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Happy New Year & Sankranti SubhakanchaLu to All Kulim Telugu brothers and sisters! We are glad to inform you that Telugu Classes will be commencing for children

as well as New Telugu Teachers for year 2014 effective

Date : 26th January 2014 (Sunday)

Time : 9.00 am to 12.00 pm Place : Kulim New Bhavanam.

WHO should attend ? Children aged 7years - 18years old WHAT is tought in Telugu clasess ? To Read, Write and Speak Telugu language proficiently and easily. To be eligible to sit for Telugu university exams up to degree level CultulalActivities - Chiratalaata, Telugu Bhajanalu&Keertanalu, dramas, story tellings Prayers and celebrations Others - singing and danceect. Self satisfaction and fullfillment WHY should I attend? 1.To fulfill the TAMVision to have at least ONE Telugu literate child in every Telugu home. 2.Opportunity to create a better social network among our Telugus in Kulim 3.Maintain our rich culture , tradition and heritage 4.To uphold our duty(Dharma) as a responsible Telugu TalliBidda 5. Easy to get financial aid for Education from TAM Foundation
For further information,

1 Madam Saraswathy 2 Sreenivasa Rao 3 Murthy

012-4891146 012-5804150 019-4776329

Jai Telugu Talli!!!

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