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Yoga Foundation Course

A comprehensive yoga course for new practitioners.

Benefits Provides a systematic introduction to the fundamental of yoga. Explanations are given for the yoga asanas taught with proper breathing techniques. Emphasis on relaxation between postures Cultivation of practice of awareness Progress syllabus from basic to intermediate at a gentle and relaxed pace.

Taught in a simple, practical, step-by-step method, you will learn : - yoga asanas (postures) - pranayama (breathing) - relaxation (de-stress and anti-stress) - sharkarma (detox) for the home practitioner

At the end of the course, the practitioner will have a clear experiential understanding of yoga and be confident to create and maintain a sustainable home practice.

Who Should Attend. - New practitioners - Practitoners who need refreshing - Practitioners who would like to learn how to structure a home practice and learn the subtle practices of yoga off-the-mat.

Course Duration and Dates. Level 1 : 6 week x 1.5 hours a week. Level 2 : 6 week x 1.5 hours a week.

Level 1


Yoga Foundation Course

Brickfields 20th April 2013 (Sat) - 4:00 - 5:30pm D'sara Uptown 17th April 2013(Wed) 7:00 - 8:30pm

Level 2 - to commence after completion of Level 1

Frequently Asked Questions

My body is not flexible. Can I join the course? Certainly. The course is structured to teach you step-by-step how to make your body strong and flexible.

Besides, yoga is not only about flexibility. The practices of breathing and relaxation are equally important as the asanas. Cultivating the practice of awareness is very important. Yoga deals with the balance of body, mind and emotions.

I have health issues. Can I practice yoga? You will be asked to list down any health issues you have during enrolment. Yoga preserves and restores the holistic health of each person. It is preventative as well as therapeutic.

Many practitioners found relief and some were cured of their chronic medical issues. However, it is unrealistic to expect yoga to be a magic bullet. The results depend on your own effort and practice too. It is best to approach with an open mind. With practice, you will definitely experience positive changes to your health and wellbeing.

What should I bring with to class? The studio has yoga mats but most students prefer to bring their own. A small towel (optional). Pen and notebook if you like to take notes.


Yoga Foundation Course

Can I eat before the class? It is not advisable to eat for two hours (light meal) and four hours (heavy meal) before class. If you are hungry, light refreshments such as beverages, yoghurt, fruit can be consumed up to half an hour before class. Yoga is best practiced with an empty stomach.

What kind of clothes are do I wear when practicing yoga? Comfortable clothes are recommended. You must be able to move freely. There is a lot of bending over in the asana practices. Select your top sensibly as you would not want to keep adjusting your attire which will distract you from your practice. Tight clothes constrict movement and free flow of energy.

Any other class etiquette? It is best to arrive a few minutes before class starts so that you can settle down. If you are late, go quietly to the back of the class to find a spot. Swtich off your mobile or put in Silent mode. Do not wear strong smelling scents to class as it can be distracting for others. It is polite to refrain from talking while the class is in session.

What is a typical yoga class like? We start with the practice of awareness and relaxation. The session will be a mix of asanas (body postures), pranayama (breathing techniques) and pratyahara (relaxation). We always finish the class with final relaxation which is everyones favourite. There is a short Q&A .

What happens if I miss a class? The practices are repeated in every class with new ones added progressively. So you can always catch up. The classes follow a structured sequence. Through repetition, you will gain confidence.

Why is the course structured in two parts? Can I join Level 2 without completing Level 1?

The course is divided into two parts, Level 1 and Level 2 to accommodate the needs of the students.Level 1 must be completed before Level 2 to ensure students are keeping the same pace.

In Level 1, you will learn Pawanmuktasana, an important joint and gland series which serves as the foundation to start off your yoga practice. The practices are very gentle but have a profound


Yoga Foundation Course

effect on the whole body and mind. Many yoga schools ignore teaching this wonderful series which is suitable for practitioners of all ages and health conditions.

You will learn the Sun Salutation step-by-step and with variations. As a stand alone practices, each of the postures are a complete asana in itself. Put together and coordinated with breath, The Sun Salutation is a powerful dynamic yoga practice. At home, if you have little time for yoga practice, a good few rounds of the Sun Salutation is enough to keep you fit and energized for the day.

We will teach you basic asanas to help you to gain flexibility and strength in preparation for Level 2.

Most people do not know how to breathe in the correct way to maximize their oxygen intake. You will learn the correct way to increase and improve your breathing capacity. We teach how to use breath as an important tool for distressing and enhancing your wellbeing.

You will also learn how to systematically relax your body and mind through the practice of Shavasanna. A knowledge of proper relaxation will make you feel more calm, relaxed and see things in a balanced perspective. You will sleep better.

At the end of Level 1, students who have mobility or health issues can stop. If they continue with the practices at home, they will reap the benefits of a basic yoga practice. They can proceed to Level 2 at a later date.

Some new practitioners may like flexibility to try out Level 1 before deciding to continue to Level 2.

In Level 2, selected core classical asanas from beginners to intermediate/advance level will be taught to complete your yoga knowledge. You will also learn how to use the breath to balance your energy systems. Yoga Nidra, a powerful deep relaxation technique will be practiced in class.


Yoga Foundation Course

What happens after the whole course is completed ?

At the end of the course, you should be able to run your own home practice with confidence. This is great for those practitioners who do not have time to attend regular open yoga classes at a studio. The continued practice of yoga at home will be sufficient to keep you in good health, improve your body toning, strength and flexibility as well as feel more relaxed, calm and peaceful.

Upon completion of the course, you can join the different open classes in MAYI. These are fun and a great way to network with like-minded people. After the Yoga Foundation course, you will feel more confident in an open class where you will be learning many asana variations.

If you wish to go beyond asanas, MAYI Academy offers many high-level yoga courses which will super-charge your yoga experience. The unique courses offered are Self Mastery (Kriya Yoga), Prana Vidya, Manipuraka, Urdhva Retas etc. For those who wish to fine tune their hatha yoga knowledge, you can also join the International Yoga Instructors Course, Precision and Alignment Course, Yoga Therapy etc Please enquire with MAYI Academy.

Is Yoga a religious practice?

Yoga is not a religion. We respect the moral, social, cultural and religious values of our students.

Learning yoga is equipping yourself with tools to improve, manage and enhance your health


Yoga Foundation Course

and wellbeing on a mental, physical and emotional level. These priceless living skills are not taught in a religious institution.

I have been practicing yoga for some time. Is this course suitable for me?

Although primarily designed for new practitioners, you can join this course if you are looking to learn the foundations of yoga in more depth. At open classes, the focus is to work through a set of asanas and there is little time for pranayama and explanation of the subtle practices of yoga.

If you view yoga as an energetic aerobic workout, if you love to practice a wide variety of asanas, or fast-pace yoga asanas, you may find this course a little gentle. As an alternative, you can consider joining the International Yoga Instructors Course.

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Yoga Foundation Course

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