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Program of Inquiry- Grade 5

Who we are Subject Focus: Art, Language, Social Studies Central idea: Understanding different ways of learning that enables people to respond to their own learning needs as well as those of others. An inquiry into:: the form and function of the brain different learning styles how different learning styles impact the way we learn Key Concepts: Function, Reflective, Responsibility Related Concepts: Ownership, Discovery Transdisciplinary Skills: Self Management Skills Learner Profile: Reflective, Inquirer Attitudes: Creativity, Empathy Sharing the Planet Subject Focus: Math, Language, Science Central idea: Properties and attributed of matter affect how materials are used. An inquiry into: Attributes of matter and materials in the environment Interrelationship of matters properties and how it is used to Inform choice around material used and sustainability Key Concepts: Responsibility, Perspective, Connection Related Concepts: Interdependence Transdisciplinary Skills: Research Skills Learner Profile: Thinker, Caring Attitudes: Commitment, Respect How we Organize Ourselves Subject Focus: Language, Social Studies, Mathematics Central idea: Economic activity relies on systems of production, exchange and the consumption of goods and services An inquiry into: The role of energy; supply and demand Suitable distribution of the goods Our responsibility as consumers Key Concepts: Function, Causation Related Concepts: Cooperation, supply and demand, organization, profit and loss Transdisciplinary Skills: Thinking Skills Learner Profile: Principled, Balanced Attitudes: Co-operation, Appreciation How we Express Ourselves Subject Focus: Language, Social Studies, Arts Central idea: Thoughts, Ideas and emotions are communicated creatively through written expression, An Inquiry into: Writing as a form of expression Types of written expression How thoughts, emotions and ideas are communicated in writing Key Concepts: Form, Perspective Related Concepts: Inspiration, reflection, expression Transdisciplinary Skills: Communication Skills Learner Profile: Courageous, Open Minded Attitudes: Interdependence, Confidence Where we are in Place and Time Subject Focus: Social Studies, Geography, Math Central Idea: Explorations lead to discoveries, opportunities and develop new understandings. How the World Works Subject Focus: Mathematics, Science Central idea: The earth is part of an immense system called the universe. An inquiry into: The solar system The Impact of the Earths position in the solar system to life on earth The principals and processes involved in scientific experimentation

An inquiry into: The effects of exploration on individuals and groups Significant exporters and their experiences How has the world got influenced by exploration Key Concepts: Causation, Change, Responsibility Related concepts: Migration Transdisciplinary Skills: Research Skills Learner Profile: Knowledgeable, Open Minded Attitudes: Curiosity, Tolerance

Key Concepts: Connection, Function Related Concepts: Systems, Space Transdisciplinary Skills: Social Skills Learner Profile: Knowledgeable, Communicator Attitudes: Enthusiasm, Integrity

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