *n this da! and age, it is )eco ing increasingl! ore dangero#s to send o#r +ids door to door selling ite s. *nstead of co ing #p 'ith a ne' innovative 'a! to a+e one! or tr!ing to sale !o# so ething, 'e are si pl! as+ing friends, fa il! and )#sinesses for donations. *f !o# 'o#ld li+e to contri)#te to o#r progra , please fill o#t the infor ation )elo', chec+s can )e ade pa!a)le to Jarrett Middle School, and ailed to A((,% -oach .ic+s/-oach 0ood!, Jarrett Middle School, 840 S. Jefferson Ave. Springfield MO 65806. 1o#r contri)#tion 'ill go to'ards e2penses s#ch as the p#rchase of a #ch needed storage shed, practice e3#ip ent, providing eals, and an! other s#pports for o#r pla!ers. 0e are ver! pro#d of o#r athletics progra at Jarrett, and !o#r help 'ill go a long 'a! in )#ilding on o#r alread! rich tradition. (han+ !o# for !o#r s#pport of the athletics progra at Jarrett Middle School. 4O (5OJA,S6 Sincerel!, (he Jarrett -oaching Staff and St#dent Athletes%
Aaron .ic+s7.ead Foot)all 5o)ert 0ood!7.ead "o!s "as+et)all
8$lease detach the )elo' infor ation and ail in 'ith !o#r contri)#tion.9

Appreciated Level of Contribution (Please make check payable to Jarrett Middle School -ontri)#tor8s9 ,a e 8Optional9::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: * 'o#ld li+e to donate 8$lease chec+ one9 :::::;500.00 ::::::Other :::::;<50.00 :::::;=00.00 :::::;50.00 :::::;<5.00 :::::;=0.00

(o the Jarrett Foot)all $rogra 8St#dent/Athletes ,a e9

in care of:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

::::::: -hec+ here and incl#de !o#r address if !o# 'o#ld li+e a receipt for !o#r ta! " deductible donation.



Jarrett Middle School 840 S. Jefferson Ave. Springfield, MO, 65806

Address::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::

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