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Field Study 101

NAME: Aimme Rose T. Raquel SCHEDULE: Friday 5:00-6:00 P.M

1. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning? A school campus that is conducive to learning is a school which has enough rooms to be occupied by the students. A school which has complete facilities, such as, books for the library, computers for the computer rooms, laboratory apparatus for the science laboratories, and others. And, a school which has teachers with the capacity to teach different types of students.

2. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning? A classroom that is conducive to learning is a room, in which the students are comfortable, can study well, away from any unnecessary noise, and can feel free. The room should not be crowded, it should have enough space for any activities, it should be clean, and no outside voices should be heard, so that students will never be distracted during their class.

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