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0) Installation Instructions, Setup, and Notes

December 2011

Download includes the following products: a) Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 11!2!0!"!0) b) Oracle Data #rovider for !$%T & 11!2!0!"!0) c) Oracle Data #rovider for !$%T 2 11!2!0!"!0) d) Oracle #roviders for 'S#!$%T & 11!2!0!"!0) e) Oracle #roviders for 'S#!$%T 2 11!2!0!"!0) f) Oracle Database %(tensions for !$%T & 11!2!0!"!0) g) Oracle Database %(tensions for !$%T 2 11!2!0!"!0) h) Oracle Services for )TS 11!2!0!"!0) i) Oracle #rovider for O*% D+ 11!2!0!"!0) ,) Oracle Ob,ects for O*% 11!2!0!"!0) -) Oracle OD+. Driver 11!2!0!"!0) l) Oracle S/*0#lus 11!2!0!"!0) m) Oracle 1nstant .lient 11!2!0!"!0) n) Oracle 2niversal 1nstaller 11!2!0!"!0)

System e!uirements
333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 The following items are re4uired for OD'.:

5indows operating s6stem o "27bit: 5indows 8 #rofessional9 %nterprise9 2ltimate editions)9 5indows Server 200:9 5indows Vista +usiness9 %nterprise9 2ltimate editions)9 5indows Server 200"9 5indows Server 200" ;29 5indows <# #rofessional

(=&: 5indows 8 #rofessional9 %nterprise9 2ltimate editions)9 5indows Server 200: ;2 and 5indows Server 200: all editions9 e(cept >#.)9 5indows Vista +usiness9 %nterprise9 2ltimate editions)9 5indows Server 200"9 5indows Server 200" ;29 5indows <#

)icrosoft !$%T ?ramewor- &9 including support for %ntit6 ?ramewor- &9 &!19 and &!2! 'ccess to an Oracle Database Server Oracle @i ;elease 2 or later)

Additional Notes on e!uirements"

Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio re4uires a minimum of Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Studio 200: S# 1! %ntit6 ?ramewor- tools are onl6 supported with Visual Studio 2010! $ote: Visual Studio %(press %ditions are not supported with the Oracle Developer Tools! >owever9 OD#!$%T is supported with Visual Studio %(press %dition!

1f 6our applications use distributed transactions9 then Oracle Services for )icrosoft Transaction Server must be installed! $ote: )icrosoft introduced changes to the Distributed Transaction .oordinator DT.) with 5indows Vista and 5indows Server 200:! Oracle Services for )TS support this new DT. when the minimum operating s6stem level is 5indows Vista with Service #ac- 1 or 5indows Server 200:!

OD'. does not support .ode ?irst in this release! OD'. supports Db.onte(t '#1s! This note supersedes the OD#!$%T 11!2!0!" ;%'D)%!

Installation Instructions
333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 The instructions below appl6 to installing OD'. using Oracle 2niversal 1nstaller! <cop6 installation instructions are included with the download itself! 1! Download the OD'. Aip file into a temporar6 director6! Note: Do not download this file into the BTmpB director6! 2! 2nAip its contents to the director6! "! ;un Oracle 2niversal 1nstaller O21) b6 launching the setup!e(e that was unAipped in the same director6! &! O21 will lead 6ou through OD'. installation on 6our machine! 'fter the installation9 6ou ma6 delete the Aip file and the unAipped folders and files! Note: 1f an OD'. beta is installed9 uninstall it before installing this OD'. release!

Connection Setup #uic$ Start

333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 There are a number of methods to connect Oracle client to a database server! Two of the most common include %C.O$$%.T and T$S$')%S! %C.O$$%.T is the easiest to setup! T$S$')%S is much more maintainable in the long term! 1f 6ou are new to Oracle9 we recommend 6ou use %C.O$$%.T! Dou onl6 have to choose one or the other to connect! These 4uic- start instructions assume 6ou have a valid username and password for the database server! Note: 1n the setup instructions below9 O;'.*%E>O)% represents the director6 where the Oracle client >ome was installed on 6our machine! ' t6pical director6 for an O21 Oracle client >ome is: C:\app\<user>\product\11.2.0\client_1 Dou will need to -now where this director6 is before proceeding! %&CONN%C' Setup 1! .op6 the s4lnet!ora file located in the following director6: ORACLE_HOME\Net or!\Ad"in\#a"ple\ to this director6: ORACLE_HOME\Net or!\Ad"in\ This file tells the Oracle client b6 what methods e!g! %C.O$$%.T) Oracle client can connect to the Oracle database server! 2! The Oracle client must then specif6 a valid user name9 password9 and data source to connect to the database server! To specif6 a data source9 6ou can use the %C.O$$%.T format! 1n the OD#!$%T data source attribute9 use the following format to define how the client connects to the database server: $%%&'ost$:port&$%ser(ice_na"e&

host 3 the database server machineFs host name port 3 the database server machineFs port on which it listens for incoming connection re4uests serviceEname 3 the databaseFs global name

?or e(ample9 some s6ntacticall6 valid connection strings follow: )user*id+'r,pass ord+'r,data*source+%%sales-ser("")* )user*id+'r,pass ord+'r,data*source+%%sales-ser("")* )user*id+'r,pass ord+'r,data*source+sales-ser("")* 1f the port number is not specified9 1G21 is used b6 default!

