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Effects on the environment

Consumerism in America
Consumerism in America is currently the home to the most exorbitant consumerism. With only 1/20 of the world's population, Americans consume 20% of its resources. Our 5% of world population is also responsible for 50% of the world's solid waste.

Environmental Destruction
Runaway growth in consumption in the past fifty years is putting strains on the environment never before seen. (UNDP Report)

Consumerism leads to:

Forest destructionagricultural expansion, logging, roadbuilding, fuel, and paper products

Consumerism leads to:

Ozone depletionU.S. industries admit to emitting over 4,000,000,000 lbs of pollution a year and produce 22% of world's total industrial carbon dioxide emissions

Consumerism leads to:

Soil loss (erosion and contamination)

Consumerism leads to:

Grain shortages-Massive erosion (partially caused by deforestation) is causing a loss of topsoil and, thus, a drop in the Earths ability to produce food crops. Water shortagesContamination of water due to pollution, chemicals, and erosion. Competition of humans vs. industries

Documenting consumerism (illustrations):

Documenting consumerism (illustrations):

Documenting consumerism (illustrations):

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