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SATOR has been eluded with mystery since the early times...
The SATOR Square is a word square containing a Latin palindrome featuring the words SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS written in a square so that they may be read top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top, left-to-right, and right-to-left. The earliest nown appearance of the square was found in the ruins of !erculaneum which was buried in the ash of "t. #esu$ius in %& A'.

The usual translation is as follows( Sator )Sower), )planter) Arepo Li ely an in$ented proper name* its similarity with arrepo, from ad repo, )+ creep towards), is coincidental Tenet )!e holds) Opera ),or s), )-cares.), )efforts) Rotas ),heels) Two possible translations of the phrase are )The sower Arepo holds the wheels with effort) and )The sower Arepo leads with his hand -wor . the plough -wheels..) /. ,. /eram read the square boustrophedon -in alternating directions., with tenet repeated. This produces Sator opera tenet* tenet opera sator, translated( )The 0reat Sower holds in his hand all wor s* all wor s the 0reat Sower holds in his hand.)

+t is possible to write a hori1ontal and a $ertical )2ater 3oster) with the letters of the sator square, forming a 0ree cross. The two As and two Os which remain are then ta en as Alpha and Omega. Another claim is that the words are a list of the 4mystical names4 for the nails pulled from /hrist)s body. The associations indicate the square may ha$e been a safe, hidden way for early /hristians to signal their presence to each other in a city without e5posing themsel$es to persecution. The Sator Square unco$ered in "anchester has been interpreted as early e$idence for the arri$al of /hristianity in 6ritain.


7. ;. <. =. Recite 8Our 9ather: Then, your wish Then followed by SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS Then end with NI NIMI !ESUS....

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