'NSNA(%S Setup 'n Oracle $et service name allows the Oracle client to use a simple alias to connect to the database server! The alias definition contains all the information needed to create a connection to the database server! 'lias information is stored in the tnsnames!ora file t6picall6 located in the O;'.*%E>O)%H$etwor-H'dmin director6! This alias is used as the data source value in 6our connection string! OD'. installations do not create a tnsnames!ora file so 6ou need to create one! 'lternativel69 6ou can cop6 an e(isting tnsnames!ora file from an e(isting Oracle client installation to 6our new OD'. installation! The following instructions assume 6ou will have to create a new tnsnames!ora file! 1! .op6 the tnsnames!ora file located in the following director6: ORACLE_HOME\Net or!\Ad"in\#a"ple\ to this director6: ORACLE_HOME\Net or!\Ad"in\ Idata source aliasJ 3 D%S.;1#T1O$ 3 'DD;%SS 3 #;OTO.O* 3 T.#) >OST 3 Ihostname or 1#J) #O;T 3 IportJ)) .O$$%.TED'T' 3 S%;V%; 3 D%D1.'T%D) S%;V1.%E$')% 3 Idatabase service nameJ) ) )

data source alias 3 the shortcut name given to identif6 the connect descriptor! 1n the OD#!$%T connection string9 developers set the BData SourceB attribute to the data source alias! hostname or 1# 3 the database server machineFs host name or 1# address port 3 the database server machineFs port on which it listens for incoming connection re4uests! 1n general9 this value is set to port B1G21B! database service name 3 the databaseFs global name

The data source alias9 hostnameK1#9 port9 and database service name in the tnsnames!ora should be modified appropriatel6! 1f the T$S entries in the O;'.*%E>O)%Hnetwor-HadminHtnsnames!ora file are not recogniAed b6 the Oracle client9 create a O;'.*%E>O)%Horacle!-e6 file using an6 te(t editor and t6pe in the following line: #O/01ARE\ORACLE\<'o"e*!e2>* where Ihome -e6J is the registr6 -e6 for the OD'. Oracle >ome! ?or e(ample9 if the default Oracle >ome location was used during the install9 the proper entr6 for the oracle!-e6 file would be the following: SO?T5';%HO;'.*%HL%DEOra.lient11gEhome1

Common Install and Setup Issues

333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1! .onsult the release notes first for an6 -nown issues or limitations! 2! .hec- if the Oracle data access components were properl6 downloaded b6 comparing the download siAe to the one listed on the download page! "! 1f 6ou have more than one Oracle >ome installed on the same machine e!g! Oracle 103 ;elease 2 client and Oracle 113 ;elease 2 client)9 b6 installing the Oracle 11!2 client9 O21 will establish this client as the Oracle >ome all 6our e(isting applications will use! ?or more information on using )ultiple Oracle >omes9 consult the OD#!$%T documentation! &! 1t is highl6 recommended OD'. be installed into a new Oracle >ome! 1nstalling OD'. on top of an e(isting Oracle home ma6 brea- e(isting Oracle applications! 1f 6ou do install on top of an e(isting Oracle >ome9 ma-e sure to stop all the 5indows services using that Oracle >ome e!g! Oracle)TS;ecover6Service)! 2ninstall all the products in the e(isting Oracle >ome before installing the new OD'. version! .hec- whether oci!dll in the e(isting O;'.*%E>O)% director6 has been removed during the uninstall process! 1f oci!dll was not removed9 follow these steps to remove the D**! a) ;ename oci!dll to oci!dll!delete! b) ;eboot 6our machine! c) Delete oci!dll!delete9 which should no longer be in use after rebooting! d) 1nstall the new OD'.! G! This installation provides polic6 configuration files that can redirect e(isting 10!2 and 11!1 OD#!$%T applications to the current OD#!$%T version! The polic6 files are located in the O;'.*%E>O)%Hodp!netH#ublisher#olic6H2!( director6! 1n addition9 the installation of OD#!$%T will place OD#!$%T polic6 D**s into the M'. so that e(isting applications can start using the newl6 installed OD#!$%T version immediatel6! >owever9 if this is not desired9 be sure to remove the polic6 D**s from the M'.! =! 1nstalling OD#!$%T into a new Oracle >ome means that 6ou will not have access to an6 of the Oracle Data Source aliases from 6our previous installation! To be able to use these e(isting data source attributes9 cop6 the tnsnames!ora file in the O;'.*%E>O)%Hnetwor-Hadmin director6 from 6our previous Oracle >ome installation to the same director6 in 6our new installation! Or 6ou ma6 create the connection aliases manuall6 b6 following the .onnection Setup /uic- Start earlier! 8! 1f errors indicating that B)SV.;:0!dll is not foundB are observed9 install the Visual .NN 200G runtime libraries!

)ie*in+ t,e OD-.N%' Documentation

333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 The #D? and >T)* documentation can be viewed from the O;'.*%E>O)%HOD'.DocHDocumentation*ibrar6Hwelcome!html page! To view this page9 go to Start )enu 77J Oracle 7 IOracle >omeJ 77J 'pplication Development 77J Oracle Data 'ccess .omponents Documentation! 'dditionall69 the Oracle documentation is installed as part of Visual Studio D6namic >elp!

Support and .u+ eports

333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 ?or an6 bugs and issues9 6ou ma6 participate in one of the OT$ discussion forums for OD'.!

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