Preface Crim Pro

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This Criminal Procedure material is part of the LAKAS ATENISTA (L.A.) Librar of !aterials underta"en b LAKAS ATENISTA #$$$%#$$& throu'h the leadership of Le( )Cholo* Nuere and re+ised,updated b LAKAS ATENISTA #$$&% #$$#. Some of the L.A. members ha+e sacrificed their time durin' the summer to create- update or edit (as the case ma be)- this material (ith the purpose of ma"in' the la( easier to understand. The same members ha+e (or"ed hard- throu'h their blood- s(eat and tears- in order to create this stud material. The ha+e 'i+en up their precious summertime so that LAKAS ATENISTA members can a+ail of the materials created. It is therefore- their (ill that this material should be for the e.clusi+e use of the LAKAS ATENISTA member onl - for this material forms part of the e.clusi+e herita'e and (e are called upon to preser+e them for our members and our prosperit . It (ould be 'rossl unfair for us to betra the trust and sacrifice of the members (ho created this material- b not conformin' to their aspiration. This (ill no( ser+e as a (arnin'. This material is for the e.clusi+e use of LAKAS ATENISTA members onl . Please assure that no part of the for'oin' material be reproduced for an purpose (ithout the due permission of the transcribers- editors and the hi'h "e officers of LAKAS ATENISTA. Those (ho (ill breach the trust 'i+en them b lettin' it be reproduced b non%members or unauthori/ed persons (ill face disciplinar sanctions- as (e ha+e done in the past. This set of materials has been re+ised and updated for the first time. 0e sincerel hope that the succeedin' members (ill continue to update and impro+e the same. Than" ou +er much.

Academic Committee

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