But, I Love Him

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Diamond Rico Creative Writing 1 11/8/13 Ms.


But, I love him;

I lean against the wall in the fetal position and cried as the hits came each hit harder than the one !efore. I "now not to scream or #ason wo$ld hit me harder he seemed to !e !listering with f$r%. &Didn't I tell %o$ to have Dinner read% !efore I came home %o$ whore( Didn't I() *e !ar"ed and with each word he spo"e he str$c" me It felt li"e I was on fire. &+es *one%. I'm so sorr%. I'll do !etter.) I wept. &+o$ !etter) and with that he got $p !$t !efore leaving the room he "ic"ed me right in the ri!s I gasp for air as the !lood r$ns from m% mo$th onto the carpet after slowl% st$m!ling to m% feet I ma"e m% wa% over to m% !ed. I crawl $nderneath the covers and softl% cr% m%self into a dreamless sleep. I wa"e $p with #ason's hands wrapped aro$nd m% waist I slowl% move them and wal" to the !athroom I loo" in disg$st and I ga,e $pon m%self in the mirror -lac" and -l$e !r$ises sat on m% chee"s I !egan to lift $p m% shirt onl% to reveal m% stomach I'm ta"en a!ac" !% the dar" !r$ise that covered the whole left side of m% ri! cage I !egan to cascade m% fingers along it and as soon as m% finger tip to$ch it it !egan to !$rn I winced in pain. I p$t m% shirt down and !egan to thin" that ma%!e he'll change and act$all% !e sweet loving and caring again. I shoo" the tho$ght from m% mind and entered the shower as the hot water hit m% s"in I !egan to wash. -$t I co$ldn't sha"e the feeling that someone is watching. I opened m% e%es and loo"ed over at the door to see #ason there he loo"s at me with a se.$al loo". I /$ic"l% reach for the c$rtains to cover m%self $p !$t !efore I had the chance he was alread% !eside me.

&*e% !a!e %o$'re loo"ing good toda%. Wanna have a little f$n !efore I have to go to wor"() *e as"s as he gaw"s me/ &01$hm #ason. I have a lot to do toda%. I don't h1have time) I stammered. &2h reall%() I loo" $p at him I co$ld tell he was growing fr$strated. I co$ld tell he was tr%ing to contain himself !efore I co$ld answer he swoops me $p in his arms he ro$ghl% throws me onto the !ed. &#ason please not toda%. 3lease44444) I screamed. &+o$'re going to give me what I want whether %o$ want to or not444) *e snarled. &5oooooo44444) I screamed. *e didn't listen onl% cover m% mo$th so he co$ld violate me. I cried and cried and cried !$t he wo$ldn't stop after he finished he got $p p$t his clothes on and left witho$t sa%ing a word. 67 wee"s later6 #ason hasn't !een home I'm !eginning to worr%. I groan as I !r$sh m% hair one last time !efore gra!!ing m% "e%s and leaving the ho$se. I get into m% car and drive to a local s$per mar"et to get some snac"s. -$t from the corner of m% e%e I see a plaid red 8ac"et with white f$r on the hood. I t$rn aro$nd to see #ason holding hands with another girl the% seem happ% the% seem in love. #ason and I haven't !een li"e that in so long. *e "issed her and she smiled with a giggle !$t a strong overwhelming !$rst of anger over came me it hit me li"e how #ason did. I r$shed o$t the store !efore I did something I regret. When I get home I'm so angr%. I slam the door sh$t and scream to the top of m% l$ngs as lo$d as I co$ld. *ow co$ld he !e with her( I've !een p$tting $p with his crap and he's

!een cheating on me4 I've !een hit !eat "ic"ed got raped and she get's the ro%al treatment "now. I scream once more. -$t mid scream I get an $rge to vomit and a s$dden pain in the !ottom of m% stomach. 9hen I tho$ght &2h no no no) I r$n to !athroom and p$"e for a!o$t : min$tes after I clean m%self $p I gra! m% "e%s and r$n to the local Rite1;id I see a pregnanc% test hanging on the holder. It reads &<irst Response= >et 0s 9ell +o$ <irst) !efore I reach for it I get a call witho$t loo"ing at the caller I.D I answer. &*ello) I answer softl%. &*e% !a!e. Sorr% I haven't !een home in a while. I've !een on a !$siness trip.) #ason lied. S$re a !$siness trip I thin" to m%self. &2h well when are %o$ coming home() &In a!o$t an ho$r) &Well o"a%.) &2"a% !%e. I love %o$.) *e sa%s attempting to so$nd sweet. &Mhmm !%e) I gra! the test and place it on the co$nter I loo" $p to see the e.act same girl #ason was with. &?ood evening Ma'am. Did %o$ find ever%thing alright() &+es 9han"s. Were %o$ at the s$permar"et the other da% with a #ason() &#ason whom()

&#ason Spade() &+es 9hat's m% !o%friend. *e's so perfect. We've !een together for li"e 1 %ear and I love him so m$ch.) She sa%s e.citedl% &2h well. 9hat's nice to "now. 9han" %o$.) I sa% as she reaches me m% things. I r$sh o$t the door I have a feeling tonight something !ad is going to happen. 61@ min$tes later6 I'm waiting on the test to finish processing so it can tell me if I am or not4 I see a red character pop $p I /$ic"l% gra! it to see a red pl$s sign. I fall to the gra! and cr% I cr% tears of 8o% &I'm going to !e a mom.) I smile. 9hen a tho$ght of #ason comes to m% head and I frown. I come to the reali,ation that he's gonna end $p "illing m% !a!% if I don't do an%thing a!o$t this a!$se. I was distracted !% the so$nd of the door opening I come o$t of the !athroom with the test in hand. &#ason I've gotta tell %o$ two things.) &2"a% h$n. What are the%() &Sit down first4) I sa% with a smile. &2"a%.) *e la$ghs as he sits down. I sit down in the sofa in front of the one he sat in. I smile again. &Wh% are %o$ so smile%() &Well I'm pregnant.) I smile. I loo" $p at him and his smile t$rns into a frown. &2h $hm what's the other thing()

&2"a% I "now that %o$'re cheating on me and I !elieve we can wor" this o$t if %o$ leave that girl and let $s fall !ac" in love again.) &5o a!sol$tel% not444 Meghan is different. I'm in love with her.) &>eave her4 +o$ were mine first444 She's 8$st another whore %o$'ll $se %o$4) I screamed. -efore I "new I felt a s$dden pain in m% face I fell to the gro$nd. I instantl% tho$ght a!o$t m% !a!%. ;s he sw$ng to hit me again I dodged it and ran into the !edroom and loc"ed the door !ehind me he !anged on the door screaming &>et me in44 I'll "ill %o$ for sa%ing that.) I "new event$all% he'd get in. I ran to the closet and gra!!ed a shoe!o. off the top self in that shoe!o. held a g$n I gra!!ed it and prepared m%self I heard a lo$d -22M4 >etting me "now that the door had !een !ro"en down. I hid the g$n !ehind m% !ac". &;haa4 +o$'re gonna pa% for what %o$ said a!o$t her4) *e sw$ng at me and as soon as he did I fired. *is limp !od% fell to the floor and I saw his !lood spilling from him. I co$ldn't ta"e this press$re so I !lac"ed o$t.

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