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21 Kiro Domingo, 7-AS

I am Kiro Domingo, now a student in Grade 7, of the Ateneo Junior High School. My dad has always wanted my brothers and I to study in the Philippine Science High School. This is because he is a an alumnus of the very prestigious school himself. Four years ago, my older brother took the Philippine High School test, and he passed. By the way, the entrance test is a competitive test among the best students of the schools in the country who applied to take the test. It was composed of four main parts; Math, English, Science, and Abstract Reasoning. Okay, back to the story. My brother was really pressured on whether picking Ateneo High School, or Philippine Science High School. If he were to pick Ateneo High School, he will be part of Class A. And so, he chose Ateneo High School. Since my brother passed, I was greatly pressured by my dad to also pass. My dad enrolled me in a review class. I had to go to the review class every Saturday morning (that means sacrificing my time for play, eat, do homework, and especially, extra sleep). Every Staurday, I woke up early just to the review class. I learned a lot. I learned so much about academics, but also, I learned to get along with people, very different people. Its the first time that Ive been placed in a class with girls, and way smarter people than me ever since Kinder. On the day of the test, I was really sweaty and nervous. After the test, I told my parents that I had a good time and just enjoyed the experience taking a competitive exam. So at that time, all I had to do was to wait for the results. Just before Christmas Eve, the results came out, and I passed. My dad was really proud of me, and I was proud of myself too. I did my best just to impress my dad. Im really happy about what I achieve. I learned that if you have a good purpose for what your doing, just work hard and you will receive great results.

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