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Diamond Rico November 6, 2013 Creative Writing 1 Dr. Griffin Why do I have to go to choo!

"ith the ratchet # $i%e, Good $ord, have ome c!a !adie and even gent!emen if I can even ca!! yo& that.

It' not c&te "earing hort that ho" yo&r b&tt ot hirt that ho" yo&r be!!y and c!eavage, or (o ting video of yo& t"er%ing. No", I &nder tand that ome (eo(!e are different than my e!f b&t goodne have re (ect for yo&r e!f and the other aro&nd yo&,

and if yo& (artici(ate in e)&a! activitie then don't hare it to the "or!d, no one care abo&t ho" many d&de yo&'ve been "ith or "hat yo&'ve done to them or even "hat they've done to yo&, and to be *&ite hone t it' !ee+y a cra(. ,h and g&y & ing the n"ord, .& t to !et yo& %no" that it' not attractive and yo& need to e)(and yo&r vocab&!ary, (!ea e. I'm .& t trying to he!( yo& o yo& "on't !oo% bac% in abo&t 10 year and be com(!ete!y and &tter!y a hamed of yo&r e!ve .

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