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Diamond Rico Ms.

Smith Creative Writing 1 11/24/13

I believe in true love;

Have you ever had that one specia person! that "henever they ca ed or te#ted your heart s$ipped a %eat! or "hen you $issed him/her you didn&t 'ee %utter' ies you 'e t atomic %om%s going o'' inside you or that they cou d ma$e an a%so ute y horri% e day a itt e %etter( )' you&ve 'e t any those things! you&ve more than i$e y e#perienced true ove. *ou&re pro%a% y thin$ing! you&re +ust a teenager! you don&t $no" "hat true ove is %ut ) strong y %e ieve that ) do! ,rue ove is a %eauti'u thing that many peop e +ust aren&t ready 'or and sad y some peop e "i never have. -o"! )&d i$e to share my e#perience "ith true ove! ) remem%er the day .osh and ) got to together! it "as a Monday and ) "as in Math C ass! ) "as te#ting him and he to d me that he had a con'ession and ) "as i$e "hat it is( He rep ied "ith /) $no" that "e haven&t a "ays gotten a ong and that )&ve treated you very %ad y in the past %ut! ) missed you over the Summer "hen you stopped ta $ing to me! my heart ached 'or you and ) "as on y trying to ta $ to 0nge so she cou d convince you to ta $ to me! even though ) $no" that&s mean. 1ut! every time )&d try to te#t or message you&d either shoot me do"n or not rep y. ) "ant you to $no" that )&m e#treme y sorry and ) "ish ) cou d re"ind time to stop myse ' 'rom %eing so stupid. So! ) have a 2uestion "ou d you %e mine(3 When ) got that message a %ig smi e crept upon my 'ace! ) cou dn&t he p it. ) had a %ig crush on him in 4th grade "hen "e "ere i$e %est 'riends %ut a'ter our H567 'a out ) +ust

gave up on it. ) te#ted him %ac$ and said /*essssssss J3 ) to d my 'riends and they "ere so happy 'or me. .osh and ) "ere 'ine and dandy unti ) "ent to orientation! ) sa" a person et&s +ust ca him Craig 'or the time %eing! Craig and ) never had met unti that day %ut yet "e&d heard a a%out each other! ) didn&t i$e Craig and Craig didn&t i$e me! He sto e my 'irst ove 'rom me and ) "as so angry at him 'or that %e'ore .osh and ) started dating! 1ut! that day "hen ) sa" him ) "as very apathetic to"ards him! %ut ) cou dn&t he p %ut stare unti ) got a good oo$ at his 'ace %ut ) 'ai ed. 8ater that night ) posted a status on my 9ace%oo$ 0ccount and it said /Went to 9orestvie" today! ) don&t rea y $no" ho" to 'ee a%out it3 0%out 3: minutes ater ) received a noti'ication saying that Craig had commented on it saying /) sa" you there; *ou oo$ed so adora% e3 ) than$ed him and a'ter"ards "e continued ta $ing "e ta $ed unti a%out 4 in the morning! and ) deve oped a crush on Craig a tiny one not a huge one %ut sti a crush. We ta $ed everyday and sad y .osh and ) got into a huge 'ight and %ro$e up! Craig noticed ho" sad ) "as and as$ed me to hang out "ith him. ) accepted. <1ig Mista$e= Craig and ) "ent to the par$ and "e stayed 'or a%out 2 hours %e'ore ) e't ) hugged Craig and %e'ore ) pu ed a"ay he +ust eaned over and $issed me +ust a simp e pec$. ) 'e t incredi% y gui ty! my younger sister and her 'riend "ere there as "e and "ere i$e /Ho" you do that to .osh(3 ) rep ied $no"ing that ) "as comp ete y in the "rong "ith /He %ro$e up "ith me. > us! he $issed me. ) did not $iss him.3

Wee$s "ent %y and .osh and ) had gotten %ac$ together and %ro$en up again! Craig and ) had $issed once more a'ter that %ut it "as "ay more intense it "as to %e % unt a ma$eout. 1ut one day ) ta $ed to my 'riend a%out it and ) 'ound out ) "asn&t the on y gir Craig "as ta $ing to. ) to d Craig that "hatever "e had "as done and that he shou d +ust eave me a one! he didn&t and "e got into a huge argument and Craig is dead to me "ith a itt e reviva no" and then. ) to d .osh a%out Craig and even though he "as hurt! "e "ere %ro$en up and there is not much "e can do a%out it. Since then! ) don&t even te#t Craig and ) %are y ta $ to him. .oshua and ) are eight months and stronger than ever! "e&ve %oth made mista$es and "e %oth have ' a"s %ut "e ove each other unconditiona y and that is "hy ) %e ieve in true ove.

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