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(3rd Grading)

Teacher: Maam Perla Toribio

(TLE Teacher)

Section: IV- Aquarius (Group III- Broccoli), SSC

Leader: Asst. leader: Members: Nearly Buladaco Kate Kyle Mapalo Camille Guifaya Jezreel Cayaba Keith Manghi Shaina Elefante Pamela Taguibao Joline Foz Kevin Paddayuman
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I. Name of Project: Gohiong Date started: 11-14-13 Date Finished: 11-14-13 No. of Hours and Minutes Used: Time started: 8:30 am Time finished: 9:30 am


General Objective: To be trained in cooking delicious Gohiong. Specific Objectives: 1. Follow the directions accurately. 2. Make use of ingredients economically. 3. Observe good cooking and safety precautions while cooking.



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Ground Pork All purpose flour Gohiong powder Gohiong wrapper Carrots Large onion black peppercorns Cooking oil Ginisa Asin Toyo Sugar MSG

1 1/2 1 5 2 1 3 1 2 1 1

kilo kilo small plastic rounds pieces piece Small plastics bottle Small plastics Small plastics bottle kilo Medium plastic Php Php Php Php Php Php Php Php Php Php Php Php

185 29 15 80

3 22 6

Total: Php: V. Equipment and Materials:


Php 345


Measuring cup Wisk Frying pan Plate Spoon


Bowl -a deep rounded dish used for blending ingredients. Measuring cups and spoons - bowl shaped container for measuring; a utensil with a shallow bowl and a handle for measuring.
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Procedures: First prepare all the materials and ingredients needed in making Gohiong Then mix the ground pork, chopped carrots, garlic, onion, all purpose flour and balck peppercorn. Add 1 tablespoon of salt ,2 teaspoon of sugar, little amount of soy souce, 1 pack of gohiong powder,1 ginisa and Msg. Wrap the ground pork that was mixed with the other ingredients with gohiong wrapper. Heat the pan with the cooking oil until its ready to use. Fry the gohiong until it comes golden brown. Demonstration:


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