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the ground on Earth and holds the planets in their orbits (paths) around the Sun.

The force of gravity acts over immense distances between objects in the universe and holds them all together. The gravitational force between objects increases with their MASS. It also increases the closer they are. The gravity between objects on Earth is usually too small to observebreathing stoppage.
Treatment of apnoea depends on the cause. In newborn babies, it resolves as they mature. In stroke or head injury, artificial ventilation may be needed temporarily until recovery occurs. apocrine gland A gland that discharges cellular material in addition to the fluid it secretes. The term is usually applied to the type of sweat glands that appear in hairy body areas after puberty. (See also eccrine gland.) apolipoprotein A group of proteins that are constituents of lipoproteins, the carriers of fat in the bloodstream. Apolipoproteins are also involved in the growth and repair of nerve tissues. aponeurosis A wide sheet of tough, fibrous tissue that acts as a tendon, attaching a muscle to a bone or a joint. apophysis An outgrowth of bone at the site of attachment of a tendon to bone. Inflammation may also occur, as in OsgoodSchlatter disease. apoplexy An outdated term for a stroke. apoptosis The natural process of programmed cell death. Apoptosis occurs in embryonic development, when the shaping of body parts is taking place and continues throughout life in the constant cycle of death and renewal of body cells. Failure of apoptosis is implicated in the development of cancers. apothecary An old term for a pharmacist. appendicectomy Surgical removal of the appendix to treat acute appendicitis. appendicitis Acute inflammation of the appendix. The cause is usually not known, but appendicitis is sometimes caused by obstruction of the appendix by a lump of faeces. The 1st symptom is usually vague discomfort around the navel. Within a few hours, this develops into severe, more localized pain, which is usually most intense in the lower righthand side of the abdomen. Symptoms may differ if the appendix is not in the most common position. For example, if the appendix impinges on the ureter, the urine may become bloodstained. The usual treatment for appendicitis is appendicectomy, which is often performed endoscopically (see minimally invasive surgery). If the treatment is delayed, an inflamed appendix may

burst, releasing its contents into the abdomen. This leads to peritonitis and, in some cases, an abscess. appendix A small, narrow tube that projects out of the caecum (the 1st part of the colon) at the lower right-hand side of the abdomen. It may lie behind or below the caecum, or in front of or behind the ileum (part of the small intestine). The appendix has no known function, but it contains a large amount of lymphoid tissue which provides a


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