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Gabriel Micael S.

Abangan TS-7


One time in my life something happened that didnt really change my life but how I saw it.

When I was with my friends in a room somewhere in my house .We were debating if life was really worth living. It was not the usual topic to talk about but since we already so bored we talked about it anyway. Most of my friends say that life is harder than it looks and from there it all went downhill. Then someone realized if no one we going to say it then better that he should. So do you want to die? we all when quiet then one by one each of us said no, then he asked us another question, So since you dont want to die then you have something to live for, since you have something to live for then dont you think you should live, then life really is worth living after all. Then we all laughed and then we asked each other what they wanted to live for. Some said their parents, others said for their to be girlfriend (which I really dont think will happen at least not soon) But, my friend (lets call him Alex)(if you want you can call him whatever you like) said I just want to live each of us asked him What about your parents? and What about your material and non-material objects? each questioning why he is living. Then he said Okay then how about this, suppose you have nothing, no parents, no objects, no love, nothing is given to you can you still live on? .All of us thought for a while and All of us said yes. Therefore he said quite proudly said Why would still live, you had nothing to live for nothing to give nor get. Its because you know you will! Have something to live for, nothing lasts forever no matter how much we try to make it last longer the key of being human is not just hanging on to one thing or two of more, its about doing something in your life ,so if I die I can breathe out my last breath saying or even thinking that yeah thats my life and I am happy with it . then my friend (again just call him anything you want)(BE REALISTIC) said Wow that pretty smart for someone like you we laughed as he chased him round and around the room. Then we all eventually got bored after playing games and stuff and then for one last time we talked about happiness. But that is an entirely different story. (Thats it THE END).

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