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Wright Flyer 1 Jan 1903 The first flight of an object heavier than air commenced in 1903 by the Wright

brothers. The distance of 37m.

Boeing 242 1 Jan 1933 In 1933 Boeing created the boeing 242, the first model airliner. It could carry 10 passengers in comfort. The Boeing 242 was twin engined and was completely metal.

Bell X-1 14 Oct 1947 The Bell X-I broke the sound barrier on the 14 of October 1947 by Captain 'Chuck' Yeager.

Airbus 350 1 Jan 2006 The Airbus 350 is a double decker plane. It is the largest plane built and had enough seats for 555 people.

B-2 Spirit 1 Jan 1997 The B-2 Spirit was the most expensive plane ever made, it cost more than one Billion dollars to build. The B-2 Spirit was a long range bomber so it uses less fuel.

Concorde 1 Jan 1969 The invention of the Concorde commenced in 1969. It was the first supersonic airliner with speeds that reached double the speed of sound.

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