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Main Roads and Bridges Improvement in Kabul Municipality

Activity ID Activity Name

Initial Schedule
Original Remaining Duration Duration 180 180 180 180 15 45 30 90 45 60 60 45 30 20 8 Physical % Start Complete 01-Feb-14 01-Feb-14 0% 01-Feb-14 0% 16-Feb-14 0% 16-Feb-14 0% 18-Mar-14 0% 17-Apr-14 0% 02-Apr-14 0% 02-May-14 0% 17-May-14 0% 03-Jun-14 0% 03-Jul-14 0% 23-Jul-14 Finish J 30-Jul-14 30-Jul-14 15-Feb-14 01-Apr-14 17-Mar-14 15-Jun-14 31-May-14 31-May-14 30-Jun-14 30-Jun-14 02-Jul-14 22-Jul-14 30-Jul-14 F M A

29-Dec-13 13:41
2014 M J J A S O

Main Roads and Bridges Improvement in Kabul Municipal...

Work Schedule
A1000 A1010 A1020 A1030 A1040 A1050 A1060 A1070 A1080 A1090 A1100 Mobilization/ Preparation of Work Topographic Survey Geotechnical Investigation Road Design Intersection Design Bridge Superstructure Design Bridge Substructure Design Bridge Accessory Design Cost Estimation Preparation of Report and Drawings Demobilization

15 45 30 90 45 60 60 45 30 20 8

Remaining Level of Effort Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining Work

Milestone Summary WBS Summary Activity WBS Summary Progress

Main Roads and Bridges Improvement in Kabul Municipality Complex Engineering Services

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